No More Self-Pity Or Comparisons – Only Joy

Throughout the year I have been doing the “power of hope revival” around the UK, and we have seen many souls baptised into the body of Christ. Everywhere there are people who need hope, their joy has gone. Did you know God has given you everything you need in order to enjoy your life? Think about that for a minute. What is keeping you from living life to the full? You may not be in the home you want. You may not have the exact job you would like. Maybe you’re single and really want to be married. If you focus on these temporary things, it opens the door to comparison, frustration and self-pity. 

Having big dreams is important. It’s good to want to increase, but if you start comparing yourself to others it will steal your joy. If you don’t learn to be happy where you are, you’ll never get to where you want to be. But if you’ll choose to be happy, refuse self-pity and refuse to complain, then you are sowing good seeds for God to take you where He wants you to be in your future.

Today, let God direct your steps. He will give you a future and a hope. Take joy in knowing that He is working all things together for your good, according to His divine plan. Stay in faith, focus on Him and obey His commands. Soon, you’ll see those new doors open, so you can walk boldly into the place of blessing God has in store for you!

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

(Romans 12:12, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, today I have decided to put my hope and trust in You. Father, I know that You are working all things together for my good, I’m desperate for real consistent joy. God, I refuse self-pity, I refuse comparing myself with others. Lord, I choose joy and Your divine plan that You have prepared for me now and always, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

“God Will Deal With The Trouble Makers”

Has there been people in your life that have caused you trouble? Like the youth say, “they just keep getting in your face.” In the Bible, Hezekiah was faced with enemies coming against him, causing him trouble, trying to keep him from his destiny. But Hezekiah didn’t get upset. He just kept abiding, kept being faithful and putting God first. In 2 Kings 19 God said, “Hezekiah, I Myself will come against this enemy. He will receive word that he is needed at home, and I will cause him to want to return and he will be defeated.”

Today, when you abide in God, He says, “I Myself will come against your enemies. I Myself will come against that sickness. I Myself will come against those who oppose you.” It says God is the one who caused Hezekiah’s enemy to turn around. That means God can cause that unfair boss to take an early retirement. God can cause that neighbour that’s giving you so much trouble to decide to pack up and move. God can cause that classmate to be transferred to another school. No matter what’s coming against you, keep abiding in God. Put His Word first place in your life. Honour Him in all that you do. Let Him fight your battles, and bring you into the land of victory He has prepared for you!

“With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles…”

(2 Chronicles 32:8, NKJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I bless You and praise You today because You are good! Father, thank You for Your good and precious promises. I submit my ways to You, and vow to abide in You no matter what”¦ I surrender my will to You, knowing that You are working in my life. God, thank You for fighting my battles as I keep myself in covenant with You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

A Victory for Christians Everywhere

As I listened to a football coach comment on his team’s win, he said “I knew we were going to win, it was just a matter of time.” Isn’t it wonderful to know that God promises to always lead us into victory? That means no matter what is going on in your life today, no matter what’s happening in the world around you, no matter what anybody says, you should always be thanking God, because victory is always on the way! Hallelujah! 

Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to celebrate what God is going to do in your life. Praise is putting action behind your faith. In the middle of adversity or a tough time, start making a list of who you’re going to invite to your victory celebration. That means if you’re in the hospital, start planning what you’re going to do when you get out. If you have no money, or low on money, start planning your coming-out-of-debt party.

Today, when things don’t look good in the natural, remember the words of our team coach Christ – we were always going to win, it was just a matter of time, we serve a supernatural God. With God leading you into victory, you can always plan for increase. You can plan for restoration. You can plan for a comeback, and you can plan for victory, because He is leading and guiding you in Jesus’ name!

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ”¦”

(2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I give You thanks and praise today for the promise of victory. Father, give me Your vision for the future, so that I can move confidently into the abundant life of victory You have for me. God, I may not be experiencing victory now, but I know it’s on the way, it’s just a matter of time, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Don’t Be Defined by Your Mistakes

As we approach the end of the year, we have a tendency of looking back and reflecting on our mistakes and shortcomings of what may have been. When we make mistakes, we get down on ourselves and think, “if only”¦” “I should have”¦” “What if”¦?” It’s easy to feel like you’ve missed the best plan for your life, then we get discouraged and stop pursuing our God-given dreams. But understand today, just because you’ve made mistakes or failed in some way, it doesn’t cancel God’s plan.

Great news! God never disqualifies you. He never says, “go sit on the side. You’ve blown it too many times. You’ve got too many weaknesses.” No, God always gives you another chance! Hallelujah! Some of the great people in Scripture made very poor choices. The apostle Paul started off as a murderer, yet his destiny was bigger than his mistakes. He ended up becoming a great leader, and writing over half of the New Testament.

Today, as you evaluate this past year, know that your mistakes, your failures, and your poor choices don’t have to keep you from your God-given destiny. With God, it’s not about the way you start in life, it’s about the way you finish. Receive His grace today, embrace His Word and the bright future He has in store for you!

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”

(2 Timothy 4:7, KJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your grace and mercy to me. Father, I trust that my days are ordered by You. Please help me not focus on my mistakes and poor choices, but on my destiny in You. God, I ask that You strengthen and empower me to fulfil Your call on my life. I love You and bless You today, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

God’s Will and Your Big, Stupid Mistakes

I grew up in a church that taught me that my sins and my mistakes kept me from being blessed or used by God, and will cancel my God-given purpose. No matter where you’ve been, no matter what you’ve done, realise today that your destiny supersedes your mistakes.

When God designed the plan for your life, it wasn’t dependent on you being perfect, never making a mistake, or never taking a wrong turn. No, God knew we would all make mistakes. He knows how to get you back on track no matter where you are in life. Just like there are many routes on a map, God has a plan to help you reach your destination. He has detours, shortcuts and bypasses. He has already calculated the entire route for your life.

Today, If you’re feeling sinful, if you’re feeling like you’ve blown it, if you feel like you are too old, too far gone or too far off track, know that nothing you’ve done, no mistake that you’ve made or ever will make is a surprise to God. He’s already got it figured out. He’s arranged a comeback for every setback! He has grace for every sin or weakness. Hallelujah! He has mercy for every failure. Receive it today, confess and move forward with boldness and forgiveness into the destiny He has for you!

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

(1 John 1:9, ESV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for the gifts and talents You’ve given me despite knowing my sins and my mistakes. Father, thank You for applying Your grace to my sin, and keeping me on track as You order my steps. God, I repent today for any disobedience that has caused me to get off course. Keep me close to You always, as I set my love on You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Finding God in Each Day

While teaching RE last week at school to my GCSE students, the text books reminded us that before the foundation of the world, God laid out a plan for your life. He created you on purpose, with a purpose and for a purpose. He created you to be successful! He has moments already laid out that are going to come across your path. These moments are not ordinary. They have supernatural consequences. They are destiny-altering moments. They are designed to thrust you forward in your life.

The Bible tells us in the book of Ecclesiastes, that time and chance come together for every person. That means you will have opportunities to meet the right people, opportunities to advance in your career, and opportunities to fulfil your dreams and visions. So stay focused, stay in faith and not fear, stay in expectation. Stay in God’s Word and His will, and praise God in advance. God has already prepared for you times of increase, promotion and blessing.

Today, open your eyes of faith and see the good things God has in store for your future. Thank Him for what He’s doing and what He’s about to do. Thank Him for divine connections and moments that God has prepared for your success. He is ready and willing to fulfil every dream and desire He’s placed within your heart!

“”¦time and chance happen to them all.”

(Ecclesiastes 9:11, AMPC)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for those special moments and divine opportunities in my life. Father, I know You are working on my behalf no matter what the circumstances look like. God, I choose today to stay focused, stay in faith not fear, stay in expectation and stay in Your Word and Your will. I praise You in advance of my increase, promotion and blessings, knowing that You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek after You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

You Make All Things NeW

Victory In Christ

Getting something new is always exciting. Can you remember the time when you first had a big dream? Maybe you were determined to excel in your career, or as a parent, or maybe you were focused on deepening your walk with the Lord.

You probably started out with enthusiasm, but maybe things got a little difficult, or didn’t happen as quickly as you would have liked. Oftentimes, when things don’t go as planned, people decide, “I’m just going to settle here. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but at least it’s good enough.” In this new season, recognise that you were made for more than “good enough.” You were made to increase, to excel, to grow and stretch.

Today, why don’t you take a step of faith, and embrace the new life God came to give you? Not only does Christ offer new life in eternity, but He offers new life here on earth, with new dreams and visions. Why don’t you pick up those dreams and be determined to see them through? It’s a new day, and He is making everything new in your life! Hallelujah!

“And the one sitting on the throne said, ‘Look, I am making everything new!”

(Revelation 21:5, NLT)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for this new day. Father, thank You for the opportunity to start again. I will press forward and keep believing for the dreams, visions and desires You’ve placed in my heart. God, I trust You today with everything that I am. I give You my life, make me anew, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Your Life Is Not An Accident

Did you know God knew you before you were even born? What an amazing thought! God saw you in His mind’s eye before you were substance, and said “I have a purpose for this life and an amazing plan!” Then He worked a miracle and sent life into your mother and father. They may have had issues, but that didn’t stop you from becoming all that God intended for you to be. You have been handpicked by Almighty God to be here at this time in history!

From time to time, we hear parents say, “we weren’t expecting this child. They were a surprise. They were an accident.” No, that child may have been a surprise to the parents, but they weren’t a surprise to God. No child can be born without God breathing His life into them. You may think, “well, I was unwanted. I was an unplanned pregnancy.” No, you wouldn’t be here if God didn’t give you life. Hallelujah!

Today, get excited about your life. In God’s eyes, there is no such thing as being illegitimate. He is Your Father and will never leave you nor forsake you, He loves you unconditionally. Remember, He formed you and knew you before you were born! Take confidence in His love knowing that you are made in His image, a person of great destiny, part of His mighty plan with a purpose!

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb”¦”

(Jeremiah 1:5, NLT)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for choosing and forming me before I was born. Thank You for creating me in Your image. Thank You for knowing me and revealing Yourself to me. Father, I know that You are working in my life even today, and You didn’t create me to fail, even when I feel like it. God, I stand in faith, knowing that You have a mighty plan and purpose for my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

God Help I Need Direction

Yesterday I had a serious call from a dear friend of mine who was very anxious about the future, not sure what to do and not clear what God is saying. Do you need direction in your life? The first question we need to ask ourselves is, “am I acknowledging God in all my ways and in all areas of my life?” In other words, is He first place in your life?

When you are driving on the roads and motorway say, “Father, thank You for keeping me safe.” When on the job say, “Lord, help me to be focused and productive.” At home, “Father, bless my children.” Before you go to bed, “Lord, thank You for a good night’s rest.”

Today, if you want to know God and His direction for your life, seek Him first. Throughout the day acknowledge Him, ask for His help and wisdom, follow His Word and commands, and thank Him for His goodness. Each morning, wake up and say, “Father, thank You for another beautiful day. I commit this day, my plans and my future into Your hands.” When you start the day like this, you are acknowledging God. He promises to crown your day with success. The bible says, when you acknowledge Him in every way, He promises to direct your paths and He will lead and guide you every step of the way into everlasting life!

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

(Proverbs 3:6, NKJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I acknowledge You in everything I do. Father, I invite You to direct my steps and search my heart. I surrender every area of my life to You. Keep me close to You always, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

El Roi: The God Who Sees Me

El Roi means, “The God Who Who Sees.”  Today, let us glean from the life of a woman named Hagar.  The revelation that we will glean from this story is not merely that God sees.  The revelation is, God wants you to see that He sees you!

In (Genesis Chapter 16) Hagar is introduced as Sarah’s Egyptian slave-girl. There are no details about the path that led to Hagar’s bondage in Egypt.  However, (Genesis 12:16) gives us a clue of how Abraham and Sarah may have acquired Hagar as a servant in their household.

In this saga, Sarah solicited Hagar in her plan to conceive an heir for Abraham.   In the ancient world it was not uncommon for an infertile wife to arrange for a slave girl to act as a surrogate so that the family could have an heir. Abraham and Sarah had many servants. Any slave-girl could have done the job well.  However, God’s divine providence was at work.  Hagar was chosen by God to give birth to a powerful nation.

For a while, all was going well for Hagar.  Hagar had a prominent position as Sarah’s personal attendant.  However, once Hagar conceived, she was not content with her lot as a slave.  Hagar rebelled and conflict arose between Hagar and Sarah.  With Abram’s blessing, Sarah re-asserted her position of power over Hagar.

Hagar reached her breaking point.  She fled into the wilderness.  Discontent, discouraged, distressed, and despondent, Hagar wept bitterly near an unnamed well.  God saw Hagar and offered hope to her and her unborn child. God heard Hagar’s cry.  There, beside the well, Hagar called on the name of God, “”¦El Roi:  You are the God who sees me”¦ I have now seen the One who sees me.” (Genesis 16:13-14)

As a woman of color, I can relate to Hagar’s predicament.  I have often felt marginalized. When I have put my best foot forward, I have felt the sting of rejection by being relegated to stereotypical roles that fit others hurtful opinions of me.

Like Hagar, when my heart is overwhelmed, I run to  El Roi:  The God who sees me.  I scream out to God in tears until He caresses my soul and takes away the sting.  I cry out to God until I can sing again, laugh again, and love again.  I remain in God’s presence until my perception of the situation changes and once again I see myself as El Roi sees me: Strong, confident, beautiful, and capable.  

Beloveds, if your present circumstance is full of pain and your future is full of uncertainty, I urge you run into the presence of El Roi (the God who sees you) and remain there until He makes you whole again.

Where Are You Going?

In (Genesis 16:8), God asked Hagar, “Where have you come from and where are you going?”  God’s question to Hagar had little to do about the logistics of her journey from Abraham’s household to this well in the wilderness.

There is always a story behind pain.  God was concerned about what troubled Hagar.  God is concerned about what troubles you.  God sees our tears and He wants us to bring our troubles to Him. God desires to engage us in our struggles so that His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  God gives beauty for ashes.  God transforms lives.

In the midst of hopelessness and desperation, God saw Hagar. God sees you.  God sees me.  God promises to never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and to work all things out for our good (Roman’s 8:28).

Genesis 16:8b:

“I’m running away from my mistress, Sarai,” she replied.”

God knew that Hagar’s destiny was to be more than a lowly slave-girl.  Hagar would become the mother of the Arab people.  God gave Hagar instructions to return to Abraham and Sarah.  Running away from our problems is not the answer.   God wants to bring us through difficult circumstances.  God did not abandon Hagar into the fate of captivity. God profoundly valued Hagar and her child. God had a plan for their lives  (Gen. 16:9).

God Sees You

“Beloved, likewise God has a plan for your life.   It doesn’t matter what the doctors say, lawyer say, boss’ say, he say, she say, or they say, God will always have the final say.”

“We can submit ourselves to the will of God, knowing that God is in control.  God has our best interest at heart. God will always protect His investment in us.  As Hagar submitted herself to human authority, she ultimately submitted herself in the hands of ALMIGHTY GOD.”

Gen. 16:11—12:

“You shall name him Ishmael [meaning “God hears”], for the Lord has heard of your misery. He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” 

God blessed the birth of Ishmael.  For fourteen years the household of Sarah and Abraham offered peace and provisions for Hagar and Ishmael to thrive.  Abraham, circumcised Ishmael, ensuring that the boy bore the sign of Yahweh’s covenant.  Growing up under Abraham’s supervision, Ishmael served Yahweh.  However, the birth of Isaac complicated matters for Hagar and Ishmael.

This polygamous family drama finally reached its breaking point (Gen. 21:10).  Abraham expels Hagar and Ishmael from the household.  

Cast-out into the wilderness, Hagar and Ishmael are abandoned.  This time there is no well; only dry sand.  The sun burned hot, and the water ran out.  Hagar left her son by a bush. Hagar couldn’t bear to watch Ishmael die, so she walked a short distance away to mourn. But once again, God saw Hagar and comforted her. 

Gen. 21:17—18:

“Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying”¦ Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” 

God opened Hagar’s eyes, and she saw a well of water.  Both mother and child survived.  In an act of splendid redemption, God reiterated His promise to bless Hagar’s descendants.

Genesis 17:20:

“As for Ishmael, I have heard you. See, I have blessed him and I will make him fruitful, and I will multiply him very very much. He will father twelve princes and I will make him a great nation.”

There, in the wilderness, in the midst of profound despair, when all hope was lost; God saw Hagar and kept His promise.  God reshaped Hagar’s identity. Hagar was no longer a slave.  She became an heir to God’s promises. Hagar became the “Queen Mother” of the Arab world.

Ultimately, Hagar’s story is more than the story of a slave and her son. This is a story of the divine providence of God. Not only does God sees — God is committed to guiding us into our destiny. God guides His children like a shepherd guides His flock (Jeremiah 29:11) and (Isaiah 40:11).

Beloveds, God sees you.  God calls you by name.  God walks the winding path to wholeness with you.  Your struggles are not in vain.  God never ends a story without bringing back His glory.  The same God who saw Hagar in her distress also sees you. No matter the circumstances, God will not leave us without hope. God will make something beautiful out of our lives when we put our trust in El Roi, the God who sees us.

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Released From Being The Scapegoat

A scapegoat is a person, group, or entity who is targeted for blame for something he or she is not responsible for. Scapegoating can occur in every environment, but mostly scapegoating occurs in families. In a family, scapegoating often begins in childhood and continues throughout adulthood.

Why would someone choose to project their guilt, blame, and shame on someone else? The answer has a lot to do with the concept of a scapegoat and the purpose it served. In the Bible, the scapegoat was part of the Yom Kippur sacrifice. The scapegoat was literally a goat that carried away the guilt and sins of the children of Israel into the wilderness. (Leviticus Chapter 16).

The Bible tells us that Yeshua became the sacrifice for humanity as the Lamb of God who took away our guilt and shame (John 1:29). As believers in Yeshua we can bring all our burdens to Him. We no longer have to carry the burden of guilt.

In a social setting scapegoating is a “projection defense” that allows scapegoaters to keep up appearances by shifting their shame and burdens on the scapegoat. In other words, laying the blame on someone else will take the attention off the real issues.

Scapegoating is a form of abuse. Usually, narcissistic personalities result to scapegoating to ensure that the more vulnerable person bares the reproach while the narcissist basks in acceptance, applause, and approval. Both the narcissist and the scapegoat create an environment for unhealthy behavior patterns and toxic relationships to perpetuate. The narcissist is the hero, while the scapegoat bares the shame, and the myth of normalcy continues without anyone having to look inward or take responsibility for their own actions.

How Can We Break Free, Heal, & Recover From Being The Scapegoat?

If you have been playing the role of the scapegoat, I am here to tell you that there is FREEDOM in Yeshua. You don’t have to be burdened with shame. Today, we are going to look at ways we can be released from being the scapegoat.

You Are Not A Victim: The Scapegoat is a role that we do not have to assume. Yeshua has come to set us FREE. He carried every burden, all guilt, shame, and blame to Calvary. We don’t have to carry the burden any more. Opinions are like noses, everyone has one. We do not have to own the hurtful opinions and projections of others. We must stop trying to win the favor and approval of uncaring people. You are accepted and beloved in God. Let’s allow Yeshua to open up new doors and new opportunities of love and friendship. BE FREE! (Isaiah 61:1-4)

See Yourself The Way God Sees You: God loves you fiercely and fervently. He loves you short. He loves you tall. He loves you skinny. He loves you chunky. He loves you with curly hair. He loves you with short hair. He loves you with long hair. He loves you with no hair at all. God loves you. Accept and receive God’s unconditional love for you. (Genesis 16:13-14)

You Are Not Condemned: When we fall short, the Holy Spirit will convict us in the spirit of love and restoration in order to bring us into right standing with Messiah Yeshua. However, condemnation often brings on reproach which leaves us feeling isolated and alone. Do not own the reproach of others. However, allow the Holy Spirit to take you by the hand and lead you into truth, love, restoration, and righteousness. (Romans 8:1-2)

Forgive and Live: We must forgive. Turning our hurts over to God does not dismiss the hurt. Turning our hurts over to God frees us from the responsibility of bearing the pain. Vengeance belongs to God (Romans 12:19). We miss God when we seek revenge. God will make up the difference in our lives. We can not be the judge, the jury, and the executioner. We must forgive. The Bible tells us that we do not have a right to harbor our pain. We don’t have a right to walk in unforgiveness (Matthew 18:21-22). If we remain in God’s presence, He will heal our pain and bring us to a place of lasting peace (Isaiah 53:5).

Love Yourself: Encourage yourself in the Lord. Be good to yourself. See yourself the way God sees you. Write down your good traits. Read God’s word and remind yourself daily of who you are in Yeshua. Be good to yourself. Say something good about yourself. Stand in the mirror and tell yourself “you are looking good today girlfriend.” Celebrate the fabulous way God created you. (Psalms 139:14)


“Father, please forgive me and my generational line for placing our sins, burdens and blame on others and chasing others away making them scapegoats.

I repent for myself and my family line for willingly or unwilling receiving the sins and blame of others or allowing myself to be the sacrifice or the scapegoat and bearing burdens that You did not instruct me to carry.

Father, forgive me and cleanse me for taking on burdens, sins, and responsibilities that Yeshua took upon Himself. Please forgive me also for placing burdens and responsibilities on others that Yeshua took to Calvary (John 1:29).

Father, I declare that I am not a scapegoat. Father, I ask that all reproach and blame of others which have been placed upon me be removed.

Father, please remove the consequences of blame and shame from me and from my generational line. I ask that the reaping of the consequences of shame, guilt, and being a scapegoat is now broken off of me and my family line from this time forward.

Father, I ask that these heavy burdens be removed from me and all future generations based on Your righteousness which You have imputed to me through the Blood of Yeshua.

Lord, please replace these vacated areas in my life with Your Holy Spirit and with Your blessings. Thank You for pouring Your Spirit into me. In Yeshua’s name Amen.”

For more inspirational articles, please visit: TheGodBlog.Org

Released From Being The Scapegoat

Released From Being The Scapegoat

A scapegoat is a person, group, or entity who is targeted for blame for something he or she is not responsible for. Scapegoating can occur in every environment, but mostly scapegoating occurs in families. In a family, scapegoating often begins in childhood and continues throughout adulthood.

Why would someone choose to project their guilt, blame, and shame on someone else? The answer has a lot to do with the concept of a scapegoat and the purpose it served. In the Bible, the scapegoat was part of the Yom Kippur sacrifice. The scapegoat was literally a goat that carried away the guilt and sins of the children of Israel into the wilderness. (Leviticus Chapter 16).

The Bible tells us that Yeshua became the sacrifice for humanity as the Lamb of God who took away our guilt and shame (John 1:29). As believers in Yeshua we can bring all our burdens to Him. We no longer have to carry the burden of guilt.

In a social setting scapegoating is a “projection defense” that allows scapegoaters to keep up appearances by shifting their shame and burdens on the scapegoat. In other words, laying the blame on someone else will take the attention off the real issues.

Scapegoating is a form of abuse. Usually, narcissistic personalities result to scapegoating to ensure that the more vulnerable person bares the reproach while the narcissist basks in acceptance, applause, and approval. Both the narcissist and the scapegoat create an environment for unhealthy behavior patterns and toxic relationships to perpetuate. The narcissist is the hero, while the scapegoat bares the shame, and the myth of normalcy continues without anyone having to look inward or take responsibility for their own actions.

If you have been playing the role of the scapegoat, I am here to tell you that there is FREEDOM in Yeshua. You don’t have to be burdened with shame. Today, we are going to look at ways we can be released from being the scapegoat.

You Are Not A Victim: The Scapegoat is a role that we do not have to assume. Yeshua has come to set us FREE. He carried every burden, all guilt, shame, and blame to Calvary. We don’t have to carry the burden any more. Opinions are like noses, everyone has one. We do not have to own the hurtful opinions and projections of others. We must stop trying to win the favor and approval of uncaring people. You are accepted and beloved in God. Let’s allow Yeshua to open up new doors and new opportunities of love and friendship. BE FREE! (Isaiah 61:1-4)

See Yourself The Way God Sees You: God loves you fiercely and fervently. He loves you short. He loves you tall. He loves you skinny. He loves you chunky. He loves you with curly hair. He loves you with short hair. He loves you with long hair. He loves you with no hair at all. God loves you. Accept and receive God’s unconditional love for you. (Genesis 16:13-14)

You Are Not Condemned: When we fall short, the Holy Spirit will convict us in the spirit of love and restoration in order to bring us into right standing with Messiah Yeshua. However, condemnation often brings on reproach which leaves us feeling isolated and alone. Do not own the reproach of others. However, allow the Holy Spirit to take you by the hand and lead you into truth, love, restoration, and righteousness. (Romans 8:1-2)

Forgive and Live: We must forgive. Turning our hurts over to God does not dismiss the hurt. Turning our hurts over to God frees us from the responsibility of bearing the pain. Vengeance belongs to God (Romans 12:19). We miss God when we seek revenge. God will make up the difference in our lives. We can not be the judge, the jury, and the executioner. We must forgive. The Bible tells us that we do not have a right to harbor our pain. We don’t have a right to walk in unforgiveness (Matthew 18:21-22). If we remain in God’s presence, He will heal our pain and bring us to a place of lasting peace (Isaiah 53:5).

Love Yourself: Encourage yourself in the Lord. Be good to yourself. See yourself the way God sees you. Write down your good traits. Read God’s word and remind yourself daily of who you are in Yeshua. Be good to yourself. Say something good about yourself. Stand in the mirror and tell yourself “you are looking good today girlfriend.” Celebrate the fabulous way God created you. (Psalms 139:14)


“Father, please forgive me and my generational line for placing our sins, burdens and blame on others and chasing others away making them scapegoats.

I repent for myself and my family line for willingly or unwilling receiving the sins and blame of others or allowing myself to be the sacrifice or the scapegoat and bearing burdens that You did not instruct me to carry.

Father, forgive me and cleanse me for taking on burdens, sins, and responsibilities that Yeshua took upon Himself. Please forgive me also for placing burdens and responsibilities on others that Yeshua took to Calvary (John 1:29).

Father, I declare that I am not a scapegoat. Father, I ask that all reproach and blame of others which have been placed upon me be removed.

Father, please remove the consequences of blame and shame from me and from my generational line. I ask that the reaping of the consequences of shame, guilt, and being a scapegoat is now broken off of me and my family line from this time forward.

Father, I ask that these heavy burdens be removed from me and all future generations based on Your righteousness which You have imputed to me through the Blood of Yeshua.

Lord, please replace these vacated areas in my life with Your Holy Spirit and with Your blessings. Thank You for pouring Your Spirit into me. In Yeshua’s name Amen.”

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How Can We Break Free, Heal, & Recover From Being The Scapegoat?

om Being The ScapegoatBeing The Scapegoat

A Vital Necessity

Have you ever sat down and considered what’s important in your life? What do you consider to be vital or a necessity? What can’t you live without? Most of us would say food, water and shelter. Yes, you need those things to exist, but we can’t really live unless our minds and hearts are set on seeking the Lord who is the giver of life. 

Sure, you can exist without a knowledge of God, but you can’t live without Him giving you the breath you need to stay alive, but if that’s all you want from God what’s the point? He has much more in store for you. Besides, you are called to more than just mere existence; you are called to live – to thrive – to enjoy your life abundantly!

Today, set your mind beyond mere existence, set your heart on seeking the Lord for all He has for you! Write down your needs and wants, match them up to God’s promises in scriptures, commit them to memory. Whenever you can, think about those verses. Meditate on God and His infinite love. When you see the Lord as a vital necessity in and for your life, you will truly live and enjoy the abundant life He has in store for you! Hallelujah!

“Set your mind and heart to seek (inquire of and require as your vital necessity) the Lord your God”¦”

(1 Chronicles 22:19, AMPC)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, today I choose to set my mind on You. Father, I need You not just for existence, but to truly live, therefore I seek You with my whole heart. God, please show me Your love and character today as You meet my needs and supply my wants. Lord, show me Your ways that I may walk and live close to You, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures

Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA, issues an extensive Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions around the world, and the miraculous potential of literacy that is able to change the lives of men, women and children for generations.

Few of us who have read all our lives understand the nearly miraculous potential of being able to read and write when illiteracy has been the dominant disabler to flourishing. Illiteracy is more dominant than poverty, more dominant than a chronic physical disability, and more dominant than even an oppressive social system.

We readers have long lost the joy of discovering that the squiggly marks on a page of paper can be interpreted or that the same kinds of marks can be learned and replicated with chalk, ink, pen or pencil. We don’t understand because we read and write and often take for granted the treacherous limitations illiteracy places on the human spirit as well as on human potential.

Perhaps one story from Gospel for Asia will help us again remember the wonder of our own unrecognized reading and writing capacities. This is about Mandeepa.

This is Mandeepa. She grew up illiterate.This is Mandeepa. Her widowed mother was too poor to send her to school when she was younger, so she grew up illiterate. After she learned of God’s love as a teenager, she deeply desired to read God’s Word, but she couldn’t read or write.
Due to the early death of her father, Mandeepa and her five other siblings were raised by a struggling mother. None of these six children were able to attend school, and at the age of 13, Mandeepa started to work as a household maid to support her single parent. Eventually, as is frequently the case, a marriage was arranged for Mandeepa, which quickly produced a son and a daughter.

At the age of 16, Mandeepa started attending a local church where the young woman received a Bible of her own–but having never learned to read and write, she, of course, only saw strange markings on the page. Her heart was filled with a longing to read the words and to learn more about the Heavenly Father the book taught about, but this was impossible, and the young woman was disconsolate.

Mandeepa’s husband was also illiterate. Their daughter was fortunate to attend school, but her growing ability to read only pointed out the lack in her mother’s education. How Mandeepa wished she could help her daughter with her schoolwork. This parental lack only increased the woman’s desire to read and write like her children.

Then the GFA-supported Women’s Fellowship at her church initiated literacy learning classes.

Mandeepa was now 32 years old, and after a year of study, she could finally read the Bible she had received 16 long years before. One of the first things she did when this “great miracle cure” began to have effect on her, banishing the shame and frustration of ignorance caused by lack of education, was to memorize John 14:15: “If you love Me, keep my commandments.”

Gospel for Asia points out that there are more than 250 million women in Asia today who are illiterate. It’s impossible for them to help their children with schoolwork. In addition, the instructions on medicine bottles, road signs, notices from the government and legal papers are all indecipherable– and this in a society that is increasingly dependent upon the written word. Those who desire to read God’s Word can’t do so. Technology can’t be accessed unless a user is highly literate. One must be able to spell, to read commands, to type letters that form words if the digital world is to be accessed.

Illiteracy is more dominant than poverty, more dominant than a chronic physical disability, and more dominant than even an oppressive social system.

Illiteracy is a kind of intellectual limbo, and no matter how naturally intelligent a person might be, the very descriptor “illiterate” indicates inferior mental capability.

Worldwide, entire villages with increasing levels of literacy are making social and economic gains when even just a small percentage of the villagers learn to read and write. Much data (a preponderance of which is examined under the general category of education) gives good cause to make the assumption that learning to read and write is one of the “great miracle cures.”

UNESCO does a thorough job of establishing the difficulty of conducting evidence- based data gathering as to the specific impact of literacy on individuals and communities, but it makes a broad generalization by stating in one article, “The ‘multiplier effect’ of literacy empowers people, enables them to participate fully in society and contributes to improve livelihoods. Literacy is also a driver for sustainable development in that it enables greater participation in the labour market; improved child and family health and nutrition; reduces poverty and expands life opportunities.”

Asia: Manju is teaching several women how to read and write in a literacy class hosted in the women's house in 2011Asia: Manju is teaching several women how to read and write in a literacy class hosted in the women’s house in 2011. Illiteracy is often cured by an army of tutors like this. Opportunities to volunteer and serve to erase illiteracy, and spread the miracle of reading and writing, are numerous.

Why Is Literacy a Great Miracle Cure?

Hopefully, this article will inspire the reader about participating in some way in the joy of giving the gifts of reading and writing to other humans. The outcomes of such literacy initiatives are far beyond the investment of a few hours on the part of a tutor or of a volunteer week or some summer months overseas dedicated to literacy training and teaching. It is well worth considering teaching others how to read and write, or attending discussion groups at the local library where ESL (English as Second Language) learners are expanding their conversational skills, or volunteering with any of a multitude of organizations that welcome short-term teachers who are able to travel overseas. The opportunities for working literacy miracles are many and far-reaching.

Volunteering with NGOs (non-governmental organizations) overseas is, indeed, not only beneficial to individual learners who with literacy skills can obtain higher-paying jobs above menial labor and have the means to educate their own children, but also to whole villages and countries where the literacy aggregate continues to grow, or what has been referred to above as “the multiplier effect.”

250 million women in Asia today are illiterate

All statistical evidence shows that one individual who is given reading and writing skills greatly improves his/her chances of success. Increasing literacy of individuals also greatly enhances the society in which those people live. A study conducted in Charleston, North Carolina, determined that “illiteracy is a multifaceted social equity and justice problem that results in less job opportunities and low income, often poverty.” The reporting continues to explain that employers are often careful not to allow low-skilled workers to work more than 30 hours at minimum wage, because hours accrued above this level must provide workers with benefits and paid time off. This limit means poverty or near-poverty for a certain demographic of workers, which then sets in motion the need for community government to provide welfare assistance. The Trident Literary Association of Charleston, South Carolina, notes that food and medical assistance are often necessary when someone lives below the poverty line, especially if children are present:

“Letting our people live in poverty can cost the Charleston community over $15,000 for ONE adult for only ONE year. This does not count the cost of any children each adult may have. When over 86,000 adults in the tri-county area don’t have a high school diploma or a GED, the community could incur costs of up to $1.3 BILLION in public assistance to help those people survive.”

If this is true in a mostly literate community, how does illiteracy impact countries with large demographics of people who can neither read or write? The consensus across the data is that illiteracy interferes with the flourishing of citizens within a community.

The Literacy Foundation, located in Quebec, lists:

Specific negative incomes of illiteracy on both individuals and society. For individuals, the impacts include:

  • “A limited ability to obtain and understand essential information;
  • “An unemployment rate two to four times higher among those with little schooling compared to those with bachelor’s degrees;
  • “Lower income;
  • “Lower-quality jobs;
  • “Precarious financial position;
  • “Little value given to education and reading within the family, often leading to intergenerational transmission of illiteracy;
  • “Low self-esteem, which can lead to isolation;
  • “More workplace accidents, longer recovery times and more misuse of medications due to not understanding health care resources and procedures.”

And for a community whose citizens have a high illiteracy rate, societal impacts include:

  • “Since literacy is essential for individuals and states to be competitive in the new global knowledge economy, many positions remain vacant for lack of adequately trained personnel;
  • “The higher the proportion of adults with low literacy proficiency, the slower the overall long-term GDP growth rate is;
  • “Difficulty understanding societal issues lowers the level of community involvement and civic participation.”

Defining Literacy

Like many topics, the meaning of literacy has nuances: Someone might say they are illiterate about opera, meaning they are uninformed, uninterested or unexposed to this art form. The same implications could be attributed to a person who is “illiterate” about immigration. At its most elemental level, however, to be illiterate means that a person cannot read or write or can only decipher words in a minimal way. Literacy Advance says the definition is even more complex:

“Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen, and use numeracy and technology, at a level that enables people to express and understand ideas and opinions, to make decisions and solve problems, to achieve their goals, and to participate fully in their community and in wider society.”

Illiteracy is most prevalent in developing countries. South Asian, Arab and Sub- Saharan African countries are regions with the highest illiteracy rates at about 40 to 50 percent. East Asia and Latin America have illiteracy rates in the 10—15 percent region, while developed countries have illiteracy rates of a few percent.

Within ethnically homogenous regions, literacy rates can vary widely from country or region to region. This often coincides with the region’s wealth or urbanization, though many factors play a role.

Thirty-five ladies gather for a GFA-supported women's literacy class three days a week in Odisha, India.Odisha, India: Thirty-five ladies gather for a GFA-supported women’s literacy class three days a week. The class takes place Monday through Wednesday. Once they achieve their goal in teaching these ladies how to read and write, the Sisters of Compassion will begin another Adult Literacy Class elsewhere in the neighborhood.

Illiteracy in the United States

Perhaps it is easier to examine literacy and illiteracy through the lens of one country, the one many of us know best and consider one of the most literate in the world.

ProLiteracy, a nonprofit that champions the power of literacy to improve the lives of adults and their families, communities and societies in the United States (and around the world), views illiteracy mostly through the lens of those who are foreign-born residents. The Center for Applied Linguistics reports that in 2006, some 13 years ago, there were 37.5 million foreign-born residents, or 12.5 percent of the total U.S. population.

Since that data was collected, there has been a surge in states that aren’t normally considered high foreign population centers such as California, Texas, New York and Florida. The Center for Applied Linguistics also reports that since 2005, some 14 other states experienced a 30 percent greater increase in foreign-born residency.

36 million adults in the U.S. cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third-grade levelThey also state that the ESL (English as Second Language) population in the United States is diverse in terms of country of origin, education and individual language skills. In addition to Mexico and other Latin American countries, a growing number of non-native speakers of English come from China, the Philippines, India, Vietnam, Korea, Eastern Europe and African countries. Of these residents born outside the United States, 68 percent have a high school diploma in their native country or the U.S.

With all this in mind, consider these additional facts on adult literacy in the U.S.:

  • “36 million adults cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third-grade level.
  • “68 percent of programs are struggling with long student waiting lists, and less than 10 percent of adults in need are receiving services.
  • “Children whose parents have low literacy levels have a 72 percent chance of being at the lowest reading levels themselves. These children are more likely to get poor grades, display behavioral problems, have high absentee rates, repeat school years, or drop out.
  • “One in six young adults–more than 1.2 million–drop out of high school every year.
  • “2 million immigrants come to the U.S. each year, and about 50 percent of them lack high-school education and proficient English language skills
  • “Low literacy costs the U.S. $225 billion or more each year in non-productivity in the workforce, crime, and loss of tax revenue due to unemployment.
  • “43 percent of adults with lowest literacy levels live in poverty.
  • “$232 billion a year in health care costs is linked to low adult literacy skills.
  • “75 percent of state prison inmates did not complete high school or can be classified as low literate.”

According to the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy in the United States, research shows that the single greatest indicator of a child’s future success is the literacy level of his or her parents:

  • “A child from a highly educated family will experience 30 million more words by the age of three than a child from a low-literate home.
  • “Almost half of all children born to a mother lacking a high school diploma are not ready to start kindergarten.
  • “Students who do not read proficiently by the third grade are four times more likely to leave high school without a diploma.”

Sarada is teaching three women in a GFA-supported Women’s Literacy class.Sarada is teaching three women in a GFA-supported Women’s Literacy class. All statistical evidence shows that one individual who is given reading and writing skills greatly improves his/her chances of success. Increasing literacy of individuals also greatly enhances the society in which those people live.

Literacy Efforts Around the World

The same results are evident in round-the-world data with many organizations working intensively to combat illiteracy. World Vision Ethiopia (WVE), for instance, is celebrating this year’s International Literacy Day with a campaign aimed at halting an alarming global trend: that of children graduating from primary school with reading deficiencies in their own mother tongue. Programs that emphasize reading proficiencies in five core reading skills are being implemented throughout 57 child-sponsorship Area Programs. Consequently, some 4,203 reading camps have been established across the Ethiopian nation. Nearly 1.5 million children are achieving reading and writing literacy in these camps; even more remarkable is that more than 15,000 youth are volunteering at these camps, helping serve not only children but also children’s parents.

Room to Read is a global non-profit promoting literacy and girl’s education, which asserts that “when children are educated, they are healthier. Their job opportunities improve. For every year that they stay in school, their earnings increase by 10 percent. They are more civically engaged and less dependent on social welfare. They are more likely to educate their own children and break the cycle of generational poverty.”

Their ambitious goal is to invest in the lives of at least 15 million children by 2020.

Although challenges of global illiteracy and gender inequality in education and their repercussions are enormous, Room to Read feels they have the tools to eradicate them.

According to their website,

“Children in grade two in our Literacy Program in India, Laos and Nepal can read three times as many words per minute and correctly answer more than twice as many comprehension questions as their peers. More than 4,800 girls have graduated from our Girls’ Education Program, and 78 percent of our 2016 graduates enrolled in tertiary education or found employment within one year post-graduation.”

Book Aid International is a UK based charity that provided nearly 1.3 million books in 2018 to people in 25 countries in Africa, the Middle east, the Caribbean, and other locations around the world. They are focused on addressing illiteracy by getting books to people who need them most through “thriving partnerships with library services and NGO’s who make books available to their communities.”

Shetal, an 8 year-old Bridge of Hope studentShetal, an 8 year-old Bridge of Hope student, sits on the floor with his BOH book bag during the morning session. He attends from 9 to noon.Recognizing that 1 out of 5 people in the world cannot read or write, the World Literacy Foundation is operating in more than 80 countries worldwide to lift young people out of poverty through the power of literacy. Two mentionable projects they have in Australia alone include the Indigenous Learning App meant to close the literacy gap between indigenous and non-indigenous children, and the ROOP (Reading Out Of Poverty) Project designed to “enhance literacy skills and reading levels of children from low-income backgrounds.”

In The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction, author Meghan Cox Gurdon makes the point: “As we shall see, listening to stories while looking at pictures stimulates children’s deep brain networks, fostering their cognitive development. Further, the companionable experience of shared reading cultivates empathy, dramatically accelerates young children’s language acquisition and vaults them ahead of their peers when they get to school.”

After that premise, who wouldn’t want to read to their children or to their grandchildren or to their neighbor’s neglected kids on the block? But wait, according to Gurdon, there’s more.

“The rewards of early reading are astonishingly meaningful: toddlers who have lots of stories read to them turn into children who are more likely to enjoy strong relationships, sharper focus, and greater emotional resilience and self-mastery. The evidence has become so overwhelming that social scientists now consider read-aloud time one of the most important indicators of a child’s prospect in life.”

All well and good (and let’s admit it, also amazing), but what happens when the adults in a child’s life don’t read to them? What if they don’t read to their children because they can’t read? They can’t read books or newspapers or signs or legal documents or school papers or homework assignments or medical reports. Again: What if they don’t read to their children because they can’t read?

GFA-supported workers are helping to solve the literacy gap in Asia.GFA-supported workers (like the Sisters of Compassion shown above) are helping to solve the literacy gap in Asia. In just one year, they taught 61,880 women how to read and write by providing free literacy classes. Many of those women had never had the opportunity to learn such a valuable skill because their families were either too poor to afford education or didn’t place importance on educating their daughters.

Solving the Literacy Gap

While searching for a significant role to champion while serving as First Lady of the United States, Barbara Bush decided that a whole society could be impacted for the better if enough folk were given the skills of literacy. There is less crime among the literate, more educational advancement and better opportunities for success. She not only started the Foundation for Family Literacy, but she pushed hard for the National Literacy Act, which was passed in 1991 while her husband was president.

Mostly, illiteracy is cured by an army of tutors. The opportunities to volunteer and serve to erase illiteracy (to spread the miracle of reading and writing) are numerous.

61,880 women were taught how to read and write, in one year, by GFA-supported workersGFA-supported workers are helping to solve the literacy gap in Asia. In just one year, they taught 61,880 women how to read and write by providing free literacy classes. Many of those women had never had the opportunity to learn such a valuable skill because their families were either too poor to afford education or didn’t place importance on educating their daughters. But now, they–like Mandeepa–have experienced the “great miracle cure,” and their families are thriving because of it.

According to UNICEF, literacy rates have shown a positive trend in recent years, due to the multitude of programs and outreaches around the world to erase one of the root causes–if not the major root cause–of illiteracy, which would be a lack of educational systems.

GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers put an ax to this root cause by providing impoverished children free educational help. Staff at these centers provide each student with the academic tools they need to excel in their studies. If they see a student struggling in a specific area, they take measures to help them learn and overcome their challenges.

“Literacy rates among youth (aged 15 to 24) and adults are the test of an educational system, and the overall trend is positive, thanks to the expansion of educational opportunities,” reports UNICEF. “Globally, the youth literacy rate increased from 83 percent to 91 percent over two decades, while the number of illiterate youth declined from 170 million to 115 million. Regional and gender disparities persist, however. Literacy is lowest in least developed countries and higher among males than females. In the most recent years for which data are available, young women accounted for 59 percent of the total illiterate youth population.”

Personal Encounters with Illiteracy

I am an avid reader. It is nothing for me to go through some 35 books a month. Partly this is because of my writing profession; I am generally finishing a research deadline of some kind. The other part is that I just love to read. Reading has formed my character; exposed me to different kinds of thinking; enthralled me in the adventures of real and imaginary characters; improved my marriage and parenting capabilities; enhanced my housekeeping and gardening skills; and stimulated my intellectual, spiritual and psychological growth.

So in an attempt to have personal encounters with illiteracy, to develop an understanding I admittedly lack, I looked up literacy programs in my area for the purpose of considering what I, a solo person (who loves to read), could do to contribute to raising the literacy level of my hometown region, even if only by one or two individuals. I took a volunteer orientation class, an introductory evening of training to be followed by in-depth literacy tutor training this coming season. My $40 registration fee also bought the substantial workbook Teaching Adults: An ESL Resource Book, which I am reading. This, of course, deals with teaching those who are illiterate in writing and reading English. What gift could be more wonderful than coaching an eager English-language learner in the intricacies of speaking and writing English as a second language?

My husband and I live in the far western suburbs of Chicago. Our town is 52 percent non-white, mostly Hispanic. I can only relate to the immigrant experience of not knowing the language of an adopted country–e.g., not knowing how to read the road signs or the newspapers or the graphics that crawl across a television screen–by the times I have been plunged into a foreign culture overseas. Then I attempt to extrapolate those small and temporary situations into a lifetime of confusion due to the inability to read or write.

Obviously, knowing I would soon be returning home, or having a translator and guide shepherd me through the incomprehensible language and customs of a foreign country, renders these plunges only superficial. Due to our high Spanish-language speaking population, however, I run into literacy issues frequently enough–my own lack of Spanish-speaking facility as well as others’ lack of English comprehension. For instance, the name of the Lyft driver often sent to our door for a trip to the airport is Mariana. She makes sure we know she speaks “only little English.” I inevitably worry that she will take us to the wrong airport, but somehow, through a translation dispatcher system, we have so far been delivered to O’Hare or to Midway when needed.

While searching for a significant role to champion while serving as First Lady of the United States, Barbara Bush decided that a whole society could be impacted for the better if enough folk were given the skills of literacy. There is less crime among the literate, more educational advancement and better opportunities for success.

After my hairstylist’s departure to another state, I determined I would be part of the “new localism”–the grassroots effort of supporting the businesses and shops established by local entrepreneurs. “Oh, Lord,” I prayed. “Help me to find a decent stylist.” I walked into a hair salon in downtown West Chicago. There were five chairs and one person in the shop. “Do you cut hair?” I asked. “Si, si,” the woman responded. “Speak little English. Un pocito.”

“OK, OK,” I said, and signed an inch with my thumb and forefinger. “One inch off. All over.” Which is exactly what she did. She cut my hair one inch long all over my head. Without a doubt, it has been the easiest summer hairdo I have ever had. I wash it. Apply mousse. Then mess my hair up as it dries. No problem. But the experience gave me a baseline to imagine if every day and in every way these gaffes large and small would be part of the agony and effort of living. After time, one might just withdraw, choose silence, stop trying.

Hkrishikesh, 11 years old, is in this class at the Bridge of Hope Center.Maharashtra: Hkrishikesh, 11 years old, is in this class at her local Bridge of Hope Center. In the most recent years for which data are available from UNICEF, young women accounted for 59 percent of the total illiterate youth population.

The Complexities of Gaining Literacy

The VeryWellFamily website teaches that the skills needed for reading and writing are not as simple as we so often assume. These skills include such things as the awareness of the sounds of language. These levels of learning will be the same for any culture. First is phonemic awareness: “the ability to hear and play with the individual sounds of language, to create new words using those sounds in different ways.” The article breaks down how this actually happens, a process that is quite complicated and mentions digraphs, onsets, rimes and phenomes. It is a process that occurs without intentional phonetically in the natural course of a child’s learning process.

Avinash and Akshda are a brother and sister in the same class at their nearby Bridge of Hope Center.Avinash and Akshda are a brother and sister in the same class at their nearby Bridge of Hope Center.To read and speak fluently, a child must also develop an awareness of print; there’s a road sign, there’s a bathroom sign, here are words on cereal boxes, and, of course, there are books filled with print. The learner must develop an active vocabulary (words generally known and used in conversation, speech and writing) and a passive vocabulary (words that are known but the meanings of which are interpreted through context and use with others).

Achieving literacy for a child includes learning to spell (hence all those spelling tests). This means achieving a comprehension of irregular spelling, silent vowels, diphthongs, etc. He or she must not only be able to read words on a page (or a sign) but also comprehend the meaning of what has been read. This includes the ability to project meaning into the words, to pick up clues in the text, to visualize imaginatively what is occurring through the reading.

To read, to understand what one has read, to voice one’s inner thoughts, to comprehend and communicate the meaning of one’s being so that it can be heard either verbally or through thoughts committed to the page is not such a simple task as those of us who love reading might assume. But the joy, oh the gift of joy, that can be given to one other person or to a classroom of squirmy but nevertheless eager learners is incalculable.


A Lifetime of Illiteracy and the Onset of Leprosy

Gospel for Asia chronicles the tale of a woman named Kaavya. She was given this gift of literacy that filled a lifetime of longing when she was 64 years of age. What makes her story even more impelling was the fact that Kaavya also suffered from leprosy. Now, medical knowledge informs us that leprosy is a curable disease, but the stigma of this condition is implanted on the DNA of history, with a record of scorn and communal rejection that is recorded even in the New Testament stories of Christ’s healing encounters with lepers.

Kaavya’s father contracted leprosy with the result that the community ostracized the whole family. In time, the girl’s father died, and about then she began to experience symptoms of physical pain in her extremities and also a recurring fever. The crushing news from hospital staff indicated that the diagnosis of her difficulties was that she had developed leprosy also.

“It was the worst day and the saddest day in my life,” she said. “What to do? I could not die.”

Eventually, with treatment and medications, she procured a hospital job, but then, because she was illiterate, after 22 years of work, she was let go, unqualified in the eyes of the current staff. She married and settled into family life, but only a few years had passed when she discovered that her husband had a previous family. His first wife bore him eight daughters, and he was hoping some other woman would give him a son.

This is a chronicle of human misery, repeated in the hundreds of thousands of untold stories that exist around the world. But it does not have an unhappy ending.

“After years of hardships, Kaayva came to live in a leprosy colony, making her home with those who experienced the same kind of rejection she had,” the report states.

But here, the Sisters of Compassion, supported by Gospel for Asia, served the residents by practical needs. One of those expressions was in teaching the skills of reading and writing. Just imagine the meaning of this to a woman who had been expelled from a job of 22 years for being illiterate!

To become literate is exactly what miracle cures are about. To be able to read and write is a gift of immeasurable worth. It is, indeed, a miracle cure.

“When I joined the literacy class, I learned lots of things,” Kaavya explains. “I learned not only reading and writing; I learned good habits, roles of women, wife and mother in the family. Now I am very happy ”¦ I will not lose heart because I can read and write.”

GFA-supported literacy classes are taught by women missionaries who are trained in teaching reading and writing to adults. They write letters and words on chalk boards and carefully teach each student how to read and write those same letters and words. They guide their students’ hands, helping them become familiar with the feel and use of a pencil. Each woman enrolled in the literacy classes also receives a free literacy book in their local language. For tens of thousands of women across Asia, these free literacy classes have made a world of difference in their lives!

When the Word Became Flesh

I have often thought of Christ as the Great Translator who came to Earth to teach us Heaven’s language and ways.

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

Jesus’ life lived on Earth, and now communicated to us existentially through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, is the ultimate example of a superior language tutorial–one in spiritual literacy. By observing Him, by reading and inculcating His words, we learn to “read and write.” We become spiritually literate. And like those who conquer reading and writing in the everyday world, this too, this inexplicable capacity to know with the soul, brings light and opportunity and almost unbearable joy. Another kind of illiteracy has been overcome. To become literate is exactly what miracle cures are about. It is an intellectual healing, the acquisition of incalculable capabilities and the establishment of approval from others and from oneself. To be able to read and write is a gift of immeasurable worth. It is, indeed, a miracle cure.


Consider giving to Gospel for Asia’s literacy efforts. GFA-supported workers have heightened personal exposure to the dilemmas caused by illiteracy and have daily witnessed the power of literacy training to spread Christ’s love, to lift individuals and families out of poverty, to change communities for the better. Undoubtedly, learning to read and write is one way the Word becomes flesh and dwells among us. This, indeed, is a spiritual miracle.

Become intentional about the miracle of being able to read and write. Take some time to consider what it would be like if you were illiterate. Intentionally notice–even notate–the many times you read and write in a day. Then thank God that you were born in a literate culture with systemic educational programs in place to increase your reading and writing capacities.

Conduct an Internet exposure regarding the topic of illiteracy in your home country and then around the world. There is something about those online searches that embed the reality of illiteracy in your mind–more than just reading an article about illiteracy.

Conduct an Internet exposure regarding the topic of illiteracy in your home country and then around the world. There is something about those online searches that embed the reality of illiteracy in your mind–more than just reading an article about illiteracy.

Learn more about the Gospel for Asia: Women’s Literacy Program. Over 250 million women in Asia are illiterate. Even if they want to read, there is no way to learn. With your help, women in Asia can learn to read and will be equipped to tackle life’s hurdles.

This Special Report article originally appeared on GFA Special Reports.

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What Is the Correct Way to Pray?

What Is the Correct Way to Pray?

Some years ago I came across today’s verse, which has totally changed my life forever. I used to think that how I prayed, the order my prayers took, and the posture I took was what got my prayers answered or not. All those things may be nice to do, but did you know that the way you treat people has the greatest impact on the effectiveness of your prayers? The Bible says that the prayer of the righteous person achieves much. But if we aren’t treating others with honour, kindness and respect, then we aren’t allowing His righteousness to operate in us. 

When we don’t treat others the way we should, it closes the door to blessings, and hinders our prayers. This particular passage in it’s original context is directed toward husbands, but it applies in principle to all believers and relationships. it isn’t just about an agreement between two people who live together. It’s about not mispresenting God by calling yourself a Christian, and treating people with disrespect and unkindness. God ordained every Christian to help uplift love and unity.

Today, when you’re born again and claim to be filled with God’s Spirit you become one with Him spiritually. Therefore we should treat others “with understanding,” which may mean considering their needs above our own. We should always aim to treat others with kindness, dignity and respect, and quickly choose forgiveness. The Bible says that the way we treat others is the way we treat God. So choose love, and treat others with respect, so that your prayers will not be hindered!

“”¦Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.”

(1 Peter 3:7, NLT)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, teach me to live in Your ways. Father, help me to always treat others with love and respect, which shows that I honour You. God, show me how to be a blessing to others, so that my prayers will be effective and be unhindered, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Dear Christian: You’ll Get It Eventually

While travelling from Watford to Southend, to do revival yesterday after my radio broadcast, the enemy was trying to bombard my mind with negatives. Saying your too tired, is this worth it, the church is not ready, there is no excitement and there will be no visitors. But the Spirit reminded me God will give you strength, He wants to do something great in and through you. He has promises and blessings in store for you that you haven’t even thought of yet. I let out a loud “hallelujah” and kept on driving. I arrived and the church was on fire — great singing and praising, and two people gave their hearts to God and will be baptised on sabbath. Hallelujah!

The Scripture tells us that God gives us power”¦ He wants you to live in abundance so that He can use you to be a blessing to others. When we are willing and obedient, we open the door to His promises. He will do great things for you and through you. In other words, when we live in excellence and integrity, when we follow the Spirit of God, we will walk in His blessing. Like a tree planted by the water, your leaf will not wither because you are connected to an unlimited supply line.

Today’s verse says that “He gives us the power to get”¦ ” God gives us the ability. He gives us creative ideas and inventions, but we have to be diligent, do our part, and step out in faith, go against how we feel in the natural, and use what He’s given us. We have to sow seed in order to see the harvest that He has promised. Receive His power today and choose a life of integrity, so that you can move forward into the abundant life He has prepared for you.

“And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get”¦”

(Deuteronomy 8:18, NKJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for giving me the power to live in abundance, and to move when I don’t feel like it. Father, I will be faithful to You and Your Word. I will stand on Your promises and listen to the Spirit. God, help me to be diligent and follow Your commands, please bless everything I set my hands to today, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


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