COVID-19 Update: God Innocent, Satan Guilty

A common plot in TV courtroom dramas is for an innocent person to be on trail because they were framed by a clever criminal. Incredibly, this plotline is currently playing itself out in the COVID-19 pandemic! Scared and worried people — and even some Christians – are blaming an innocent person by asking, “If God is love and all-powerful why is he killing people with this virus?”

The straightforward answer is “He’s not. Satan is.”, but like a well written drama this solution might not be obvious. The clever criminal has crafted a shrewd strategy to divert attention from what he is doing by blaming God. Fortunately, we have the benefit of hindsight because the Bible has already been written. Looking into God’s word shows us the details of Satan’s scheme.

A Bold Approach

Before we start to describe this strategy it’s important to remember that Satan does not make small plans. Keep in mind that his original idea was to take over as God (Isaiah 14:14), so it should not be a surprise that anything coming from him would be done on a grand scale. His so-called greatest trick – convincing people he does not even exist – certainly falls into this category.

2 Corinthians 4:4 perfectly describes Satan’s strategy in a nutshell. It says that he blinds unbelievers to the glory of God so they won’t be saved. Later in this same epistle (11:3) Paul writes that he was concerned about how Satan could use this approach and trick followers of Jesus so that their “thoughts would be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.”

Paul’s concerns proved to be well founded, because that is exactly what has happened. Many Christians think they have to prove to God that they love Him by enduring the terrible things God does to them. This comes from a mistaken understanding of verses such as Philippians 1:30 and Hebrews 12:1 that encourage us to endure hardship. It is important to note that these verses do not say that God is causing the havoc.

Discrediting A Key Witness

Blaming God for their troubles too often causes Christians to be angry with God instead of loving Him. “Why is God doing this to me?” is a common lament and echoes the words of Job. In fact, Job is the primary example people cite when they fall for Satan’s scheme of blaming God. But using Job as proof that God causes misfortune is wrong for a variety of reasons.

The fist mistake is thinking that God protected Job and then lifted this “hedge”. But this understanding comes from believing what Satan says in Job 1:10. To quote C.S. Lewis, “Readers are advised to remember the devil is a liar.” Jesus taught us this in 1 John 2:4. To paraphrase His words, Jesus said that Satan is not even capable to telling the truth (“the truth is not in him”).

Second, Job himself recants what he said about God causing his troubles! Sadly, few readers wade through the accusations of Job’s friends (and Job’s insistence on his righteousness) to get to the core of the book when Elihu begins speaking in chapter 32. They never get to Job 42:3 where Job admits he didn’t know what he was talking about! This comes after Job has an encounter with God and experiences His true nature.

A Perfect Strategy

Misleading Christians and others into blaming God provides a variety of benefits for Satan. First of all, we don’t blame Satan for what’s going wrong and so we don’t resist him (James 4:7). This allows Satan to continue hurting us. We submit to Satan and allow ourselves to be blinded to the glory of God and away from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. In other words, we behave in a manner directly contrary to Scripture.

But there’s something even worse than this. When we blame God for the problems in our lives and get angry at Him we are not about to turn to Him for solutions. We alienate ourselves from the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3). Of course, no one in this frame of mind is going to tell others how much God loves them, or how He wants what is best for them like Jesus taught in Matthew 7:11.

This is a perfect triple play for Satan! Christians forget how much God loves them, get angry at Him and stop turning to Him to solve the problem. It is such an effective strategy that you almost have to admire how brilliant it is. Of course, nothing about Satan is admirable, and looking at what he is doing gets me pretty angry at Satan for hurting so many people in this way.

Satan Hurts, God Heals

The entirety of Scripture points to the simple truth that God is good and that He does good things. However, there is a particular instance in the Bible that has direct relevance to the current situation we face with the COVID-19 pandemic. This incident demonstrates the absolute truth of Hebrews 4:15 which says that Jesus knows and has experienced all of our fears and weaknesses.

The incident is recorded in Matthew 8:3 where Jesus touches a leper and cures him of the disease. Keep in mind that lepers had to keep themselves away from others in order to avoid spreading the illness. This was so important that even touching a leper made you ceremoniously unclean (Leviticus 5:3). Jesus knew the fear of infectious disease and yet He touched a leper.

It’s important to remember that Jesus was fully God and fully human. It’s easy to dismiss this incident in light of His Divinity, but think about it for a minute in terms of His humanity. It’s also important to keep in mind that the leper in this incident came to Jesus, knelt before Him, and stated clearly that he believed in Jesus’ ability to heal him. This is a great example of how we can approach God!

“You are not alone.”

In fact, the actions of the leper in Matthew 8:3 are a perfect example of the instruction given to us in Hebrews 11:6. We are to approach God in faith. This means believing He is who He says He is instead of believing what Satan says. We are to believe He rewards those who come to Him in this way, rather than thinking He wants to give us a disease. Remember that Isaiah 5:20 very clearly says that evil is not good and that good is not evil.

God is with us and is for us. This is an enduring truth that runs throughout Scripture. God helped Adam and Eve after they sinned (Genesis 3:21). He became man and died for our sins, restoring our relationship to Him when we could not do that by ourselves. Jesus is the perfect representation of God (Colossians 1:15), and we are well advised to look at how He healed those oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38.)

This overwhelming preponderance of evidence overwhelms the scheme of Satan which is intended to keep us away from the love of God. Fortunately, we have Romans 8:38-39 “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus Died for Us

There is one great central truth to be kept ever before our minds in the searching of the bible – Christ‘s crucifixion. Every other truth is invested with influence and power corresponding to its relation to this theme. The soul which has been overcome by sin can be endowed with life only through the work wrought out upon the cross by the Author of our salvation – Jesus Christ the son of God.

When Christ bowed His head and died on the cross, He bore the pillars of Satan’s kingdom with Him to the earth. He vanquished Satan. Amen.

Christ submitted to crucifixion, although the heavenly host could have instantly delivered Him. The angels suffered with Christ. God Himself was crucified with Christ; for Christ is one with the Father.

Those who reject Christ, those who will not have him direct them, choose to place themselves under the rule of Satan, to do his work as his follower. Yet for them Christ yielded up His life on Calvary.

He who died for the sins of the world remained in the tomb for an allotted time. He was in that stony prison house as a prisoner of divine justice. He was responsible to the Judge of the universe. He was bearing the sins of the world, and His Father only could release Him.

He identified Himself with our interests, bared His breast for the stroke of death, took man’s guilt and its penalty, and offered in man’s behalf a complete sacrifice to God. By virtue of this atonement, He has power to offer to man perfect righteousness and full salvation. Therefore, whosoever shall believe on Jesus as a personal Saviour shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Amen.

The price of man’s redemption has been paid by Jesus, and all he has and is should be sprinkled with the blood of the lamb, dedicated to God; for it all belongs to Jesus the one true and only living saviour.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8.


Almighty Father, Creator of the universe, I approach Your Heavenly Gates with a grateful heart. I bless Your Holy Name and submit the honor and praise that is due unto You.

Beautiful Lord, I was created in your image, fearfully and wonderfully made to be the light in this dark world.

Father please guide me in a plain path of righteousness according to Your will and glory. You are the Omnipotent Potter and I am the clay.

Shape me, mold me, use me and fill me each and everyday to become more like Christ.

Be A Person of Integrity

he definition of integrity is that you are dependable. You are a person of your word. You’re consistent and honest. Integrity is a powerful attribute in the life of the believer. 

You may be a pretty good person that does the right thing most of the time. But understand, it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine. You can veer off course just a little bit, and before you know it, you’re miles away from your destination. Don’t allow the little things to keep you from your destiny; choose integrity–even when no one is looking.

For instance, you might need some paper at home, but you shouldn’t take supplies from the office. Or, you might be running into a store for just a minute, but don’t park in the disabled parking spot unless you’re supposed to. If the checkout clerk makes a mistake and gives you too much money back, that’s not God’s provision, that’s a test of integrity!

Today, remember, if you’ll be faithful and choose integrity in the little things, God will make you ruler over much. Be a person of integrity and open the door for God’s blessings and honour all the days of your life!

“The Lord judges the people; judge me, O Lord, and do me justice according to my righteousness [my rightness, justice, and right standing with You] and according to the integrity that is in me.”

(Psalm 7:8, AMPC)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, today I commit to live a life of integrity. I choose a life of excellence, and ask for Your hand of favour. Show me any area that is not pleasing to You, so that I can continue to grow and increase in You, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

A special word from the Lord, from Pastor Ray Patrick

Speaking In Numbers

Many ask how does God speak? He speaks directly, He speaks through His Word, He speaks through dreams and visions, and He also speaks through others. Are you facing an important decision today? God wants to give you the answer. He wants to direct your steps. Many times, He will speak to us through the people He has placed in our lives. That’s why the Bible says that safety is found in a multitude of advisers.

Remember, God designed us to live in families, communities and congregations. We need to be open to receiving input from the people who are close to us. That doesn’t mean you have to follow everything everyone tells you. But if you’re in a particular situation or relationship, and all the people around you are giving you the same word of caution, it may be God trying to get a message to you. Take that advice and bring it before the Lord in prayer, and make sure the advice doesn’t contradict His Word.  Ask Him to confirm His perfect plan to your heart. Remember, wisdom comes from God, and wise counsel will always be in agreement with God’s Word. He will always confirm the answer when you ask Him.

Today, whatever you are facing, be open to receiving wise counsel. As you do, you will be blessed and protected, and walk in confidence down the path the Lord has prepared for you!

“Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counsellors there is victory.” (Proverbs 11:14, NASB)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for the spiritual people You have placed in my life as wise counsel. Father, please confirm and give me answers to the issues in my life. Help me understand Your truth, so that I can make godly choices. Keep me close to You always so I will clearly know when You are speaking, and lead me in Your way, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Sealed With Power And Authority

Did you know that you were created with power and authority. Today’s scripture tells us that you have the mark of authority of the Almighty. We don’t often hear about signet rings anymore; but in Bible times, they were very significant. The signet ring was used to identify the message or messenger, and the authority they had. In other words, you knew something was from the king because it was marked by his signet ring. It was representative of power and authority. God has chosen and set you apart to be identified with Him. Hallelujah!

When you have someone’s power and authority, it’s like having power of attorney; you have the authority to act on behalf of that individual. As a believer in Jesus, you are marked with His seal. Think of all you have access to today!

Today, think about the authority you have. Everything God has is available to you–healing, provision, strength, peace, joy. You have been given authority to unlock His abundant blessings and power over all the forces of evil in Jesus’ name. Accept His seal, and you will be marked to live the abundant life He has in store for you!

“‘”¦I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the LORD Almighty.” (Haggai 2:23, NIV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for choosing me and calling me Your own. Father, help me to fully understand the authority and power You’ve placed in me, through Your Son and Holy Spirit. I receive all the supernatural blessings You have for me today, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Societal enables people to connect with one another online through this time of international crisis

Societal is inspired by a passion for all things creative

We’re living through a time of international crisis. Our systems are falling apart, we’re being separated from friends and loved ones, frightened and unsure as to how life may be about to unfold. “Reality” seems to stagger from one disturbing scenario to another. Information and advice keep changing – nothing holds fast, but the idea that everything is going dreadfully wrong. But if there is a silver lining in this crisis, it could be that the virus is forcing us to use the internet as it was always meant to be used – to connect with one another, share information and come up with collective solutions to vital problems.

Launched in March 2020, Societal’s ( sole purpose is to connect people and allow people to share their thoughts with a big audience.

Societal website administrator Dean Jones a former Central St Martins College of Art & Design postgraduate said, ‘One of the most disastrous months in the history of global medicine and global economics has ended with country after country retreating into their national silos. They are fighting their own individual battles against coronavirus and in their own way, but we must work together. Like it or not the Coronavirus Crisis is showing us how to live online and hopefully Societal can help people with that.’

The new Social Network follows a UK government announcement that everyone should only go outside for food, health reasons or work (where this absolutely cannot be done from home).

Jones hopes his digital platform will help create connections, not conflict in this time of uncertainty.

Jones said further ‘As we isolate ourselves at home to protect our health and our neighbours, we still need each other. Societal means that even in this time when we are physically apart, we can still connect with our friends.”

The Core Principles of Societal are-

  • Respect.
  • Justice/Fairness.
  • Honesty.
  • Service/Giving Back/Contribution.
  • Responsibility.
  • Family.
  • Community.

Societal is trying to shift the paradigm. In a web full of pseudo thought-leaders, Societal promises to be place that people from all walks of life can rely on and cater to those looking for fresh, new, authentic voices and believe wholeheartedly in community. Societal offers free accounts and doesn’t serve ads.

Jones has launched a kickstarter page in order to support this worthwhile project

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Societal, on Thursday 26 March, 2020. For more information follow

He Is My Refuge”¦

Watching hurricane Maria destroy parts of the West Indies, and earthquakes decimate Mexico, the word was “take refuge where ever you can”. My question to you today is — where do you take refuge when the storms of life come? Where do you go for comfort and safety? Some people find it easy to turn to their friends, their job, alcohol or even a bowl of ice cream. Before you turn to anything turn to God. He wants us to take refuge in Him. He longs to protect us, defend us and give us His strength. We serve a good God, and when we take refuge in Him, He will pour out His abundant blessing in our lives.

Today, taste and see that the Lord is good, and His promises are true. When you turn to God, you will find rest and refuge for your soul in the Bible’s promises. Lean on Him when you’re not strong, no matter what storm you may be facing, come to the Father. He will give you His peace and strength as you take refuge in Him.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” 

(Psalm 34:8, ESV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, today I open my heart to You, please be my refuge during my storms. Thank You for Your peace and rest, and for showing me Your hand of blessing as I take refuge in You. God, help me today while I’m going through some hard times. I hold on to You with all I have, trusting in Your promises, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Is COVID-19 Seasonal?

Most people are familiar with the idea of a “cold and flu season”, and the current pandemic has people across the globe looking forward anxiously to the end of it for this year. Fresh warm air and bright sunlight are deadly to viruses, so it is hoped that this first day of spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) will start a countdown to the end of this contagion.

But the seasonal nature of the pandemic can also be understood in the context of 2 Timothy 4:2 which tell us to be ready “in season and out” to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. ’ This pandemic can be understood as a fantastic opening for Christians to proclaim the truth, but in order to properly seize this moment we have to be equipped. I hope to assist with that in whatever modest way I can.

But First

Before we get started, let me say that I do not find any evidence in Scripture that this pandemic is God’s doing or His will. I believe that this is either from Satan or simply another consequence of the fall. But regardless of the cause, let’s remember Genesis 5:20 and work with God to use what is intended for evil and accomplish something good.

The good thing is for people hear how much God loves them and wants them to come into a relationship with Him based solely on that love. In fact, there is nothing better than that. The mindset of those deeply concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to do that in a way that will resonate with both their emotional and their rational sides. Approaches that hit both notes are very effective.


“Sympathy” seems to be a pretty rare commodity when it comes to evangelism these days. Christians are much more likely to preach the consequences of sin than start form a point of common ground. But the pandemic is the perfect chance to begin with sympathizing, because the fear felt by non-Christians is something we ourselves have felt before. It is the practical application of 1 Corinthians 6:11.

Those fearful of COVID-19 have been disappointed by the medical system and their national government. They have put their confidence in these institutions and trusted them to take care of them and protect them. Effective vaccinations and security checkpoints were depended on to be a shield and bulwark. Put together, these two institutions presented what seemed to be an unconquerable Goliath.

The Window

The toppling of that behemoth has left those who trusted it fearful and confused. It’s easy to start a conversation (conducted at the proper social distance, of course) about how these institutions should have seen this coming. Everyone remembers the SARS, MERS, Zika and Ebola outbreaks. From there it is simple to draw the conclusion that institutions created by mankind are inherently unreliable.

“If we can’t trust those what can we trust?” is the fundamental question every Christian longs to answer, and it is the natural conclusion to the conversation. The reasons given to trust God in the current circumstance can branch in a variety of directions. One way is to quote Psalm 91 about how God protects those who abide in His love. This leads directly to a discussion of the perfect example of that love.

More Options

In some conversations it will be possible to answer that fundamental question with a personal testimony of our own disappointment with human institutions — and with ourselves — that led to our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior. This approach may be appropriate for those who are deeply caught in a web of fear. Listen carefully to what you are being told and follow that lead.

With individuals who are more inclined to an intellectual discussion, explaining how suffering originated from man’s disobedience may be the way to go. This authenticates Scripture as the basis for rational decision making. Few people will argue these days against the statement that “It’s a fallen world.” This is also an effective response to the false charge that God is causing this pandemic as punishment.


It is probably not a good idea to preach Christ in the current situation in the context of the coming Tribulation. This approach is fraught because once fears of the pandemic subside the teaching becomes open to ridicule. The other approaches outlined above can continue to resonate long after this current crisis has ended.

The key to seizing this opportunity is not only to remember how we felt when we were without hope, but also to seriously evaluate how much hope we are putting in the Word of God ourselves. 2 Corinthians 3:15 tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. That’s a great thing to do before — or even if — we evangelize others, and is advice that never goes out of season.

Life’s Ups And Downs

I always say life is like a roller coaster. In life, we all have ups and downs. This time of year can be especially challenging. There are seasons that are more difficult when our character is being developed, and our faith in God is being strengthened. Sometimes, it can feel like we are taking two steps forward and three steps backward. If we’re not careful, we’ll start thinking that life is always going to be this way.

God doesn’t want us to live life like a roller coaster. He wants to bring us to a place of stability, so we can remain strong in Him. Jesus said, “I am the vine. You are the branches. If you abide in me, you will bear much fruit and your fruit will remain.” The word “remain” means “to be fixed, immovable, not affected by circumstances.”

Today, if you will just keep abiding in Him, just keep meditating on His Word, He’ll bring you through. He’ll make you strong. He’ll keep you stable, and you’ll embrace the life of blessing and focus He has prepared for you!

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

(John 15:7, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahshua, thank You for wanting to remain with a sinner like me. I choose to set my heart and mind on You, despite the roller coaster of life, knowing that You are good, faithful and stable. Father, I trust that as I seek You and put You first, You will direct my steps. God, today I’m choosing to remain in You, and follow You in everything I do, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

God Has Prepared Your Blessing

Victory In Christ

God took Adam, who He had just breathed life into, and put him in the garden. Notice Adam came into a prepared blessing, something that God had already finished for him. Think about Adam and Eve in the garden. God took the first five days and created the heavens, the earth, the sky, the land and the water. He planted a garden. He put in it beautiful flowers and luscious fruit. He designed rivers to flow through it. He put precious treasures in the ground: onyx, gold and silver. Yes Adam came into a prepared blessing.

When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the right people, the right breaks and the right opportunities. He has blessings that have your name on them. If you will stay in faith and keep honouring God, one day you will come in to what already belongs to you. It’s a prepared blessing! Hallelujah!

Today, in the same way, God has some prepared blessings in store for you. He has worked, arranging things in your favour, getting it all perfectly in place. You couldn’t make it happen on your own. It’s just the goodness of God bringing you into a prepared blessing!

“You prepare a table before me”¦”

(Psalm 23:5, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for preparing a place of blessing for me from before I was born. Father, I choose to trust You and Your timing, knowing that You are working things out on my behalf. God, I glorify You for Your awesome timing and preparation in my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


Everyone goes through times in life when they feel a little lonely, or wonder where they belong. God designed the family to always be a place of love and acceptance. Maybe you didn’t come from an environment like that, or maybe you’ve been away from your family. Maybe they are no longer around. God still desires to meet that need for family. The Bible says that He is the Father to the fatherless, and He places the solitary in families. God wants to give you a circle of people you can trust, who will embrace and accept you.

If you need family today, ask God to meet that need and show you where you belong. Or, maybe you are the one who can open your home and heart to someone who is alone. The point is that God loves family. He designed the family for a purpose. Jesus said in Matthew 12 that those who do God’s will are His family.

Today, if you are part of the family of God, you are never alone! He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. He promises to fill you with His peace and joy, so that you can live as an overcomer all the days of your life!

“God places the solitary in families”¦” 

(Psalm 68:6, NKJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for making me a part of Your family. Father, thank You for diminishing my loneliness and being my Father. Thank You for accepting and embracing me always, even when I embarrass You with my sinful behaviour. God, show me how I can reach out and be an example of family in someone else’s life, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

God I Want Joy And Excitement

Portrait in Stockholm, Sweden by Oliver Ragfelt

After a hard week many of us may have lost the joy and excitement we started the year with. Did you know that it is God’s will for you to be joyful always? He wants you to be happy and carefree. He wants you to love your life no matter what your circumstances look like. In fact, when you have joy in the midst of difficult circumstances, that is evidence that you have faith and trust that God will bring you through.

Remember, joy is strength. When you have His supernatural joy, you can stand strong no matter what’s going on around you. You might say, “I’m just not a real jovial person. I’m more serious. I never laugh much.” And of course, God made us all differently, but you can train yourself to laugh more. One article said that the average child laughs over 200 times a day, but the average adult only laughs 4 times a day. What’s happened? As we get older we’ve allowed the pressures of life, stress and more responsibilities, little by little, to steal our joy.

Today, make the decision to get your joy and excitement back! Decide that you are going to look beyond these serious problems, and look at what God will do on your behalf. Ask Him everyday to fill you with His supernatural peace and joy, so that you can live in His strength and victory every day of your life!

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

(1 Thessalonians 5:16—18, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I humbly receive Your Word today. Father, I choose to open my heart to You and invite You to fill me with joy and excitement and strength and spiritual vigour. God, I want to spiritually be excited again, I rebuke the negative mundane daily news that stresses our lives, that rob me of my God-given joy. Fill me Your goodness, and empower me with Your grace. I bless You today and always, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

What Is the Kingdom of God?

With all that’s going on in this world, have you been wondering about God’s kingdom? What it is, or where it is? The Bible says the kingdom of God is in the here and now, and thank God, we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken! The kingdom is simply God’s system and His throne. It’s His way of doing things. The Bible tells us that His kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

In God’s kingdom, when you give, it shall be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over, this is not only talking about money. In God’s kingdom, you can have an abundance of peace and prosperity in your spirit, mind and body, no matter what’s happening around you. And just like the verse says, His kingdom cannot be shaken! That means, if the stock market goes down, God’s kingdom is still strong. If the housing market goes down, God’s kingdom is still strong. If gas prices go up, God’s kingdom is still strong!

Today, you can live in God’s kingdom that cannot be shaken no matter what’s happening here on earth. Begin to thank God today for His kingdom. Thank Him for His system of blessing in every area of your life. As you obey His Word and worship Him with a grateful attitude, you’ll embrace His kingdom and walk in the abundant life He has for you!

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.” 

(Hebrews 12:28, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your kingdom of peace that lives amongst us. Father, thank You for Your system of blessing in my life. I praise You oh God for Your kingdom that cannot be shaken by the things of this earth, the economy, the prime minister or manifesto, biological games, or people with demonic intent. God, I open my heart to You and ask that You reveal Your truth to me, so that I can live in Your ways all the days of my life, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Spotlight with Rob DePalo Writer/Producer Tapestry (2019) – Christian Film

In 2011 I was called into meet with my boss at a major commercial bank in New York City. After 25 years of top-performance,  I was told that my position was eliminated and there was no longer a place for me in middle-management.  I was angry, devastated, bitter and worried. My oldest son was about to enter an expensive college, we had just booked an expensive 7-day cruise for our family of five and suddenly like the flip of a light switch, things had turned dark… a 50 year old family man with no job! 

To compound matters,  my marriage was in a bad place, my kids were at the point where they no longer needed me,  and my mother was in the hospital dealing with a life-threatening illness. I managed to stay on with the bank but in order to do so I had to take a lower level position which began to create episodes of panic attacks and long-term depression.  All along I was still dealing with the problems within my family life and my ailing mother.  My world was crumbling. Just when all seemed lost, events started to unfold which led me to a different perspective on life and God’s involvement in our lives. 

I wrote a story and called it “TAPESTRY” and that story became a film.  Not only had God aided me in my life, but I truly feel that HIS hand was weaving a Tapestry that would take me down a road of discovery and ultimately peace in my life. This film in many ways was written by God as HE gave me the gift and inspired me to tell a story that I truly feel God wanted me to tell. I am a first time film maker who had a very small budget to make this film with but thanks to God’s will, and many very talented Christians who came together in a labor of love, we were able to get veteran actors such as Stephen Baldwin, Tina Louise and Burt Young to play the main characters in the movie. My name is Rob DePalo. 

I hope that people will watch this film,  and take from it the messages of Hope, and Love, and Christianity. The film is streaming on Amazon Prime, iTunes,,  Comcast Xfinity, and VUDU  and is also available in DVD format as well.  

Tapestry was an official selection at the following film festivals:  International Christian Film Festival,  The IndieFest FilmAwards, The Green Mountain Film Festival,  The Winter Film Awards and the International Online Web Fest.


Ken Kushner


Rob DePalo, Ken Kushner 


Tina Louise, Stephen Baldwin, Burt Young 

COVID 19 or Psalm 91?

The ongoing COVID 19 pandemic has Christians and non-Christians alike worried and on edge. These fears are fed by the reality that the basic facts of this virus (transmission and mortality rates, for example) are still poorly understood and there is no vaccination against the spreading contagion. However, Christians have a defense that is not available to non-believers.

The most direct evidence of this is found in Psalm 91. These 16 verses speak generally about the Lord acting as our defense and specifically mentions protection from infectious disease 3 times. This is in addition to at last 4 references to being protected from danger and evil. A full reading of the text gives a blessed assurance of security. (This is the ESV.)

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust.”

For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler

and from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with his pinions,

and under his wings you will find refuge;

his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

You will not fear the terror of the night,

nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,

nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

A thousand may fall at your side,

ten thousand at your right hand,

but it will not come near you.

You will only look with your eyes

and see the recompense of the wicked.

Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place–

the Most High, who is my refuge–

no evil shall be allowed to befall you,

no plague come near your tent.

For he will command his angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways.

On their hands they will bear you up,

lest you strike your foot against a stone.

You will tread on the lion and the adder;

the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.

“Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;

I will protect him, because he knows my name.

When he calls to me, I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble;

I will rescue him and honor him.

With long life I will satisfy him

and show him my salvation.”

Which Testament is this in?

The critical point in this fantastic promise of safety is found in the first line of the last stanza (verse 14) where we are told that God will do this “because he holds fast to me in love.” This is a remarkable statement coming from an Old Testament writer operating under the covenant of the law where “do good to get good” was the normal mode of operation.

Instead of an “if you do this, then” formulation typically found in passages based on law, the blessings of Psalm 91 are unconditional. They come from God because we hold fast to Him in love. Obedience or service is not mentioned as a condition. Instead the entire psalm describes benefits that come from a relationship with God based on love.

Who’s love?

An interesting perspective is gained by considering the possibility that the love referred to is an understanding of God’s love for us, not our love for God. This is in keeping with 1 Peter 5:7 where we told that God cares for us, and so we should cast our concerns on Him. (Which is another good piece of Scriptural advice when dealing with COVID 19).

Of course, 1 John 4:19 identifies God’s love for us as the root of our love for God. Just like any plant cut off from its root dies, so too would our love for God wither if it were cut off from the understanding that God loves us. While we might protest that this is impossible, if it happened to the Ephesians (Revelation 2:4) it can happen to us.

Is this real?

The idea that Christians have nothing to fear from COVID 19 because God will protect us from the virus may strike some as laughable. However, the whole idea of God becoming man and dying for our sins is considered laughable by many. The bigger issue is that this Psalm asks us to do something that makes us very uncomfortable.

C.S. Lewis said it best. “The state of having to depend solely on God is what we all dread the most.” This is the appeal of many Christian religions which add a healthy dose of works to their message of salvation. While it is straightforward to reject that error, it is still a challenge to depend on God’s love to protect against a pandemic.


It is fitting that the numbers 19 and 91 are in reverse order, because God’s wisdom runs in the exact opposite direction from that of mankind. Our “wisdom” looks like absolute foolishness to God according to 1 Corinthians 3:19. The simple reversed order of the numbers also serves as a useful memory tool.

When you see “COVID 19”, remember “Psalm 91”. When you see fear, remember confidence. When you are told that medical systems are unable to cope with this crisis, remember that the purpose of Scripture is to fully equipped us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:17). Psalm 91 is the perfect example of that truth for today.

God Will Hide You – Safely Hide You…

When The New Year Doesn’t Feel Like The Start Of Anything

Challenges may come your way, but you won’t be worried about them. You know that ultimately, things are going to work out for your good. You know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. What a wonderful promise we have, that when we seek God, when we serve Him with our whole hearts, He will hide us in His shelter. Hallelujah!

That means you can be so connected to Father God, that you are untouchable, and invisible to the enemy! You are hidden in Him! No matter what is happening around you, you can have strength, confidence and rest in Him.

Today, people may be talking about you, trying to make you look bad, but you don’t even give it a second thought. You know that your future is too bright to be distracted. You know they don’t control your destiny. You just keep on being your best, walking in integrity, meditating on the Word and worshipping throughout the day, so you remain hidden in Him!

“For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” (Psalm 27:5, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I come to You today with an open and humble heart. Father, I thank You for Your promise that You will hide me. Make me invisible and untouchable to the enemy. I surrender every area of my life to You. God, mould me into Your image, and keep me hidden in You. I bless You and praise You today and always, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


Sharing the life changing Gospel message found in Jesus Christ

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