A Full Life

Secrets to success in life in 2019

God wants you to live a full and satisfying life. He wants you to enjoy the fullness of the earth and all of life’s experiences. When you open your mind to new things and new situations, you are broadening your horizons and opening yourself to new opportunities.

We get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way all the time. But when we open ourself to new people and new ideas, we are making room for God to reveal Himself to us. We are making room for Him to work in our life. Make the decision to explore something new this week. Take a different route home from work. Try something new on the menu at lunch.

Today, be open to new people who may not necessarily look like you, or act like you. Let God direct and broaden your horizons. As you do, you’ll encounter new opportunities and live the satisfied, full and complete life the Lord has in store for you!

“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness of it…” (Psalm 24:1, AMP)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I open my heart and mind to You today. Father, I ask that You help me broaden my perspective, so I can experience the full life You have for me, in Christ’ name! Amen.

God Will Turn Things Around

I will watch for you, God

Life is full of highs and lows, twists and turns, and ups and downs. But did you know that everything you’ve been through up until now is preparing you for what God is going to do with you and for you? No trial, challenge or difficulty you’ve been through has been wasted. Every disappointment, setback, every person that did you wrong, every lonely night, God is going to turn around and use for your good! Hallelujah! 

Every difficulty helps us grow and mature. When our faith is stretched, our character is developed and made stronger. God didn’t send that hardship, but He’ll use it to get you prepared for your next step. Those adversities will mould you into the person you are called to be. 

Today, you may be experiencing tough times, but remember, God is growing you, maturing you, and stretching your faith. Have the attitude that says, “This is a new day. Things are shifting for my good. This difficulty is not going to stop me. It’s going to elevate me. God is going to use it to lift me up and lead me into victory all the days of my life!” 

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, NIV) 

Let’s Pray Yahweh, thank You for delivering me through some hard trials. Father, I will always dwell in Your presence. I know that with You, no trial will defeat me and all things will work out for my good. God, I thank You for Your peace and protection as You carry me through the difficult places into the place of victory, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Christianity Isn’t Just About The Weekends

The Key to Breaking Habitual Sin

On a daily basis, there are things that come against us and distract us, and attempt to pull us away from Christ. That’s why every day we have to make the choice to follow Him. Sometimes it’s easy to think, “well, I go to church regularly,” or “I read my Bible.” The Christian life isn’t about how we live on the weekends, it’s how we live every single day. Are you spending time with God daily? Are you reaching out and putting others first? Are you sowing seeds to help those in need? 

Today, if you know you need to make some adjustments in your daily walk with God, the good news is that you can start right now. Simply turn to Him and make the commitment to follow Him moment by moment. Let Him direct your steps and follow that inner prompting of the Holy Spirit. Make the choice every day to follow God’s will, and watch what He will do on your behalf! 

“Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.’” (Luke 9:23, NIV) 

Let’s Pray  

Yahweh, thank You for another day to serve and follow You. Father, search my heart and mind right now, and remove anything that would keep me from You. God, make me Your disciple, not just on the weekend but daily. I commit to set my mind on You daily, following Your steps and Your will, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

It’s Time To Change Your Focus

Recently it’s been hard to get motivated and to stay focused. We all have those days when we don’t feel very enthusiastic. Maybe you don’t feel like you have any reason to be excited about your life. Today is the day to change your focus! It’s time to set your mind on things above. 

Often, we settle for what we see in the natural – the earthly realm, but God has so much more for us in the supernatural realm. Whatever we choose to focus on is what we will see manifested in our lives. We need to daily set our focus on the goodness of God and keep hope alive.  

Today, don’t give up on your dreams, feed your dreams. That means instead of dragging around finding every reason you can to be unhappy, your attitude should be: “I am not going to live my life defeated and depressed. I may have some obstacles in my path, but I know I have victory. I know God has great things in store for me, so I’m going to get up each day, starting today, anticipating the good things He has in store for me!” 

“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I want to set my mind on You. I know that Your dream for me is so much bigger than my own. God, please help me be more spiritually motivated. Draw me close to You as I daily set my focus on You. Father, I bless You today and always. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

What Are You Thinking?

When You Think of the Word Home, Does Jesus Come to Mind

Did you know that what you think affects your behaviour? Psychologists say “you are what you think.” Sometimes we need to just stop and think about what we are thinking about! The Bible tells us that what happens on the inside of us – our thoughts, attitudes and motives – are more important to God than what happens on the outside.  

The Scripture reminds us that God is looking at our hearts. You can fool people all day long by saying the right things, but God wants our thoughts and attitudes to come into alignment with His Word, so that we can see His promises come to pass in our lives. Please understand, your life will follow the course you set with your mind.

Today, align your thoughts with God’s thoughts through meditating on His Word, and your life will follow. Jeremiah 29 tells us that His thoughts are for our good. His thoughts are for our peace. His thoughts are for our victory! Embrace His promises so that you can move forward into the life of victory He has prepared for you! 

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, please change my thinking and help my thoughts line up with Your Word. Father, bring Your promises to my remembrance today as I meditate on You. Almighty God, I surrender every area of my life to You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

The Best Choice You Could Ever Make!

Virgin By Choice, Not by Force

In one day we make thousands of choices. Some are greater and more important than others. Some require lots of thought and the input of others. Making Christ the Lord of your life is the best choice you could ever make! Hallelujah!  

However, once you make the choice to surrender to God, you have the opportunity each day to make further choices that support that decision. For example, with your attitude, with your finances, with what you say, what you watch on TV, and what you listen to. 

Today, if you haven’t made that choice to follow God, take a look at your life and realise how improved your life could be. For us who have already made that choice, let’s take time to examine our thoughts and actions. Choose this day to honour God in everything you do. As you submit your ways to Him, He promises to direct your steps and lead you in the abundant life here on earth and throughout eternity!

“…choose for yourselves this day whom will you serve…” (Joshua 24:15, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I choose You! Thank You for choosing me with all my sinful ways. Father, I pray for my friends who haven’t made that choice to serve You, that this will be their day of surrender. God, search my heart and mind and show me anything in my life that is displeasing to You. Help me to serve You with my whole heart, mind, will and emotions, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Are You Too Busy To Be A Blessing?


It’s easy to get so consumed with all the obligations we have on a daily basis. Zoom, mobile phones, computers, the internet have all made it so much easier to pack more into our days. And while technology is a great blessing to us, we have to remember that how much we get done, isn’t as important as how we treat others. At these uncertain times, we should never be so focused on ploughing through our “to do” list that we mistakenly plough past the people in our lives. 

Today’s verse in Ephesians simply reminds us to be kind, compassionate and forgiving. If people had to be reminded back in those times, how much more do we need to be reminded today! We should always be on the lookout for ways we can be kind to one another, share a smile with someone or an encouraging word, maybe meet a need. 

Today, as a believer, you are the hands and feet of Christ. Look for ways to serve one another, not only those you know, but even the stranger that crosses your path. Sow a seed of kindness, and watch the harvest of blessing in your own life in return! 

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32, NIV) 

Ler’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for another day to live for You. Father, help me during this time of lockdown and isolation to not be too busy to bless others. God, teach me creative ways to show kindness to the people You’ve put in my life. Lord, show me ways today that I can sow seeds and be a blessing to others. Almighty God, thank You for equipping me to be Your representative and live in victory in every area of my life, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

On This Day

What Do Others See?

Friend, today God wants to release His blessings and favour in your life in such a way that it makes you a great parent, a great spouse, a great leader, a great employee, a great friend, a great business person. He is saying to us what He said in today’s verse, “This day, I’m going to begin to make your name great.”

I love the promise that God gave to Joshua. He said, “Joshua, today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” He was saying, “during the next 24 hours, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But notice, there was a set time that God began to release favour in a new way. 

Today, God says based upon Joshua 4, “He is going to begin to bless you in a new way. He will open doors that no man can shut.” Get ready! Make room in your thinking. Stay open to Him and keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, because this day, God has something special and amazing in store for you! 

“That day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life…” (Joshua 4:14, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I bless You. You alone are worthy of all my glory and honour. Father, thank You for pouring out Your favour and blessings on me. Almighty God, I open my heart and mind to receive everything You have in store for me this day, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

God Is Thinking About You

Ever-Present Troubles, Ever-Present God

Day by day, moment by moment, God is thinking about you. He thinks about you constantly. You are always on His mind. What is He thinking about you may ask? He’s not thinking about all that you’ve done wrong in your life. No, He’s thinking about the good things He has in store for you and your purpose.  

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God’s thoughts are for our good. His plans are to prosper us and to give us a future and a hope. Do you know what else He’s thinking? He’s thinking about how much He loves you. He’s not mad at you; He’s madly in love with you!  

Today, let God’s love bring security to your heart and mind. The Bible says that perfect love casts out all fear. Take a deep breath right now and breathe in His love and peace, and breathe out fear. Let God’s love drive out your fear, and give you confidence to embrace the good things He has in store for you now and in the future! 

“How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!” (Psalm 139:17—18, NLT) 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for thinking of me each moment of every day. Father, thank You for the good work You are doing in my life, even though at times I question what You are doing. God, I receive Your love. Please drive out all my fears and increase my confidence. Please make me new as I meditate on You. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Just Do It!

Just Do It!

Nike has a slogan that says, “just do it.” Did you know that before Nike the Bible had a similar slogan? Jesus performed His first miracle, at the wedding celebration in Cana. Mary His mother knew that in order to see His power at work, there was one key: “Whatever He says, she said, do it.” It’s the same way with us today. Our obedience opens the door to see His power manifest.  

Scripture says, “If we are willing and obedient, we will eat the good of the land.” In other words, we’ll experience God’s abundant blessing when we follow His commands. Sometimes, we can be so focused on one thing, that we overlook simple obedience in other areas. For example, you may need a financial miracle. Maybe you’re tithing and sowing like you should, but are you holding unforgiveness towards someone? That can block the blessing and hinder your prayers. Is there anything else you know in your heart you need to do? 

Today, remember before Nike the Bible said “just do it.” Do exactly as God says, walk in total obedience, ask the Lord to search your mind and heart. Don’t let anything block His power. Follow the word of Mary in the book of John “Whatever He says, do it,” and watch that obedience open the door to His blessings in every area of your life! 

“…Whatever He says to you, do it.” (John 2:5, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I humbly come to You submitting every area of my life. Father, my goal and desire is to be obedient to You. God, grant me the spiritual strength I need to honour You by doing what You say. Show me any areas of my life where things need to change. I acknowledge Your Word and bless You today and always, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

God I Receive It!

Worldly Peace Vs. God’s Peace

This devotional is an encouragement to each of us to raise our game and our level of expectancy. It’s like God is saying to us in the scripture, “you think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!” God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that if He told you right now, it would confuse your mind. You wouldn’t even believe it!

God wants to bless you not only today but in your future. He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness and with things so wonderful you can’t even fathom it! Please say, “I receive it’

Today, get ready for increase. Get prepared for the next level. Get ready new relationships. Get ready for a clean bill of health. This is the year to step into blessings you can’t even imagine. Keep believing, keep obeying His Word, and keep your heart open, because you haven’t seen anything yet! Hallelujah!

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, today I raise my level of expectancy. Father, I choose to take the limits off my thinking. I know that You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ever ask, think or imagine. God, open my mind as I stand ready to receive, better heath, a new job, new relationships, and a major financial breakthrough. God, thank You for the blessings You have in store for me now and in my future, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

It’s Time To Take Your Life Back

GodInterest exists to welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds, equipping people with a faith that works in real life and sends them into a world to serve for God and humanity.

Now, more than ever, our lives seem out of control, with governments making decisions for our every move. Have you ever felt like things in your life are out of control? That happens when you allow circumstances to dictate your thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “well, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business.” Or, “this relationship is just too far gone, it’s not worth trying.” My message to you today is “this is the day to take your life back!”  

Today’s verse tells us we must take control of every thought which is not a natural idea. We live in this natural realm, but as believers, we are not limited by this natural realm. We can tap into God’s supernatural power. But it starts by making every thought line up with the Word of God, and declaring I’m taking my life back in Jesus’ Name! Hallelujah!  

Today, from the government to the church, nobody seems to know what to do, and this confusion sows seeds of fear. By faith today I say take your life back. You may ask how? By taking your thoughts back from secular natural agencies. Don’t allow the enemy to have access any longer. Instead, meditate on the Word of God daily, and allow His truth to sink down deep into your spirit. Let His truth set you free! Hallelujah! 

“…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

(2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV) 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for empowering me to live in victory. Father, today I choose to take my life back from the enemy and his agencies by taking captive every thought and submitting it to You. God, help me to live a life that is pleasing to You, starting now and throughout my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

His Goodness

I Just Can't Help But Talk About Jesus

In these uncertain times we can learn the attitude of the psalmist David. He was going through very tough uncertain times when he declared the words in today’s verse. He said in effect, “I’m not worried. I’m not upset. I am confident I will see God’s goodness.” In other words, “this situation I’m in may be rough, but that’s not going to steal my vision or joy. It’s not going to cause me to give up on my dreams. I am confident that in this crazy unpredictable year, I will see God’s favour unfold in my life.” 

Today, remember what you focus on, is what will come to pass. No matter what the medical report says, no matter what your finances look like, no matter how bad that relationship may seem, be confident that you will see God’s goodness unfold in your life!  

Today, during this strange year, 2020, we must not forget our God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. He is the creator of the universe, and He holds you, your plans and your dreams in the palm of His hand. So you can be confident nothing is too difficult for Him! Take hold of this truth by faith and focus on His goodness today! 

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” 

(Psalm 27:13, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness in my life. Father, I remain confident in Your power to control my life in these uncertain times. I will focus on You no matter what my circumstances may look like. God please give me Your peace as I keep my mind stayed on You in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Today Is A Gift

God Sees You

On Monday night, a family of 5 who were travelling home to Oxford were in a tragic accident, 3 died on the spot and the father and the youngest are in a critical condition. Sometimes, our days can be so full and busy that we forget how fragile life really is. It can be easy to allow little things to creep in and steal our peace and joy.  

Things may not go your way, someone may say something that’s upset you, and traffic can cause you to lose focus. You have to remember that each day is a gift. If you choose to focus on what’s wrong, you’ll miss the beauty that each day has to offer. I encourage you to not let the precious moments of life pass you by. Don’t wait for holidays and birthdays to show people that you care. Remember, each day is unique and irreplaceable.  

Today, you have been given time that can be invested or wasted, hours that can be used or misused. That’s why the psalmist prayed to God, “teach us to number our days.” He was saying, “teach us to value every moment that we’ve been given.” As you keep a proper perspective daily, you’ll gain a heart of wisdom, and experience the full blessings that God has for you each and every day of your life! 

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of today. Father, I promise to focus on the blessings of each moment instead of allowing the little things to steal my joy. Help me to make the most of each day and not let them waste away. God, please keep me close to You always as I submit every area of my heart and mind to You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Total Recall

Total Recall

These days are frustrating and sometimes overwhelming to say the least. During times like these that we have to be especially careful about what we think and say. It is said that our lives will go in the direction of our thoughts. Do you need to change your thoughts? 

In Psalm 77 the psalmist, while under immense pressure and challenges, cried out to God and said, “You know what? I’m going to focus on what You have done for me. I’m going to dwell on Your goodness. I will recall Your deeds.” 

Today, you may be frustrated and facing challenges, don’t dwell on negative, self-defeating thoughts. Instead, recall God’s deeds. Focus on what He’s done for you. Thank Him for the gift of life and salvation. Make a list of all His wonderful blessings. Let your thoughts turn toward Him throughout the day, and recall His wonderful deeds! 

“But then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works.” 

(Psalm 77:11—12, NLT) 

Let’s Pray Yahweh, I bless Your holy Name! Father, thank You for the gift of life both now and in eternity. God, today I give You my frustrations and challenges. Instead I will recall Your mighty works. Thank You God for loving me and setting me free. Help me to keep my mind on Your good deeds always, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

5 Ways To Stay Faithful In Your Faith

Nowadays, it’s easy to forget about our faith, since our busy lives and the negativity have taken over, with people dying, many wrongdoings, and sin being evident everywhere we look. Plus, it’s hard to tell who are friends are, especially when someone whom we’re supposed to trust doesn’t really feel accountable for anything”¦ or anyone. Even when people make promises, they either don’t keep them, or they forget about them.

As you can tell by now, sin is detrimental to one’s life; and, it stops us from being that God has created us to be. Just because we don’t have faith-based friends or careers, doesn’t mean that we, ourselves, can’t be faith-based. So, here are five basic tips on how to stay faithful in your faith:

1. Remember That God Is Your Friend

“There’s no denying that God is a friend to those who believe in Him,” says Thomas Gettysburg, a lifestyle writer at Next Coursework. “As Christians, it’s important to spend time with God as often as possible, just as you would with your regular friends.”

You can welcome God as your friend by doing the following:

· Attend church each weekend. (This is just one of the things that Jesus has asked of all his disciples.)

· Speak to God, and listen for Him every morning and every night. Offering yourself to God each day and night allows you to be closer to Him.

· Volunteer to help others (e.g. helping out in soup kitchens, offering your services to homeless shelters, etc.). In this way, you’ll not only help others, but also help yourself know and love God more.

· Go to confession at least once a month. Sacramental reconciliation allows you to “begin again,” to restore and strengthen your friendship with God.

· Seek counsel from someone trustworthy (e.g. a good priest or well-informed lay person) that you can talk you whenever needed.

2. Call Up A Friend

In today’s world, most people can’t live without their cell phones for more than .003 seconds away at any given moment of the day. So, why not make some good use with your phone by calling up a friend, and checking in with them.

You may want to have someone you trust on speed dial, so you could have them on the phone within seconds. Just keep in mind: don’t vent to them if you don’t want to; you can always start a conversation about something else, in order to take your mind off the negative. And

ultimately, God knows about your personal woes; so, give up all the negativity for Him to take care of.

3. Keep Your Rosary Handy

There’s nothing wrong with carrying a rosary with your in your pocket (or in your bag or purse). Or, you can wrap your rosary around your wrist; though, don’t make it seem like a fashion accessory, rather than a scared tool. Wear it (or carry it) as a constant reminder of Mary saying “yes” to God even when times are tough. Let your rosary encourage you to say “yes” to God, even when it seems impossible. And finally, don’t be afraid to pray with it, either.

4. Remember Your “Alternatives”

Let’s face it: temptation is where. So, if you’re not with accountable people, have an alternative activity that is your “go to.” Train yourself to avoid sin.

The best way to avoid sin is to use your gifts and talents the right way. For example, if you’re an athlete, you must make it your job to keep training and exercising to stay active. Another example is that if you have an interest or hobby, find an alternative way to do these things, so that you can use your gifts to glorify God, not sin against Him with.

5. Surround Yourself With Inspiration

Looking for inspiration from your faith? Why not have visuals inspire you?

One way to do this is to change the background on your cell phone and computer to show an inspiring Scripture verse, or even a picture of Jesus. Basic? Yes. However, this will remind you of your commitment to Christ each time you might be tempted to use your devices to sin.


Ultimately, the key to staying faithful in your faith is to commit to being faithful, and not straying from the path. As you stay on the path with these 5 simple tips, not only will you grow in holiness, but you’ll also grow with God.

Michael Dehoyos writes for Dissertation writing service and Write my assignment. He also contributes to numerous publications, such as Origin Writings. As a content marketer, he helps companies improve their marketing strategies.


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