Throw Away Your Stone

In my youth, many moons ago, we were drawn to “who done it” detective movies. Real-life movies about murder, tragedy, love, and heroism, and we tended to hope for a happy ending. Our imaginations would get fired up with the plot’s twists and turns. We didn’t like it when a character got treated unfairly, and we smiled when justice was served. We would walk away satisfied when it all ended well. 

Stories in Scripture and life can work out a little differently. I don’t know who the adulterous woman in the story of John 8 is, or where her story started, but I am pretty sure she didn’t want to be dragged into a public square and threatened with execution. Having your faults exposed for everyone to see is not something any of us want in our life story. It is easy to judge others and find fault, but remember Jesus, is there looking and listening. 

Today, let us think about the adulterous woman. She was guilty as charged, as we often are, but at that moment when Christ told them, “you who are without sin throw a stone,” He reminds us that we are all sinners and that this woman represents all of us. Only Jesus has the right to throw a stone, and He chooses not to. Instead, He decides to use grace and forgiveness. In this new year, Christ asks us to throw away our judgemental stones and follow His example. 

“Where are [your accusers]? Has no one condemned you? . . . Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” — John 8:10-11 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for reminding us today that our task is not to judge others but instead to offer people your forgiveness. Father, help us all to accept your offer of forgiveness and begin living a new story. In Christ’ name, Amen. 

Losing Jesus

Have you ever lost your child? Having had the experience of losing our son in the store years ago – the panic, worry, and stress that came with it – it reminds me of one of the first stories about Jesus. It takes place when He, Joseph, and Mary were visiting Jerusalem with some other families for the Feast of Passover. 

At first, it is easy to think that your child is with other friends in the crowd, but then you realise you don’t hear his laughter or see him anywhere nearby. The search began in earnest, and they had to travel back to Jerusalem to find Him. When they found Jesus, He was perfectly fine. In fact, He was astounding people with his questions and answers. 

Today, I wonder if we get so busy doing life sometimes, that we lose Jesus like Mary and Joseph did. We stop experiencing God’s presence and His divine interruptions. Perhaps the beginning of a new year is a good time to search out where Jesus is and to join Him in conversation and in the important work he is doing.  

They began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. — Luke 2:44-45 

Let’s Prayer 

Yahweh, at the start of this new year, help me find you and walk the journey of life with you. Father, help us to listen to you and follow you. Thanks for being here with us when we have forgotten about you, in Christ’s name. Amen. 

The Most Glorious Announcement

After man’s fall into sin, humans continued to live as precious works of the Creator while also needing to be redeemed from sin and brokenness. So in his great and amazing love for us, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for our sin and to give us new life forever with him. And now the Spirit of God lives in us, guiding us to become like Jesus. He leads us “in the way everlasting.” 

The apostle Paul puts it this way: “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20), giving us one of the clearest statements in the Bible about dying to live. 

Today, the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made—and remade—leads to the most glorious announcement in Scripture: “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” Hallelujah! 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. . . . Search me, God. . . . See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. — Psalm 139:14, 23-24 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you, for your gifts of creation and redemption. Father, please continue to search me and to lead me in your way ever­lasting. In Christ’s name Amen. 

An Unexpected Journey

In his old age Jacob now begins one more journey. Many years earlier, Jacob had fled his homeland in fear; now he leaves in the hope of a joyful reunion with a son he had thought was dead. But this journey also requires him to leave the land God has promised to him. This journey will take him to Egypt, a place of danger for his father and grandfather. Can God be involved in this unexpected change of plans? 

Jacob begins this journey with worship, even if a plan seems appealing to us, it will not succeed if it does not honour God. Though his own son had invited him to come and stay in Egypt, Jacob also knew of God’s warning that his descendants would be mistreated in a foreign land (Genesis 15:13). For this reason, God’s assurance was vital to his journey. 

Today, it may seem that God has placed you on a journey you did not expect: a new career, a new home, a challenging situation that stretches your faith. Hear today the great assurance that Jacob heard: “Do not be afraid. . . . I will go . . . with you.” God, who lived among us and journeyed with us in the flesh of Christ, will redeem and bless even the unexpected journeys of all who trust in Him in 2o22. 

“Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.” — Genesis 46:3 

Let’s Prayer 

Yahweh, sometimes you send us to unexpected places in life. Give us wisdom to discern your leading in our journeys, and give us courage in knowing you are always with us, through Christ, our Savior. Amen. 

Happy New Year – God Has A Plan For 2022

As we look forward to a New Year, did you know that God had a plan for you before the foundations of the earth? He created you to be holy. Remember as you enter 2022, He chose you to be His ambassador, His representative in the earth. He created you to reflect His glory, character, righteousness, and holiness. Think about that for a moment. Part of your purpose on this earth is to be a representative for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! 

Friend, because of your purpose, it should make you walk a little differently. It should make you talk a little differently. It should make you think a little more carefully about the places you go and the things you do. 

Today and in 2022, God will equip you to do whatever He’s called you to do. If there are things in your life that you need to change in order to represent Him well in this New Year, God wants to empower you to overcome. Receive His strength and might today, so that you can walk in holiness and be His ambassador everywhere you go! 

“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.” (Ephesians 1:4, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for choosing me to be Your representative in the earth before I was born. Father, as I approach this New year, search my heart and remove anything that is displeasing to You. God, I receive Your holiness and will walk according to Your ways, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

No Fear in 2022

How to Deal with Chronic Fear and Anxiety

As we enter the final day of this year, I urge you to let go of your past. All of those mistakes worries, stresses and fears. In the same way that faith opens the door for God to work in our lives, fear opens the door for the enemy to work in our lives. So leave it behind!  

Scripture says that fear brings torment. Fear has no mercy. If you act on fear instead of acting on faith, it will keep you depressed, miserable and lonely. So many people today are missing out on God’s joy, peace and victory because they keep giving in to fear. They feed fear by what they watch on TV, or read in the news or on the internet. Don’t let that be you! How do get faith? Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. I urge you in 2022 fill your heart and mind with God’s Word, and the stronger your faith will be so you can stand against the powers of darkness. Choose faith instead of fear this new year by choosing to spend time in God’s Word.  

Today, on December 31st 2021, remember, the power that is in you through the Holy Spirit, is greater than the power of fear. When thoughts come that say, “you’re not able,” choose faith by saying, “I can do all things through Christ!” Choose faith, overcome fear and live in the freedom God has in store for you! Lets crossover by faith into 2022! Hallelujah!  

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, NLT)  

Let’s Pray  

Yahweh, on the final day of 2021, I receive Your Word which is life, health and strength to me. I choose to close the door on fear by guarding what I say, listen to and dwell on. God, fill me with Your love and faith, as I meditate on Your Word and crossover into a new year, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

I Need A Fresh Start

Do you need a fresh start this new year? Even as believers and ministers in Christ, we’ve all sinned, made mistakes and made some wrong choices in 2021. The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But the good news is that we don’t have to stay separated from God in our sin. God wants us to come to Him so He can forgive us, cleanse us and give us a fresh start.

 No matter what happened yesterday, last week, last year or even five minutes ago, God is waiting for you with open arms. Don’t let the enemy or people condemn you and lie to you this year. God is not mad at you. He loves you more than you know and longs to restore everything in your life.

Today, I admonish you to confess your sins to God, and allow Him to cleanse you and give you a fresh start this new year. Choose to forgive others so that you can receive God’s forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you close so that you can live a life pleasing to Him. As you draw close to God, He will draw close to you, and show you His great love and blessings all the days of your life! Hallelujah!

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9, ESV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for receiving me just as I am, with all my deliberate sins, faults, mistakes, and bad habits. Father, I cry out in confession of my sins to You, and ask You to cleanse me. Please help me make a fresh start today. I choose to forgive others so that You can forgive me. God, keep me close to You in this coming year, so that I can live a life that is pleasing to You. Thank You for not condemning me and for setting me free, in Christ’ name! Amen. 

An Overcomer In 2022

As you enter 2022 are you facing some challenges, or experiencing some unexpected setbacks that will go into the New Year with you? We all have things that come against us and remain with us for a length of time, but God didn’t create us to be overwhelmed, He created us to be overcomers! 

As we face challenges in the coming year, it’s our attitude that is most important. Think about it for a moment. When something isn’t going your way month after month, how do you respond? Are you tempted to get sour and start expecting the worst? Does your mind start going “crazy” playing out all the scenarios? It may be easy to get down and discouraged, but if we go around thinking it’s never going to work out, our attitude limits what God can do. But when we dig our heels in, knowing that God is bigger than our problems, when we fight the good fight of faith, that’s what allows God to show up and turn negative situations into positive ones.                                                                                                   

Today, remember, on the brink of a New Year, you are created to overcome. There is victory already in store for your future. So in 2022 no matter what the difficulty, stand strong with the attitude of an overcomer, and watch what God will do on your behalf! 

“For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for making me an overcomer now and in the coming year, in Christ’s Name. Father, I believe that You are bigger than my problems or any obstacle I will face in 2022. Thank You that You have my back and are working on my behalf. God, thank You for the victories and the challenges of 2021, I leave them behind and look forward, embracing the victories and challenges that will come my way in 2022. Help me to be rooted and grounded in You, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Don’t Sit Back In 2022

Prayer for the New Year

Growing up, I used to believe that weakness was as a result of continued sinning in one’s life. Sometimes, people get distracted by what they consider to be a disadvantage or weakness. It may be something about their personality or looks, maybe they’ve been through an unfair situation: a divorce, loss of a job, or just a bad break. We all have things that can feel like disadvantages, things that make life hard and difficult. It can even be a mental or physical disability.  

In 2021 you may have been “disadvantaged.” However, just because you’ve been through a tough time, it doesn’t mean you’re supposed to sit back in 2022 and settle where you are.   

Today and in 2022, God has something great for you to do! He wants to show Himself strong in your weakness. The Holy Spirit wants to help you when you feel weak and low. Stay strong in faith, and let God take what you see as a disadvantage and turn it around into an advantage, so you can move forward into the abundant life He has for you! Hallelujah!  

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness…” (Romans 8:26, NLT)  

Let’s Prayer   

Yahweh, I give You all that I am – my weaknesses, my disadvantages, my emotional and physical pain. Father, I invite You into the weak places in my life so that You can make me strong. God, thank You for working in my life in 2021 despite my weakness, and using me for Your glory, in Christ’s Name! Amen.   

Have A Joyful Christmas

I have grown to enjoy the Christmas season. I like seeing cheerful decorations, spending time with family and friends, and eating Christmas goodies. My favorite part of Christmas, by far, though, is listening to carols and Christmas songs, one of my favourites is, “Joy to the World!” 

Isaac Watts’ eighteenth-century carol based on Psalm 98, celebrates the coming of Christ. The joy of the Saviour’s coming should be resounding throughout all of creation, and the fields, the hills and plains “repeat the sounding joy.” This is good news for the entire world! 

What’s so good about this news sang each Christmas? Isaac Watts answers that question in the third verse of this classic where he declares that Jesus has come to deal with the curse of human sin and rebellion. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus brings the blessing as “far as the curse is found.” Hallelujah! 

This Christmas as you sing this carol “joy to the world’ don’t miss this theme mentioned throughout the song. To be released from bondage to sin and the power of death over us, we are now freed to live with joy, to love God and our neighbour, and to cultivate the earth God has given us. So let’s sing and shout throughout the universe with urgency and unity the joyul good news: “The Lord is come, let earth receive it’s King”! 

I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. — Luke 2:10-11 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, we praise You for coming to release us from the ­power of sin and death. God, help us to live in ways that proclaim the wonders of Your love and the joy that Jesus brings. We give thanks for this joyful holiday when we can celebrate our Saviour and His love for us. With joy we pray, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Emmaus Just Like Boxing Day

Secularizing Christmas

After the crucifixion, the mood of the disciples on the road to Emmaus could describe some of our moods after Christmas. The disciples were downcast. Did you know a time of anticipation is often followed by a time of letdown? In December everybody looks forward to Christmas morning. But once Christmas has come and gone, what is left to look forward to? Gifts need to be returned, the tree disposed of, decorations stored or thrown, and credit cards bills are sky high. We try to put off the letdown for as long as we can. We still have New Year to anticipate, but New Year is soon followed by another long hard year. 

Before the crucifixion the disciples had hoped that Jesus, Mary’s son, was “the one.” In their disappointment they did not pay much attention to the person who came to walk along with them. They were surprised on the road to Emmaus, He did not seem to know what had happened at the cross. They told Him how their hopes had not been met in the way they had expected. Before the crucifixion they didn’t listen when He told them how the Christ had to suffer and then enter His glory.  

Have you been so focused on the the events and the benefits, that you missed that this Christian walk is deeper than a date in December and some gift you want? The mood after Christmas can be a bit muted when we don’t get what we expect. After Christmas, shrug of the disappointment and unmet expectations, and recognise that the one we have been hoping for, the greatest gift to man, has been with us all along. Look beyond your boxing day of disappointment and embrace Christ who is always with you, and will meet all your expectations. 

“We had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place.” — Luke 24:21 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh our ever-present God, revealed in the Word and Christian symbols. God, please lift the veil of disappointment from our eyes, that we may see You are with us always, Don’t let us miss You this Christmas season. Help us to simplify our activities and traditions so we can focus our celebrations on You. in Jesus’ Name! Amen. 

He Became Flesh

Each Gospel in Scripture gives a trustworthy account of Jesus’ life, but they don’t all repeat the same events. In Matthew and Luke we learn details about Jesus’ birth. John doesn’t mention Jesus’ birth, but he explains its deep meaning. John links Jesus with the creation of the world: “In the beginning was the Word.” Who is this eternal Word? As the rest of John’s gospel shows, the Word is the one and only Son of God. But He did not create the world and then step back, remaining aloof from His creation. After sin He entered the world He had made, took on flesh, and became just like us, offering us an eternal life line.

Today, we can’t explain it logically. God, who is not bound by ­human logic, sent His Son, who became flesh, to provide the very Saviour we need. Fully divine and fully human without sin, Christ makes us right with God by His sacrifice on the cross. Tracing the branches of Christ’s human family tree brings us to the first Advent many celebrate at Christmas, where we see, as Joseph, Mary, and the shepherds saw long ago, the glory of the Son of God, who became like us to save us from our sins. Now that’s good news of great joy! Hallelujah!!! 

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. — John 1:14 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, full of grace and truth, great Creator and gentle Saviour, be born in our hearts this holiday season. God, this Christmas, be real in our lives. Father, never have we needed Your joy and peace more than now. Thank You for the gift of Jesus, our Immanuel, the Word made flesh. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

The Lamb

As a boy I remember my mother reading bible stories to us, one that made an impression on me was the story of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham was pictured raising a knife over the altar to kill his son, and Isaac’s words have stuck with me “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Our focus this Christmas is on Isaac’s question. 

Even though God graciously provided a ram in place of Isaac, it was not “The Lamb.” Hundreds of lambs were sacrificed on the night of the Passover to deliver God’s people. Thousands more were sacrificed in the temple in obedience to God’s commands for offerings. Yet Isaac’s question remained: “Where is the Lamb?” Isaiah prophesied that the people’s true salvation and deliverance would come through a Lamb who would pour out His blood and bear the sins of many. 700 years after Isaiah prophesied, an angel proclaimed that Mary would have a Son and He will save the mankind from their sins. The Lamb had finally come.  

Today, we are in the Advent season, Christmas Day is coming. We know our Saviour was not born on that day, but let us joyfully celebrate on the 25th and every day the birth of God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb, who died and rose again to take away our sins and give us new life forever! Hallelujah! 

“The fire and wood are here,” said Isaac, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” — Genesis 22:7 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, we sing this Advent with the angels of 2000 years ago, “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive us and deliver us, honour and glory and praise!” God, we eagerly look for that day when Christ will return and there shall be no more pain, no more suffering, no more death, and praise God no more satan or sin, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Christians Please Stay Focused This Christmas

Yes, I Will Share Christmas Tree Photos, Gifts and All

Nothing deterred the wilderness preacher John the Baptist from losing his focus on Christ. From the beginning, John made it clear that he was not the Messiah. His ministry was about pointing people to Christ the Lamb. When Jesus came to be baptized, John said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” Not even petty arguments, nor the fact that his followers left him to follow Jesus, caused him to lose focus. He simply said, “Christ must become greater; I must become less. John 3:30.” Then in John 3:29 he was full of joy because he had heard the bridegroom’s voice. Hallelujah! 

At Christmas time, children and adults often ask, “What did you get for Christmas?” Unlike John the Baptist, how quickly we lose focus on Jesus, who came to give us salvation. Instead, we think of ourselves and the things we have or don’t have. Ask yourself today, “Am I full of joy because I have heard the Saviour’s voice and received His gifts?” 

Today, stay focused on Christ the Lamb, because there is one event coming that is greater than Christmas. The day the Messiah will return. Then all who have heard His voice and have faith in Him as the Saviour will join with God’s people, singing, “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory!” What a day that will be! 

“He must become greater; I must become less.” — John 3:30 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, help me to avoid getting caught up in my own interests and other distractions during this Christmas time. God, please guide me daily to stay focused on Your Son and His amazing love, now and until He returns. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

The Alpha And Omega

Many talk about the awesomeness of God, but in the Lord’s Prayer have you noticed the way God wants you to address Him? Yes, He is the Almighty King of the universe. Yes, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Yes, He is the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient One. We should acknowledge and honour His grandeur; we should praise Him because of who He is. But, notice that God wants us to address Him as Father first. He wants us to know Him in a close, personal way. He wants to have a deep loving relationship with you. 

People view God the way they view their earthly father. If their earthly father was loving and kind, it’s easy to see God the same way. However, if your earthly father was distant or harsh, you may have difficulty seeing God as He really is.  

Today, search your heart and let go of any pre-conceived ideas about God – that He is a wicked judge who likes to condemn, or that He is far away up high looking down. Ask Him to show you who He really is – your Father who loves you with an unconditional love. Be open to receiving His love in a fresh, new way. 

“This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.’” (Matthew 6:9, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I come to You because You are good and faithful. Father, thank You for loving me and receiving me just the way I am. Father, continue to show me Your ways and Your love, please erase my old traditional views of You, so that I will know You in a fresh, new way as a loving Father, in Christ’ name! Amen. 

Favour And Honour

Do you need peace, provision or guidance today? What do you need from the Lord? The Word of God promises that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk blamelessly before Him. Now you may be thinking, “I’m not perfect. How can I have a blameless walk?”  

When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you automatically have a new, blameless walk. The past is erased in God’s eyes. Sure, you may make mistakes from time to time, but 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 

Today, God wants to pour His favour and honour on you. If you feel like there is anything in your life that you need to be cleansed from, go to the Father today and confess it to Him. Let Him make you new so that you can receive the good things He has in store for you! 

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favour and honour; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” (Psalm 84:11, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for loving me and choosing to pour out Your favour and blessing on me. Father, thank You for giving me a new beginning and making me blameless in Your eyes. God, search my heart today, and show me if there is anything that would keep me from You, in Christ’s name! Amen. 


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