Your Curses Can Be Undone

In the beginning, God placed human beings in a garden sanctuary, where God could live and work with them to bring about the flourishing of His world.


Through the deceit of the snake, humans were tempted to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit. They desired to be “like God, knowing good and evil.” But the hidden reality was that, unlike God, human beings could only know good and evil by becoming a mingled mess of good and evil. As they ingested the fruit, brokenness moved into every part of their being.


The brokenness that followed the fall, Genesis describes as a “curse”. Especially regarding relationships. Humanities relationships with themselves, with one another, with nature, and with God became damaged. At the same time, though, God pronounced that someday the serpent, along with the curse of sin and death, would be defeated.


Today through the finished work of Jesus on the cross and by His resurrection, the curse is being undone. When we accept the Lord and believe in Him and partake of the supper, our damaged relationships can begin to mend. We receive God’s restoring nourishment in our own lives, and we share the meal with one another. In addition, from the cursed ground we can still grow good food by which God communicates His love and care for us.


“Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil, you will eat food from it all the days of your life.” Genesis 3:17.


Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for the love by which you gave yourself for us, which continues to break the curses in my life, so that all things can be restored by his grace. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Wisdom Wednesdays

Have you ever been disrespected? Do you remember how you felt in the moment? How you responded? Who disrespected you?
Disrespect occurs when a person is regarded or treated with contempt, discourtesy or rudeness. The reality is at some point in our lives we may be disrespected or treat someone disrespectfully.
King David, in the Bible, experienced disrespect. Before he became King he was humiliated by a man named Nabal, after making a simple request. David was understandably mad and was ready to wipe Nabal out. But Abigail, the wife of Nabal, quickly stepped in to apologise and resolve the issue. 
Abigail helped David to see that God was able to deal with Nabal. She guided David to look beyond the immediate aggravating circumstances to the bigger promise of God. She also invited David to act like a man who is close to the Lord. 
When we face disrespect we too can: 
1. Trust that God is able to deal with those who treat us with contempt.
2. Look beyond the current circumstance to the promises of God. 
3. Walk closely with God who will help us navigate through this present situation with love,  kindness and peace ??
It may not be easy but it is possible to handle disrespect respectfully - Sophia Peart

God’s Mini-Me

Parenting For Eternity If someone asked you what you wanted most for your children. Your automatic response would properly be, “Success!”

When my Grandson was three-years-old he was full of life and vigour. Whenever he ran into the house or I walked into theirs, he would shout, “Granddad!” and charge towards me. He was my mini me, they would say. We walked the same. We have the same gestures always and he seem so excited shouts the good news “granddad!”

Paul commends the church at Thessalonica that they have stayed strong in faith by following his example and that of other leaders—and ultimately by following Jesus, despite the hardship and suffering in their life. They have set an example of how to serve and live by the Spirit with joy. They have learned to access all the empowerment and energy they need in order to live through the Spirit.

Today remember, whoever we are, on any given day- we are following someone or leading someone. Our challenge is to follow those who imitate Jesus and to lead those who need to know him. We ought to be Christ’s mini-me.

You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 1:6.?

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, help me to imitate you. To be your mini-me. Father, may I live by the joy you have given me. I want to be empowered by your Spirit. Please God, may someone see you in me today. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Worry That Causes Greed

man reading a book

In the past, I have been called greedy. I didn’t think I was greedy until I read this passage again. Jesus warns us to watch out for all kinds of greed. The kind of greed I usually thought about had to do with very wealthy people wanting more. But Jesus doesn’t focus on that kind of greed here.

In today’s verse, a man is arguing with his brother over their inheritance. The family has enough to hand down, but Jesus sees that this man is still worried if he will truly have enough. He is greedy not for luxury but for security. I didn’t really know that kind of greed ­existed. But many of us have it. We want a little bit more so that we don’t have to worry.

Today, Jesus points us away from greed based on worry. So long as we aim to live God’s way, aligning ourselves with God’s purpose for us in this world, and so long as it is not yet time for our heavenly inheritance, God will give us what we need to live for him each day. Wanting more than that is a type of greed. And that will distract us from fully living the life of joy and peace we are created for. So let’s repent and learn to let go of our worry-based greed.

“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Luke 12:15.

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, my creator, and Provider, I exist because of you. Father, please forgive me for trying to build my own security. Show me how to deal with the greed of worry that cost too much. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

5 Ways Christian Apparel Designers Can Use Hostrooster to Grow Their Business

Christian apparel refers to clothing items that are designed and marketed to Christian consumers. These can include t-shirts, hats, hoodies, and other clothing items that feature Christian symbols, messages, or Bible verses. Some Christian apparel designers also create jewelry, accessories, and home decor items that feature similar themes.

Hostrooster is a web hosting platform that allows users to create and manage their own websites. A Christian apparel designer could use Hostrooster to create an e-commerce website to sell their designs online. The designer could use the website to showcase their products, provide information about the designs and materials used, and process orders and payments. Additionally, the designer could use Hostrooster’s email marketing tools to promote their products to potential customers, and use the website’s analytics tools to track the performance of their marketing campaigns.

In addition to using Hostrooster to create and manage an e-commerce website, a Christian apparel designer could also use the platform to create a blog or social media presence for their brand. This could include creating a Facebook page or Instagram account to share pictures of their designs and connect with customers, as well as using a blog to share information about the inspiration behind their designs, or share stories about how their products have impacted the lives of their customers.

Another way a Christian apparel designer could use Hostrooster is by creating a membership or subscription service on their website. This could include offering exclusive designs or discounts to customers who sign up for a monthly or annual membership, or creating a loyalty program to reward frequent customers.

Lastly, Hostrooster also offers SEO optimization services that could help Christian apparel designer to improve their website’s visibility in search engine results. This could lead to more potential customers discovering the designer’s website, increasing the chances of sales.

Overall, Hostrooster provides a variety of tools and services that a Christian apparel designer could use to create and manage an online presence for their brand, reach potential customers, and sell their products online.

Hear My Cry

In the Old Testament, The Israelites were the people of God, they were chosen to become a nation through whom God would bless all other peoples. But, we see in the opening chapters of Exodus, God’s chosen people were in a bad way. The people of Israel had become slaves in Egypt. And in this way, they were not able to be the blessing to others that God had promised.

Pharoah, the King of Egypt, feared the Israelites because their numbers were large and a threat to his domain. So he made life unbearable for them until the people cried out in their slavery, sickness, and suffering. Some of the deepest crying, happened because many of their baby boys were murdered. Which bought trauma and hopelessness.

Today we maybe suffering from trauma and hopelessness like the children of Isreal and God may seem absent for a long time, but God hears our cries and groanings like he heard theirs and will act to bring us to freedom. It may not be easy or quick, but it would be decisive providing rescue for His suffering people.

The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out . . . to God. God heard their groaning and . . . was concerned about them (Exodus 2:23-25).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, see and hear my cries today and the groaning of people who suffer everywhere in this world. Father, be concerned and please move us to the place of faithfulness and trust over worry and fear. God help me to be responsive to your call and move into action in Christ’s name. Amen!

Call On God

7 Heroes of Faith and the Power of Prayer in Their Lives

David, who was anointed to become King of Israel, had many enemies, and he wrote the words of Psalm 18 at a time when God delivered him from those enemies, including Saul, the King he would then replace.

David was so overwhelmed by his enemies that he felt as if “the cords of death entangled” him. He felt that his end was near. In response, David called on the only one who could help, saying “I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies.”

David displayed great courage based on his trust in God, his rock and deliverer. David had been taught and had learned from experience that the Lord was always present for him. No enemy could separate him from the care of the Lord.

Today, when we depend on God for all good things, as David did, we know that God will bring the solutions we need. This doesn’t mean we should ignore emergency services or other kinds of help that are available when we might need them. God provides those resources in our communities for the good of everyone. But realizing that we can rely on God to help us with all our needs is of greater comfort – just as it was for David. Let’s be sure to call on God whenever we need help of any kind.

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; God is my rock, in whom I take refuge (Psalm 18:2).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, often we forget to look to you for help when we need it. Father, teach us to lean on you for protection, guidance, and all that we need, knowing you provide all good things. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Christ Throughout Creation

In the creation story of the first two humans, the cast of characters is actually more extensive than it appears at first glance. Of course, there are the two humans and God the creator. But, there’s also the Spirit, hovering over the scene. And there’s the second person of the Trinity, the Word who was with God in the beginning, through whom all things were made. That person, Jesus Christ, may not be present in his human flesh quite yet, but he’s certainly part of this scene.

When God squatted in the dust and gathered it into the form of a man, he had another human in mind—Jesus Christ. Though Jesus was yet to be born into the world, when he would be, he would define humanity for all time. He is the first alpha and ultimate omega.

So, when God created Adam and Eve in Genesis, fashioning them after his image, he was really fashioning them after the image of Jesus Christ, who is the image of God (Colossians 1:15). If we humans bear God’s image, then Christ is God’s image.

Today, keep this in mind the next time you hear that our creation in the image of God is solely our ability to reason, to create things, or to relate to other people. It may be that. Or it could simply be Jesus Christ, the perfect human, the one there from the beginning, the one who is always interceding for us. If we worry that the image of God has grown dim in us, we can be confident that through Christ, it can shine brightly.

Then God said, “Let us make humans in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the wild animals of the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. ”So God created humans in his image, in the image of God he created them;[ male and female he created them (Genesis 1:26-28).

Let’s Pray

Christ, I am grateful that you are the image of God, and that you are a true human. And I’m thankful that through the Holy Spirit, I’m united to you. God, I pray that you would shape me to look more and more like you each day. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Christian apparel

Christian apparel refers to clothing and accessories that feature religious symbols, messages, or themes, specifically those related to the Christian faith. This type of clothing is worn by individuals who wish to express their faith and make a statement about their beliefs.

Some examples of Christian apparel include t-shirts with Bible verses or religious symbols, crosses, and Jesus fish. These clothing items can be worn as a way to share one’s faith with others and start conversations about Christianity.

Christian apparel can also be worn as a way to identify oneself as a member of a particular religious community. This can be especially important for youth groups and church groups, as well as for Christian events such as retreats and conferences.

There are many different types of Christian apparel available, from casual wear to formal wear, and it is often made by companies that specialize in creating religious clothing. Some Christian apparel companies also donate a portion of their profits to charitable causes, such as missions and disaster relief.

Overall, Christian apparel is a way for individuals to express their faith and to build a sense of community among believers. It can also be a powerful tool for spreading the message of Christianity and encouraging others to learn more about the faith.

Adam’s Tragedy, Christ’s Triumph

man in black shirt and gray denim pants sitting on gray padded bench

The first human beings were created good. You may ask the question if God created all things good, including humankind, then why is there so much bad in the world and in our lives? Where did sin come from? This question has intrigued people through­out the ages.

The Bible tells us the sad story of the fall into sin. God had called Adam and Eve to obey him freely and willingly as they cared for his creation. But they failed to obey. Because of their disobedience, the world and our lives are now filled with brokenness, pain, and sorrow. Furthermore, our lives will end in death. Are, you experiencing the devastating effects of sin around you: the death of a loved one, a life-threatening disease, hunger, homelessness, or the ravages of war? Let’s Thank God that the story does not end there.

Today Paul in scripture compares Jesus and Adam. While Adam, the first man, brought sorrow and death, in Jesus we receive new hope and joy. He goes on to say that God sent his Son to heal this sin-scarred world, to forgive our sins, and to give us eternal life. What an awesome gift! And here’s more good news: you don’t need to wait until your birthday or Christmas to receive this gift. Why not trust Jesus as your Saviour and Lord today?

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6:23

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for the gift of Christ, who came to restore us from all the effects of sin caused by Adam. We long for that day when Christ returns, and we will see him face to face! And sins will be no more in Jesus’ name Amen.

Wisdom Wednesdays

Keeping Faith in God During Hard Times
Secondly, we need to embrace the new thing that God wants to do in our lives by "seeing" the revelation from God's perspective. You must develop a faith that can see the invisible.

God says: “See, I am doing a new thing..." What do you see when you view your life? Do you see possibilities or problems? 
Notice what God says: “I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” 

In order, to discover what God wants for you there are two things you must see:

**1. You must see yourself how God sees you.**
You are a Beloved Son/Daughter of the Most High God. You are precious, loved and chosen by Him.
**2. You must see your possibilities as God sees them.**

God is able to transform the desert areas of your life into fields of blessing and abundance. God can take a dried-up useless life and transform it into a life of purpose and grace. 

We may not fully understand Him, or know how He will do it, all we need to do is believe and trust that He will do it.

I'd like to invite you to see the glorious new thing God is set to do in your life. How? By developing a faith that can see the invisible – to SEE the NEW THING! - Sophia Pear

The Mother Of All Living

When sin entered the world, grief and pain entered the lives of Adam and Eve. Think of the joy this couple experienced at the birth of Cain. Genesis records her saying, I have acquired a man from the Lord. Then, shortly after, they were blessed with another son in the birth of Abel. It did not take long, however, for trouble to brew between the brothers. When God showed preference to the offering that Abel brought before Him over Cain’s offering, jealousy showed its ugly face. In his anger, Cain killed his younger brother, Abel.

Imagine the grief that Eve faced. Not only did she have to face the death of a son, but that death came from the hand of her firstborn. God continued to bless Adam and Eve with children, but the Bible does not give us the names of these children until Eve gave birth to Seth. God even identifies Seth as the replacement for Abel.

Through Mother Eve, we see the birth of the church. Because these three sons played a significant part in the birth of the church, they are the only three children of Adam and Eve mentioned in the Bible. Abel, the Godly son, was to be the continuance of the Godly seed. After his death, God chose Seth to continue in this role. We discover later that Noah was descended from Seth, the Godly seed. Abraham, descended from Noah’s son Shem, became the father of the nation of Israel with whom God made a covenant, and was, in essence, the father of the church.

Today God has maintained a Godly seed on the earth. When pondering this, we realize that Eve, the Mother of All Living, the nation of Israel, therefore the mother of God’s church. Yes, through Eve sin entered into the world, but also through Eve came the birth of God’s church, her birth and influence of Seth gave birth to the father of faith. A people set apart for God’s use. Also, through Eve came the birth of the Lord Jesus, the Saviour of all mankind. So before we crucify her let’s give her some alcaides for allowing God to use her to fix her mistakes and giving us hope.

And Adam called his wife’s name Eve because she was the mother of all living.  Genesis 3:20, NKJV 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I’m weary. My energy is sagging, and my motivation is lagging. Father, I am so in need of you. Like Eve I need your strength and your fresh touch to get back up after mayor setbacks. Please God keep me on track again. Your Word says the joy of the Lord is my strength. If that’s true, then I need your joy to replace all the tired parts of my mind, body, and soul. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

Press Release: Godinterest design services to the public.

Godinterest, a Christian lifestyle clothing company, is excited to announce the launch of its design services to the public. Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ through edgy, contemporary designs made of high-quality soft fabrics. With the launch of these services, customers can now sign up on HostRooster to have a custom Christian t-shirt designed by the Godinterest team.

The company’s mission is to save and empower lives through their designs, which are meant to serve as a form of evangelism on the move. Each piece is crafted to boldly proclaim the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Godinterest is confident that customers will experience a comfortable fit and that their designs are on trend.

Godinterest clothing and accessories are also very affordable and exclusively available on HostRooster. The company is committed to being a body of believers and thinkers seeking the truth together, drawing on the breadth and depth of Christianity.

In conclusion, Godinterest is excited to offer their design services to the public, and for customers to experience the best quality and affordable Christian lifestyle clothing. Sign up on HostRooster today to get your custom Christian t-shirt designed by Godinterest. Visit this link for more information:

Hi ChatGPT, what does God Interest mean to you?

Building Your Faith Through Community

“God interest” is not a commonly used phrase, so I do not have a specific definition for it. However, it could be interpreted as an interest or curiosity in the concept of a higher power or deity. It could also refer to the study of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions related to a god or gods.

Overcoming Sin And Temptation

Sin, Happiness, and Breaking Out of Spiritual Boredom

Just as pollution demoralises the planet today, sin devastated the Garden of Eden. Through man’s disobedience, sin gained a foothold in God’s garden and turned it into a garbage dump.

Adam and Eve had always enjoyed protection in the garden, they fell for the serpent’s deception and exposed themselves to danger. In the middle of the garden, God had placed a special tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and He had instructed Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of this tree.

When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, their disobedience infected all of humanity with the virus of sin. But Jesus’ perfect obedience led Him to the cross, making it possible for His followers to receive forgiveness of sin.

Remember temptation always brings a choice. It is an opportunity either to come under God’s authority and have victory or to go our own way and suffer defeat. Alone we are helpless victims, but with the Lord we are more than conquerors. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus, the perfect God-man, obeyed the Father fully. Satan got the upper hand in the first garden. But in the second garden, Jesus submitted to His Father’s will, guaranteeing Satan’s defeat and giving us victory over sin.

Today, if you are not walking in the power of the one who defeated sin, then sin is defeating you. But just as one tree of temptation held sway over Adam, through the tree (cross) of Calvary, Jesus defeated death and gave all who call on His name hope.

“[T]he Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment” (2 Peter 2:9) 


Let’s Pray

Yahweh, help me recognize and resist the enemy’s schemes. Father, give me strength to emerge victorious from times of temptation. God teach me to resist the devil so that he may flee from me in the Christ’s name. Amen.

Overcoming By Grace

Overcoming By Grace

The strength in our verse today does not come by gritting our teeth. It does not come by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. It won’t be wrought with statements of self-affirmation – “Yes, I can!”. The strength Paul described to Timothy doesn’t come from within. We only become strong through the grace that is in Jesus Christ.

Just like the old hymn says, grace is truly amazing, and it will carry us through. Consider how many ways grace works in our lives: We are saved by grace. We are justified by grace. We are sanctified by grace. We are to live every moment of every day by grace. And we are empowered by grace to overcome every struggle that comes our way in our daily lives. However, we must accept the grace that God offers.

Our lives are filled with distractions, and we have busy schedules. That’s why, all too often, we forget what the power of Christ can accomplish in our lives. How many times have you found yourself in a challenging situation, facing an unsolvable problem—only to respond with panic, anger, or blame? How often we forget to call upon the Lord and ask for His wisdom in our times of need!

Today you may ask how do we begin to do this in our daily lives? We start by immersing ourselves in the Scriptures and dwelling on God’s Truth. The Bible delivers God’s promises to us afresh and reminds us of the beautiful story He is writing with our lives. Are you lonely? God’s Word will comfort you. Are you burdened with guilt? God’s Word will set you free. Are you full of bitterness and resentment? God’s Word will show you how to forgive. Are you discouraged? God’s Word will lift your spirit. Are you lost? God’s Word will light your way back to Him. You can know triumph in times of defeat. You can know peace in the midst of chaos. And when fear, shame, and discouragement threatens your joy, you can stand strong in the grace of God.

“You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1). 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit, who gives me strength and Your Word that reveals Your sure promises. Father, I have hope because You are with me. Your grace uplifts me and gives me courage. Grant me boldness to serve You and Your Kingdom. I pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.


Sharing the life changing Gospel message found in Jesus Christ

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