Christ’s Our First Fruits Of Love 

Jesus the Good Shepherd

This week while doing a revival in Darlington, I’m staying in the farm area of Cumbria in the north of England. One of the things that excite the farmers are when the first crop of the season ripens. The farmer has diligently prepared the fields, sown the seeds, and tended the seedlings. If the first fruits are good, then the farmer can have confidence that the rest of the harvest will be good as well. 

On Sunday morning of the resurrection, Jesus became the first fruit of a much greater harvest. His body had been sown like a seed on Friday, but it was then raised new, glorious, and indestructible on Sunday. What is true of the firstfruits will be true of all who trust in the name of Jesus: One day, all the dead in Christ will be raised to new life in Him. Hallelujah! 

The Corinthian Christians believed that Jesus had been raised from the dead, but they weren’t so sure about their own future resurrection. So, Paul reminds them that there are plenty of witnesses who saw Jesus with their own eyes and they can therefore find confidence in the promise of their own resurrection. 

Paul says, “brothers and sisters, if you know Jesus, you will be raised to new and glorious life, just like our Lord.” Because of this hope, we can live without fear of death and instead walk in freedom because we know death is not the end. And because we know death is not the end, we know our love in this life is not in vain. It prepares us for our future home in heaven. Indeed, love will be the culture of Christ’s heavenly city. In the meantime, our works of love in this life serve to bless others and, Lord willing, usher them into Christ’s Kingdom. 

Today, with a promise of our own resurrection, we know that now begins the life of grace, faith, and hope of eternal life. The life for which we have always longed for, we believe this life is a spiritual dress rehearsal for the one to come. We must let love and joy reign in our hearts, for with each passing day, we are one day closer to the glorious return of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. 

“Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your sacrifice that has given me a place with You in heavenly places for eternity. Father, may I live confidently in this life because I know my hope is sure. God, in this reality, may I love others more and remain spiritually focused. In Christ’s name. Amen. 

Love The Greatest Gift 

True Love

In context, 1 Corinthians 13 is not really about romantic love. The passage can only be properly understood when we read it in light of what came before it and what comes after it. Both chapters 12 and 14 deal with the proper role and use of spiritual gifts, and the chapter between them reminds us of the big picture: Love! The spiritual gifts God gives to Christians are to be exercised in love, Paul shows us what that love actually looks like. 

He says Love is patient, kind, neither envy, nor boasting. It is not self-seeking but self-denying. Biblical love requires something of us. Actually, it demands our all—for true love is the way of the cross. Dying to self means that we keep no record of wrongs; it means that we forgive until we lose count, for this is how Jesus deals with us. We are recipients of an astounding love, and it is God Himself who empowers us to then pour out this love to others as we submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

We find it easy to tell someone that you we them, but love is only truly expressed when you die to yourself. Can you die to your opinions? Can you die to your possessions? Can you die to your feelings? That determines true love for another. 

Today, I tell you that love has no expiration date. Men and women who love Jesus will love one another for eternity. Paul wrote, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love”. Why is love the greatest? Because in God’s presence, there will be no need for faith; we will see our Saviour face to face. Likewise, there will be no need of hope, for all our hopes will have been realized in the second coming of Christ. But love will echo on into eternity. Love will be given and received, and it will grow for ages and ages to come. God has given us the church and community so we can start practicing this eternal love. So eagerly desire this greatest gift called love. And let’s ask the Lord to work in our hearts to bring this precious fruit to bear so that it is the underlying motivation for everything we do. 

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). 

Let’s Pray  

Yahweh, I see that love truly is your greatest gift. Father, work this gift in me by the Holy Spirit that I may obey Your will, bless others, and be blessed myself with the joy and peace that your love brings. I pray in this in Christ’s  name. Amen. 

Don’t Reject God’s Love 

What ‘Love Your Enemies’ Means in an Era of ISIS

The government of Christ’s day turned its back on Him. The Jews repudiated Him. Those who gathered for His crucifixion jeered at Him, and many of His friends, who had been with Him for three years of ministry, abandoned Him, going into hiding after His arrest. Satan is still at work in our world today, seeking to deceive and draw men and women away from the only one who can provide the hope they need. 

Rejecting God can be subtle. You may say, “I am a Christian because I was raised in a Christian family, but I’m not too serious about church or the Bible.” Another person may believe he can live any way he chooses, and God will still save his soul because of grace. If our motive isn’t love, we have been deceived. Our condemnation is not by God for He does not condemn us. We are the ones who condemn ourselves when we reject God’s love and gift of salvation. 

Today, even when we are faithless, Jesus remains faithful. When we yield to temptation, He continues to love us, and when we seek His forgiveness, He becomes our strong advocate of mercy and grace before the throne. Christ is your dearest friend, the one who will never abandon you even though you may reject him. At the cross, He died for you, knowing that He alone could save you and give you eternal life. 

“Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:8). 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I confess it’s hard to comprehend the depth of love You display towards me. Father, I am forever indebted to You for not rejecting me and for Your selfless gift of love. I accept you into my life and do not plan to ever reject you. In Jesus’s name. Amen. 

It’s Hard To Love Church Folk

In the church of Corinth in the New Testament, the members couldn’t agree on much. They loved division. These Corinthians were in love with their own opinions. Instead of serving each other, they looked for opportunities to stir up dissension. Instead of loving one another, each was looking out for their own interests. 

The Corinthian church was missing the blessing of God. They were not using their opportunities to practice the love of Christ; they were not humbling themselves so that they might grow in godliness through the Holy Spirit. Let’s learn from their mistake and recognize that God has given us a community of believers with innumerable personalities and ideas for our spiritual growth. 

Today, some people may get under our skin – just as we may get on their nerves. God uses our experiences together as fallen sinners saved by grace to sanctify us. Our interactions and disagreements can become a refining fire in our lives if we together seek God’s will and love one another deeply even when we don’t want to. Remember: To be purified, gold must pass through the fire. Let’s give thanks for the body of believers, especially those with whom we struggle to get along with. God uses our Christian brothers and sisters to refine us into His likeness. Let’s continue to love despite our differences and uplift each other in prayer. 

“In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it” (1 Corinthians 11:18). 

Let’s Pray  

Yahweh, please help me to remember that the body of believers is a source of sanctification despite our disagreements. Father, I look to Your Word to guide my relationships in all areas of my life. God, give me a deep love for my fellow believers even when we have differences. Lord teach me to extend grace, remembering the grace I daily receive from Your hands. I pray this in Jesus’s name. Amen. 

Wisdom Wednesdays

Renewal, Of People Of God - Knowing Jesus

Resist the temptation to be irritated or annoyed; it will only undermine your faith and tear you down. Maintain a heart of forgiveness especially toward yourself where you believe you have fallen short of your potential. And, extend grace and forgiveness to others who have offended you. My grace is sufficient. 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

What Practical Love Looks Like

62 Reasons Why I Love My Mom

Love hates evil and rebellion. Love shows appreciation and honour for others. It compels us to give to others who are in need, even if it means sacrifice on our part. Love is not selective but extends to people we find unlovable and showscompassion, commemorates and celebrates others.

You may ask what does love look like practically? Raking upleaves for an elderly neighbour, babysitting for a single mother, cooking meals for a bereaved family, taking time to share the Gospel with a non-believer, praying with an anxious friend, or encouraging a disheartened neighbour. At times helping others will be inconvenient. The timing will be wrong for our busy schedules. The effort will seem too great for our tired bodies. The cost will be more than we can afford. But true love involves sacrifice, and there is no better example of this than our Saviour. Jesus said, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:12-13).

Today as we think about love, this kind of altruistic other-based love, may sound impossible to maintain. And in our human strength, it is. We could never pay our “continuing debt to love one another” but God gives us the resources we need to make our payments. Through His unconditional agape love. 

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, help me to follow Your example of sacrificial love. Father, help me demonstrate my love for others in a tangible, sacrificial way. God, I love you and I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

A Love That Lifts

That Thing Called “LOVE"

I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore,

Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more.

But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,

From the waters lifted me—now safe am I.

Love lifted me! Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help, love lifted me!

Many of us have sung this hymn, “Love Lifted Me.”

Love lifts a sinful broken heart not just any love, but the love of God.

In this season of love, nothing can lift our hearts like the love of God. Girlfriends break up with us. Friends abandon us. Colleagues try to bypass us. Even our families may fail to understand us. But God’s love for us never changes.

Even when we act unlovable, God continues to love us. When we are undesirable, He embraces us. When it seems that the world has turned against us, God’s love remains. He has promised never to leave us. Life can certainly leave us feeling broken and confused. Often, disappointments come to teach us more about the depths of God’s love. In desperation, we turn to God. This is when we discover that only His love can lift us up and restore our hope.

Today, we may be struggling to find another way around our problems, hoping that someone’s love will bring relief, but no other love can help us like God’s love. Only His love has the ability to satisfy our every need. Right now, you are wondering if God really loves you because you yielded to sin. Or you allowed the world and its trappings to come between you and your Saviour. Cry to Him, and He will restore the joy of your salvation. And your testimony will be “When nothing else could help, love lifted me.”

“Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:8).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today heal the broken and hurting places in my heart, soul, and mind, so that I may focus my hope and vision on Your unfailing love. Father, I pray during this season of human love that I won’t look to anyone for love. God, help me train my eyes on You and please restore my joy. I pray in the name of Christ. Amen.

Faith Is The Key

Keeping Faith in God During Hard Times

Moses chose to give up life as a prince of Egypt “for the sake of Christ”. How did Moses know about Christ since he lived fifteen hundred years before Him? I’ll tell you how: Moses knew by faith. With every Passover lamb being slaughtered, it was a foreshadowing of the death of Christ. And Moses had faith that if God could save His people from the tenth plague by the blood of livestock, He could also save them from their sins.

Not only did faith save Moses, but it also helped him to choose obedience. You see, when we give up the pleasures of this world to follow Christ, the road is never easy. Moses discovered this to be true in the wilderness as he led the stubborn, complaining Israelites for forty years. Faith is what sustained him. Faith is the key.

Today if you study the gospels, you’ll notice that Christ never praised His disciples for their power, their wisdom, or their passion. But at times, He did praise them for their faith. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain and hurl it into the middle of the sea. Faith casts out demons. Faith makes God’s power manifest in the darkest of circumstances. Moses had this sort of faith, and by it, he could trust God to fulfill His promises, even those that were a long way off.

“He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward” (Hebrews 11:26).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I want to develop a deep faith in You. Father, help me to reflect on Your goodness and faithfulness. God, I want to remember Your sure promises to strengthen my faith. I choose to obey You even when the task is hard. I pray in the name of Christ. Amen.

How To Defeat The Enemy

woman in orange coat with black and brown scarf

In this fight against unseen foes on this side of heaven, we must take hold of Truth. Scripture has invaluable instructions for us to equip ourselves in the battle with the devil.

Remember that victory is yours. Jesus saved us completely on the cross and has provided everything we need to live victorious lives. Even now, we are seated “in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).

You must lay down your life. As James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” When we surrender our life and will to God, we will live righteously for Him and show Satan he holds no sway.

Every morning, close any doors in your heart that are susceptible to sin by humbling yourself before God—for without Him, we can do nothing (see John 15:5-8).

Put on the armour of God—both the uniform and the weapons (see Ephesians 6:10-17).

Praise the Lord. Though it may be hard to do when facing trials, when we need to put Satan in his place, praise is a sure way to defeat him (see Acts 16:25-26).

Pray for your enemies. One of the most difficult things to do is to pray for those who have wronged us. Yet, Jesus instructed us, “[L]ove your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). We show the enemy that we belong to Christ and that he is defeated when we model the grace and mercy of our Father God.

Set your heart on heaven. As you do, the Holy Spirit will so work in your life that you will reflect the glory that is coming to Satan’s horror (see 2 Corinthians 3:18).

Today, when we obey the bible’s instructions, we will experience peace and joy, even in trials, the devil is defeated and cannot bring us down. Hallelujah!

“Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle” (Psalm 144:1).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, help me remember the bible truths so that I will not be brought down by the tactics of the enemy. I rebuke him and his fallen angels in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Total Dependence

silhouette photo of person near body of water

The story was told of A group of young men that were meeting by a river. During their usual horseplay, one of the men fell into the water. Immediately, this fellow began to thrash around, and it became obvious that he was an inexperienced, weak swimmer.

Another member of the group, a strong swimmer, stood by and watched as his friend fought to stay afloat. Those on shore began to shout at the good swimmer, demanding that he jump into the water to save his friend, but he waited a few more seconds. Once the drowning man stopped his wild struggle, his friend dove in and pulled him to safety.

The rescuer then explained why he had waited to save the drowning man: “If I had jumped in earlier, he would have been too strong for me and possibly both of us would have drowned. Only by waiting until he was too exhausted to try to save himself could I save him.”

There are times when our self-effort can prevent us from being saved. This is especially true concerning our spiritual salvation. There is only one way to be saved from a sure death: by stopping all human efforts and crying out to the Lord Jesus Christ for His forgiveness and mercy.

Today I tell you the truth, the more a person seeks to devise ways of saving himself, the deeper he will sink into fear and disillusionment. Salvation is a gift, not the result of our good works. It is a gift that is given graciously by God, who loves us with eternal love. Truly, there is no greater gift we can receive! Do you feel as though you are drowning and want to give up? Call out to Jesus right now, and He will save you.

“Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has everlasting life” (John 6:47).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the free gift of eternal life. Father, I acknowledge that You are the only one through your Son that can save me and change my heart. God teach me to follow You, that You may be glorified in me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Total Dependence

Building Your Faith Through Community

The story was told of A group of young men that were meeting by a river. During their usual horseplay, one of the men fell into the water. Immediately, this fellow began to thrash around, and it became obvious that he was an inexperienced, weak swimmer.

Another member of the group, a strong swimmer, stood by and watched as his friend fought to stay afloat. Those on shore began to shout at the good swimmer, demanding that he jump into the water to save his friend, but he waited a few more seconds. Once the drowning man stopped his wild struggle, his friend dove in and pulled him to safety.

The rescuer then explained why he had waited to save the drowning man: “If I had jumped in earlier, he would have been too strong for me and possibly both of us would have drowned. Only by waiting until he was too exhausted to try to save himself could I save him.”

There are times when our self-effort can prevent us from being saved. This is especially true concerning our spiritual salvation. There is only one way to be saved from a sure death: by stopping all human efforts and crying out to the Lord Jesus Christ for His forgiveness and mercy.

Today I tell you the truth, the more a person seeks to devise ways of saving himself, the deeper he will sink into fear and disillusionment. Salvation is a gift, not the result of our good works. It is a gift that is given graciously by God, who loves us with eternal love. Truly, there is no greater gift we can receive! Do you feel as though you are drowning and want to give up? Call out to Jesus right now, and He will save you.

“Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has everlasting life” (John 6:47).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the free gift of eternal life. Father, I acknowledge that You are the only one through your Son that can save me and change my heart. God teach me to follow You, that You may be glorified in me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wisdom Wednesdays

What Would Jesus Pin
What did Jesus mean... 'I have come that they may have life, and they may have it more abundantly'? Jesus was making his intentions very clear, He came to bring abundant life to His people - present and future.

“The Greek word for ‘abundance,’ perissos, has a mathematical meaning and generally denotes a surplus… The abundant life is above all the contented life, in which our contentment is based upon the fact that God is equal to every emergency and is able to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.” (Boice)

The truth is abundant life isn’t an especially long life. It isn’t an easy, comfortable life. It is a life of satisfaction and contentment in Jesus.

Someone with abundant life has stamina, increased energy and a large sphere of living. Someone with abundant life has the ability to do things, an overflow of enjoyment and what it takes to win.

Someone with abundant life gives honor to Jesus because He is the One who gave them life. Do you want abundant life? Choose Jesus and live abundantly in Him today! - Sophia Peart



Today is the day my little island of Grenada celebrates its independence. True spirituality shows us the tragic consequences of sin and our search for independence. We are all born with a missing dimension caused by the sin of wanting to live independently of God. This sin separates us from Him. The only way to fill that void is through repentance of sin, faith in Jesus Christ, and the indwelling power of God’s Spirit. This is the spirituality that makes us whole.

It is only when God’s Spirit opens our blind spiritual eyes, that we truly begin to understand ourselves and recognize our own darkness and moral corruption. True spirituality helps us recognize that our desperate inner longing is not a need for independence, but rather our need for dependence – dependence on the Saviour.

Biblical spirituality leads us to know the light of the world, Jesus Christ and makes it possible for us to experience wholeness of body, mind, and spirit in becoming like Him. This healing comes only as the Holy Spirit of God is invited to do His ongoing work of transformation in our lives. We are made whole when we reflect the character of Jesus Christ.

Today, as we embrace our spiritual dependence and turn away from our sinful independence, why not ask the Lord to reveal to you the true answer to your inner longing and to help you understand that your heart is made whole the moment you receive Christ as the Saviour? Today, ask God to help you walk in the light of His Son through all of life’s challenges that you are facing.

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, because of Your great love for me, You made me alive in Christ even when I was dead in my sin. Father, thank you for accepting my dependence on you. I denounce my sinful dependence on myself, the world and the media. God thank You for sending the light of the world, Jesus. I pray in the name of Christ. Amen.

You Can’t Cleanse Yourself

woman in brown top

The little boy’s hand was dirty, so his mum asked, “Are you planning to get the dirt off your hand?” “Sure, Mom” he said “I’ll just wipe it off with my other hand.” There was only one problem with the boy’s plan. One dirty hand and one clean hand rubbed together equals two dirty hands.

We are like this little boy. Deep down we are conscious of our sin and rebellion and of our need for cleansing, but we think we can clean ourselves by doing some good deed. Just as the mother had to put her son’s hands under running water to clean them, so you must put your life under the fountain of Christ blood. Only the resurrected Christ can cleanse you from sin. Only the resurrected Christ can transform your destination from hell to heaven. Hallelujah!

Today there may be a need in each of us to do things for ourselves and to be self-reliant. If we have a problem, we want to fix it. If we want something, we try to get it. This need to be independent carries over into our relationship with Christ. But we soon discover that we cannot redeem ourselves from our sinful nature. We cannot work our way into God’s favour. We must come to Him in complete surrender and obedience, seeking His forgiveness for our sins. Without Christ, our lives are dirty, meaningless, and empty.

“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation” (Psalm 13:5).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the cleansing blood of Yahshua the Christ, that though my sins were as scarlet, He has made me white as snow. Father, today I rest in Your salvation by grace, that I may be free and able to share this Good News with others. I pray and receive my cleansing in the name of Christ. Amen.

100 HostRooster Services for Christian Entrepreneurs: Embrace Change, Make Things Happen

100 HostRooster Gigs for Christian Entrepreneurs: Embrace Change, Make Things Happen

“A true leader is someone who steps up and makes the world a better place.” – Cher Wang, co-founder of HTC Corporation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s welcome the visionary businesswoman who’s not afraid to dream big and make things happen. Cher Wang, with her innovative spirit and determination, has inspired countless entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into realities. In her words, “Success is not just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire others to do.”

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 100 HostRooster gigs that Christian entrepreneurs can create to not only make money online, but also to share their talents and inspire others to do the same. Whether it’s writing and blogging, graphic design and branding, or virtual event planning, these gigs offer endless opportunities for Christians to turn their passions into profit and make a positive impact in the world.

So, let’s take a cue from Cher Wang and “embrace change, push boundaries, and take risks.” Let’s get creative, let’s get inspired, and let’s make things happen!

  1. Christian writing and blogging
  2. Devotional and scripture writing
  3. Prayer and spiritual guidance
  4. Bible study tutorials
  5. Christian lifestyle coaching
  6. Christian event planning
  7. Christian bookkeeping and finance services
  8. Christian graphic design and branding
  9. Christian social media management
  10. Christian video editing and animation
  11. Christian music production and mixing
  12. Christian podcast editing and production
  13. Christian e-book formatting and design
  14. Christian voiceover services
  15. Christian illustration and comics
  16. Christian script writing and screenwriting
  17. Christian songwriting and lyrics
  18. Christian website design and development
  19. Christian SEO and digital marketing
  20. Christian photography and videography
  21. Christian market research and surveys
  22. Christian virtual assistant services
  23. Christian legal and business consulting
  24. Christian home and interior design
  25. Christian fashion and personal styling
  26. Christian health and wellness coaching
  27. Christian language translation
  28. Christian resume and cover letter writing
  29. Christian creative writing and storytelling
  30. Christian public speaking and presentation coaching writing and ghostwriting
  31. Christian translation of religious texts
  32. Christian spiritual art and calligraphy
  33. Christian music lessons and tutorials
  34. Christian life coaching and mentorship
  35. Christian branding and marketing for ministries
  36. Christian fundraising and crowdfunding strategies
  37. Christian social media ads and promotions
  38. Christian SEO optimization for religious websites
  39. Christian video production for religious events
  40. Christian audio production for sermons and teachings
  41. Christian content creation for religious organizations
  42. Christian logo design for Christian businesses
  43. Christian online store setup and management
  44. Christian ghostwriting for religious leaders and authors
  45. Christian email marketing for religious organizations
  46. Christian mobile app design and development
  47. Christian digital course creation and sales
  48. Christian graphic design for religious merchandise
  49. Christian virtual event planning and management
  50. Christian website design and development for churches
  51. Christian public relations for religious organizations
  52. Christian copywriting for Christian websites and blogs
  53. Christian digital marketing for religious charities
  54. Christian podcast production for Christian influencers
  55. Christian video editing and animation for Christian YouTube channels
  56. Christian online preaching and teachings
  57. Christian teletherapy and spiritual counseling
  58. Christian music composition and arrangement for worship services
  59. Christian book cover design for Christian authors
  60. Christian website security and maintenance services
  61. Christian marketing strategies for Christian authors and speakers
  62. Christian photo editing and retouching for religious events
  63. Christian writing and research for Christian non-profits
  64. Christian mobile app development for Christian organizations
  65. Christian voiceover services for religious videos and animations
  66. Christian freelance writing for Christian magazines and websites
  67. Christian website design for Christian schools and educational institutions
  68. Christian e-commerce setup and management for Christian businesses
  69. Christian branding and marketing for Christian startups
  70. Christian custom illustrations for religious children’s books
  71. Christian ghostwriting for Christian biographies and memoirs
  72. Christian video production for Christian weddings and events
  73. Christian content writing for Christian websites and blogs
  74. Christian animation for religious video content
  75. Christian music recording and mastering for Christian artists
  76. Christian event planning for Christian retreats and conferences
  77. Christian email design for Christian businesses and organizations
  78. Christian web development for Christian non-profits
  79. Christian content creation for Christian YouTube channels
  80. Christian graphic design for Christian events and promotions
  81. Christian social media strategy for Christian influencers
  82. Christian marketing research for Christian businesses and organizations
  83. Christian branding and design for Christian product lines
  84. Christian digital marketing for Christian musicians and artists
  85. Christian writing and editing for Christian websites and magazines
  86. Christian video production for Christian promotions and advertisements
  87. Christian photography for Christian events and promotions
  88. Christian website design for Christian publishing companies
  89. Christian content writing for Christian news and media websites
  90. Christian podcast editing and production for Christian podcasts
  91. Christian video editing and post-production for Christian films
  92. Christian voice acting for Christian audio books and dramas
  93. Christian music arrangement and production for Christian choirs and worship teams
  94. Christian creative writing and poetry for Christian events and promotions
  95. Christian copywriting for Christian brochures and flyers
  96. Christian web hosting and domain registration services
  97. Christian writing and publishing services for Christian books and e-books
  98. Christian marketing and advertising for Christian app development and mobile games
  99. Christian virtual event management and planning for Christian webinars and online conferences

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it’s the courage to continue that counts.” – Cher Wang.

With that, we hope that this list of HostRooster gigs will provide a starting point for Christian entrepreneurs to turn their talents into opportunities and make a lasting impact in the world. Remember, success is not just about the destination, it’s about the journey and the opportunities it provides to grow, learn, and make a difference.

So, let’s channel our inner Cher Wang and have the courage to continue. Let’s make things happen, let’s inspire others to do the same, and let’s create a better world through our talents and passions. The possibilities are endless, and the future is bright, so let’s make the most of it!

Whose Am I

GodInterest exists to welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds, equipping people with a faith that works in real life and sends them into a world to serve for God and humanity.

A Christian actress was asked how she could live and work in Hollywood and still be true to her convictions. Her answer was simple: “I always try to remember whose I am.” For her, the most important thing was to keep her identity as a Christian, no matter what.

It’s easy to forget whose we are. For a student at a public university, surrounded by people sceptical about Christianity, it can be awkward to hold to your beliefs and try to live God’s way. At a wild frat party with friends, it may be tempting to forget that you have committed to live for Jesus. When working with people who have little use for religion, it may seem safer not to mention that you are a Christian. On a business trip with little to do at night it may seem easier to go along with others who engage in immorality than to resist because you are a Christian.

It would have been easier for the early Christians to forget whose they were. Life had become difficult for them because they were followers of Jesus. That’s why Peter wrote to them and to us and said “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession.” It’s only when we remember whose we are that we can call others out of darkness into the light of Christ.

You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, help me to always remember who you have made me to be, and to never compromise. God, help me to praise you through my life at all times. In Christ’s name, Amen


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