3 Empowering Truths For Living

3 Empowering Truths For Living

Scriptures are filled with motivational truths. Here are 3 empowering truths for living.

1. In Christ is a bright and secure future.

Jesus came so that we may have life and that we may have life abundantly. Through Christ, the trusting soul receives the assurance of a new and permanent relationship with God and a sure home in heaven with Him someday. Through Christ, the yielded Christian receives grace for daily sustenance. Through Christ, we have high hopes for each day we get out of our beds. The past is always forgiven. The present always starts on a clean slate. Godly efforts have lasting results. Failures and mistakes can never hold us back.

2. In being still, we find God.

In Psalm 46:10 God speaks, “Be still and know that I am God.” The Hebrew root word for still is raphah. It means to abandon, hang limp, collapse, and become helpless. Many can share that it is in the hardest moments of their lives that they’ve gone deeper in knowing and experiencing the truth and reality of God in their lives. In stillness, we let go of our efforts and let God work things out. In stillness, we let go of our self-reliance and let Him move on our behalf. In stillness, we realize the sovereignty of God and yield to His wisdom. In stillness, our eyes are opened to the greatness of God. We perceive all that He is accomplishing for the good of our lives.

3. In being weak, we find strength.

Man is dependent upon his strength for everything. To some, strength is everything. They equate it with life or quality of life. To be strong is to be able, to be useful. It is not uncommon to find aging people having bouts of depression. Studies reveal that some who reach the age of retirement suffer from depression and anxiety. Because as one ages, he or she may fear a loss of purpose or usefulness. One may fear the inability to self-sustain.

While the pressures of being accepted in society naturally causes people to hide or mourn their weaknesses, Scriptures tell us that we need not be ashamed; we need not lose joy. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 is one insightful and empowering passage. In being weak, we learn as Paul did that:

  1. God’s grace is sufficient for us.
  2. His power is made perfect in weakness.
  3. We don’t have to be ashamed of our weakness.
  4. It is in our moments of weakness that Christ’s power rests on us.
  5. When we are weak, then we are strong.

Philippians 4:13 says how we can handle weakness; it is by being grounded and intimate with our God. “I can do all things when I am in the One who gives me strength.” Remember that He will not allow us to go through things we are unable to handle. What He allows, He will be there to show Himself strong on our behalf.   2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the LORD searches throughout the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is fully devoted to him.” God is the strength of our heart and He will never fail us.


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