Worldly Peace Vs. God’s Peace

Foreknowing His coming crucifixion, aware of how troubled His disciples would become, Jesus, utters the following words: “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.” In meditating on His assuring words, we learn that the world’s peace is different from God’s peace. We also learn that God’s peace is far more sustaining. It exceeds all that worldly peace can offer. Why would there be a need for Jesus to present it to His disciples if it wasn’t so?

Worldly peace falters; God’s peace remains constant

Worldly peace rises and falls to the occasion. There can only be peace of mind when things are going well when one is secure and life is smooth sailing. A man who relies on this world for peace will crumble in times of struggle and uncertainty.

God’s peace is steady. It is undisturbed in times of hardships. The man who relies on God for peace will rise above struggles and uncertainties. It is because the heart and mind know not to trust in circumstances but in the very nature of God Himself. He will work things out for my good. (Romans 8:28)

Philippians 4:6 and 7 tell us not to be “anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving; we are to present our requests to God.” When we entrust all our difficulties to Him, God’s peace will come and steady our hearts.   It may seem strange to others or even hard to understand. But regardless of the turmoil around us, God’s peace keeps our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our enabler and strengthener.

Worldly peace disintegrates; God’s peace remains whole

Worldly peace breaks down in times of need. There can only be peace of mind when needs are met and when one’s desires are fulfilled. A man who relies on this world for peace may reach desperation in times of lack and shortage.

God’s peace is sustainable.   It satisfies in times of want. The man who relies on God for peace will always feel sufficiency. It is because it trusts the God who will come to our aid in our greatest time of need.

Hebrews 4:16 tells us to “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

When we entrust all our needs and insufficiencies to Him, God’s peace will come. We will feel his mercy and grace deepening us, maturing us. We may not find immediate solutions. We may not find quick provisions. But we will find ourselves less panicky and more trusting. We will be less despondent and more patient as we await answers. It is because the heart and mind know not to trust in one’s capacity to solve problems but in the very nature of God Himself.   He will supply what I need. (Philippians 4:19)

God’s peace is yours for the taking

God’s peace is ours to enjoy. It’s not like a magic potion that causes all problems to disappear. It’s not like a magic genie that grants all our wishes and desires. If anything, God’s peace is like a blanket. It comforts. It warms us up when we feel down and out. It shields. It covers and protects us amidst varying situations and conditions. In Isaiah 26:3, God promises to keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast and trusting in Him. In John 16:33, Christ promises that while in this world, we will face trouble; in Him, we may always have peace. Let’s claim God’s peace. Let’s not trade it for what this world offers.

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3 Replies to “Worldly Peace Vs. God’s Peace”

  1. Thanks for the article! God’s peace is BOLD. In the world, we seek peace in the stillness of the morning — a calm lake as the sun rises, soft dew on the flower petals. The peace of Christ helps us remain steadfast and filled with JOY in God’s Truth. Fire tested, up-armored peace! Be BOLD! Live Christ’s peace!

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