Have NASA scientists discovered GOD 17,000 light years away?

Nebulas are amazing regions of space, where old stars die and new ones are born. Astronomers reveal the techniques and technology used to capture the details and wonder of these distant objects, many of which are too far away to be seen by the naked eye.

A image captured by specialist NASA telescopes aimed at a galaxy 17,000 light years away has sparked online speculation the Creator of Universe has been caught on film.



“What’s left behind is a pulsar, called PSR B1509-58 (B1509 for short), which spins around 7 times per second blowing a wind of particles into material ejected during the star’s death throes.

“As these particles interact with nearby magnetic fields, they produce an X-ray glow in the shape of a hand.”

The pulsar is located near the bright white spot in the image but cannot be seen itself, NASA officials said.

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