3 Truths About Christianity

Is Christianity about religion? Is it about a particular group of people, organization, or movement? Christianity can be viewed in so many ways. Here are 3 truths about what Christianity is about.

1. It’s about being in a relationship with Christ.

John 1:12 says that all who receive Christ and place their faith in His name are children of God. By faith in the saving work of Jesus on the cross, we are given new life. We become born of God.   Before salvation, God is just our Creator, but at the point of salvation, our Creator God becomes our actual Father. Galatians 4:6 says through the Holy Spirit given to us, we can now boldly cry “Abba, Father.” Strong’s explains this Greek word Abba to be a [tender endearment by a beloved child – i.e. in an affectionate, dependent relationship with their father; “daddy,” “papa.”] The highlightt is not just on our position in God but on our relationship with Him. We enter into this new relationship once and forever. No one and nothing can ever take us out of God’s hand and love. (John 10:28 and Romans 8). No one can take our sonship away and God Himself will in no way disown us.

2. It’s about being a follower of Christ.

A Christian bears the name of Christ. He is marked by Christ. To be a Christian is to bear the identity and character of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that one who is in Christ is a new creation. Everything is not instantly perfected but literally all things are in the process of becoming new and better. As a Christian, I am now enabled to living and becoming better than before. As I abide in Christ I am transformed into His image from one degree to another. There is no stand still for a Christian and there is no hopeless case. It is false to believe that “I am just this way. I can’t help it. There’s nothing I can do about it. Life’s just bad. I can’t do anything about it.” 2 Timothy 1:7 says God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

3. It’s about having a family stronger than flesh and blood.

John 1:13 talks about being born into the family of God. The family of God is also referred to in the Bible as the Church. Romans 12:5 talks about the church being one body while Colossians 1:18 talks about Christ being the head. In these passages we understand that all of God’s children are related and connected. Our bond is spiritual. The Holy Spirit links us all. He is our spiritual genetic trace. Our connection is tight. Ephesians 4 16 says the whole body is joined and held together.

All of God’s children have one Father, one Lord. Black Panther says in the MCU movie, “More unites us than separates us.” The same holds true among God’s people. Denominations and methodologies vary but there is only one Lord and one fundamental to faith and relationship with God. It’s sad that preferences and traditions become a point of heated conflict among Christian groups and churches today. It should not be so. Error to faith and doctrine is a serious thing that Christians should guard and reason against. But when it comes to extra Biblical matters, no Christian should hate or disown a brother just because they differ in the way of worship, music, evangelism, or even holding church worship programs and events. There is what we call respectful and loving disagreement and Christians should apply that when necessary.

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