The definition of love in the British and World English in Oxford dictionary states that LOVE is “A strong feeling of affection: babies fill parents with intense feelings of love their love for their country”.
However has love left you confused?
There are a few things most people say love isn’t. Some people say isn’t a feeling. Some people say that although real love is often accompanied by strong feelings, love does not equate with the sense of floating on clouds unlike the type of love that movies, television, and songs portray. Some people say that friendships and relationships wouldn’t last long on emotions alone. In fact, most academics say that knowledge is the basis of a healthy relationship.
However what does the bible say about love?
This verse certainly describes the characteristics of true #love.
“Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind. It Does Not Envy, It Does Not Boast, It Is Not Proud. It Is Not Rude, It Is Not Self-Seeking, It Is Not Easily Angered, It Keeps No Record of Wrongs. Love Does Not Delight in Evil but Rejoices with the Truth. It Always Protects, Always Trusts, Always Hopes, Always Perseveres. Love Never Fails.” — I Corinthians 13:4-8a (NIV)
These qualities can most definitely be found in #Jesus #Christ, and should perhaps exist in all truly loving relationships.
Included below are some of the sweetest and most heart touching #loving photos posted on #Godinterest so far during this festive season.

A Soldier Meets His #Baby for the First Time. the Bond Between Parent and Child Is One of the Strongest Connections in Nature.

We Love Seeing Old Couples. It Gives Us Hope That #Love Can Stand the Tests of Time. “Young Love Is a Flame; Very Pretty, Often Very Hot and Fierce, but Still Only Light and Flickering. The Love of the Older and Disciplined Heart Is as Coals, Deep-Burning, Unquenchable”. – Henry Ward Beecher

Forever Love in Cuba by RHahn #Photography

Gereational Thinking Means Thinking Beyond Yourself. Knowing That Every Action, Belief, Conviction You Settle for Now, Will Have a Definite Impact on the next Generation. This Is Such a Great Theme…

Jesus Replied, This Is the Work (Service) That #God Asks of You: That You Believe in the One Whom He Has Sent [That You Cleave to, Trust, Rely on, and Have Faith in His Messenger]. (’John’¬ ’6’¬:’29’¬).

So Jesus Can Relate to Suffering and Pain. In Fact, His Essential Purpose in Leaving His Kingship in Heaven and Condescending to Take Mortal Form Was to Suffer. And It Started with His Birth.

Homeless and Impoverished Children Living in New Delhi, #India, Receive a Free Education from Two Volunteer Teachers.

Greg Cook Hugs His Dog Coco After Finding Her Inside His Destroyed Home in Alabama Following the Tornado in March, 2012.

You’re Never Too Young to Start Praying! Are We Right? The Truth Is, We All Need a Moment with God, Whether It’s to Thank Him, Praise Him or Ask Him for a Little.

The scripture is God’s love letter to mankind, the most amazing Valentine card ever written and in its pages is the description of the ultimate act of love and sacrifice and also, Gods blueprints for true love and true romance.
And Now These Three Remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the Greatest of These Is #Love.And now these three remain: faith, hope and #love.
So what is your love made of, surface romance or real romance rooted in unselfish sacrifice? Is it about all you want to get from someone else, or all you want to give?