35 Best Conflict Resolution Quotes

35 Best Conflict Resolution Quotes

Conflict happens. However, avoidance of conflict, with no effort to resolve it, postpones a proper response and exacerbates the problem because conflicts that are allowed to fester unaddressed will always increase and have negative effects on relationships within the body.

These quotes seem to suggest that it is how you handle the situation, your attitude going into the conflict, and the conflict  resolution that matters.

  1. “If you understood everything I said, you’d be me.” — Miles Davis
  2. “Don’t look where you fall, but where you slipped.” — African proverb
  3. “Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” — Paul Boese
  4. “If war is the violent resolution of conflict, then peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather, the ability to resolve conflict without violence.” — C.T. Lawrence Butler
  5. “One of the most basic principles for making and keeping peace within and between nations is that in political, military, moral, and spiritual confrontations, there should be an honest attempt at the reconciliation of differences before resorting to combat.” — Jimmy Carter
  6. “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” — Cherokee proverb
  7. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” — Winston Churchill
  8. “A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill
  9. “Every conflict we face in life is rich with positive and negative potential. It can be a source of inspiration, enlightenment, learning, transformation, and growth–or rage, fear, shame, entrapment, and resistance. The choice is not up to our opponents, but to us, and our willingness to face and work through them.” — Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith
  10. “The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them.” — Tom Crum
  11. “I believe that the basic nature of human beings is gentle and compassionate. It is therefore in our own interest to encourage that nature, to make it live within us, to leave room for it to develop. If on the contrary, we use violence, it is as if we voluntarily obstruct the positive side of human nature and prevent its evolution.” — His Holiness the Dalai Lama
  12. “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – Ram Dass
  13. “The more incompetent one feels, the more eager he is to fight.” — Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  14. “Every person in this life has something to teach me—and as soon as I accept that, I open myself to truly listening.” — Catherine Doucette
  15. “The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way in which we use them.” — Adriana Doyle
  16. “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” — Wayne Dyer
  17. “Whenever two good people argue over principles, they are both right.” — Marie Ebner von Eschenbach
  18. “Today . . . spend more time with people who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you.”—- Unknown Author
  19. “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” — Unknown
  20. “Love is our most unifying and empowering common spiritual denominator. The more we ignore its potential to bring greater balance and deeper meaning to human existence, the more likely we are to continue to define history as one long inglorious record of man’s inhumanity to man.”  — Unknown
  21. “You can never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” — Buckminister Fuller
  22. “Our greatest power as nations and individuals is not the ability to employ assault weapons, suicide bombers, and drones to destroy each other. The greater more creative powers with which we may arm ourselves are grace and compassion sufficient enough to love and save each other.” — Seth Godin
  23. “The problem with holding a grudge is that your hands are then too full to hold onto anything else.” — Seth Godin
  24. “To truly listen is to risk being changed forever.” — Sakej Henderson
  25. “The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes
  26. “Whenever you’re in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude.” — William James
  27. “Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up.” – Jesse Jackson
  28. “Always pass a plate of forgiveness before each verbal feast — Anabel Jensen
  29. “Never ruin an apology with an excuse.” — Kimberly Johnson
  30. “If you’re not listening, you’re not learning.” — L.B. Johnson
  31. “Conflict cannot survive without your participation.”— Wayne Dyer
  32. Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” — Carl Jung
  33. “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”— Anthony Robbins
  34. “Happiness depends on what you can give, not on what you can get.”— Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati
  35. “Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” — Martin Luther King

Jesus did not advocate non-violence merely as a technique for outwitting the enemy, but as a just means of opposing the enemy in such a way as to hold open the possibility of the enemy’s becoming just as well. Both sides must win. We are summoned to pray for our enemies’ transformation, and to respond to ill-treatment with a love that not only is godly but also, I am convinced, can only be found in God.

9 Suggestions for Overcoming Barriers to Good Design When Using Modern Methods of Construction (Mmc)

The term ‘Modern Methods of Construction’ (MMC)  embraces a range of technologies involving various forms  of prefabrication and off-site assembly.

MMC is increasingly regarded as a realistic means of  improving quality, reducing time spent on-site, improving  on-site safety and addressing skills shortages in the  construction of UK housing.

Bridge Crossing Modern Design
Bridge Crossing Modern Design

The variety of systems now available potentially allows the  designer enough choice to sidestep problems deriving  from constraints posed by the use of any one method.  MMC systems, from closed-panel timber framed  systems to bathroom pods are a palette from which  designers can make choices. They are not necessarily  stand-alone solutions that anticipate all the needs of  an individual site and can be mixed and matched  as appropriate.

These limitations are not obstacles to achieving the good design in MMC-based schemes, but may hinder  the incorporation of more complex and innovative  types of MMC from which greater overall benefits  may be obtained  which  are considered under the  following headings:


There is no doubt that, given products of comparable  performance the key issue in purchases of MMC construction  systems is the price. At present not enough is known  about the potential costs of using volumetric and  closed panel systems to enable confident specification  at an early date. This inhibits designers from exploring  the full potential of MMC systems. This is particularly true of the less repetitive,  small, one-off scheme, where a smaller margin  of benefits is gained from using MMC. The principal  barrier to the uptake of MMC, therefore, seems  to be the perception of cost uncertainty with respect to using more complex systems.  Without doing substantial project-specific research,  consultants and their clients simply do not know with  enough degree of certainty how much the volumetric or  closed panel systems are likely to cost, and what  would be the savings to overall project costs produced  by potential speed gains to offset against increased  capital expenditure.

This is due to the complexity of assessing the ratio of  cost of repetitive elements where pricing is relatively  straightforward to the cost of adjusting elements or  building in another method for the abnormal condition.  Decisions to use innovative systems are likely to be  made once designs are well progressed to enable  teams to be more certain of costs. This can increase  the potential for change or result in design compromise  as the designer attempts to incorporate the specific  limitations of a particular system in their design.

In an attempt to improve this situation, the MMC consultant and or clients  could  pull together a  directory of MMC  expanded to include cost comparison data. The huge  range of variables involved inevitably makes this  difficult, but a database of current construction cost  information  would be an  invaluable resource.

Contemporary Building Facade
Contemporary Building Facade


The time it can take to obtain planning permission has  obvious implications both for project cost but also, in  some circumstances, for architectural  design innovation.

Most of the more complex types of MMC have an  impact on dimensioning, the choice of external finish  and detailing may have some effect on the buildings  mass. Therefore,  the construction system should be  chosen prior to a planning application to avoid  abortive work, redesign or amendment, or even  resubmission for planning permission.

However,  developers  whose money is at risk, frequently hold  off deciding on the construction technique until the last  practicable moment, in order to get any advantage from  fluctuations in material or component pricing.

Given the potential for lengthy duration of planning  applications, this means that there is little incentive to  prepare initial designs for planning with a prior decision  to incorporate MMC firmly embedded. In cases where  the developer has a financial or business link with the  supplier, this is less likely to be the case. As the majority  of commercial or  residential developments involve some kind of arrangement with a developer, agreement on construction systems is often left to the stage after planning.


Another very significant factor is the time investment required at  the early stages of projects. This is needed to develop the design when the project is still at risk. There is a  direct relationship between the scale and complexity of  MMC component and the amount of time required to  develop a design at an early stage.

The introduction of advanced or complex MMC  techniques into the design process is potentially costly  to the design team. A significant amount of research is  needed to explore alternative systems, to obtain  verification of suppliers’   credentials, investigate  mortgage and insurance issues, visit previous sites,  talk to system suppliers, obtain technical performance  guidelines, understand junctions and interfaces, coordinate  other consultants, obtain building control input  and so on.

For a consultant, the only way of investing in this  research is either through timely payment of increased  fees by a visionary understanding client or through the anticipation of increased future productivity through repetition when a  project is phased, or large enough, or likely to be  followed by another similar project.

The potential of learning a system and then being able  to repeat lessons learned efficiently is a powerful  incentive for both client and consultant. By contrast, HTA’ s project at Basingstoke is an example  of a phased project with a three to four-year duration allowed the design team to repeat  various elements of the design, and the manufacturer to  develop improved solutions to technical and supply  problems.

HTA’ s project at Basingstoke
HTA’ s project at Basingstoke


Improved dialogue at the outset of the  project is  vital if design quality is to be  maximised. Constraints and opportunities implicit within  a particular system are more easily incorporated into  design if partners communicate pre-planning.  Increased early communication can be fostered through  improved long-term partnering relationships.

Clients  should also partner with a range of suppliers and  architects so that choice and flexibility is not restricted.


Generally, the inexperienced client or design team will  have to do more research, with the result  that there is likely to be significant design development  without a specific system being incorporated.

This is a  disincentive to using a more complex system involving a  higher proportion of MMC, where early decision making  and knowledge of a system’ s capabilities have a decisive influence on the nature of the architecture.  However,  encouraging the take up  of MMC through the use of a dedicated funding mechanism may  assist clients  in  finding time for  research into suitable MMC techniques.

Dome Construction Berlin
Dome Construction Berlin


Site capacity  studies and early stage pre-planning design studies  could be undertaken directly by system suppliers  on behalf of clients, cutting out the usual procedure  of commissioning design work by independent  consultants.


There are a  number of assumptions that  are generally held about certain types of MMC that may  have been valid at one time but are no longer true today.  There is a need for reliable and up to date information  comparing system criteria, performance data, timescales, lead in times, capacity, construction time,  sequencing issues, limitations, and benefits.

Therefore  it would be helpful if a forum  for discussion and experience exchange was set up.


There is still a large amount of skepticism about the  need to go very far down the line with MMC. This is  reflected in the acceptance of the desirability of  maintaining or indeed enhancing the pool of traditional  craft skills throughout the UK.

A balanced view is that there is a demonstrable need  for the wider use of MMC which is recognized by both  industry and government.  The best way for clients  and the public generally to  become more confident and knowledgeable about the  quality of design achievable through MMC is to see it  demonstrated.


There is no doubt that spreading the burden of  investment through the life of a project helps to ensure  a higher standard of specification and hence quality. In  the Netherlands, a ‘ Green Financing’   system has been  developed by the Dutch government that provides  favorable loan finance when certain sustainable  standards are reached. In the UK, the Gallions HA  has  pioneered  a study of this, based on a scheme in  Thamesmead, ‘ the Ecopark project’.

Eco Park is an eco-friendly business park built on the False Bay coast. This business park is at the cutting-edge of sustainable design and offers a unique working environment in a secure, well-managed facility.
Eco Park is an eco-friendly business park built on the False Bay coast. This business park is at the cutting-edge of sustainable design and offers a unique working environment in a secure, well-managed facility.

4 Lies about Procurement You Probably Believe

The world of Procurement is seemingly full of impassioned people absolutely certain about what procurement is all about. Like other great lies, many of these half-truths and misleading ideas sound agreeable to the ears and come packaged as good advice from influential people.

How many of these popular lies have you fallen victim to?

1. Procurement should have a seat at the C-table

It’s not so much an outright lie as an irritating half-truth – but the damage comes with what Procurement people do with it. The thought behind this is well-intended: Procurement people should be able to speak the language of senior executives as easily as they can talk about FIDIC or demand forecasting. Terms such as EBITDA, ROIC, and economic profit should be part of their everyday parlance. Procurement issues are often the least understood by the board and the CEO and must be explained in their language.

What on earth could be wrong with that?   Nothing – if the Procurement people have full cognisance of their own tools and language – and can be persuasive to senior people of the value of Procurement.  

Now, that’s where we have, what is kindly referred to, as a skills gap.

In reality, for Procurement with no reputation (outside of that pesky metric of cost) and few business-aligned projects to call upon, it can be incredibly hard to try and catch senior people’s ear – never mind a C-seat (see what I did there?).

2. You must carry out a competitive tender to obtain value for money

I’m trying to distance myself from the public sector here (noting I did co-author the CIPS book on contracting in the public sector) but even in the private sector there’s a desperate need to get three quotes.  

Why three quotes?  

Not five, not 11?   ‘Cos the rules say three; that’s why.  

And the rules of Procurement policy and procedures, well, they can’t be broken because the CFO or the head of internal audit (all very commercial animals?) will be down on Procurement like a ton of bricks.  

When the three quotes are received the following conversation occurs – the highest price is rejected – ‘they’re ripping us off’ followed by – and I love this one about the lowest price quotation – ‘the price is too low, they must have got the specification wrong’ – and the contract is awarded to the middle-priced one”¦.surely there’s a better way to deliver value for money?  

Perhaps starting with actually defining it!

3. Procurement is the only source of governance for 3rd party spend

Being the only source would suggest a 100%, right?  

I’d be amazed – and delighted – if Procurement governed half of all the 3rd party spend.   Words such as ‘influencing’ are sometimes bandied about to shore up this lie. What a surprise that sales people are either trained, or very quickly learn ways, to actually bypass Procurement when selling.

And the reason?

Obviously marketing, IT, auditors fees, construction/property, recruitment (I could go on) is completely different, say the senior people in those departments – echoing the views of the oh so helpful sales people.   And Procurement just never gets near, as they can’t articulate (deliver?) the value they can add.  

I await the avalanche of people commenting on this telling me I’m wrong.   Please be assured you are exceptional in Procurement.    

4. Procurement welcome innovation and strategic relationships and anything other than lower price

Few businesses view Procurement as a strategic process. Most often, Procurement staff report to the CFO. This astonishing trend indicates that Procurement is still viewed as a financial / accounting activity and not an operational strategic activity that directly impacts the bottom line.

Suppliers; if you have an innovative product or service, recognise that Procurement’s ‘raison d’être’ is to deliver cost savings.   That’s what they are measured on, that’s what the research with CPOs and the C-suite say is the #1 priority.   There’s oodles of other priorities such as local sourcing, sustainability, innovation, partnering, risk management – I could go on and on and on.   But that’s the one they get measured on. Think that through, next time you’re pitching.    

The take-away

Perspectives on Procurement need to change, mature and grow up.  Lies like these need to be re-evaluated and abandoned. Procurement needs to change the way they engage and manage suppliers and their internal stakeholders; ‘adding value’ (a dreadful phrase!) means so much more than asking for a discount.

Stephen Ashcroft BEng MSc MCIPS (speaking here, very much in a personal capacity!) is Associate Director, Procurement and Commercial Advisory at AECOM, a Fortune 500 company. He’s a procurement learner stuck in the body of a procurement veteran, and with over 20 years’ experience still sees the glass as half full. Working with leading organisations across diverse industry sectors, Steve helps clients reimagine procurement to drive improved performance. A recognised advisor, speaker, lecturer, and author; the ever-hopeful Kopite shares his bright-eyed/world-weary views on Twitter @ThinkProcure, LinkedIn and his blog.

Prefab Comeback

Prefab  housing suffers from bad stigma due to the fact that some people saw the prefabs as ugly and characterless, and were afraid they would become slums – hardly the promised housing fit for heroes  following the second World War. However, building homes from pre-made parts can save time and money.  The term prefab or prefabrication often evokes thoughts of poor construction, substandard living conditions and a long-standing “temporary” solution.

Prefab dwellings are making a comeback driven by a lack of affordable housing, a rapidly growing economy and changing demographic trends.  

Methods Methods of Construction (Mmc) Offer Significant Potential to Minimise Construction Costs

The term ‘Modern Methods of Construction‘ refers to a collection of relatively new building construction techniques that aim to offer more advantages over traditional construction methods. Off-site construction (OSC) is a modern method of construction, based on off-site manufacturing of building elements.

With exponentially lower construction costs, quicker construction, reduced  labor costs and having the ability to achieve zero defects, MMC is gaining a lot of attention as the  potential answer to the UK’s housing crisis.

In a valiant attempt to strip away prefabricated housings’ bad rep are MMC with contemporary sleek designs, and constructed to withstand the test of time. MMC housing has the capability to deliver both quality and quantity housing to the tune of ‘ £50,000 per unit.

MMC units hold the promise of being extremely  energy efficient and environmentally sustainable. Many versions of MMC take into account how to utilise natural resources and reduce each unit’s carbon footprint. In addition, MMC also addresses environmental concerns by creating much less waste than a standard brick-and-mortar project. While it is plausible that a traditional build could hire a waste removal company who would have the ability to recycle up to 90 percent of the construction waste; with MMC projects, this will automatically happen.

M-house (pronounced “mouse
M-house (pronounced “mouse”)

There have already been a number of successful examples of MMC housing constructed in various parts of the United Kingdom. The M-house (pronounced “mouse”) is designed and constructed to last an upwards of 100 years. While Architect Alford Hall have created quality MMC apartment buildings proudly showcasing a patio and private entrance for each flat.

Architect Alford Hall
Architect Alford Hall
Compass House by AHMM
Compass House by AHMM

While many of the MMC homes  are still in their early years the upkeep and maintenance will be reduced by 50%  since the OSC  process lowers the risk of non-conformities.

MMC homes are being fabricated and designed to accommodate many different lifestyles, such as, two-story homes, tall six-story apartment buildings, single-family homes and log cabins are all available options for families looking at MMC.

While there is a plethora of design options available all MMC  OSC  projects have a common theme. The internal workings of the homes are fabricated off-site, while only the “outer skin” comes to fruition on-site. To even further streamline the process, it has been suggested that having a “catalog of pre-selected materials increases supplier relationships and makes the design process more streamlined.”

With the small sample available with progressive MMC systems, it is currently reasonable to conclude that using modern methods of construction to build homes can cost more than traditional home building procedures; due to the need for specialised MMC design consultants. However, outside of costs, MMC remains a faster home building method than traditional brick and block house building and is slowly  becoming a relevant front-runner to answer the  UK’s housing shortage.

2 Ways Residential Elderly Care Providers Can Drive Growth

The care sector is growing fast. People are its most valuable asset and investment in care-home developments is being fuelled by an ageing population and a growing demand for specialist skills.  

Scalability and Replication Have Now Become the Building Blocks That Will Enable Residential Elderly Care Providers to Sustain Growth, Deliver Successful Change and Achieve High-quality Service Outcomes

Dean Jones, former Investment Growth Programme Manager for Care UK offers insight into how REC providers can take advantage of market opportunities by building a sustainable and scalable system. Jones’ experience includes programme managing a £250 million investment-growth programme from 2012 to 2015, which involved building and commissioning 20 new state-of-the-art care homes and their services. He also oversaw a £60 million 3-year investment in a Suffolk programme, for the building of 10 new care homes and 10-day clubs and bringing much needed additional nursing and dementia-specialist care to the community.

REC Providers Can Develop Their Own Blueprints to Replicate and Scale Growth

REC providers can learn much from Jones’ involvement with scaling successful care homes. In his work at Care UK, Jones employed innovative ideas for evolving the next generation of care homes and introducing a competitive edge through unique selling points to harness market potential. The trendsetting programmes have led to phenomenal success, with more than 30  new homes built over a five-year period, a level of growth rarely seen in this sector. Jones describes how REC providers can develop their own blueprints to replicate and scale growth.

Building a foundation

The organization relied on a guiding principle as it developed a scalable system. It consisted of a toolkit that would outline how to manage projects and launch new homes, along with the standard of care the organization expected once a home is operational. The first system in the toolkit, the Project Management Blueprint (PMB) consisted of methodologies, processes and systems that would guide the creation of an ambitious and exciting growth pipeline for new homes.

The Blueprint ensured that the programme and project’s team resources would deliver high-quality outcomes through the practice of sound project management, both at a programme and individual project level. However, the Blueprint was just one of three tools the organisation would use to govern the commissioning and operation of new care homes. The other tools, a Home Manager Launch Manual (LM) and a suite of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), complemented the programme on the whole.

Building the Capability to Service the Demand Is the Key to Driving Growth

The blueprint


Creating the demand for growth and the environment for change is not enough to generate scalability. According to Jones, building the capability to service the demand is the key to driving growth. Instead of control, managers need to:

  • Introduce a framework and certainty about processes.
  • Implement repeatable best practices.
  • Build the ability to drive quality.
  • Equip people to do the best job possible.
  • Introduce a suite of project documents that directly suit the organisation’s purposes while ensuring consistence use.
  • Increase efficiency and productivity.

As a result of the Blueprint, Care UK was able to construct the building blocks for scalability and replication that would encourage change, growth and quality outcomes. When the foundation of an organisation is built on highly standardised and formal processes underpinned by highly developed performance-monitoring systems and the ability to control quality, it has a scalable business model. Another component involved in the process, evolving the product offerings through a process of service innovation enabled Care UK to apply standardised business-model concepts.

The requirements

Building a methodology for scalability involves considering project and business requirements first. Then, the organization can develop a system that meets the business and management-style needs to deliver successful outcomes. Jones employed a methodology that outlined the standard project-management methods to be used, and practices and guidelines to follow when managing new-home opening projects and business-transformation projects. With a disciplined, well-managed and consistent methodology, Care UK promoted the delivery of quality products and services, on time and within budget for each location.

The essential benefit of adhering to such a defined project- and programme-management methodology is the ability to demonstrate repeatable successes, rather than learning the same difficult lessons again and again. The objective of the methodology ensures that each new home opening was delivered to the highest possible standards via:

  • High-quality product or service that adheres to the business case.
  • Excellent standards of care and service.
  • Financial performance that achieves or exceeds the business case.
  • Homes or change initiatives delivered on time.
  • Projects executed on budget.


Effective working relationships are also critical to the success of large-scale projects. Management tactics based on a matrix structure ensure that functional and operational resources are aligned across the business. This approach results in significant advantages, as it enables effective and responsive participation from different parts of the organisation that have specialist expertise. In Jones’  matrix, people from different parts of the business took a lead role in managing a specific work stream and were known as Work Stream Leaders. Jones  also adopted the RACI technique for identifying functional areas, key activities and decision points where ambiguities exist.

Project Lifecycle

The management of any large, complex project is made easier when broken down into more manageable chunks. This unique approach to the project’s lifecycle enabled Jones’  to establish clear controls, e.g. review points, or gateways, at which to consider progress before moving on to the next phase. The Care UK project lifecycle methodology consisted of five distinct stages, with each stage considered as a sequence, providing the structure and approach to progressively deliver the required outputs.

Risk and issue management

Focusing on critical risk issues helps programme managers mitigate threats. Regularly planning and leading benefit reviews helps organizations drive success and ensure that profits aren’t eaten up by largely avoidable risks. For example, a slight reduction to a home’s expected average weekly fee (AWF) – although based on a more up-to-date market analysis – could have a detrimental effect on the bottom line. However, if this market analysis re-evaluation were to take place at the pre-planning stages, then the organization has an opportunity to review down spec. Key decisions like these must be managed with due diligence and care, by referring to the original business case and using a clearly defined change-control process, and then directing such matters to the programme board for approval.


Programme managers embarking on a scalability journey should note that before diving into the planning of a system of methodologies and processes, it’s important to first understand what needs to be fixed. Jones began his appointment at Care UK by working with a small team. They spent time getting into the nitty gritty of launching care homes, reviewing checklists, liaising with the Care Quality Commissions (CQC), and understanding the business and identifying gaps. Only then did he present the findings and gain support for the project’s Blueprint. Managers also need to understand the organisational culture in which they operate, and then adapt their approach accordingly. Finally, gaining senior management trust is another critical step, as approval and support helps form links throughout the organization – including the lower-management levels.


Successful organizations need managers with a breadth of knowledge – not necessarily construction management expertise – to successfully drive the outcomes of the project. They also require some understanding of IT systems, staff, marketing strategy and more. Only then will the organisation reap the strategic benefits of higher management-level expertise. With the right approach to project management and creating repeatable systems, care home organizations can seize market conditions and drive growth, while delivering quality outcomes through scalable building blocks.



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