Peace Is Strength

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

One of the greatest needs of this world is peace. When there is strife and contention, the enemy has an open door to move into your life. There’s a tremendous strength that comes to you when you choose to live in peace. That’s why the Lord commands us in scripture that we live at peace with those around us. When we are at peace with those around us, we are in a position of strength. 

Being at peace with those around you doesn’t mean you have to agree with everyone all the time. It simply means you are choosing to walk in love. It means you are patient and kind, not envious or boastful. It means you are considerate and gracious even when you don’t agree.  

Today, choose peace over strife, choose love over hate, choose positivity over negativity. Beginning right now, make the choice to walk in the strength and blessings the peace of God brings when we obey His Word as He has commanded.  

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of peace which is strength. Father, help me to release any strife or contention in my heart today. God, I ask You to fill me with Your peace for everyone around me, so that I can be an instrument of love everywhere I go, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Season = Ploughing, Planting, Watering, and Harvest

Season = Ploughing, Planting, Watering and Harvest

We are about to move into a new, better season. For me, spring is better than winter. God has ordained seasons in your life. It’s easy to get frustrated when our dreams aren’t coming to pass on our timetable. When that happens, we have to submit our plans to Him and trust that He has a better plan. Understand that in God’s kingdom, every season is not harvest.  

Every season is important and contributes to the harvest. There are plowing seasons. There are planting seasons. There are watering seasons. And sure, we would love for every season to be a time of increase, but without the other seasons, we wouldn’t be prepared. It’s during the plowing seasons when God’s bringing issues to light that we need to deal with.  

Today, God is getting us prepared for life’s promotions. If you’re not making as much progress as you would like, the key is to not lose any ground. Don’t go backwards. Hold your position by keeping an attitude of faith and expectancy, even when it’s hard, it’s just a season change. So keep ploughing by speaking the Word daily. Keep watering by praying and claiming God’s promises. As you do your dreams will come true, and you will receive the harvest God promised you! 

“The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.” (Proverbs 4:18, NLT) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your faithfulness in all seasons of my life. Father, I trust that my harvest time of increase is coming, and I choose to remain faithful while planting, ploughing and watering. God, I submit all my ways to You today, trusting that You have the best plan for my life. Almighty God, I love You and praise Your name today and always, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Time To Move Forward


Life is not always fair. In fact, God warns us of just the opposite! People aren’t perfect; we all make mistakes and bad decisions. You may have hurt or been hurt by others in the past, but what’s most important is how you choose to deal with that hurt. If you harbour hurt and offences, it keeps you stuck in the past. It only causes harm in your life.  

If you want to move forward in joy and peace, you have to choose forgiveness, love and positivity. Yes, forgiveness is a choice, and it has nothing to do with the person who hurt you. Forgiveness is the choice to hand your hurts over to God and let Him make the difference. 

Today, if we choose to extend forgiveness, that’s when we choose to receive God’s forgiveness! Begin right now by forgiving yourself and others. Choose His way, choose forgiveness, and choose to move forward in the blessing and victory God has prepared for you! 

“But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.” (Mark 11:26, NASB) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for forgiving me and giving me the gift of forgiveness. Father, I open my heart and mind to You. Please help me understand Your truth about forgiveness so that I can be set free. God, I love You and bless You today, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Be A Victor

Spiritual Maturity: Steps to Growing as a Disciple of Christ

We all need more joy, victory and confidence during these uncertain times. The Bible tells us that what we think about, we will become. You might need to evaluate what you are thinking about on a daily basis. If you go around thinking things like, “I’m just average,” “I’ve already reached my limits,” or “I’ve missed so many good opportunities,” then those thoughts are going to drag you down and hold you back.  

When you think thoughts of success, victory, joy and peace, your life will be filled with success, victory, joy and peace. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around you when the greater One lives in you!  

Today, and every morning when you wake up, start your day with thoughts of hope and success. Determine to be a victor! You are an overcomer through Christ. Set your mind on victory and move forward into the victory God has for you! 

“The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” (Psalm 118:14, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of another day! Father, today I choose to be a victor and focus on Your goodness and grace. Holy Spirit, help me to stay focused on the blessings and favour You have for me, please renew my mind from defeated to victorious, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

God Open The Window

Godinterest Relaunches its Open Publishing Platform

We are all called to be stewards over the resources God has given us. When we are faithful stewards of our time, talent and money, the Lord entrusts us with more. God wants to open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings the Bible says, but, our part is to be faithful and obedient to what God asks us, that will unlock the blessings from heaven!  

Today, ask yourself what kind of blessing would be so great to come directly from heaven that there would not be room enough to receive? It may be hard to comprehend, but that’s what God’s Word promises. Choose to be a good steward with time, talent and money. Prove the Lord and get ready to watch Him move mightily on your behalf! 

“Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” (Malachi 3:10, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for blessing me. Father, I choose to obey You and thank You in advance for opening the windows of heaven in my life. God, help me to be obedient to Your Word and be a giver of all my God given resource, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Increase Your Faith

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith

Just as a seed needs water daily to grow, your life needs the Word of God daily. The more you hear God’s Word, the more you know Him. The more you know Him, the more you will believe in Him, and that’s what faith is all about! 

We all need more faith. The Scripture tells us that faith can grow and increase. The Scripture doesn’t say, “Faith comes by having heard the Word of God one time.” It says “faith comes by hearing.” We have to hear the Word of God over and over again in order for it to take root in our hearts, and transform our faith and minds. God’s Word can transform us in an instant, but most of the time, our faith grows as we hear the Word of God consistently. 

Today, choose a few Scriptures to meditate on. Write them down on small cards and carry them with you daily, so that God’s truth in His Word will transform your mind through the increase of your faith, and move you forward into the blessed life God has prepared for you! 

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word that is living, active and growing in my life. Father, I submit myself to You today. Please teach me Your ways so that my faith will grow. God, give me more understanding of Your Word so that I may know and love You more, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

How To Change Bad Habits

Yesterday someone asked me how to change bad habits? Do you have habits in your life that you want to stop or change? Maybe it’s a bad attitude, bad behaviour, or even negative thoughts. No matter what you may want to change in your life, you have to start with changing your mind. You have to change your thinking so that your thoughts are in line with God’s thoughts. Once your thinking changes your behaviour will change. 

 When you repent and make the decision to follow God in every area of your life, you open the door for His supernatural power to work. When you take control of your thought life, through the Holy Spirit you are co-operating with the power that brings about change. Your life will go in the direction of your thoughts. You can’t just allow any old thought or image to play in your mind. You have to choose right thoughts.  

Today, the easiest way to change your thoughts is by speaking God’s Word. When you say “pear,” you probably won’t start thinking about an apple. In the same way, when you confess the Word of God, it will drive those negative, defeated thoughts away which will change bad habits! Change your mind today by changing your words and focus, so that you can move forward into the abundant life God has in store for you! 

“Repent (think differently; change your mind, regretting your sins and changing your conduct), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2, AMP 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today give me the strength to take captive every thought that is contrary to Your will. Father, I repent for anything in my life that is displeasing to You. God, please empower me today by Your Spirit, so that I can change my bad habits and bring honour to You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


Dreams & Desires

Prayer for the New Year

Three weeks into the new year, are you frustrated because a dream or a goal isn’t happening the way you thought it would? Be passionate about your dreams, but don’t let it become an idol. If that’s all you think about and you’re not going to be happy unless it happens, then that’s out of balance. The fact is, sometimes you have to put that dream on the altar of prayer and let God direct your paths. 

There are those who hold on to things so tightly, however, when you let them go, that’s when God can bring them to pass. If you’ll release that frustration and not let it become the centre of your attention, that’s when God can move. Take that same time and energy to thank God and trust Him that He’s directing your steps, and watch how it opens the door for the desires of your heart. 

Today, we have to remember, God already knows what we want and what we are in need of. He’s the One who put dreams and desires in us. We shouldn’t be consumed with trying to make things happen. Instead, a greater act of faith is to be happy right where we are! Stay open and trust God because He has awesome plans in store for your future, despite your present situation! 

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels – a plentiful harvest of new lives.” 

(John 12:24, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for placing dreams and desires in my life. Father, today I release those dreams and desires to You. God, I know that You have awesome amazing plans in store for my future, help me to learn to be patient, wait and trust that Your plans will unfold in every area of my life, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

His Mercy Is Enough

What They Did To Jesus They Will Do To You

According to God’s Word we all sin and we all make mistakes. We’ve all made wrong choices, but as believers in God, that doesn’t change our destiny. God doesn’t kick us out of His kingdom because we’re not perfect. You may feel like you don’t deserve anything good from God, or you should suffer through life enduring problems. No this is what mercy is for, mercy will renew and restore you! Hallelujah! 

Your sin didn’t surprise God, no matter what you may have done wrong, you are still the apple of God’s eye. You are still His most prized possession. You can still access God’s promises by faith today. Your weakness moves God toward you. He has enough grace and mercy to cover you and give you a new start.  

Today, shake off guilt and condemnation? Put your shoulders back and say, “I may not be perfect, but I am forgiven. I may have made mistakes, but God knows my heart and it’s to please Him. I am changing my ways. I may have brought trouble on myself, but I’m going to stay in faith expecting God’s mercy to turn it around.” Please ask for His mercy today, and let it empower you to move forward in every area of your life! 

“…Mercy triumphs over judgment.”(James 2:13, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your grace and mercy. Father, thank You for receiving me with my sins and mistakes. Please cleanse me and change me. God, I dedicate every area of my life to You, and invite You to have Your way in me, as I shake off guilt and condemnation from self, the world, and the church, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

He Is Still In Control

Why the Resurrection of Jesus Matters in the 21st Century

In the UK we have entered into another national lockdown. The frustration levels are high, anxiety has gripped millions, and jobs will be lost. In this confusing time we may decide to take control, as we think God and others are taking too long and our prayers are not being answered. 

We all have things we’re believing for, situations we want to see changed, and dreams God has placed in our hearts. But sometimes because of difficulties, we try to figure out how it’s all going to happen. Then we try to take control and start to tell God how to do it, when to do it, and where to do it! Scripture tells us that God’s ways are not our ways. They are so much higher and better. So we must continue to trust Him despite the times.

Today, as you move deeper into these uncertain times it’s clear things won’t happen on your timetable, but instead of getting discouraged and down, why don’t you believe that God has something better in store? Just because it doesn’t happen your way, doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. God has a plan. He’s got it all figured out. Don’t limit Him by trying to get it done your way. Instead, tell God, “I trust You. I believe You have my best interests at heart, and even if it doesn’t happen my way, I’m going to stay in faith that You are still in total control.” 

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9, NIV) 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for blessing me throughout my life, Today I choose to trust in You despite life’s uncertainties. Father, I cast my cares on You. I give You my plans, dreams and desires for the future. God, I will stay in faith as You work things out on my behalf. I receive Your peace as I wait patiently to see Your plan unfold in my life, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

How To Wait On God

6 Qualities of A Man Worth Waiting For

In this new year God has placed dreams and desires in our hearts. However there is always a season of waiting involved. You could be waiting for a relationship to improve, waiting on marriage, waiting for a job, or waiting to overcome an illness. A high percentage of life is spent waiting. However, there’s a right way and a wrong way to wait. When things don’t happen in our time, we get down, discouraged or anxious. This is because we’re not waiting right. 

Today’s verse doesn’t say if you wait, it says as you wait. Suggesting we’re all going to wait, like a farmer waits patiently and eagerly for season change. They don’t sit around discouraged, no they are hopeful, positive and full of expectancy! 

Today, in the first month of 2021 what are you waiting for? Hold on with expectation and things will change. This could be the day, month or year that God turns it all around. As you wait with patience and expectancy for your season to change, you’ll open the door for God to move. He’ll fight your battles, and you will experience the abundant harvest He’s promised in every area of your life! 

“Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen.” (James 5:7, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for this new year, I wait with expectancy for Your answers to my prayers. Father, I trust that You are working in my life even when I can’t see You. God, at the beginning of 2021 I put my trust and hope in You, knowing that You have good things in store for my future, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 


Dear subscriber,

Happy 2021. 2020 has been full of  hurt and disappointment for many. We’ve all been burnt by life, some have lost loved ones, relationships and jobs. But God doesn’t want us to sit in the ashes of the past; He wants to trade our brokenness for healing. He wants to give us beauty for our ashes. The key is that we have to be willing to give up the ashes in order to receive the beauty. You can’t have both, because the old has to go before the new can reach fulfilment.

As I look back over last year, I’m thankful to God for hundreds of new subscribers to the Ray of Hope devotion. I’m thanking God for lockdown virtual revivals in London, Wolverhampton, Harlow Essex, Kenya, Toronto Canada, Trinidad and many others, where hundreds gave their hearts to God despite the pandemic. I’m thankful for the Ray of Hope radio show each Sunday, and the listenership has grown tremendously. Ray of Hope ministries and God Interest want to thank you for your prayers, donations and continued support, and to ask you to continue to bless our ministry throughout 2021. We would love you to encourage your friends and family to also subscribe for their daily blessing.

Today, let’s move forward, not focusing on yesterday’s blessings, but reaching forward with hope and purpose, as we tackle the projects and challenges this year will bring. Are you willing to trust God with your future? Are you willing to let go of the pain, to forgive others and yourself so you can move forward in freedom? Don’t waste another day sitting in the ashes. The year 2020 is over, but your future remains. Let God give you joy instead of mourning, and let Him make something beautiful out of the ashes of your life in 2021.

…he will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness…” (Isaiah 61:3, TLB)

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for promising to sweep away the ashes of my past and give me something beautiful in their place. Father, thanks for blessing Ray of Hope ministries, God Interest and it’s subscribers, to reach so many for the kingdom in 2020. Almighty God, I choose to give You my 2021 for more ministry endeavours as you give me clear vision. I receive Your healing and restoration in my life, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Breaking News – We Have A Vaccine

The search for the last 11 months has been to find an antidote against the Covid-19 pandemic. In early December there were shouts of celebration when a vaccine was found, and fear began to dissipate and faith got stronger. Do you know we have a vaccine, an antidote against sin and fear? The first thing many people would say is faith; however, the Scripture tells us that it’s love, for perfect love is what drives out all fear. Hallelujah! 

When we truly comprehend how much God loves us, what can we possibly be afraid of? For God is love. When we are one with God through a relationship with His Son, we are wrapped in perfect love where we can find strength and security. We can find peace. We can find refuge, provision, and hope in His love. His love knows no limits. It has no boundaries. His love never changes. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you any more or any less. So let’s celebrate this breaking news Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

Today, open your heart and receive the vaccine of God’s love made at Calvary. Don’t go into 2021 without it, you will be vulnerable to the pandemic of sin. Daily meditate on His goodness and faithfulness. As you do, those old fears will melt away. Sin will cease, and you will move confidently into the life of victory He has prepared for you. 

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” (1 John 4:18, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Oh, Yahweh, I come before You with a humble heart, begging for the vaccine of Your love. Father, please show me Your love and fill me with Your peace and hope, and remove the pandemic of sin and fear. God, help me to be an example of Your love for the people I come into contact with. I bless Your Name today that I have the victory over sin through faith in You, not just now but forever, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Keep Pressing Forward!

What Do Others See?

As we come to the end of 2020, think about the process a caterpillar goes through before it becomes a butterfly. When it’s wrapped in its  cocoon in the dark side of some tree, it doesn’t look like it has many options. But after it becomes a butterfly, it doesn’t just sit and wait for someone to come and drill a hole and let it out. No! That butterfly knows that it has to make a move if it’s going to be set free. In the same way, we have to do something to get out of the confining places we are in. We have to pray, set goals and move; we have to believe and keep pressing through to victory. 

Truth be told we all go through seasons of difficulty that can sometimes feel overwhelming. But during these times, we have to remember that our God is greater than the struggle we face! In 2021 He’ll take our challenges and use them to strengthen us, all we have to do is get into agreement with Him. 

Today, and throughout 2021 no matter what you may be facing, remember His grace is sufficient for you. His strength is made perfect in your weakness. Keep believing, keep praying, keep hoping, and keep pressing forward. Before long, you’ll break free and rise to the new levels of victory God has prepared for you. Hallelujah! 

“And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’…” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the strength to make it through any challenge I face in 2021. Father, I will put my trust in You. Almighty God, I declare that You are good, and I thank You for working behind the scenes on my behalf, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

In Your Weakness

The Holy Weak

Growing up, I used to believe that weakness was as a result of continued sinning in one’s life. Sometimes, people get distracted by what they consider to be a disadvantage or weakness. It may be something about their personality or looks, maybe they’ve been through an unfair situation: a divorce, loss of a job, or just a bad break. We all have things that can feel like disadvantages, things that make life hard and difficult. It can even be a mental or physical disability. 

In 2020 you may have been “disadvantaged.” However, just because you’ve been through a tough time, it doesn’t mean you’re supposed to sit back in 2021 and settle where you are.  

Today and in this new year, God has something great for you to do! He wants to show Himself strong in your weakness. The Holy Spirit wants to help you when you feel weak and low. Stay strong in faith, and let God take what you see as a disadvantage and turn it around into an advantage, so you can move forward into the abundant life He has for you! Hallelujah! 

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness…” (Romans 8:26, NLT) 

Let’s Prayer

Yahweh, I give You all that I am – my weaknesses, my disadvantages, my emotional and physical pain. Father, I invite You into the weak places in my life so that You can make me strong. God, thank You for working in my life in 2020 despite my weakness, and using me for Your glory, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  


What was Jesus one commandment?

I struggle with waiting, at times I find it very frustrating. However the saying goes “good things come to those that wait.” Are you waiting for God to do something in your life? One thing I’ve learned is that waiting should not be passive and boring. When we’re waiting the correct way, we’re on the lookout. We talk like what we are believing for is going to happen. We act like it’s going to happen. We’re making preparations. 

Today, think about that first dinner date, you’re so excited you can’t sit still. You don’t wait until they show up before you decide to start cooking. You start early, you make sure the house is clean, you go to the grocery store, and maybe buy some flowers for the table. You make preparations while waiting because you’re expecting someone special. Well, that’s the attitude we need to have while we’re waiting for God’s promises to come to pass. As you put actions behind your prayers, your faith comes alive and opens the door for God to move mightily on your behalf. 

“…faith without works is dead.” (James 2:20, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray  

Yahweh, today I will put actions behind my faith, trusting that You are at work in my life. Father, teach me to wait on You the right way – with expectancy – knowing that You are leading me into the path You have for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


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