Sin Can Make God Go Viral

London Mayor Boris Johnson has said  £1.3tn of investment is needed over the next 35 years in order for London to retain its world class status


The London Evening Standard

London Evening Standard |  By  Rosamund Urwin

Pinterest is often described as an online scrapbook, only it offers more bragging powers than the paper kind, a way to flaunt your perfect wardrobe/wedding/life. Now, though, it has a spin-off that’s more eternal than ego. Godinterest is for those who are up on “pinning” pictures and down with Jesus Christ. So far, there are quotes from Corinthians, photos of dolphins (“testament to His creativity”) and some divinely inspired slogan T-shirts (“Radiate positive vibes”). It’s not exactly a winning ad for the big G.

The biggest problem, though, is its name. Why not call it Sinterest, I thought, to bring all the Doubting Thomases to the virtual yard? Of course, this being the internet, someone has already had that idea days ago.

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