What is it in childlikeness that God finds pleasure and satisfaction in? Why is childlikeness necessary to finding one’s path to entering into an abundant relationship with God?
Childlikeness leads to genuine faith.
It is in a child to be softhearted and God desires that we be such. In being softhearted, one is positively responsive and not a sceptic. When one is softhearted, he can bend when reasoned with and follow affectionately. There is no stubbornness, there is no rebellion when one is softhearted.
The Bible says, without faith, it is impossible to please God, for if one will come in faith, he must come believing that God is indeed God and that He will reward the genuineness of your faith. (Hebrews 11:6) Genuine faith confidently sees that God is real. Genuine faith is the very evidence of things hoped for even though they yet remain unseen. (Hebrews 11:1)
Childlikeness leads to genuine trust.
It is in a child to be trustful and God desires that we be such. In being trustful, one affords full belief in a person’s reliability, ability, and truthfulness. When one is trustful, he entertains no thoughts of doubt or suspicion. When one is trustful, he remains confident of the person even when he is not privy to the plan or purpose.
In genuine trust, we confidently know that God is working out all things for our good. (Romans 8:29) We confidently feel that God loves us beyond all measure no matter the circumstances we experience. (Romans 8: 31-39) We know that God loves us and we will never be unloved. We know that in all hardships we will overcome; we will persist, we will come out with renewed trust and confidence in our Father’s faithfulness and love.
Childlikeness leads to bliss and contentment
It is in a child to be blissful and content. There is pleasure in the simplest of things. Unless parents wrongfully spoil the toddler, a baby’s early years are full of sheer wonder and joy. Your baby will show animated gratefulness for the treats you give and for the care you provide. It is rare to see a baby feeling entitled to things rather than privileged. It is rare to see a child complaining of being treated less than what he deserves.
In bliss and contentment, we remember that all is of grace. Nothing is earned, nothing is deserved. The content heart never feels self-entitled but wonders like Job did in Job 7:17, “What is man that You magnify him, And that You are concerned about him?” The blissful heart muses on the generosity of God like David in Psalm 8, “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”
In bliss and contentment, we value the essential things of life. We don’t miss a thing, we don’t waste a thing. We may feel the lack but we focus on God’s faithfulness in meeting our needs. We may feel the “wants” of life but we focus on God’s desires over our own. Where there is bliss and contentment, there will always be positivity. There will be more good days than bad. In that state of mind and heart, there will be heartfelt worship. God will be pleased and His child will be at peace.
Childlikeness. These very qualities of childlike faith are what God desires of us.