Worry Be Gone

3 Ways to Make Life Count - One Ordinary Life Lived Well Can Make a BIG Difference

Today, God invites you to give your worries and cares to Him, simply because He loves you! 

How do you give Him your cares? First of all, understand that cares show up in your mind. When negative, self-defeating thoughts of worry come, you have to recognise them as cares, and replace them with the Word of God. For example, if you are concerned about a need today, say out loud, “my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory.” If you have fear about something, say out loud, “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” If you have sickness in your body, declare, “by His stripes I am healed.” As you meditate on the truth, and focus your heart and mind on the Father, those cares and concerns will disappear. 

Today, thank Him for giving you peace and joy. Thank Him for working in your life. As you keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, give Him your worries and cares, and get ready for the blessings He has in store for you! 

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I come to You today casting all my cares and worries on You. Father, I believe Your Word and trust that You are working on my behalf. God, I give You all of my worries and declare them gone so I can praise and glorify You, in Christ’ Name! Amen. 

Black History

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

If It Had Not Been For The Lord Where Would You Be?

In the UK it’s black history month. As I look back at where God has bought us from, like the Lord says, “through many dangers’ toils and snares…,” all I can say looking back and reflecting is “if it had not been for the goodness of God, where would we be?” Some wouldn’t be alive today. Some would still be mentally messed up. If it had not been for God’s favour and love, some would still be struggling, barely making it. You may say, “we haven’t made it very far, we’ve got a long way to go.” And that may be true, but black or not, I want you to take a moment and look back over your life and realise how far you’ve come. The same God that brought you this far, the same God that has kept you alive, is going to carry you through any difficulty you may be facing.

Today, just start praising and thanking God for what He is doing and what He has done. Thank Him for His love and favour and blessings upon you. Praise precedes the victory. Praise brings the walls of opposition down. Praise is the invitation for God to intervene on your behalf! Friend, I declare that the goodness of God is all over you! He is directing your steps, and you are following His leading. I declare that your best days are ahead, and as you praise Him and thank Him, you will move forward into the victory and blessing He has prepared for you!

“If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.” (Psalm 119:92, ESV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You so much for Your consistent goodness and faithfulness in my life, and the lives of my forefathers. I don’t know where we would have been without You. We were mistreated beaten and abused, but what the devil meant for bad, You have used it to make us stronger. Hallelujah! Father, I know that Your hand of favour is upon me. I know that You are leading me and guiding me in victory. I won’t give up, please keep me close to You, as I surrender every area of my heart and mind to You, in Christ’ Name! Amen.

God Gives Us Power

Travelling from Watford, to do a revival after my radio broadcast, the enemy was trying to bombard my mind with negatives. Saying your too tired, is this worth it, the church is not ready, there is no excitement and there will be no visitors. But the Spirit reminded me God will give you strength, He wants to do something great in and through you. He has promises and blessings in store for you that you haven’t even thought of yet. I let out a loud “hallelujah” and kept on driving. I arrived and the church was on fire – great singing and praising, and two people gave their hearts to God and will be baptised. Hallelujah!

The Scripture tells us that God gives us power… He wants you to live in abundance so that He can use you to be a blessing to others. When we are willing and obedient, we open the door to His promises. He will do great things for you and through you. In other words, when we live in excellence and integrity, when we follow the Spirit of God, we will walk in His blessing. Like a tree planted by the water, your leaf will not wither because you are connected to an unlimited supply line.

Today’s verse says that “He gives us the power to get… ” God gives us the ability. He gives us creative ideas and inventions, but we have to be diligent, do our part, and step out in faith, go against how we feel in the natural, and use what He’s given us. We have to sow seed in order to see the harvest that He has promised. Receive His power today and choose a life of integrity, so that you can move forward into the abundant life He has prepared for you.

“And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get…” (Deuteronomy 8:18, NKJV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for giving me the power to live in abundance, and to move when I don’t feel like it. Father, I will be faithful to You and Your Word. I will stand on Your promises and listen to the Spirit. God, help me to be diligent and follow Your commands, please bless everything I set my hands to today, in Christ’ Name! Amen.

Two Things You Need

The two things you need to make it through hard times are grace and peace. These two are powerful forces in the life of the believer. Grace empowers us, and peace directs us. It’s like this: grace is the petrol and peace is the navigation system. You need both to reach your destination.

Scripture says that we are saved by God’s grace through faith. We don’t deserve it and can’t do anything to earn His grace, but He gives it to us anyway. Grace opens the door to salvation, but it doesn’t stop there. His grace is also supernatural empowerment to live the life God has called us to here on earth.

Today, know that peace is every bit as powerful as grace. It’s not just a feeling; it’s a state of being. Peace literally means “to set at one again.” When we are at one with the Father in thought, word and deed, we can physically feel it on the inside. We are settled internally, and nothing external can move us from our position of peace. Today, receive God’s grace and peace and let them carry you through the life of victory He has ordained for you!

“May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.” (2 Thessalonians 1:2, NLT)

Let’s PrayYahweh, thank You for Your grace and peace in my life. Father, I choose to stand and follow Your Word. God, thank You for guiding me during this year. I receive the life of blessings You have prepared for me, in Christ’ name! Amen.

Something New

When The New Year Doesn’t Feel Like The Start Of Anything

Everybody loves something new, from shoes to smartphones. Today’s verse says God is doing something new with you right now. Can you see the “brand-new thing” God is doing in your life? Sometimes it’s easy to see the hand of God moving, and sometimes the storms of life can cloud our vision. But no matter where you are in life today, meditate on this truth that God is working, even when you can’t see Him.

Just like a seed buried deep in the ground, it may seem dark and lonely, and there may be dirt all around, but that is the place where new springs forth. In your old stale, dark situation trust that God is doing a new thing! You can trust Him because He is faithful! His plan for you today is blessings. His plan is to give you a future and hope. His plan is to do a new thing in your life.

Today, let go of the thoughts of the old past, and push through your dirty life, and open your heart to the “brand-new thing” God has already started in your life. Ask Him to show you what He’s doing. Ask Him to reveal it to your heart and mind. So, seek Him with your whole heart and you will find Him, and see the brand-new thing He’s doing in you!

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun!” (Isaiah 43:19, NLT)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for pushing through my stale, dirty life and doing a new work in me, even when I’m not paying attention or deserve it. Father, thank You for the brand-new thing You have promised me. God, I open my heart and put all my faith and trust in You, now and always, in Christ’ Name! Amen.

Faith is Greater Than Fear

How to Deal with Chronic Fear and Anxiety

So many people today are living with less than God’s best, because they’ve allowed fear to creep in and take root in their lives. Fear is the number one negative emotion, and the greatest weapon the enemy uses to try to hold us back. Fear is not from God. Scripture tells us that fear brings torment. Over a hundred times we are told to “fear not.” It’s designed to paralyse us and keep us from God’s blessings.

I’ve got good news! God-given faith is greater than your fear. His power in you is greater than any power that comes against you. Hallelujah! In order to walk in His power, you have to close the door on the enemy, the enemy can’t have access to your life unless you open a door and give him access. That’s why we have to be careful about what we watch, what we listen to, what we read, what we say and who we hang with. When we open ourselves to fear, we give the enemy opportunity.

Today, if you’ve allowed fear to steal from you in any area of your life, you can be free, you can be finished with fear. Conquering the enemy starts by making the choice to close the door on fear, and instead, meditate on God’s promises and His sacrifice. For the Word says we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony! Let His truth and what He has done for you sink down into your heart. Declare it out of your mouth. Let God set you free by praising Him, and watch Him lead you into victory as you close the door on fear!

“Do not give the devil an opportunity to work.” (Ephesians 4:27, ISV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I come to You today declaring that I am finished with fear. Father, thank You for giving me power, love and a sound mind. I declare I will stand on Your promises and share all You have done for me, because that will make me overcome fear and other negatives in my life. Fill me with Your peace and joy today, as I move forward in victory with You, in Christ’ Name! Amen.

He’s Prepared Your Blessing

Scripture says, “He took Adam, whom He had just breathed life into, and put him in the garden.” Notice Adam came into a prepared blessing, something that God had already finished for him. Think about Adam and Eve in the garden. God took the first five days and created the heavens, the earth, the sky, the land and the water. He planted a garden. He put in it beautiful flowers and luscious fruit. He designed rivers to flow through it. He put precious treasures in the ground: onyx, gold and silver. Yes Adam came into a prepared blessing.

When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the right people, the right breaks and the right opportunities. He has blessings that have your name on them. If you will stay in faith and keep honouring God, one day you will come in to what already belongs to you. It’s a prepared blessing! Hallelujah!

Today, in the same way, God has some prepared blessings in store for you. He has worked, arranging things in your favour, getting it all perfectly in place. You couldn’t make it happen on your own. It’s just the goodness of God bringing you into a prepared blessing!

“You prepare a table before me…” (Psalm 23:5, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for preparing a place of blessing for me from before I was born. Father, I choose to trust You and Your timing, knowing that You are working things out on my behalf. God, I glorify You for Your awesome timing and preparation in my life, in Christ’ name! Amen.


Keys represent access. They represent authority. Whether it’s a key to a building, car, or safety deposit box; if you’ve been given a key to something, it means you have a right to use it. You have access to whatever that key will open.

Friend, because of Jesus, we have the keys to the kingdom of heaven! We have access to all the heavenly blessings and promises that are in the Word of God. And, we have the authority to take hold of those promises.

Today, are you using the keys that you have been given by God? The keys of faith and the power of your words and actions? No matter what you may have need of—be it physical healing, provision, wholeness, freedom from addiction—you have been given the authority to access it in Jesus’ Name! Take hold of those promises by faith and begin to declare that every need is met according to His riches in glory. Take a step of faith and use those keys you have been given to take hold of every blessing God has in store for you!

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven” (Matthew 16:19, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for giving me the keys and access to every promise and blessing in heaven. Father, by faith, right now I receive everything You have for me. God, help me stay focused on Your Word which empowers me to live in the victory You have in store for me. In Christ’ Name. Amen.

True Love

True Love

Today’s verse tells us how to make love great – by being kind. You may have heard today’s verse many times before, but one translation puts it this way “love looks for a way to be constructive.” In other words, kindness isn’t just about being nice; it’s looking for ways to improve someone else’s life. It’s bringing out the best in others.

Each morning, when you start your day, don’t just spend time thinking about yourself, or how you can make your own life better. Think about ways you can make someone else’s life better too! Ask yourself, “who can I encourage today? Who can I build up?” You have something to offer those around you that no one else can give. Someone in your life needs your encouragement. Someone in your life needs to know that you believe in them. We are responsible for how we treat the people He’s placed in our lives. He’s counting on us to bring out the best in our family and friends.

Today, ask the Lord to give you creative ways to encourage those around you. As you sow seeds of encouragement and bringing out the best in others, God will send people along your path that will build you up too. Keep showing kindness so you can move forward into the blessings and freedom God has for you! 

“…love is kind…” (1 Corinthians 13:4, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for loving me when I was unlovable. Father, thank You for believing in me and always building me up, even when I disrespect Your kingdom. God, I ask that You show me creative ways to encourage and build up the people around me. Help me to be an example of Your love today and always, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Payday Is Coming

Payday Is Coming

God wants you to live in blessing and wholeness all the days of your life. But in order to experience His promises, we have to keep believing and trusting in Him. That’s what today’s verse is saying: if we will stay in faith, if we will keep believing, keep hoping, and keep doing the right thing, God promises there will be a reward. One translation says, “don’t get discouraged. Payday is coming!” So what are you believing God for today? A better job? Healing? Stronger relationships? Freedom from addiction?

When things aren’t going your way, When you’re tempted to get down just say to yourself, “this may be hard. It may be taking a long time, but I know God is a faithful God. I’m going to keep believing, because my payday is coming.”

Today, as you trust Him and stand in faith, as you boldly declare His promises, you are positioning yourself to receive His blessings. No matter what your circumstances look like, remember, payday is on its way! Hallelujah! Stand firm and experience the blessing and reward He’s promised you all the days of your life!

“So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!” (Hebrews 10:35, NLT)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your good and faithful promises. Father, I choose to trust and believe that my reward is coming, my payday is on its way. God, give me a heart that is fixed on You and fill me with Your peace, as I patiently wait on You, in Christ’ name! Amen.

Get Rid Of The Old

He Holds All Things Together

As I took a long hard look at my life, I realised that in order for me to get to the next level in my life and move into the next chapter in my life, I have to get rid of the old. Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? In order to move forward into the blessings God has for you, you have to be willing to let go of the old. The things that are behind you are not nearly as important today as what is out in front of you. It’s time to get ready for the “new”!

Some unfair things happen, things that you don’t understand. But let me tell you, you have come too far to stop now, despite what others may say and what you think. Instead of allowing those things to hold you back, why don’t you let go and take a step of faith into the new? It’s time to get a new, bigger vision; it’s time to get a new, fresher outlook; it’s time to rise up with a new attitude!

Today, instead of settling where you are, pick up and move forward, no matter what has been said about you. Have the attitude that says, “I may not understand it; it may not have been fair, but I am not getting stuck on this page of my life. I know God has a new chapter for me – a chapter filled with blessings, favour and victory!

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed.” (Luke 5:37, ESV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Father, today, I will trust You with my past, present and future. God, give me wisdom to discern the seasons of my life, and teach me to embrace the new things You have in store for me. Cover me from my enemies and the devil who will seek to bring me back into the old, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Repetition Deepens Impression

GodInterest exists to welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds, equipping people with a faith that works in real life and sends them into a world to serve for God and humanity.

Notice in today’s verse, God’s people were commanded to go around saying continually, “Let God be magnified. He takes pleasure in prospering me.” I believe one reason they were supposed to say it all the time, is so that it would get down deep in their hearts. Reputation deepens the impression. 

Remember, when we hear something for long enough, we start to believe it. It starts to affect the way we see things. I wonder what would happen if, all through the day, we decided to stop dwelling on negative, self-defeating thoughts like, “I’ll always be broke. My business or ministry will never grow. I won’t be able to send my children to university, it’s too expensive.” What if we started dwelling on positive thoughts like, “God takes pleasure in prospering me. Good breaks are in my future. Explosive blessings are coming my way?”

Today, let the truth of God’s Word sink down into your heart, and throughout the day declare His goodness. Declare His faithfulness. Declare His blessings because He delights in seeing you prosper and live abundantly. Receive it today, hold your head high, speak God’s Word over every area of your life. 

“Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favour my righteous cause; And let them say continually, ‘Let the LORD be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.’ ” (Psalm 35:27, NKJV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness. Thank You for my success. Father, please change my thinking from negative to positive. God, send Your spirit to into my life today, so that my faith will become real and active, as I continually claim Your promises over my life. Help me to see my life the way You see it. Help me to see and declare the blessings and victories You have for me in Christ’ name! Amen.

God I Can’t Wait Any Longer

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9, NLT)

Just recently I got frustrated because what I had been praying for was taking a long time. What Are you praying for? Is it taking longer than you thought or expected? No matter how long you may have been standing on God’s promises, don’t give up! Your season is coming. Your harvest of blessing is on its way. It might be today, it might be tomorrow, it might be next week, next month or next year; but remember, at just the right time, you will experience your breakthrough.
Today, Be encouraged! God is faithful and His promises are true. Keep standing, keep hoping, keep believing. Keep doing good. Keep declaring the promises of God over your life. Choose to be around people who are going to encourage you and fill your heart and mind with God’s Word. Let a song of praise come out of your mouth at all times. Press on in faith and keep an attitude of victory. Don’t get tired of doing what is right because your harvest of blessing is on the way. Hallelujah!
“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9, NLT)

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Thank You for refreshing and renewing my heart. Father, I’m struggling with Your timing. Things have become difficult for me and I can’t hear from You. Fill me with Your peace; fill me with Your strength as I wait on You. God, I await my harvest of blessings from You. Help me to do good, stand firm and not give up until I see my harvest of blessing in Christ’ name. Amen.

Walk In His Blessings

I Just Can't Help But Talk About Jesus

Are you looking for abundance? Well, God wants to bring you to a place of abundance! A place filled with favour, opportunity, good health and great relationships. You may not be there yet, but don’t worry, your blessing is on the way. Hallelujah!  

David reminds us in Psalm 31, “God has blessings stored up for those that love the Lord.” There are good health, provision, relationships, businesses and promotion stored up for you that God wants to release. There are blessings with your name on it when you love the Lord. Oh yes, God is going to bring you into what He has already prepared for you. When you honour Him, when you’re faithful to Him, that’s how you walk in His blessings. You don’t have to look for them; blessings and favour are going to find you! Good breaks are going to come your way! 

Today, be ready to receive what God has for you. Position yourself for blessing by falling in love with God and walking in His ways. Meditate on the Word of God and sing His praise. Thank Him for what He is doing, because favour is looking for you! 

“Surely, LORD, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favour as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12, NIV) 

Let’s Pray Yahweh, thank You for blessing me. Thank You for Your blessings and goodness in my life. Father, please help me to see new ways to be a blessing to others, as I daily keep my heart and mind focused on You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


This year I have been studying the book of Joshua, and today’s promise is one of my favourites. God said to Joshua, “today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” In other words, “today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But notice, there was a set time that God began to release favour in a new way. God wants to do the same thing for you. He wants to release His blessings and favour in such a way that it makes you a great parent, a great spouse, a great leader, a great employee, a great friend.

Today, God is saying to us what He said to Joshua, “this day, I’m going to begin to make your name great. This day, I’m going to begin to release My favour in a new way. I’m going to open doors that no man can shut.” It is the time for God’s favour in your life. Get ready! Make room in your thinking. Stay open to Him and keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, because this day God has something amazing in store for you! Hallelujah!

“That day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life…” (Joshua 4:14, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I bless You this morning. Father, You alone are worthy of all glory and honour. Thank You for pouring out Your favour and blessing on me today. God, I open my heart and mind to receive everything You have in store for me this day. I look forward to You blessing me for the world to see as You did for Joshua, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


This year I have been studying the book of Joshua, and today’s promise is one of my favourites. God said to Joshua, “today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” In other words, “today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But notice, there was a set time that God began to release favour in a new way. God wants to do the same thing for you. He wants to release His blessings and favour in such a way that it makes you a great parent, a great spouse, a great leader, a great employee, a great friend.  

Today, God is saying to us what He said to Joshua, “this day, I’m going to begin to make your name great. This day, I’m going to begin to release My favour in a new way. I’m going to open doors that no man can shut.” It is the time for God’s favour in your life. Get ready! Make room in your thinking. Stay open to Him and keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, because this day God has something amazing in store for you! Hallelujah!

“That day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life…” (Joshua 4:14, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I bless You this morning. Father, You alone are worthy of all glory and honour. Thank You for pouring out Your favour and blessing on me today. God, I open my heart and mind to receive everything You have in store for me this day. I look forward to You blessing me for the world to see as You did for Joshua, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


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