Let’s be clear, Kwanzaa is a cultural and not religious holiday created by an African American. However, the principles of Kwanzaa (from Swahili) can be found in scripture and can build and enhance families and communities and elevate the political dialogue on issues of importance to all. Hence, 7 days before the start of the year, I offer this Kwanzaa perspective for Christians, as it relates to the Seven Principles of the first fruits (kwanza).
Principle 1. Unity/Umoja: Psalms 133:1. How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity. This bible verse reinforces the unity principle of togetherness and harmony and instructs that our speech, strategies, and behaviour should be directed toward bringing people together as opposed to the divide and conquer, demonize, and dominate approach that is all too present in our social relations and politics.
Politicians seem to thrive on division. Income brackets separate communities into one side of the tracks or the other. Even people who share the same beliefs bicker about how to live out those beliefs. Unity may seem far-fetched, but unity is what Christ prayed for before going to the cross. More than anything, His desire was for the church to be one because their uncommon unity would be a powerful witness of God’s love. (John 17:23).
Today Umoja (unity) teaches us with so much division in our world, Christians’ ability to be unified, even when we’re not the same, is what will set us apart. This kind of unity doesn’t happen naturally. It comes from God. As we experience God’s love for us, it leads us to love others with pure, unselfish motives. We stop trying to push ourselves to the top and begin submitting to God and one another. Just as God is unified, we are to be unified to bring God glory. We are His plan to reconcile people with Him. But reconciliation must start with us. When believers live in harmony, people take notice and get a glimpse of Christ’s love
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity (Psalms 133:1).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, when I think of places lacking in unity, the church is not the first thing I imagine. Yet today the church is full of division. Father, whether the topic is racial, same-sex relations, abortion or others, churches are not on the same page. God, how can we be of the same body but cling to so many different beliefs? We read the same text and have drastically different takeaways? Are we interpreting the Bible the way we want or are we genuinely confused? Whatever the answer, I pray that you would help the church find unity on various salvific issues. Please give us clarity on issues of culture or politics. I ask that you help us to be clear about what is most important to You in Christ’s Name, Amen!
In Reflection
When you look at your relationships, how much unity do you see at home, at work, or at school?
What is one practical way you can build unity in the church and your community?
When is the last time you prayed for the church? Take a moment to follow Jesus’ example in praying for your church family. Pray that we would experience the same unity that Jesus had with God and the Holy Spirit.
Whiles laws governing abortion continue to be debated in many parts of the world, heated conversations around the issue of abortion has increased in recent months as countries have continued to pass “heartbeat bills” and other laws restricting abortions.
Voters in Ireland removed a 35-year-old constitutional ban on abortion, one of the strictest in Europe.
And in Poland, politicians are making a renewed push to restrict abortion.
From relief to regret: Readers’ experiences of abortion
Celebrities around the world have weighed in on the matter through sharing personal antidotal stories of relief to regret rallying for boycotts, and starting movements championing for and against change on social media.
Children’s lives outside the womb matter just as much as those inside. I won’t pretend I’m fully educated on the policy nuances or women’s experiences. I just don’t seem to hear the voices crying against the murder of children inside the womb, that are crying about those outside the womb.
Lecrae Devaughn Moore
Recently, Christian rapper Lecrae Devaughn Moore took to Twitter Social Media to share his conventions about what it means to be pro-life, arguing that children’s lives inside the womb matter just as much as those outside which prompted ‘amens’ and ‘hallelujahs’ in support across Twitter
Lecrae also admitted that he paid for an abortion in the past which went from being a relief to a lifetime of regret. Lacrae also said:
“I found a photo of the girlfriend I asked to abort my baby and I ‘just broke down”.
Lecrae Devaughn Moore
Lecrae’s public message sparked a wide range of responses, both from those who agree and disagree and felt the comment was completely out of line.
“Haven’t seen the same support for the marginalized communities I’ve served in for 15 years. Most of my friends in urban ministry lack support. They are dealing with the families and societal injustices AFTER the kids are born.”
Many were surprised and grateful when they saw the video clip from Passion Life Ministries on January 9th described as “A conversation with Lecrae, John Piper, and John Ensor on the story behind Good, Bad, Ugly, the remorse of abortion, and the healing of the gospel of Christ.
Lecrae is seen by millions as a relevant leader with a voice worth listening to. John Piper and John Ensor are powerful leaders as well. Both Christian ministers have faithfully spoken out against abortion for years.
In the video, Lecrae shares the meaning behind the lyrics of his song “Good, Bad and Ugly,” which shares his personal experience with abortion. Live Action wrote about this song when it was first released. Lecrae goes even deeper in this new video clip, sharing details of the pain he suffered years after the abortion of his child. Lecrae tells of the time he found a picture of his ex-girlfriend, the mother of his aborted child.
NFL tight end Benjamin Watson also joined in on the conversation and said in response to Lecrae’s comment:
here I am bruh “In the womb, outside the womb, conception to grave count me in. Standing for life does not have to be a mutually exclusive event.”
Benjamin Watson
Watson has also been a vocal opponent of abortion and spoke at the 2017 March for Life.
As a husband and father of seven children (two currently in the womb), the NFL star explained that men should “step up and lead,” which could “eradicate” many of the abortions occurring today.
He added that abortion is “the ultimate form of sexism against women.”
“And that’s a challenge to myself, that’s a challenge to all men who are listening, that’s a challenge to men everywhere to step up and be men.
“A lot of the issues that we face in our country, whether it’s the abortion issue, or education, or whatever it may be, sometimes incarceration, whatever it may be, if men were doing their job, these things would be eradicated.
“My message to men is a lot of times, me looking in the mirror and encouraging myself as a father, as a husband, to do what it takes to stand in the gap, to step out, and to lead, because manhood is really falling by the wayside.
“The crazy thing is that abortion itself is really the ultimate form of sexism against women. And if men were standing up doing what they were supposed to do, much of this would be eradicated.”
The battle between life and choice is being fought one story at a time.
Abortion facts:
Abortion i`s the #1 cause of death for African-Americans. Abortion disproportionally targets minority babies. Whatever the intent of the abortion industry may be, by functional standards, abortion is a racist institution. In the United States, black children are aborted at 5 times the rate of white children and Hispanic children don’t fare much better. Abortion is the leading cause of death among black Americans. We can debate the racial intent of Planned Parenthood past and present, but we cannot debate the results. Abortion is by no means an equal opportunity killer.
Every new life begins at conception. This is an irrefutable fact of biology. It is true for animals and true for humans. When considered alongside the law of biogenesis — that every species reproduces after its own kind — we can draw only one conclusion in regard to abortion: every single abortion ends the life of an innocent human being.
Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth. Among the physical risks of abortion are infection, perforation of the uterus, hemorrhage, cervical incompetence, cancer, and even death. Among the psychological risks are depression, nervous disorders, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction, alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders, child neglect or abuse, divorce or chronic relationship problems, and suicide. The Elliot Institute. “Research on the Psychological and Physical Effects of Abortion.” Accessed October 17, 2013.
The 8 week+ unborn baby feels real physical pain during an abortion. Yes, every abortion kills an innocent human being. Even more alarming is the fact that beginning at the 8th week of development, an unborn baby that is aborted feels pain during the abortion. The baby feels both psychological and real physical, organic pain. Let that sink in. Of course, whether or not abortion is a painful experience to the unborn child being aborted, the child is left no less dead as a result. In talking about the question of fetal pain, we must remember that it ultimately has no bearing on the morality of abortion.
70,000 women world-wide die each year from back-street abortions.One in three women in the UK have an abortion in their lifetime.
Abortion has become a form of gendercide, shrinking the global female population at an alarming rate. On top of the fact that every abortion kills an innocent human being, abortion has also become the driving force in eliminating females around the globe. Estimates put the global gender gap somewhere between 100 and 200 million people. Abortion has become the most effective means of sexism ever devised, ridding the world of multitudes of unwanted females.
Around 180,000 abortions a year take place in England. About 10,000 are on women from other parts of the UK including Ireland, where it is illegal. 10,000 are performed in Scotland. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
Women between 20- and 24-years-old are the largest users of abortion services. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
Since being legalised under the 1967 Abortion Act, on average around one fifth of all pregnancies in the UK have ended in abortion.
World-wide, around one quarter of pregnancies end in abortion – nearly half are illegal. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
Almost 90% of abortions take place in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
76% of adults in the UK are pro-choice. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
The NHS is not required by law to perform abortions. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
In England nearly a quarter of women pay for their abortions because NHS services are restricted. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
Abortion on request is the general rule in most European countries and in the US but not in the UK where the permission of two doctors is required. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
In a saline abortion, amniotic fluid is removed from the uterus and replaced with a saline solution, which the fetus swallows. The fetus is killed by salt poisoning, dehydration, brain hemorrhage and convulsions. Saline abortions, typically performed in the second and early third trimester, are rarely used today, due to the risk of particularly serious health complications to the woman. Clowes, Brian, PhD. The Facts of Life. Front Royal, VA: Human Life International, 2001.
Suction aspiration, the most common abortion method, is typically performed at 6-12 weeks gestation, but can be used up to 16 weeks. The cervix is dilated, and a hollow plastic tube with a sharp tip is inserted into the cervix and then into the uterus. An aspirator attached to the tube tears the body of the fetus apart and suctions the pieces through the tube. Willke, John, MD and Barbara Willke. Abortion: Questions & Answers. Cincinnati: Hayes, 2003.
Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, there have been approximately 56 million abortions performed in the United States. Guttmacher Institute. “Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States.” July 2013.
* The average length of a full-term pregnancy is 38 weeks. Obstetricians normally use a figure of 40 weeks, but this is actually the time between the first day of the last menstrual period and childbirth. On average, the first day of the last menstrual period occurs 2 weeks before fertilization.[
* The following scientific facts about human development are organized according to the number of weeks since fertilization. The number of weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) are shown in parentheses.
Fertilization (2 Weeks Post-LMP)
* Fertilization normally takes place within one day of intercourse but can occur up to six days later.
* At fertilization, the genetic composition of humans is formed.[ This genetic information determines gender, eye color, hair color, and facial features. It also influences characteristics such as intelligence and personality.
* The medical textbook The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology states that “fertilization” creates “a new combination of chromosomes that is different from that in the cells of either of the parents,” and this “is the beginning of a new human being.”[
* The four defining characteristics of life are present at fertilization:[
response to stimulI
* Genetically speaking, with the exception of identical twins, once a woman conceives a preborn human, the odds against her conceiving the same one again are greater than 10600 to one.[ In comparison, there are roughly 1080 atoms in the known universe.
* Identical twins are biologically unique from each other due to epigenetic differences that affect the expression of their genes.[
3 Weeks After Fertilization (5 Weeks Post-LMP)
* The eyes and spinal cord are visible and the developing brain has two lobes.
4 Weeks After Fertilization (6 Weeks Post-LMP)
* The heart is beating and a circulatory system is in place.[ Specific brain components and internal organs such as the lungs are beginning to develop and can be identified.
7 Weeks After Fertilization (9 Weeks Post-LMP)
* Muscles and nerves begin working together. When the upper lip is tickled, the arms move backwards. The cerebrum has divided into hemispheres.
* More than 90% of the body structures found in a full-grown human are present. The medical classification changes from an embryo to a fetus. This dividing line was chosen by embryologists because from this point forward, most development involves growth in existing body structures instead of the formation of new ones. The preborn human moves body parts without any outside stimulation.
10 Weeks After Fertilization (12 Weeks Post-LMP)
* All parts of the brain and spinal cord are formed. The heart pumps blood to every part of the body. The whole body is sensitive to touch except for portions of the head. The preborn human makes facial expressions.[
11 Weeks After Fertilization (13 Weeks Post-LMP)
12 Weeks After Fertilization (14 Weeks Post-LMP)
* Electrical signals from the nervous system are measurable. After an abortion, efforts to suckle will sometimes be observed.
13 Weeks After Fertilization (15 Weeks Post-LMP)
14 Weeks After Fertilization (16 Weeks Post-LMP)
* The preborn human makes coordinated movements of the arms and legs.[
* The preborn human sleeps, awakes and can hear sounds.[
* For detailed facts about the capacity of humans to feel pain at this stage of development, read Just Facts’ article, “When Do Humans Begin to Feel Pain?”
* Up through approximately this point in time, according to the Supreme Court’s rulings in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a pregnant woman can abort at will. (More details in the section on Constitution and Law.)
24 Weeks After Fertilization (26 Weeks Post-LMP)
* The blink-startle reflex and taste buds are functional. The preborn human will swallow more amniotic fluid if a sweetener is added to it. The grip is strong enough to hold onto an object that is moving up and down.[ If born and given specialized care, the survival rate is more than 80%.
28 Weeks after Fertilization (30 weeks Post-LMP)
* If exposed to an 85 decibel noise while sleeping (about as loud as a blender), preborn humans exhibit the “motor behaviors that accompany the crying state.”Premature infants born at this time are more sensitive to pain than infants who are born at 38 weeks, and infants who are born at 38 weeks are more sensitive to pain than infants at 3—12 months after birth.[
* If born and given specialized care, the survival rate is more than 95%.[
32 Weeks After Fertilization (34 Weeks Post-LMP)
(Premature infant 3 days after birth)
38 Weeks After Fertilization (40 Weeks Post-LMP)
* Average point in time when humans are born. At birth, the medical classification changes from a fetus to a neonate.[
* At any point prior to birth, according to the Supreme Court’s rulings in Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a pregnant woman can abort to preserve her “health.” One example from Roe v. Wade of what may be considered harmful to a mother’s health is the work of caring for a child. (More details in the section on Constitution and Law.)
14-Year-Old Is Raped in Parents’ Basement, Refuses to Have an Abortion: “This Baby Will Be a Gift From God”.
P.J, became pregnant after being raped by a man who was supposedly a friend of a friend when she was 14 year olds.
P.J grow up in a military family and with very protective parents who weren’t typically the kind to let their kids hang out with just any and anybody.
However on one occasion the teen’s friends invited P.J to hang out with a boy from the military who was home for Christmas leave and her parents were comfortable with that.
P.J. friends got together in her parents’ basement, and P.J. was then raped right in front of several over people who all remained silent about what actually happened.
The truth about what had happened in the families basement came out five months later after P.J. found out that she was pregnant.
P.J.s parents were horrified and felt a sense of guilt and shame about the whole situation and P.J.s mom admittedly considered taking their daughter to get an abortion.
Angela is pro-life, but in the past would have made an exception in the case of rape or incest.
“I really thought I would take her to terminate the pregnancy,” Angela explains. “I was pro-life but with exceptions. I didn’t want to do that, but I was always told it was the thing to do in the case of forcible rape. My husband, however, said he couldn’t have anything to do with the death of a child. That it was still a human life. Everywhere we went, friends and religious people were very adamant that we should terminate.”
Angela P.J.s mom struggled continuously with what happened and was completely and utterly at a loss of how to best care for her daughter. Many close friends and family members were encouraging her to help P.J. terminate the pregnancy, but her husband, Doug, was encouraging the opposite. Angela was reminded of her own experience with abortion.
“In college, I got pregnant and I went to a health clinic. I was 24 weeks, and I had an abortion. My mother forced me to because she didn’t want to be embarrassed by my poor choices. We never spoke about it again. I have never gotten over it.”
A baby from rape is ‘something beautiful from something terrible’
Not wanting to repeat past mistakes and P.J. to suffer with regret that she was forced to experience every day of her life Angela came to the realisation that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen. A friend called Angela and referred her to Trisha, who runs a Birth Right. She begged her to take P.J. there before they made any decisions.
“Trisha was the first person to say it was going to be okay. She was the first person who actually encouraged us to keep [the baby]. As a woman, even if you’re pro-life, you’re told there’s nothing worse you can do to a rape victim [than tell her to keep her baby]. I’ve been told by everyone, especially the media, that abortion is what you do. Trish gave us Rebecca Kiessling’s pamphlet. We prayed about it and it was the best thing we had ever done. After we left Birth Right, P.J. cried–not because she was upset–but she said she felt relieved and like we were in a safe place. She said she knew Miss Trisha had her best interest at heart. When we heard [the baby’s] heartbeat, it was over for me. This child will be a gift from God. P.J. spent a lot of quiet time reflecting. She had a wisdom I didn’t have. Her strength and wisdom is what got us through.”
It wasn’t P.J.’s choice to be attacked, but it was her choice to keep the baby. P.J.’s family decided to throw a baby shower and then she prepared for James to make his grand entrance into the world. While the circumstance was horrid, the life of this beautiful baby was well worth celebrating!
While the circumstance was unfortunate, the life of this beautiful baby was completely worth celebrating!
Something that seems so “obvious,” isn’t actually legislation, which is unbelievable.
P.J. gave birth to her son, James, in the fall of 2011. However, after the authorities investigated the man who raped her, they uncovered some disturbing facts that may severely endanger both P.J. and James because where they lived, there were no laws presently in place to protect women and their children conceived in rape from the rapist. The rapist is legally permitted to seek custody and parental rights.
In addition the rapist had previously raped another male and was in the process of being discharged from the Army for illegal drug use. Thankfully, the rapist’s attempts at getting partial custody of James failed.
“The minute we laid eyes on this child, we didn’t once equate him to the rapist. He’s just as much a victim. He has healed our family in ways we can’t explain. He is the most amazing gift from God. I don’t even know how to put it in words.”
Today, P.J. attends a women’s Bible study once a week, and she prays with James every day, constantly reminding him that he has always been wanted and loved and as for their decision not to terminate the pregnancy, well, Angela couldn’t be more grateful.
Pregnancy is a potential result of rape. It has been studied in the context of war, particularly as a tool for genocide, as well as other unrelated contexts, such as rape by a stranger, statutory rape, incest, and underage pregnancy. The current scientific consensus is that rape is at least as likely to lead to pregnancy as consensual sexual intercourse, with some studies suggesting rape may actually result in higher rates of pregnancy than consensual intercourse.
What happens after birth is completely up to you; there are always options. ALWAYS people to help.
Facts about rape.
Low estimate of the number of women , according to the Department of Justice, raped every year: 300,000
Percentage of military victims who get an “involuntarily” dischargecompared to percentage of charged and accused who are discharged with honor: 90 percent involuntary to 80 percent with honor
The traumatic aftermath of a miscarriage, even an early one, is an empirically proven, statistically significant trend.
Miscarriage and grief are both an event and subsequent process of grieving that develops in response to a miscarriage.
This event is often considered to be identical to the loss of a child and has been described as traumatic.[
Losing a pregnancy can affect a woman – and her family – for years, research finds.
Emotional responses may be bitterness, anxiety, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust and blaming others; these responses may persist for months.
By far the most common PTSD symptoms that result from miscarriage are depression and anxiety.
Mental Illness after miscarriage is common, but women aren’t getting the support they need.
A study from the Irish Journal of Psychology found that 44 percent of women who had miscarried during their first trimester showed “clinical levels of psychological distress,” even months later. That includes depression, panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety.
So your friend decides to forget the “12 week rule” and tells her family and social networks she is pregnant. She knows the stats — one in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage — but she wants to have the support of family and friends around her in case she needs it.
Then the worst happens: she miscarries. And she discovers many people around her, including health professionals, lack sensitivity when talking about the miscarriage. Some don’t even acknowledge her loss.
So how can we support women better? What do women need from family, friends and health professionals at the time of a miscarriage?
Studies Acknowledge How Traumatic Miscarriage Is – So Why Doesn’t Society?
Acknowledge their loss.
Listen and let them grieve.
Encourage them to talk to other women who’ve had a miscarriage.
Mental illness can be a consequence of miscarriage or early pregnancy loss and even though women can develop long-term psychiatric symptoms after a miscarriage, acknowledging the potential of mental illness is not usually considered. A mental illness can therefore develop in women who have experienced one or more miscarriages after the event or even after many years later.
“There is the initial shock of finding out your child has passed, alone in an ultrasound room because partners are not allowed in with you, then there is the trauma of the abortion pill which is essentially going into labour at home without any medical professional present, and then you are expected to live your life normally for weeks, going to work, smiling, all the while knowing your dead pregnancy is inside you and could come out at any moment. I don’t think any woman finds herself on the other side of that mentally intact.”
“The study will explore the barriers and benefits of using a screening tool. Some hospitals now have early pregnancy loss clinics to which they can refer women experiencing miscarriages. This is a very new development and we hope that use of these clinics will result in better screening and follow-up for women who may have mental health issues following their miscarriage.”
There may be a link between PTSD and miscarriage
Studies Acknowledge How Traumatic Miscarriage Is – So Why Doesn’t Society?
Engel says there are very limited long-term studies related to mental health and miscarriage and that most studies tend to have been conducted in the first year post miscarriage or even within the first six weeks.
Engel also says findings of the studies are contradictory, with some suggesting that life circumstances or social support have no bearing on the experience of either depression or anxiety. Others suggest that women who have limited social support, prior losses, longer gestation, and/or existing mental health concerns are more likely to experience greater severity in depression and/or anxiety and to experience symptoms of either up to a year.
The world went from
calling a ‘clump of cells’ nonhuman, to allowing abortions when the clump of
cells begins to ‘look human’, accepting third-trimester abortions, and now
pushing for the termination of babies moments before birth, or in some cases,
just after birth. It seems that what they are seeking is an all-inclusive
licence to kill.
Just the other day,
a cousin wanted help with writing up an argument for a school debate. The
debate? Whether you agree with abortion or not, and why. She took the pro-life
route, but not without some backlash for it. Another pro-choice family member
said that the world did not need any more unwanted children and that women who
were not ready to have children and take care of them must abort their babies
to save the rest of the world some trouble. I sat there for a moment, merely
listening to the debate going back and forth. The pro-choice side was quite
strong and appeared to be winning, but I decided to speak up and deliver one
line: you will answer to GOD for what you have done, I hope you’re ready for
it. Everyone sort of looked away, looking for something to say, but as they
were supposed professing Christians, they had nothing to say. Murder is murder,
no matter the stage of life. The excuse that a woman should have a right over
her own body at the expense of the growing baby in her stomach is weak. No
amount of getting angry or violent will change that fact.
I believe that most
people reading this are aware of what the Scriptures say about murder, life,
and being known by GOD before even conception has taken place. The most
beautiful verse about growing life is Psalm 139: 13-18, verses that I take
comfort in during times of uncertainty concerning my purpose and worth. As
Believers, we know that we can turn to GOD’S Word and find the words that we
need to overcome whatever challenges we are facing, but the rest of the world
does not. They are hellbent on living their lives as they will, not accepting
the consequences for their choices. Every problem must be looked at in context,
but sin does not need a framework to be considered sin, it just is because GOD
has said it is, and murder is a sin. For example, a young cousin of mine has
recently fallen pregnant due to her promiscuous lifestyle. She is 18 this year,
and instead of being in her last year of school, she is only beginning her high
school year as she has failed several times. This can be blamed on her lack of
school attendance. You dig deeper, and you’ll find that she was not disciplined
as a child growing up, in fact, she was primarily left to live her life as she
wished. Both her parents have now passed away due to AIDS, and she lives with
family members but does not respect them. Most of my family wanted her to get
an abortion because her baby would mean one more mouth to feed as she is not
working. According to the world, this context for abortion would be acceptable,
but to GOD it is not. What they are saying is that a life should be
extinguished due to the mistakes of the mother. So, if I was to use their
reasoning then the family of a murder victim should be allowed to kill the
murderer’s mother, father, siblings, or child to atone for what the murderer
has done. It doesn’t sound so acceptable when used in another situation, does
Another family
member had a botched abortion, by botched I mean that the baby lived. She is
also living with HIV, and the father of the child is also HIV positive. We all
(or should) know that HIV can be avoided being passed down to the foetus;
however, her situation led her to take the abortion route. She already has
three children by three different men, does not have a stable job, and is an
alcoholic. She does not take care of her children, in fact, two are now
considered adults and can mostly defend for themselves. The last born is taken
care of by family members. The local clinic told her to have an abortion due to
these circumstances, but she waited until she was five months to do so. Off to
the hospital she went to remove the child from her womb, thinking that she
would not have to deal with another baby in her life. They removed the baby,
put it in a black bag, and tossed it on the cold floor of the morgue. A nurse
entered the morgue several hours later only to find mewling noises coming from
the bag. She opened it and realised that the aborted baby was alive! This sent
the hospital into a panic. They quickly got the baby into an incubator and
informed the mother that the baby was alive. Could you imagine the shock? For
the next five months, the baby was kept in an incubator, damaging her eyesight
in the process. When she was finally allowed to be taken home, the mother was
told that her baby would never be able to walk, talk, and would likely die as a
toddler. To top it all off, the baby was HIV positive. Ten years later, the
little girl is walking, and though she cannot speak, she uses sign language.
She is the sweetest little girl with a cheeky attitude of her own and is well
aware of all that goes on around her. She goes to a special school, is learning
how to write more clearly, and loves anything to do with drawing and colours.
In short, she is a girl like any other, even with her special needs.
Abortions can bring
about emotional trauma that may not be experienced immediately after, but let
me tell you that when it comes to bite your rear end, it takes a chunk. I know
of an old woman who is riddled with guilt for the two abortions she had as a
young woman. It gets so bad that she becomes gravely ill and has to be admitted
into hospital and put under observation. Her mind comes and goes, sometimes not
recognising her living children and calling out for those who have died. Her
reasons for abortion were tied to the hard times of the country when Apartheid
was still in effect. She is a black woman who had had relations with white men
(I do not know if it was rape) resulting in two pregnancies. She managed to
abort two of those pregnancies for fear of being found with a mixed-race child,
but she was not able to do so with her third pregnancy. Now as an old woman,
those abortions have come back to haunt her and do not give her peace.
Of course, the
argument of high-risk pregnancies also comes up. Let me stress here that I may
speak frankly, but I do not feel disgust for the people but for the sin. People
will say that a medical reason to abort the baby is acceptable, especially if
it puts the mother at risk. Also, if the baby is to be born with a deformity,
then it would be better to abort the baby before he/she is born. I hear what
the argument is, but my stand does not change. Abortion is wrong because it is
murder. People would sooner laugh in my face when I say that Jesus is the Great
Physician than listen, but it is true. Do you not think that He would be able
to save both mother and child? Do you not believe that He can help that child
with the deformity? The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is within us
today if indeed we are His. Nothing is impossible for GOD, but only if we
believe. To doubt is to tell Him that we do not believe that He can do anything
for us. He created the world, for goodness sake, will He not help a mother in
need? But the world chooses to reject Him still, and even His own people doubt
His power to heal. People would sooner find an excuse for their sin than humble
themselves and fall to their knees before Him to seek grace and mercy. Or,
worse yet, His own people deny that He still performs miracles and wonders in
the world today.
Forgiveness is
available to those who have had abortions in the past but regret having done
so. If you serve our Sovereign LORD, then you should know that He will forgive
you for there is no condemnation for those who believe. He scatters your sins
away and makes you clean. Do not miss this opportunity due to your guilt. He
loves you in spite of your sin, but you need forgiveness from Him and yourself
to be set free.
All I know is that
the GOD we serve does not change, neither is He cold to the plight of people.
He loves us all, but not all of us are His. He loves the downtrodden, the
deformed, the unwanted- all of them! The world may reject them, but Jesus
stands with open arms to accept them. What He did back then He can do today,
and what He considers sin is a sin no matter the reasons the world may give. At
the end of the day, you need to understand that there are consequences to
everything, and perhaps you will not experience those consequences now and go
about your life as you want to. But when you stand before the Ancient of Days
and give an account of your life, do not say that you were not warned.
In the nearing end of 2018, and in the coming day of Thanksgiving, we need to be thankful that everything this Christian Nation has built is not yet destroyed. Though hard to picture or even think of anything to be thankful for due to this Age of the End Times, it is healthy for a Christian man, woman, teen and child to remember what we do have left. But this article is not talking about Thanksgiving, this article was made to remind us what the bible says about sin and mercy, and I will cover both in this article about Abortion.
Abortion is manually and scientifically removing an unborn-developed organism or removing the chance of any life in the belly of a woman.
The Bible says that life is precious, and detrimental if we choose to murder or play like we are “gods of our life.” For God is the only Lord of our life. However, just as in the Garden of Eden, God did not kill Adam and Eve he showed mercy. So God will not say to you young teen, single parent, or rapist survivor, to teach the child, but to give the baby life. The best you can do is to send the newborn to adoption/foster care. If you are a married couple who only want sex or a prostitute, well, you need to rethink what society has fantasize to you about sex. In all kindness I plead you get purity counseling, perhaps a pastor or a Christian counselor to rearrange what you think about love and adulting.
On the 25th of May, Ireland will vote to either keep or relax their strict abortion laws. Presently, Ireland’s abortion referendum states that unborn babies are human beings, but as the world falls further into sin, the pro-choice voters are gaining ground, saying that abortion laws punish women and that women have the right to abort a helpless fetus because, after all, it is their body.
For a country that was once known as the most Catholic country in the world, they have become increasingly secular in these recent years. Three years ago, the Republic voted in favor of same-sex marriage- the first country in the world to do so by public vote. This time, Irish voters will decide whether to ‘liberate’ or keep their ‘restrictive’ abortion laws. Voters will be asked if they want to repeal article 40.3.3- also known as the eighth amendment- which gives unborn fetuses and pregnant women an equal right to life, making it the sole Western democracy to do so. It was back in 2013 that high-risk pregnancies (where the mother’s life is in danger) were allowed termination. Currently, illegal abortion can put you away in prison for up to 14 years.
Ireland is most certainly a nation divided. For Yes voters, they believe that a repeal would be the most humane decision. At the moment, women in Ireland who seek to have an abortion have to travel to Britain, they do it quietly and in secret, feeling great shame. They also have to pay quite a bit of money to get the abortion done, with costs rising as the pregnancy progresses. Costs including accommodation and transport are included, which makes abortion an option for those that can actually afford it. Others are buying abortion pills secretly on the internet, knowing that if they were found out that they would face years in prison. Pro-choice voters believe that Ireland’s harsh abortion laws only serve to control and repress women and take away their right over their own bodies. When Savita Halappanvar died due to complications of a septic miscarriage at 17 weeks’ gestation- after being refused an abortion- Irish pro-choicers were in an uproar and have since referred to her whenever speaking of a woman’s right to make decisions when concerning her body. Abortion, they believe, is synonymous with women’s empowerment and individuals’ rights.
Voters who are pro-life believe that abortion is mass murder. They hold a deeply held conviction that abortion at any point after conception is the killing of a baby. Some are voicing their concerns about the vanishing children of a country that prizes family, children and the less fortunate. They believe that Ireland is built around community, protection of the vulnerable and faith. Others fear that if abortion becomes legal, it would lead to the eradication of people with Down’s syndrome. They claim that prenatal screening teamed with legal abortion would lead many women to make the decision to abort their unborn babies. They look at countries like Iceland, where only 15% to 20% of women who find out that the fetus potentially has the condition will decide to keep the baby.
What does GOD’S Word say about abortion? While the word abortion is not used, Scripture is far from silent about the sanctity of human life, especially pre-born life in the womb. As Christians, we value life, but why should we value life?
“Know that the LORD Himself is GOD; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture” (Psalm 100:3).
“For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed, an in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them” (Psalm 139:13-16).
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).
“Then GOD spoke all these words, saying…’You shall not murder'” (Exodus 20:1,13).
But what if a child is conceived as a result of rape or incest? “Father’s shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their father’s; a person shall be put to death for his own sin” (Deuteronomy 24:16). You cannot blame that unborn baby for the atrocities committed by others. Oh yes, society will tell you to get rid of that baby, but will that heal you? Just as you become a victim of rape and incest, that baby receives a death sentence because of your need to get rid of any evidence of that tragedy.
Should a child who might be born deformed or disabled be aborted? “So the LORD said to Him, ‘Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?” (Exodus 4:11). I also believe that GOD is a Mighty and All-Powerful One who can work miracles of all sorts- He specializes in the impossible. Instead of listening to what the doctors have to say, know what GOD can do for you. Also, understand that a deformed or disabled person is no less deserving of love than the next person. GOD knows each person by name, and He knows the number of hairs on your head- it is not the outward appearance that GOD sees, but the inward man.
How should a woman view her body and the pre-born life growing in her womb? “Behold, children are a gift from the LORD; the fruit of the womb is a reward” (Psalm 127:3). “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from GOD, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify GOD in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
Does GOD forgive those who have had abortions? “In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace…” (Ephesians 1:7). “I, even I, am the One who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins” (Isaiah 43:25).
We must understand that killing an unborn baby is a sin, even if you try to convince yourself that it is a fetus and is thus not a life or human. GOD sees everything – there is nothing that we can hide from Him. On Judgement day, we will give an account of everything that we have ever done in our lives, every idle word said, every evil intention and any disobedience. I do not say this is in judgment to women, but as one who wishes that your eyes would be opened and that you would understand the Truth. Father loves each and every person, regardless of what you have done and who you are. However, sin is a sin, and each person will be punished for that sin. GOD’s Word is clear about the end of those who continue to sin, and that is death. When we repent, GOD is just and merciful to forgive us, but we cannot continue to knowingly sin and expect everything to be okay- you mock GOD if you believe that.
Step away from the world, stop being swayed and influenced by society as it changes. Lawlessness, debauchery, idolatry, adultery, fornication, selfishness, covetous, murder- all these and more are increasing on the earth. People are allowing all sorts of abominations and labeling it liberalism and a human right. GOD will not contend with this generation forever, once He comes, He will take His own and send the rest of the world to hell.
Unless you have lost a child, you can never really sympathize with a woman who has suffered a miscarriage. It is a different kind of pain that a parent carries with them on a daily basis until they are able to reach some sort of acceptance or peace about it. Or perhaps we want to believe that they have either accepted the loss or gained peace because we do not want to ‘deal’ with that person. I do not believe that we do it out of selfishness- the reason is more complicated than that. How do you co-mourn when you did not ever meet the child? How do you offer up empty words of comfort when you know that the parent will not want to hear them? Who wants to hear: “Don’t worry, it’s all in GOD’S hands”, or “You will have another one, just have faith”, or even “Pray and ask GOD for strength”.
It has been nearly 34 years since the death of my brother, and I know that my mother has never truly fully healed from that. Jonathan was her first child and she carried him to term, but when he was taken out of her womb, he was stillborn. He may not have been a miscarriage, but he was still a life that was taken away before he got the chance to live. However many months you have carried that child in your womb, that connection is there. Whether you wanted that baby or not, that connection remains. So when you lose that child, a part of you seems to die with that child. Yes, you continue on with your life- you return to work, you eventually have more children (in some cases) and you raise them with all the love that you can give. However, you are not going to forget about that lost child. Every now and then, you wonder about the child, what they could have become, what their personality would have been like, who they would have resembled more. You dream of what could have been and, in some way, you even blame yourself for their death.
A mother’s womb is meant to be a place of security, but instead of producing life, it became a place of death. Perhaps you feel that you have failed as a woman, a wife, and a mother. The emotions that you go through are deep and painful, far deeper than we can ever imagine. Your thoughts are a place of darkness and woe. What can we, as the outsiders, really say to bring comfort?
As Believers, we are meant to rejoice with those who rejoice and to mourn with those who mourn. The truth is, we have become so wrapped up in our own worlds that we struggle to find the words to say, or just how to be around a parent who has just suffered a miscarriage. Many of us feel uncomfortable and awkward- do we pat your back in an effort to offer some physical comfort without ‘overstepping’? Do we quote scripture in an effort to explain away the tragedy and possibly downplay the pain that you are going through? Should we bring ready-made meals to lessen your worries? The question is, do these actions and words show you that we are really mourning with you? Some people will pretend that it didn’t happen, others will avoid you like the plague, worried that you are going to break down in front of them and embarrass them in public (it’s true). Others simply cannot handle seeing that amount of pain in others and will run, while others are simply insensitive and will offer up the same old useless words.
What can we do? What should we say? Can we hug you and let you lean on us when you’re weak? Can we cry with you, for your baby, the little being that we did not get to meet? Can we sit with you and listen as you tell us of your pain, your anger, and possibly the guilt that you feel? Will you provide us with your child’s name so that we may acknowledge his/her individuality? Can we sit with you in your silence, offering our presence as comfort? When ‘sorry’ will just not do, what can we say? We could never profess to understand your pain, it would be an injustice to pretend as though that life didn’t exist, and it would be insensitive to assume that you can ever replace your lost child with another one.
To every parent that has miscarried: at times we outsiders find it difficult to express our sadness for your loss. I personally mourn for every child lost, whether through miscarriage, abortion or other causes. While I cannot understand your pain because I have not experienced such a tragedy, there are many of us who want to truly mourn with you, to offer the comfort that only a person who is close with our LORD can offer. We would gladly take on some of your burdens to give you a moment’s rest from your deep pain. I speak to both the mothers and fathers- find a brother or sister in Christ and share that burden with them. Let them take on that burden in spirit so that you may find rest and eventually open yourself up to receive the comfort that Jesus wants to give you. Woman of GOD, you have suffered through a miscarriage, but that burden that you carry is not yours alone.
Did you ever have a “friend” in high school that loved causing fights? You know the kind. They act like your best friend but whisper bad things about others in your ear. Then they turn around and say nasty stuff about you to others. They strike a match, sit back and enjoy the flames.
This kind of person has no interest in right or wrong. Justice is a joke to them. All they want is blood.
The world today sees a similar attack, and many Christians fall for it. We don’t realize that powerful persons and entities seek to destabilize society by any means possible. They aren’t really interested in gender ideology or immigration. They just want to see the world fight about it to gain power from conflict. Satan manipulates our moral compass to do his dirty work.
What’s really going on here?
I’m not saying we shouldn’t have convictions. But it’s become so much more about taking sides and much less about people.
The best examples of how to rise above it all come from Scripture.
When the woman was caught in adultery, did Jesus take a side? Yes. He took the woman’s side. She was caught in the act. Adultery is wrong. According to Jewish law, it was punishable by death. Jesus didn’t condemn the woman though. He sidestepped the political argument and shot for the heart instead.
He condemned all sin. He elevated mercy above all things. Do we see current events from this heavenly point of view?
“Should we pay taxes to Caesar?” the Pharisee asked. They tried to set a trap for Jesus. It’s the same trap we fall into when we get tangled up in political debates. Beat your drum all you want, that’s fine. Do you really think you’ll change their minds? The religious powers of biblical times preached morality for generations — and it didn’t work. Stealing is bad, murder is wrong, corruption is evil”¦ we all know this, and all these things continue to thrive. How much more difficult will it be to convince someone of more ambiguous (secularly speaking) issues such as gay marriage?
We must mark the boundaries of morality, but this can never replace our testimony of the Risen Lord.
When people challenge me about the Christian position on homosexuality, what’s my reply? I present Jesus to everyone – gay, straight, whatever – since we’ve all sinned and we all need a Savior. I know the issues. I do my homework to understand the complexities. I can debate it until the cows come home. But I’m done trying to convince anyone. I only hope to inspire them to seek God instead.
How can you change a heart? How much are you praying for those on the other side of the political fence? Or are you too preoccupied with out-arguing them? Give unto God the things that are God’s.
Stop taking church teaching and weaponizing it politically. This only feeds the spirit of the Pharisee.
Our true mission
Take your eyes off the headlines and look to your community, to your family. Where is the need? Who is suffering? How can you help? Where can you share the Gospel? Don’t you trust in this method over any other? How much are you willing to love?
When we see injustice, it should be denounced. But like Jesus, condemn all sin — not just the other guys. Otherwise, it’s politics – and all politics cares about is winning. But the victory of our Lord has already been won. Believe this! Go all in and trust God’s plan. The political arena is not the essence of our faith. Instead, we are preoccupied with saving souls and helping those in need. This work is much harder, and our only hope for success is our complete dependence on the Holy Spirit.
Take up true arms
If we’re so afraid that we’ll lose the political fight, it appears to me that we’ve already surrendered the spiritual one.
Political arguments are easier since we can rely on intellect, knowledge, and wit. The spiritual war, however, requires other resources that we are afraid to trust.
It‘s paramount to understand and identify this ploy used by Satan himself to keep us off balance and distracted.
Return to the real fight. Our Captain calls us. Be not afraid.