In God’s Kingdom

With all that’s going on in this world, have you been wondering about God’s Kingdom? What it is, or where it is? The Bible says the kingdom of God is in the here and now, and thank God, we have a Kingdom that cannot be shaken! The Kingdom is simply God’s system and His throne. It’s His way of doing things. The Bible tells us that His Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

In God’s Kingdom, when you give, it shall be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over – this is not only talking about money. In God’s Kingdom, you can have an abundance of peace and prosperity in your spirit, mind and body, no matter what’s happening around you. And just like the verse says, His Kingdom cannot be shaken! That means, if the stock market goes down, God’s Kingdom is still strong. If the housing market goes down, God’s kingdom is still strong. If gas prices go up, God’s kingdom is still strong!

Today, you can live in God’s Kingdom that cannot be shaken, no matter what’s happening here on earth. Begin to thank God today for His Kingdom. Thank Him for His system of blessing in every area of your life. As you obey His Word and worship Him with a grateful attitude, you’ll embrace His Kingdom and walk in the abundant life He has for you!

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.” (Hebrews 12:28, NIV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your Kingdom of peace that lives amongst us. Father, thank You for Your system of blessing in my life. I praise You oh God for Your Kingdom that cannot be shaken by the things of this Earth, the economy, the prime minister or manifesto, biological games, or people with demonic intent. God, I open my heart to You and ask that You reveal Your truth to me, so that I can live in Your ways all the days of my life, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

The Christian Way 

Is Teaching Christian Character in the Home Necessary?

The Bible tells us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. God’s good purpose for all Christians is that we are “conformed to the likeness of his Son”. Christians are to reflect Jesus’ perfection both in their character and in their body. If you have already accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, then God’s Spirit is already at work in you “to will and to act according to his good purpose”. This purpose will be completed at Jesus’ return.

Scripture tells us that Christians make progress toward becoming like Jesus when they strive to love others as he did. This type of love is called agape. Whenever you do something good for someone deserving or undeserving, you are acting on the power of agape. Christ is both the source and the Christian’s model of agape, for “God demonstrates his own love for us in that: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Christians can love this way because “God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit” (Romans 5:5).

Today, when you use your gifts to make yourself appear superior to others, you are not gaining anything in the Christian life. But when you use your gifts to build others up, you are becoming more like Jesus!

I will show you the most excellent way (1 Corinthians 12:31).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thanks for your good purpose for me; thanks, Christ, for modelling God’s agape love to me; Holy Spirit, continue to deepen God’s love in me, until I attain Christ’s perfection. In Christ’s name, Amen.

The Monday After The Resurrection

The Monday after Easter Sunday, we are encouraged  to continue remembering the miracle of the resurrection. Let it guide you every day with joy and purpose.

Monday is perhaps the most forgetful day of the week. We live much of our lives with this escapist drive toward the weekend, thinking those two days will fulfil our needs. More sleep! More time to work on those assignments! A chance to have clean clothes again! Time with people we like! Time with God! Time with good friends.

Then Monday rolls around. “How was your weekend?” someone asks. My mind goes blank. “Church was…really good,” I mutter vaguely, the Monday amnesia hitting hard.

As Christians, we have spent the past week in anticipation of Easter. We prepared our hearts. We reflected on the cross and its significance. We felt the long, heavy pause of the Sabbath between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday – waiting for the discovery of an empty grave and a risen Saviour. And then it comes. He comes. And then it’s Monday.

The temptation is to treat Easter weekend like it’s an ending. The eggs have all been found, Jesus has risen all the raised hands emoji stop. Then on Monday life is normal.

Today shouldn’t be normal – Jesus is risen. Easter was a revolution. Monday was the first day after which nothing remained the same ever again. When a man who claims to be God rises from the dead, “business as usual” isn’t a thing. From that day forward, you spend your entire life either affirming that he has risen or denying it. Easter isn’t just a time to pause and reflect on some nice truths we tend to forget about the rest of the year. It is the entire crux of the Christian faith. It is the only reason we have hope.

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 (NLT)).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, Monday has come, the Holy Week has passed. But how we long to live by the marvellous story we have heard. Let us remain ever beside you at the table. Father show us who is hungry. And give us the courage to offer them bread from your table. Show us who is thirsty. And give us the strength to lift the cup of your love. Lord, most of all, show us how to linger at the table, serving others and doing all that we do in remembrance of You, and the way You were when You walked this earth. Accept these simple, limited words, of life after the resurrection. In Jesus name, Amen.

A Good Friday Question

The one who rewrote the Batman comics, Doug Davidson, tells a story about the time he took his three-year-old with him to return a book to the seminary library. The child had never been inside before. As he shuffled into the vestibule, he stopped in his tracks. Before them hung an almost life-size crucifix. He watched his son’s eyes fix on Jesus’ twisted body, bleeding hands and feet. He had never seen such an image. In their Baptist church, the cross was empty, its Jesus had risen and ascended. For a moment, Doug considered taking the boy away to shield him from the violence statue, But it was too late.

Doug thought his son might cry. Instead, without taking his gaze from the dying Jesus, the child whispered a question full of sadness and great sorrow: Daddy, what happened?

Today on this Good Friday, we have become accustomed to empty crosses that have no meaning. Maybe It’s almost a point of pride with some Protestants not to exhibit Jesus’ bloody crucifixion, but to focus instead on the resurrection. And that’s good too. But empty crosses can also be evasive, shielding us from facing the violence inflicted on Jesus for our sins and the violent acts to do to each other – which is one reason Good Friday is important. It answers the question the kid asked Daddy, “what happened?”. It’s a day to sadly, sorrowfully and joyfully stare the complicity of a broken saviour in the face, as he dies in the worst way possible.

A Good Friday Reflection

What if I stopped in my tracks and gazed at the crucifixion? What if I stood still and took it all in? The pain, the horror, the confusion. What if I asked, and really wanted to know what happened?

“I am poured out like water, my heart is melted within my breast; my tongue sticks to my jaws. My hands and feet have shriveled; I can count all my bones.” Psalm 22:14-17 (NRSV, abridged).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, please answer my humble Good Friday prayer/question. What happened? I really want to know. Please show me and make your sacrifice real to me, in Christ name, Amen.

Yoke-Destroying Anointing

So much happened at Calvary over two thousand years ago; but ultimately, Jesus overcame sin and death so that we can have abundant life in Him. Because of Jesus, we can have victory over anything that would try to hold us back!
No matter what bondage, stronghold, sin or addiction has held you captive in the past, when you acknowledge Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, you receive His power — His burden-moving, yoke-destroying anointing. Sin can’t hold you back, because who the Son sets free, is free indeed! (See John 8:36). It all starts by believing and receiving this promise. Then, as you meditate on His Word and draw closer to Him, more of His power becomes alive in you.
Today, if you’ve never made Jesus the Lord of your life, I can think of no better time than now to do it. If you would like to, send your details by email to ( Receive His truth and life and celebrate true, eternal victory!
“But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57, NLT).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for giving me victory! Thank You for Your Word which is life and healing water to my soul. I choose to set my heart and thoughts on You, knowing that You are empowering me to overcome in every area of my life. God, grant me Your burden-moving, yoke-destroying anointing. I receive Your promise that who the Son sets free, is free indeed, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Holy Laughter

On this weekend, where the focus will be on the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, joy – not sorrow – should be our spiritual response. Did you know that it’s God’s will for you to be joyful always? God wants you to be happy and carefree. He wants you to love your life no matter what your circumstances look like. When you have joy amid difficult circumstances, it’s evidence that you have faith and trust that God will bring you through.

In Christ, joy is strength. When you have His joy, you can stand strong, no matter who or what wants to crucify you. You may say, “I’m just not a real jovial person. I’m more serious. I never laugh much.” I realise God made us all differently, but you can experience real inward joy, which should externally make you happy and excited. So let yourself laugh and have fun, because that’s why Christ came and died. I read that the average child laughs over 200 times a day, but the average adult only laughs 4 times a day. What happened? We’ve allowed the pressures of life, stress and responsibilities to steal our joy.

Today, during this Holy weekend, decide to get your joy back. Decide that you will look beyond Friday’s problems, to Sunday’s resurrection and hope, knowing that God will see you through. Ask Him every day to fill you with His supernatural peace and joy, so that you can live in Christ’s strength and victory all the days of your life!

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NLT).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I humbly receive Your Word today. Father, on this weekend, I choose to open my heart to You and invite You to fill me with Your joy and strength that the resurrection brings. Yahshua, thank You for showing me Your goodness and empowering me with Your grace. I bless You today for Your amazing sacrifice, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

He Took My Curse 

Today’s verse says these words “They crucified him”! These few words describe one of the most awesome events in history: the crucifixion of the Son of God. According to historians, crucifixion was one of the most brutal, degrading, and humiliating ways to be put to death. It was Rome’s favourite method, intended for the worst criminals.

God’s sinless Son was crucified between two criminals. It’s far beyond our human comprehension to understand how God the Father allowed his Son to be crucified, for death on a cross was cursed by God himself in the book of Deuteronomy. But this was God’s way of saying to each of us, “The curse you deserve is placed on my Son”.

Jesus was crucified at “the place called the Skull,” also known as Calvary, or Golgotha in Aramaic, a place of many executions, to let us know that his cross stood amid human suffering and misery. Through the cross of Christ, God himself entered our broken lives in this world.

Today, for those who wonder whether God cares about our suffering, here is God’s answer. Look at the cross and reflect on the words “they crucified him there”. Be assured that God cares more than we will ever know. He cared enough to let his Son be crucified, taking our place, our curse, and our sin.

“When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there . . .” (Luke 23:33).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, your love is so amazing and so divine it demands my soul, my life and my all. Father thank you for freeing me from the curse of sin through my Lord and saviour Yahshua. Amen.

In Reflection

How will you respond to this love today?

Christ Will Not Be Forgotten 

The leaders saw that Jesus was attracting a large following. They did not know His true intentions. One thing was clear: to them, it was imperative that His influence must come to an end. The leaders just wanted to silence Jesus and add Him to the list of those who had been forgotten. At the cross they thought their strategy had worked. He had been abandoned by His friends. Few had been brave enough to attend His crucifixion. Soon, Jesus would be forgotten.

The leaders were shocked to learn that His body had disappeared from the tomb where He had been buried. Hallelujah! They developed a strategy to minimise any further disruption or attraction. They paid the soldiers who had watched His tomb to spread the rumour that His disciples had stolen His body. The rumour spread, but His followers learned the truth: He indeed had risen from the dead. Every effort to silence Him had failed, and He could not be forgotten.

Today, this story reminds us that God remembers. All the world may fade away. Our actions may be forgotten. We may be overlooked and taken for granted. But He knows everything. He knows when we have been faithful, and He keeps His Word. His plans are sure and He cannot be stopped by armies or governments, no matter how powerful. You can rejoice that God fulfils every promise. He rewards faithful servants who are good stewards of the resources they have been given and He never forgets!

“Some of the guards … reported to the chief priests all that had happened … they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, and said, ‘You are to say, “His disciples came by night and stole Him away while we were asleep.” (Matthew 28:11-13 NASB).

Let’s Pray

Emanuel, thank You for going through hell just for me. Father, help me to be a faithful follower of Christ, regardless of what others may say, or how unfashionable it is. God, my desire is to please and serve You till death. I pledge today to never allow You to be forgotten in this sinful life, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Scrolling Aimlessly

One issue I have with technology today, is the temptation to scroll aimlessly on social media or websites. Maybe we begin by looking for a recipe, but our search turns up a distracting new diet, or we see a juicy post on a friend we haven’t seen in years – and before we know it, we’ve spent hours wandering around the internet without a clear sense of direction.

This happened in scripture. The prophets reminded God’s people that they had wandered from God’s way and got distracted by idols representing the sinful desires of the human heart rather than walking with the Lord and obeying his directions. They stopped asking, “Where is God in our lives?”. They turned away from the living water and dug cisterns that only ran dry.

When Jesus came, he declared that he is the “living water” who fills us with his guiding Spirit (John 7:37). Rather than scrolling aimlessly through life, let’s follow the Saviour to keep close to God.

Today something similar can happen in our spiritual lives. Sin rarely captures us out of the blue. It’s a process. We begin small with a little lie, or a grudge we can’t let go of, or a few too many drinks and later we discover we have wandered far into places we never thought we would go. Just like scrolling the internet or social media. The answer to scrolling aimlessly is to avoid distractions, have a plan and stay focused on God’s will and his word.

“What fault did your ancestors find in me, that they strayed so far from me?” (Jeremiah 2:5).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for this reminder. Sometimes I don’t realize when or how far I stray from you. Father please Guide me by your Spirit, and Lead me to worthwhile endeavours that honour you, as I scroll through life, in Christ’s name. Amen.

Your Blessing Is On It’s Way

Sometimes it seems like God is taking a very long time to answer your prayers. Many times, people can miss God’s best, simply because they give up before they see their blessing come. Don’t let that be you! Be encouraged today, your answer is closer than you think. If it seems like things are getting more difficult, remember, when the intensity heats up, that means you are closer to your victory. It always seems darkest just before the dawn.

Remember God is faithful and He’s working on your behalf. Don’t cast away your confidence today, because your reward is coming. Just like a new mother forgets about her labor pain once she is finally holding her newborn, you’ll forget about your struggle when you are holding on to your promise.

Today, while you are waiting on God, keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Wake up every morning and say out loud, “I’ve come too far to give up now. My blessing  is coming. I will reap my harvest”. Stay in faith and look for His hand of blessing, because He has promised you victory and it’s closer than you think!

“Do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.”(Hebrews 10:35, NKJV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I stand believing that You are working things out for me. God, give me Your strength to stand in faith until I see every promise You have for me, fulfilled in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Living With Integrity

Integrity is something that seems to have disappeared from our society, yet it is such a powerful attribute in the life of the believer. Integrity means that you are dependable. You are a person of your word. You are consistent and honest.

You may say, “Oh, I’m a pretty good person”, “I do the right thing most of the time…” But understand, it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine. Don’t allow the little things to keep you from your destiny; choose integrity — even when no one is looking. For instance, you might need some paper at home, but you shouldn’t take supplies from the office. Or you might be running into a store for just a minute, but don’t park in the handicap parking spot unless you’re supposed to. If the checkout clerk makes a mistake and gives you too much money back, that’s not God’s provision, that’s a test of integrity!

Today remember, if you’ll be faithful and choose integrity in the little things, God will make you ruler over much. Don’t forget, “what goes around comes around.” Be a person of integrity and open the door for God’s blessing and honour all the days of your life!

“The Lord judges the people; judge me, O Lord, and do me justice according to my righteousness [my rightness, justice, and right standing with You] and according to the integrity that is in me” (Psalm 7:8, AMP).

 Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I commit to living a life of integrity in every area of my life. God, I choose Your life of excellence and ask for Your hand of favour. Father, make me a person of integrity; dependable, consistent, honest and a person of my word. Show me any area that is not pleasing to You so that I can continue to grow and increase in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

He Paid It All

He Paid It All
How would you feel if someone came up to you today and said, “Give me all of your monthly bills; I’m going to pay them”. You’d get pretty excited wouldn’t you? But it wouldn’t happen until you did your part to actually hand that person your bills. They can’t pay them for you if you never release them. In the same way, when we release our cares and concerns to God, He promises to take care of them. So hand them over.

As you continue to press forward this year, God wants to give you rest. He wants to refresh and restore your soul, mind, will and emotions. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of this stressful life, and before long, your mind, will and emotions are so spun that you can barely think straight! Remember, even in the hustle and bustle of life, you can find rest, ease and relaxation. God wants to take care of everything that concerns you, so that you can find rest in your innermost being when you come to Him.

Today and throughout this year, release your cares to the Lord. Let Him fill you with His peace and joy. Receive the rest, relaxation and restoration that He promises and enjoy the total fulfillment and blessings for your body, mind and emotions He has in store for you!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28, NIV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I humbly come to You. I choose to cast my cares on You, so that I can live in Your rest and break free from the stress of this life. Father, thank You for Your goodness to me. I give You my mind, heal it and take control of all my emotions. Please God, lift my burdens and refresh my weariness. God, help me find ways to share Your rest and goodness with those around me. In Christ’ name, Amen.

God wants to refresh you

Are you facing challenges in your relationships? Finances? Career? Does your soul need refreshing today? You can come to the Father to find what you need. God wants to refresh you. He wants to give you rest and peace. Think about that for a moment. What would cause you to rest? If you knew everything was going to be okay and would work out for your good, you would stop worrying and rest! Even if things don’t work out the way you planned, or on your timetable, you can trust that God will turn things around in your favour. Hallelujah!

Today, come to the Father with gratitude and thanksgiving. Thank God right now for taking your burdens and giving you peace through faith. Thank Him for loving you today and giving you a new start despite a difficult past. Thank Him for His faithfulness and hope of an awesome future! Please go out today with an attitude of expectancy and confidence. Remember, God always has a plan, you’re not alone, you can always can come to Him!

“Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]” (Matthew 11:28, AMP).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I come to You now giving You my cares, heartaches and burdens. Father, I thank You for working on my behalf and keeping me sane through some tough times. God, I thank You for loving me and setting me free in my mind. Thank You for giving me rest for my soul and peace in my heart today, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


I went to bed tired and overwhelmed by life and I woke up feeling the same. God promises in His word to bring you times of refreshing. Oh how I need it now. He doesn’t want us to live overwhelmed, in despair, or weighted down by burdens in this life. Scripture says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. That means He wants you to live without unnecessary pressure. He doesn’t expect you to figure everything out because He already has a plan for your good, and whatever He asks you to do, He equips you for it.

One of the ways we feel heavy and overwhelmed in this life is by carrying unnecessary burdens, or taking on responsibility that God never required. When we get out of step with God, when we go against His word, things become more difficult. Condemnation and guilt can creep in and cause us to try to “work harder” the next time.

Today, if you find yourself in this cycle of works, or if you know you are out of step with Him, this new year is a great time to be refreshed and find a new beginning! God wants to refresh you. He wants to empower you with His strength. Why don’t you turn to Him with an open and humble heart? Repent, of carrying those heavy, unnecessary burdens which are outside of God’s will for you. Let go of the past, and start moving forward. Receive His love and grace and let’s enjoy times of refreshing with Him!

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19, NIV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I come to You with an open and humble heart. I choose to submit myself and my heavy burdens to You. Father, I also surrender my ways to Your ways. I have decided today to make the right and necessary choice to change. I thank You for lifting my heavy burdens and accepting my repentance for being out of Your will. God, I urge You to empower me and refresh me today, in Christ’ name. Amen.

God Has A Daily Blessing For You!

Yesterday was yet another day of difficulties for many, particularly the two mothers I spoke with. Many Christians think we shouldn’t have trials or hardships. Yet, if the bible is true, it’s those hard times which make us strong and show our loyalty to God.
Christians experience daily obstacles and struggles. Although you aren’t immune to life’s day-to-day challenges, you do have the power in Jesus Christ via the Holy Ghost, to overcome them!
Today, Christ’s power is available to help you win not only the big battles, but the little daily battles as well. God has an abundant life in store for you, which includes victory over the little things in your life that may seem big. Hallelujah! Remember, nothing can prevent you from being all that God wants you to be but you. So choose to claim victory and walk in it today, in the name of Jesus!
“Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever.” (Psalm 145:2, NASB).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I praise You for the daily victories you give to me, your child.  Father, I am sorry for my lack of loyalty to you, always complaining and not trusting. God, I praise you for your faithfulness towards me. It’s a blessing to know that I can bring every problem I have to you, no matter how small, knowing that you will work it out In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Satan Is Your Enemy

I’ve learned that in life, some people are peace-stealers. They feel it’s their calling to aggravate you, try to make you look bad, and tell you what you can or can’t do. They’ll try to bait you into an argument to get you upset, annoyed and frustrated. But don’t take the bait! Nothing is worth losing your peace over. They may think they’re getting the best of you, but in the end, God can use that to take you higher.

When people come against you, choose to keep your peace. Choose to forgive. Pray for that person because that’s how you disarm the enemy against you. Scripture says your battle isn’t against flesh and blood. In other words, that person isn’t your enemy; the accuser satan, is your enemy. He’s trying to bring division and get you upset.

Today, when you choose to keep peace, when you keep walking in love and keep a smile on your face, you are overcoming his tactics. That’s how you win. Choose peace today, choose to walk in love, and choose the victory God has prepared for you!

“Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:28, NIV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for giving me Your peace and strength today. Father, I choose to hold my peace and bless those who come against me. I choose to walk in love and forgiveness so that I can honour You. God, help me not to be a peace stealer in the lives of others, in Jesus’ name! Amen.


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