25 Faith Strengthening Christian Quotes

Believing in God has a fundamental impact on your life and is not easy. It’s not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. At the same time, being a devoted believer in Christ will encourage you to let go of sin and to start living a righteous life. It will help you to behave with integrity, kindness, and moral righteousness in a world that is filled with wickedness, deceit, and greed and in the end, such a life finds its reward in Christ as he is more than enough for us. To celebrate the joy of being a Christian and to celebrate Jesus, we’ve compiled the following selection of inspiring faith-strengthening Christian quotes.

  1. “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us”- Augustine
  2. “He who lays up treasures on earth spends his life backing away from his treasures. To him, death is loss. He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity; he’s moving daily toward his treasures. To him, death is gain.” —Randy Alcorn
  3. “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” —Hudson Taylor
  4. “Let God’s promises shine on your problems.” —Corrie ten Boom
  5. “Christ literally walked in our shoes.” —Tim Keller
  6. He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” —Jim Elliot
  7. “Remember who you are. Don’t compromise for anyone, for any reason. You are a child of the Almighty God. Live that truth.” —Lysa Terkeurst
  8. “Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” —Francis Chan
  9. “The greater your knowledge of the goodness and grace of God on your life, the more likely you are to praise Him in the storm.” —Matt Chandler
  10. “You are the only Bible some unbelievers will ever read.” —John MacArthur
  11. “The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.’” —Billy Graham
  12. “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” —Mother Teresa
  13. “God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile” — Max Lucado
  14. “Always, everywhere God is present, and always He seeks to discover Himself to each one” —A.W.Tozer
  15. “God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go.”  —Tony Evans
  16. There is no one who is insignificant in the purpose of God.” —Alistair Begg
  17. “If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things.  It is we, of course, to whom things look ‘little’ or ‘big’.” —Elisabeth Elliot
  18. “Relying on God has to start all over everyday, as if nothing has yet been done.”  —C. S. Lewis
  19. “Your potential is the sum of all the possibilities God has for your life.” —Charles Stanley
  20. “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” —Helen Keller
  21. “Continuous effort — not strength nor intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential.” —Winston Churchill
  22. “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” —Chuck Swindoll
  23. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him” —John Piper
  24. “God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself.” —Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  25. “The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.” 
    Martin Luther

Justin Bieber Drops a Kanye Bombshell as He Opens up about Leading Worship

“I like making the music that I make,” Bieber said when asked if he would be recording a worship album.

Justin’s has immersed himself in religion in recent years, attending both Churchome and Hillsong services, and now it looks like he’s taking on a bigger role.

On Wednesday night Justin Bieber led worship at a Churchome service in Beverly Hills. Clips from the performance went viral on social media.

He wrote,

Sang at church last night. God is pulling me through a hard season. Having trust in Jesus at your worst times is the absolute hardest. But he is faithful to complete what he started. I also want to thank my wife for being such a huge support in my life through this season ”¦ it says in the Bible count it ALL JOY when you face trials of various kinds. Sounds insane considering when u face trials u feel terrible. But if we are grateful and worship god for what we do have in that season there is so much power in that”¦ whatever pain you are going through just keep telling yourself THIS WONT LAST! Love you guys we in this together

According to TMZ, pastor Judah Smith explained to the congregation that it was time for Bieber to help lead the flock in song after years of being a worshipper.

Bieber says his breakout moment was part of a larger message he wants to spread.

The 25-year-old has been open about his faith – particularly in recent years – attending services at Churchome and Hillsong.

In the caption to an Instagram post featuring a few clips from the evening, Bieber alluded to some recent struggles in life during this “hard season”, but also said he is leaning on his faith to get him through. He also encouraged others who are experiencing difficult times to rely on Christ.

Beauty, Joy And Praise For Ashes, Mourning And Heaviness

It’s All About Your Attitude

We’ve all been burnt by life. Everyone has experienced hurt and disappointment. But God doesn’t want us to sit in the ashes of the past; He wants to trade our brokenness for healing. He wants to give us beauty for our ashes. The key is that we have to be willing to give up the ashes in order to receive the beauty. You can’t have both, because the old has to go before the new can come.

Today, are you willing to trust God with your past ashes? Are you willing to let go of the pain, to forgive others and yourself so you can move forward into God’s beautiful freedom? Don’t waste another day sitting in the ashes of disappointment and hurt. 

Today, the past is over, but your future remains. Let God give you joy instead of mourning, praise instead of heaviness and let Him make something beautiful out of the ashes of your life today and always!

“…he will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness…”

(Isaiah 61:3, TLB)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for promising to sweep away the ashes, mourning and heaviness from my past, and give me something beautiful and joyful to look forward to. Father, I give them up to You, and receive Your healing and restoration in my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Hong Kong protests: How Hallelujah to the Lord became an unofficial anthem

Hong Kong protests: How Hallelujah to the Lord became an unofficial anthem

“Hallelujah to the Lord” is now the unofficial anthem of crowds protesting against the controversial proposed law that would allow people accused of crimes in Hong Kong to be extradited to the mainland. The hymn was picked up by other protesters – soon even non-Christians were singing it.

Fears and uncertainty

If enacted, this controversial bill will permit authorities to detain and extradite people who are wanted in territories where Hong Kong does not have extradition agreements. Many fear that the bill will restrict citizens’ rights.

“The Church has taken a particular interest in fighting the bill. “

On June 9th, Patrick pastor of Yan Fook Church, which is home to about 10,000 members that normally sides with the government made a comment on its Facebook page calling for the extradition bill to the shelved. Edwin Chow, 19, acting president of the Hong Kong Federation of Catholic Students, told the BBC. “There’s only one line: ‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’.” And Yan Fook Church isn’t the only Christian group that has publicly announced its opposition to the extradition bill.

Religion on the forefront of Hong Kong’s protests

On June 11th, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong issued an appeal to the government requesting the government not pass the Extradition Bill “hurriedly before adequately addressing the queries and worries of the legal sector and of the general public.”

Not only is this a show of devotion to Jesus in the midst of tumult and political tyranny, but the singing of this worship song also offers the community a level of immunity, thanks to a Hong Kong law of public assembly that makes exceptions for religious gatherings.

In these volatile days of Chinese agents, facial recognition and mass arrests, this protection is a welcome comfort for the Christian community, who not only stand in unity with their fellow protesters but also solidarity with the much-persecuted Christian community back in mainland China.

On Sunday, Melissa Strzala posted another awe-inspiring video on Facebook revealing the ‘Great Awakening’ happening in China.

“The below video is very special to me,” added Strzala. “It gives me chills every time I watch it. Thousands of Hong Kong citizens are singing their Hallelujah anthem in defiance of Communist China. It’s truly a Great Awakening happening in China. It’s exciting!”

Watch the video in full below, and be sure to SHARE it with your friends to rally them around this cause in prayerful support: 


Christians make up some 11 per cent of the population but they remain influential, especially among the elite — pro-Beijing leader Carrie Lam is herself a devout Catholic.

Hong Kong has about 480,000 Protestants and 380,000 Catholics — including Chief Executive Carrie Lam. Non-Christians have also come to be familiar with Christian culture due to Christian-run schools, hospitals and charitable groups.

God Stoops to Listen

“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”

Isaiah 57:15.

The verse before us today has always been a favourite with me. But, to be honest, I had never really taken any time to look at the context. It is one of those verses that when you read it you think ‘Hmmm, yep! That’s important.’

When Christians go before God instead on with God reason becomes blinded, unless every action and work is under the yoke of Christ. We inhabit time. The Bible says our life here is like a mere breath, like a vapour, a passing shadow. Yet God inhabits eternity. There has never been a time when He did not exist. He is without beginning or end. Yesterday, today and tomorrow is alike to Him. He is outside of time and sees and knows all.

“Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you”

2 Corinthians 6:17

God is now working for His people, but how many do not recognize the work of God.

Drawing aside the veil which conceals the glory of God, it shows Him in His place, high and holy, and lifted up, not in a state of solitude, but surrounded by ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of holy, happy beings, every one waiting to bear the message, to do His bidding–all heaven is in active communication with every part of the universe through a variety of channels, and that holy One is actually stooping, bending from His throne, listening to every sound uttered, observing the movements of every earthly power.

“To think that the highest Being is condescending to the lowliest, approving and condemning every action which is enacted.”

God is interested in the oppressed, and sends angels placed in connection with truth and righteousness to engage in the work in connection with the gospel for man that has corrupted his whole mind and thoughts. Unless man becomes righteous, he will forever be lost. There is a work to be done in our world, but if the way of the Lord is not distinctly followed, to put him in the way of life through conversion, there is reason to be afraid lest Satan shall take the place of Jesus in the weary soul.

Satan is playing a game of life for the souls of men and women for whom Christ has died. In our zeal to do a work for the Lord, we must be sure we are not going before Christ, in the place of following after Christ.


Many people these days only give to get. They won’t do a thing without wanting something in return. The way to tell how mature you are is by the way you treat people who can’t do anything for you. We can all be kind to the leadership so we can get a promotion, or more money. We can all be friendly to the popular person at school so they will like us and be our friend.

If we’re going to live the Christian way God intended, we’ve got to learn to be good to everyone, not expecting anything back. Jesus said, “when you do good to the least of these, you’re doing it unto Me.” When you do good to those who can’t pay you back Jesus says “you’ve done it unto Me.” When you go out of your way to befriend the person that everyone shuns, Jesus says, “you’ve done it unto Me.”

Today, instead of looking down at the parking attendant who may have given you a ticket, why don’t you take time to see how they’re doing? That person at the office that others ignore or shun, why don’t you reach out to them and share the love of Jesus? We build the kingdom of God one life at a time. Show His love, show His goodness, and tell people about salvation through Christ. As you reach out and help others, just like a boomerang, that help will come right back to you, from God, (however that should not be your motivation), and you’ll move forward into the blessing and destiny He has prepared for you.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.” (Matthew 25:40, NIV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, I desire to always honour You. Father, help me to be a more mature Christian, blessing those who can’t bless me back. Please show me the needs of the people around me. God, help me to treat them the way You would treat them. Show me how to help others rise higher and sow good seeds into them, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Absolutely Living Life

We fight for the smallest of things in the big  scheme of things really. We fight for fare pricing, discounts on things that really don’t matter in the end.

When it comes to life, we lose our fight. Neglect sets in. We lose friends. Not by choice, but because we have nothing left to contribute to the relationship. We basically checkout of life. We maintain. We merely exist.

That’s not the way that God intended for us to live. Abundant life. Thats rigbt, life to fhe full till it overflows. What kind of life is this? What does the abundant life feel like, look like?  How will we know when we’ve achieved it?

I don’t have the answers. All I know is that he said he came that we might have it. And I want it.

Lord, show us how to live, the abundant life.

Praise God He Made You

I heard someone saying they wished they looked different. They wished they were lighter skinned like their friend who gets all the young men. Did you know that when you compare yourself to others, or wish you were like someone else, it’s like saying God just didn’t do a good enough job? It’s actually like saying, “God, why did You make me subpar? Why did You make me less than?”

I’ve got breaking news! God didn’t make anyone inferior. He didn’t make any person second class. No, you are a masterpiece! You are fully loaded and totally equipped for the race that’s been designed for you!

Today, change your mindset and say to yourself, “I may not look like someone else, or have the shape like someone else, or have the job that someone else has, but no one will ever be a better me. I’m anointed to be me. I’m equipped to be me!” Hallelujah! Remember, it’s easy to do what you are equipped to do. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to be like someone else. Praise God you are who He made you to be, and embrace the good things He has prepared for you!

“I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

(Psalm 139:14, NIV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for making me who I am. Father, thank You for equipping me to fulfil my destiny. Today, I will be focused on what You’ve placed in my hand, knowing that as I am faithful to You, You will direct my steps. God, I bless You and praise You for making me who I am, directly from Your hand and mind of the Creator, with my own mind and DNA. Today I accept who I am, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Why Praying Isn’t Enough. God Wants Us to Act

Why Praying Isn't Enough. God Wants Us to Act

In Western literature, the best-known story from The Arabian Nights (the ancient Arabian book) is arguably “Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp.”

Many of us recognize Aladdin and his lamp due to the well-received retelling of this story by Disney in 1992. Young Aladdin finds a lamp and upon rubbing it he summons the magical wish-granting genie (wonderfully played by the late Robin Williams). This story may be so popular because its theme conveys our intrinsic desire to magically be granted whatever we want. We’ve all thought about it at one time or another–especially in times of need.

It’s not hard then to understand why many believers think of God as Aladdin’s genie and imagine prayer being similar to rubbing a magic lamp in hopes of their wishes turning into reality. They often get on their knees and plead for money, health, riches, their favorite sports team’s victory, you name it! Even for more worthwhile reasons, such as preventing some of the tragedies as we’ve seen in 2019, we find ourselves opting to pray in hopes that God solves our problems, and even become resentful when we don’t see a silver lining. However, our success or failure is not determined by fate, or prayer alone; God is not deciding to intervene depending on the quality of your prayers at a particular time. We are the ones responsible for our own destiny. As Albert Einstein said, “God does not play dice with the Universe”.

If we want to succeed in an endeavor, we must work hard. “All that your hand finds to do,” says the Bible, “do with your very power.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) It also says: “The plans of the diligent one surely makes for advantage.”–Proverbs 21:5. In the scriptures, James also warns about inaction when he says, “Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”–but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?” (James 2:15-16)

Would there have been a Declaration of Independence and a Revolutionary War if the colonists had felt that it was okay to continue submitting to the will of a distant king because their prayers would move God to intervene on their behalf?

Did prayer alone end slavery? Or did the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and slaves and the tireless work of abolitionists have to do something with it?

The role of prayer is not to have God on our speed dial to act on our behalf, but instead to commune with God to help strengthen our resolve to act for ourselves. As believers, we understand that one of the most important gifts bestowed upon mankind is Free Will, and this is something that the bible is very clear about. Free will is the power to take our fate in our own hands and work as individuals and as a society to shape our lives. It is our responsibility not to squander this gift, and instead make the best use of it.

If we go back to the beginning with our example with Aladdin, the overall theme of the story is that infinite strength and wealth comes from within, and it is best to be yourself because poor or rich you are a “diamond in the rough”. In the original tale Aladdin, the protagonist, loses his magical genie and discovers that true identity is a buildup of character, not wealth or wishful thinking. Likewise, God has bestowed us with the tools of discovery and the free will to pursue our own goals. Prayer, like the genie in Disney’s version of the Aladdin story, only reflects the very strength within ourselves.

Are You On God’s Timetable?

Are You On God's Timetable?

The most difficult thing for me in Christianity is waiting on God. I’ve had to learn that God doesn’t always work on our timetable. He rarely does. But in a single moment, God can change your life! In the Bible, we see God instantly turning things around for His people. Scripture tells us He is the same yesterday, today and forever, which means if He did it for them, He can instantly turn things around for us, too!

Right now You may be going through a difficult trial, be encouraged because your times are in God’s hands. Trust that He has your best interests at heart. He wants to pour out His favour in your life. He wants to take you further than you dreamed possible, and work in your life in ways beyond what you have ever imagined.

Today, resist discouragement by speaking His Word over your future. Keep standing, keep hoping and keep believing, because He is working on your behalf. Have faith because your timings are in His hands, and He will lead you in the amazing life He has for you!

“My times are in Your hand”¦”

(Psalm 31:15, NASB)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I humbly come before You giving You my all. Father, I trust that my times are in Your hands. I trust that You are working things out in my favour. God, I set my focus on You, knowing that You are working things out for my good, in Jesus’ Name! Amen

What They Did To Jesus They Will Do To You

What They Did To Jesus They Will Do To You

Sometimes it’s hard to keep going in ministry, and in life, amidst criticism and gossiping. In Scripture, many times people would come against Jesus and criticise Him. Many times it says, “Jesus answered them not a word.” He simply didn’t respond to His critics. He didn’t try to convince them to change their minds. He didn’t get upset because somebody was talking about Him. No, He just ignored it.

Today, when people come against you and they’re jealous and just evil towards you and those you love, trying to make you look bad, trying to discourage you, remember what they did to Jesus! He was probably criticised and despised more than anyone else. I love the fact that He didn’t try to explain Himself. He didn’t try to make everyone understand Him. He just stayed focused on what He was called to do. He simply ran His race and stayed in His lane, prayed and moved forward. And this is how we should deal with those who criticise us and gossip about us, don’t give in to the demonic distraction, just take them to the Lord in prayer.

”¦but Jesus refused to answer.” 

(Luke 23:9, NLT)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, today I release every person who has criticised me, gossiped about me, or tried to discourage me. Father, I choose to forgive them; I have decided to turn away from that distraction and move forward, refusing to react to the demonic forces that seek to bring me down. God, help me to stay focused on You and all the wonderful blessings You have in store for me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

The #1 Struggle Facing Christians Today

One of the greatest obstacles to becoming a committed Christian is that Christianity is challenging. The task of living a fully God-centered life is no walk in the park, as the lives of the greatest and most fully converted Christians who have ever lived–the saints–will attest. Indeed, Christianity lived to the fullest involves struggle. 

Everyday, it seems society plummets further into moral decay as truth becomes relative and biblical values are pushed by the wayside. In such times, the importance of Christian higher education and the development of Christian thinkers cannot be overestimated.

I’m pretty sure I know the single biggest issue Christians grapple with. It’s not a behavior, it’s a belief. But why?

1. Not having all the answers

As Christians, we sometimes struggle with the aspects of God, faith, and Christianity that we don’t understand. To be fair, no one understands the complete, true nature of God, but everybody tries to. When people ask us questions about life, circumstances, or theology that we don’t know the answers to, it can shake our faith to a certain degree.

3. Trying not to be a hypocrite

A lot of times we know what is right and what we should do, but we don’t always do it. Knowing what to do and doing it are very different. Other times people ask us for advice in situations where we know the right thing to tell them, but we don’t necessarily do that in our own lives. Jesus doesn’t think highly of hypocrites, and some of our biggest struggles is not to be one. With that, we can struggle with judgement. We try not to judge because we know it is not our job, but at the same time its an honest battle to look at people who are doing things we don’t agree with in their life and not judge them for it. There is a difference between saying “I don’t judge” and actually practicing it in your heart.

4. The family member who opposes everything Christian

This isn’t the non-Christian, this is the anti-Christian. It seems like everyone has that one family member who completely despises anything and everything religious. Because of that, often times that relationship is fractured because we always feel like we are being attacked and talked down to in every interaction. How do we love someone who hates something that is so precious to us?

5. Questioning our faith

I’m almost certain that everyone questions why they believe what they believe at some point. A lot of times this can be frustrating because every Christian wants to have an unwavering faith, but we can struggle to get it. This can really challenge our identity because the issue we are struggling with is the very thing that defines who we are.

6. How to effectively share our faith without being over-the-top

Notice I said “effectively.” One of the key elements of Christianity is being open and willing to share our faith with others, but the practical way of doing that is a struggle. How do we do it in a way that is effective but not over the top? We can throw in all of our Jesus clichés and catchphrases in response to this, but the struggle of being an effective evangelist is real.

7. Making adequate time to spend with God

We give lip-service that God is the most important thing and we love Him more than anything, but sometimes our agendas don’t reflect it. It’s a struggle to make time in our busy lives for the most important thing and when we don’t make that time, it affects our daily life. The result is always, burnout. Everyone gets tired, but burnout isn’t just fatigue. There are those moments when we want to throw all the cards and say “I quit.” We don’t often talk about it in the moment, but there have been several times throughout my life where I’ve been so upset, depressed, and tired that I was ready to throw in the towel on Christianity. Sometimes we think because we are Christian, we shouldn’t struggle like everyone else. But that is simply not true. The only difference between Christian and non-Christian struggles is that Christians know where their help comes from.

8. How people are perceiving me

When people know you are a Christian, you no longer just represent yourself, but you represent the name of Christianity. A lot of times devout Christians struggle with the fact that they are being perceived as less than perfect, so we fall into the journey of trying to be perfect”¦and failing every time. Along this journey we tend to fall into the battle of comparison. We know we are all viewed the same in God’s eyes, but sometimes we don’t feel that way. We tend to view ourselves on a “better than/not as good as” axis. Sometimes there is that tendency to look around the room and say I’m better than _____ but not as good as _____.Notice I didn’t provide any solutions or suggestions for minimizing the struggles, but that really wasn’t the point of the blog. The point of the blog is to highlight the first step of finding the solution, which is recognizing our problems”¦ Truthfully, these are struggles that everyone, religious or not, likely face in one way or another. However, as Christians, our focus is on the one who conquered all struggles and to recognize that we don’t have to live under the burden of these struggles. As we draw nearer to Jesus, the more distance we put between us and our struggles! The closer we are to Jesus, the farther we are from the struggles of world!

10. Confusion about the Bible’s apparent contradictions

While most Christians believe the Bible lines up together perfectly, sometimes, at first glance, the scriptures can appear to contradict each other. For example, Jesus is referred to as the “Prince of Peace.” Contrary to that, the Older Testament is also filled with God bringing wrath, death, and destruction. How can God be both the “God of peace” and the “God of death?” While there are explanations for this, when we face something in Christianity that we don’t understand, it can shake our faith.

It’s Ok To Be A Christian And Go Through Tough Times

Keeping Faith in God During Hard Times

It is often in the very toughest of times and trials that God brings us to a crisis of faith, and it’s through that experience that we begin to pray. I’ve heard it said that, “when you’re swept off your feet, get on your knees.” Whatever broken conditions you are facing today – in your marriage, your home, your family, through a child that’s wandered away, or the collapse of a career?

]How many times through our pain do we discover our purpose? How many times through our pain do we discover power?

“It is so often pain that drives us to dependence upon God.”

Corinthians 12:9 reminds us that God’s grace is sufficient and that His power is made perfect through our weaknesses. With God all of your cares will be cared for. All that is His will be yours. Through prayer you can experience the delightful nearness of God and lean into His warm embrace.

Today, kneel before God in prayer until He communicates with your spirit. Surrender your weaknesses to Him and exchange them for supernatural strength. Pray this day for the power of Jesus Christ in your life to deliver you and the ones you love from temptation.

Trust in Him at all times, pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.

Psalms 62:8 NKJV 

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 

II Corinthians 12:9 NKJV

God Has Already Said Yes And Amen

Sometimes we wonder if God has  heard or will answer our request. Well I’ve got good news, God has already said “yes” to His promises in your life? You don’t have to beg God to be good to you. You don’t have to plead with Him to help you. What He has promised will come to pass. God wants to help you. He wants to pour out His abundant blessings on your life according to His promises.

Today’s verse says His promises are “yes and amen.” Amen means “so be it.” In other words, it’s a done deal. All you have to do is claim His promises and make sure you are living up to your end of the bargain, which is faith and obedience. God’s love is unconditional, but many of His promises are not, so we have to obey His commands in order to see His promises come to pass,  i.e. Malachi 3:10 says that we have to bring our tithe to Him in order to see the windows of heaven open. It says in Deuteronomy 5 that we are to honour our parents in order to live a long and prosperous life.

Today’s good news is that when we surrender our hearts to Him, He empowers us to fulfil every one of His commands. He equips us for every good work, because He wants to see us live a blessed life. Go out today with spiritual confidence that when you pray God’s promises by faith, and obey His Word, His response to you will always be “yes” and “amen!”

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” 

(2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Father, I claim Your promises in my life today, believing that You have a great plan to pour out Your blessings and favour on me. Please God, give me strength to obey Your commands and honour You all the days of my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


Sharing the life changing Gospel message found in Jesus Christ

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