The Middle Man

man reading a book

The picture at Golgotha is quite striking. There were three crosses, with Jesus in the middle. Our salvation could have been accomplished if Jesus had died alone. But that’s not how God designed it.

Scripture says, Jesus died between two criminals. They died as punishment for their crimes. Like us all, they had sinned against God. These two criminals portray our condition. They picture what all of us deserve apart from faith in Jesus.

Today there is Jesus. He too died under God’s curse and judgment, but he was innocent. He had no sin or guilt. Several times Pilate had declared him innocent. The sign that hung above Jesus’ head listed no crimes. Even one of the criminals who died with him testified that Jesus had done nothing wrong, and Jesus forgave him. Jesus’ cross proclaims salvation. It shows us the one who carried our sins.

It’s important that Jesus’ cross was in the middle. The cross is at the center of God’s work of salvation. We can’t avoid the cross; it forces the question “What will you do with Jesus?”

There they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle.   John 19:18

Let’s pray

Yahweh, thank you for giving your Son so that “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” I receive it, In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Let’s Reflect

1) During this Holy Week where do you stand in relationship to Jesus, your Saviour?

2) Do you know that he has died for your sins? Have you accepted him as your Saviour and Lord?

Saved By The Blood

Jesus the Good Shepherd

Did you know that the firstborn sons of Israel were spared from death on Passover night? Not because they were better than the children of the Egyptians. The Israelites were no less sinful or depraved than the Egyptians. The Israelite firstborn was spared only because of the blood of the lamb.

Scripture says, when the angel passed through Egypt and saw the blood on the doorframes of Israelites’ houses, he passed over those houses and did not allow the destroyer (death) to enter there. It was not enough for the lamb to die. It was also necessary that the lamb’s blood be applied to the doorframe as a sign of God’s protection.

Today, like the lamb that died in the wilderness and its blood applied to the doorpost, it is not enough to know that Jesus the lamb died. It is necessary to receive and apply the blood by faith, then we will see the benefit of his death. Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification. Now we must receive Him as our personal Saviour. He is our Passover Lamb!

“When the Lord goes through the land . . . he will see the blood . . . and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter. . . .”  Exodus 12:23.

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I thank you for the reminder that I am saved not because of who I am or what I have done, but because of your grace through the blood of Christ. Father, guide me to accept, receive, and trust Him as my one and only Saviour. God thank you for your saving grace! In Christ’s name, Amen.

The Passion Week Devotionals

As we enter this passion week we are told that each day we should reflect on the closing moments that led up to the surrendering of our Lords life to the cross. The cross was the most humiliating and cruel way to die at that time. HE TOOK THE SHAME and LAID DOWN HIS LIFE for me, for you, for us.
Surrender requires giving up something in exchange for something else. Our Lord surrendered His life so that we might have an opportunity  to taste the life of abundance in Him.
The abundance of peace, wisdom, health of body, mind and spirit, renewed hope, unwavering faith, a forward focused healthy appreciation and respect of life found in our Lord – his method, his plan, his way.

Take time to reflect, review, recount as many times as you need to this week and just remember we all have our “FRIDAYS” that feel hopeless yet do not forget, that “RESURRECTION SUNDAY” is on its way! GOD BLESS – Gail Masondo

Throw Away Your Stone 

In my youth, many moons ago, we were drawn to “who done it” detective movies. Real-life movies about murder, tragedy, love, and heroism, and we tended to hope for a happy ending. Our imaginations would get fired up with the plot’s twists and turns. We didn’t like it when a character got treated unfairly, and we smiled when justice was served. We would walk away satisfied when it all ended well. 

Stories in Scripture and life can work out a little differently. I don’t know who the adulterous woman in the story of John 8 is, or where her story started, but I am pretty sure she didn’t want to be dragged into a public square and threatened with execution. Having your faults exposed for everyone to see is not something any of us want in our life story. It is easy to judge others and find fault, but remember Jesus, is there looking and listening. 

Today, let us think about the adulterous woman. She was guilty as charged, as we often are, but at that moment when Christ told them, “you who are without sin throw a stone,” He reminds us that we are all sinners and that this woman represents all of us. Only Jesus has the right to throw a stone, and He chooses not to. Instead, He decides to use grace and forgiveness. In this new year, Christ asks us to throw away our judgemental stones and follow His example. 

“Where are [your accusers]? Has no one condemned you? . . . Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” — John 8:10-11 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for reminding us today that our task is not to judge others but instead to offer people your forgiveness. Father, help us all to accept your offer of forgiveness and begin living a new story. In Christ’ name, Amen. 

Be Contented 

Today Is The Day To Be Happy

For much of my life, I’ve wanted to be successful.  I wanted to look good, have more money, and just outdo the competition.  I did not really have specific goals for myself. It was always just a feeling that a better life was out there to be had.  Looking back, my ability, my clothes and my financial situation were not the problem to my success, it was a lack of contentment. 

Scripture tells us to be content with what we have.  God has blessed each of us uniquely and has equipped us according to His plan which will bring true success.  Although we worship the same God, we are on different journeys requiring different tools and gifts.  Whenever you see others with certain qualities, achievements, or possessions, know that God has readied them for their own journey. In the same way, God has supplied you with everything you need for the work He has intended for you. 

God will always give you what you need.  It is easy to fall into the trap of endlessly wanting something more or different. However, our creator has already gone ahead of us and laid out the path he intends for us to walk.  He knows exactly what you need, and He ensures that you will have it and it will be above your expectations. As you walk that path, be filled with contentment knowing that He is always with you and that you have exactly what you need for life’s journey. 

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5.

Let’s Pray

Oh Lord, You are my shepherd and I should not be in want, but so often I struggle to be content; forgetting that you have graciously provided me with every spiritual blessing in Christ and everything I need for life and godliness. Thank you for often not giving me what I want because my desires would draw my heart from being satisfied in You. Help me to be content in You with what You have given me and not be focused on what my flesh wants or what the world tells me I should have. In Christ’s name Amen 

Let’s Reflect

1) In what area of your life are you most prone to discontentment? 

2) How does having faith in God’s plan for your life impact your ability to experience contentment? 

Selflessness Over Selfishness

“Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness." (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

One of the running themes in the Bible is to put others before yourself.  Isn’t it so easy to just set aside whatever crisis you’re dealing with to help someone with their own crisis?  It comes so naturally, right? –  Not really.  If you’re anything like me, you’re successful in doing this only on a limited basis and with no consistency whatsoever.  That’s part of being human, I take it.

However, God wants us to overcome our natural tendencies in exchange for a better approach to life: His approach. Today’s verse highlights one of these approaches. Imagine living in a world where you didn’t have to think much about your needs because others were already working to meet them.  And in turn, you would be working to ensure that the needs of others were being met. This is the biblical principle of servant living. God knows that this way of living is best for us individually and collectively. Unfortunately, our secular world is quite different.

Today, even though we live in a world that is far from ideal, we can still lighten each other’s burdens by using our individual gifts to enrich the lives of those around us through servant living. The principle found in Philippians 2 becomes easier when you utilise your strengths, talents, and abilities for the betterment of others. This was Christ’s way and should be ours.

Not looking to you own interests but each of you to the interests of others.  In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God, did no consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage. (Philippians 2:4-6)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, please help me to feel Your spirit deep within my heart. Father, help me to feel Your strength behind me, and to choose selflessness over selfishness. God, help me to truly want to show compassion and kindness to others that I know and those that I will never meet. Help me to realize that You love all your children, including those that I may not like, and those whom themselves have chosen the wrong path. Lord please Help me to always keep that in mind and to look for ways to help, not hurt people in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Let’s Reflect

1. What obstacles do you experience daily to putting others first?  How do you overcome these?

2. What gifts do you possess that enable you to effectively meet the needs of others?

No More Limited thinking 

When our forefathers were in slavery, they were forced to make bricks all day long. They were given quotas that were almost impossible to meet. Many times, when their slave masters got upset, supervisors would take away all the straw they needed for bricks. They had the same quota, but they had to go find their own straw – often which was impossible. No doubt they prayed, “God, please give us straw. God, You know these supervisors are going to get upset. We will get whipped  and hurt. We’re not going to make our quotas.” 

They had been pushed down for a long time, giving them a limited vision when they were praying for more straw. In effect, they were praying to get more straw so that they can be a better slave. Like in scripture God said, “That’s too small. I don’t want to make you a better slave. I want to take you totally out of this bondage. I created you as the head and not the tail, the victor and not the victim.” 

Today, don’t be a slave, don’t just pray for more money every month, don’t just pray for improvement in your difficult situation, pray for deliverance from it! Pray to be taken totally out of it! See beyond your circumstances by faith and let God lead you out into the place of victory and abundance! 

… ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.’ ” (Exodus 6:6, NIV).

Let’s Pray  

Yahweh, please release me from my slave mentality. Father, I pray and ask for Your complete deliverance and healing from every form of bondage in my life mainly my thinking.  God, help me to think of victory, change, and vision the way You see them. Then Lord help me assist others to also be free. Thank You for setting me free and destroying my limited thinking all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Don’t Worry God’s Got You 

In my years serving as a Pastor and Mentor, I have seen many people suffering from anxiety.  Quite often, their worry is related to fears about their future needs being met.  They are used to relying on an obvious path to get what they need, but life has changed in some way and that path is no longer as clear.  Many feel overwhelmed and afraid. 

Although I have never met you, I know you can relate to this.  How do I know?  Because we all tend to experience fear whenever we feel things are out of control and see no easy way to regain control.  This is especially true when it comes to meeting the needs of our family physically and financially.   

The Bible says, that God “provides us with everything.”  Sometimes we will experience His provision in abundance while other times it feels more limited.  But at all times, it will be enough to meet our needs. 

Today, understanding the source of your own provision can give you a real sense of peace.  How freeing it is that God, who loves you more than you can comprehend, knows what you need and provides it accordingly.  Sometimes that provision comes in expected ways and other times it comes in ways you could never predict.  Even more freeing, is the realization that God’s provision is not based on merit but on His unending love.  In other words, you don’t have anything because you deserve it, but because He loves you. Cast aside your fears about the future. Gods got you! 

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 1 Timothy 6:17 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, you love us and you’re always faithful. Father, I worship you and believe in you. I confidently stand before you and pray for my family. Always be with us, and do not abandon us. God, You know that human life is unpredictable and fragile. Therefore, your protection and guidance are the true light as we go through the twists and turns of life. Lord, I especially ask you not to turn away from us when we make mistakes, give in to pride, suffer anxiety or simply worry about this financial crisis. Be merciful to my family in our moments of need, in Jesus’ name. Amen 

Let’s Reflect 

1.  Think about a time when you were worried about your family not having what they needed. What was that pressure like?  How did you respond to that pressure? 

2.  Have your family’s needs ever been met in an unexpected way?  To what do you attribute this?  What was your role in getting that need met?       

3.  How can relying on God to meet your needs impact the pressure you feel as a provider?      


Excited Expectation

For years I thought I wasn’t good at anything and I would fail at most things. What about you? Do you ever have those days when it feels like everything you try doesn’t work out?  It’s easy to lose confidence, and faith and develop low self-esteem and conclude you’re not good at anything. 

Well, we are all good at different things and it is important to recognize our gifts.  For example, I have always been skilled at developing ideas and creating new ventures. The Bible tells us that God has given us different gifts through His grace. 

Today, those gifts represent the tools necessary for each of us to fulfil our unique God-given purpose.  You always have the gifts you need to live out God’s plan for you.  There are times when life pushes you around and your gifts become less obvious, and you seem to fail.  That’s normal. Losing sight of God’s gifts can happen to anyone.  This is particularly true in times of transition and endings, such as divorce, health scares, parenting difficulties, relocation, and job changes.  It is during events like these that you are most vulnerable to feeling that you have lost your gifts, or questioning if you really had them in the first place.  Thankfully, your gifts never wane, just your ability to see them. 

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. – Romans 12:6.

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, Thank you for my gifts. Father, pinch me when you catch me comparing myself with others and getting down when they are doing well, and I seem to be failing.  God, on second thought, knock me upside the head to destroy my low self-esteem which invites envy and pride.  Lord, please remind me that I am special and you’ve created me uniquely with gifts and a purpose in Jesus’s name. Amen 

Let’s Reflect 

1. What are your gifts?  How do you know these are your gifts?  What is the impact of your gifts on others?  What might be God’s purpose in supplying you with those gifts? 

2. Think of a time when you questioned your gifts. What was the cause of that question? What did you learn about your gifts during that time? 

God Will Not Write You Off 

How Do You Talk to Kids About God?

After many mistakes in life, I use today’s scripture as a source of encouragement. The church said there was no hope. My family and friends said I was not worthy to minister anymore. My colleagues wrote me off. I had to learn to believe God rather than man. 

When you think about your future, what do you see in your mind’s eye? Maybe at one time, you were excited about your life — you had big goals and big dreams, but you went through some disappointments or life didn’t turn out the way you planned and now you’ve just settled where you are. Understand, God’s plan for your life didn’t go away just because you had some disappointments and setbacks or because somebody treated you unfairly. God didn’t write you off just because you made some poor decisions. No, He knew every mistake you’d ever make before He called you, He knew every person who would wrong you, and He still called you. 

Today, remember God still designed a perfect plan for your life. No matter what’s happened in your past, God’s plan for your good remains. He still has a bright future in store for you. If you will get your hopes back and get your vision in line with God’s Word, then the rest of your life will be the best of your life! Keep standing, keep believing and get a vision for your future because the Lord has amazing things in store for you! 

“For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn.” (Romans 11:29, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for loving me despite my mistakes. Father, thank you for orchestrating every detail of my life. Thank You for calling me and giving my life purpose. I choose to shake off the past in Jesus’ name! Lord give me the strength to forgive those who have hurt me and wrote me off.  I choose to keep my eyes on You today and always, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Sometimes I Get Tired 

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9, NLT)

Some time ago I really felt like giving up. Felt tired emotionally and physically. Then I remembered this story. Back in the 1800’s some explorers were going across the desert and didn’t bring enough water. They got tired and very thirsty so they started digging in different spots underneath the surface about a foot or two, trying to find water so they could get refreshed. Tired and thirsty they lost their lives in the desert because of a lack of water and fatigue. Many years later, it was discovered that there was water right there where they had lost their lives about three feet under the ground. If they would have just dug down a little bit further, they would have found the water and saved their lives. 

Today, the principle is the same when you’re in a dry tired season of life, and not getting any good breaks, business is slow, or you’re struggling with relationships. It’s easy to think, “I’m too tired, I can’t go on, things will never change. I’m not going to see my dreams come true. I’m an emotional and spiritual wreck”. Don’t give up and die like those early explorers, water is there. You’re a foot away from that blessing. Provision and increase is right here. You just must hang on in there and dig down a little deeper. If you will shake off tiredness, shake off self-pity, shake off what didn’t work out, shake off complacency and turn up your faith and praise, you’ll soon tap into the blessing and provision He has prepared for every area of your life! Hallelujah!  

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your provision and blessing in my life. Father, at times I get tired and emotionally I say I’m through, I’m physically hurting and spiritually I’m sick and tired of falling short of Your expectations. I know that You are making a way in my desert even when I don’t see a way. God, help me to stand strong in You so that I may see the harvest of blessings You have prepared for me. Please, Lord, give me the power to keep digging till I reach my God-given purpose in Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Busyness Pandemic 

woman in brown top

Everyone appears to be busy. When I ask people how they are doing, they respond with “busy, Ray.” Our society has become busier than ever, and we all feel the effects.  I have counselled many people who are having difficulty achieving a healthy work/life balance. They feel pressure and stress, often internal, to get more accomplished, make more money, have their children involved in many activities, and maintain a fulfilling relationship with their spouse. For many of us, busy quickly becomes overwhelming and depressed 

Is this the way God desired for us to live? 

The answer is no! Scripture says there is a time for everything.  It goes on to show that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and satisfied. God’s design for us includes a healthy work/life balance.  He wants us to be able to experience His great gifts of happiness, family and love. When we have balance in our lives, we are best positioned to receive those gifts. 

Today, when you find yourself experiencing anxiety or feeling overwhelmed by the demands on your time, ask yourself, “What am I trying to accomplish?” “Is my busyness part of a greater goal and does that goal honour God?” “Does my current schedule allow me to fully experience His presence or does it create an obstacle to my spiritual growth?” We are all busy. Let yours have a purpose that makes God and family the priority.  

I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil- this is the gift of God. Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I believe you created me to be productive. But time and time again I get into a pattern of saying yes and adding one more thing to my already full calendar. Soon I end up exhausted and overwhelmed. Father, forgive me for relying on my own strength instead of calling out for help. You are my hope and the answer in this struggle. God, I know you love me and want me to live in good health. You want me to prosper at work and bodily.  Please help me when I start running full speed ahead, to remember to let You guide me. Help me stay centred on Your will, your word, and your way. In Jesus Amen. 

Let’s Reflect 

1. In what area of your life do you experience the greatest challenge to maintaining balance? What has been the effect on your family? On your spiritual life? 

2. What steps do you need to take to regain that balance?  What will be the effect on your life if you take these steps?  What will be the effect if you do nothing?  

Mothers God Will Answer Your Prayers 

Two Principles for Motherhood

Mothers, do you ever feel like God has forgotten you?  Maybe He is preoccupied with more important concerns?  I fight feeling this way at times. Psalm 13:1 says, “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?”

Mothers, sometimes you may pray specifically, other times you may pray broader and more generally.  Whenever I pray, I have a verse like John 14:14 in the back of my mind.  “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Knowing that you are praying for things in the name of Christ, the chances of them being answered are pretty good, right? Yet it is so easy to become frustrated after a few weeks when your prayers appear to go unanswered. 

You are not alone in this way of thinking.  In Psalm 13, David grew weary of God apparently ignoring him. I’m sure you can identify with David’s feelings.  Even though many of your prayers are answered in an obvious way, there are some that seem to go unanswered.  Why is this you may ask? Why are some prayers answered and others seemingly go ignored? 

I believe there are two answers to this question: 

1. God’s plan     2. God’s timing 

God has a plan for each of us that is beyond what we can see.  Answering our prayers is one way for God to work that plan. However, for those prayers to be answered, they must be consistent with His plan. 

Today, mothers as you wait on God’s answer to your prayers. Remember, God’s plan occurs in His time which the Bible describes as “perfect”.  And things in this life occur when God needs them to, not when we want them to.  Even though God views each of our lives as significant, the time that our lives occupy is not.  We perceive time far differently than God.  So even when prayers appear to be unanswered, they just may not be answered… yet. God knows what’s best for you and exactly what you need. You can take comfort in this today. 

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; Lamentations 3:25 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I give You all the glory and praise that is due to Your great name. Father, You are so faithful. Thank You Lord, for answered prayers and for granting me the desires of my heart. Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth, and let there be continued peace within my heart for my home, my family and my life. In Jesus’ name Amen 

Let’s Reflect 

1. What are your expectations when you pray?  What happens when those expectations are not met? 

2. How does God’s faithfulness to you impact your view of Him and your view of prayer in general? 

God Cares When We Are Hurting 

Why should Christians care for the earth?

One day while lying down with a headache and throat pains, I started reflecting on this particular question “Do we know how important we are to God?” He cares so much about every detail of our life. He cares about our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. In fact, what we are going through is so important to Him that He records every sorrow and collects the tears we’ve shed. 

I started wondering why God would record our sorrows and collect our tears. Then it came to me, everything that affects you matters to Him. He is your Vindicator. He’s keeping an account of every wrong that’s ever been done to you so that He can make up for every single one of them. He wants to restore everything that has ever been stolen. He wants to heal every hurt and pain and give you an awesome testimony. 

Today, don’t forget God cares about the things that concern you. He cares about the things that hurt you. He is close to the broken-hearted and wants to bring you peace and comfort. Turn to Him and receive His love. Let Him bring healing to your heart and restoration to your soul. 

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” (Psalm 56:8, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for loving me and for caring about the things that concern me. Today, I choose to give You every hurt, pain, and sorrow, knowing that You will make all things new and right in Your time. Father, I also give you my emotional pain; those negative feelings of my past and present. Please God, never leave me. You’re the only one I can trust and count on today and always, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Let God Arise! 

What are you letting arise in your life? In other words, what are you focusing your words, energy and thoughts on? You might say, “Oh, it’s just so hard right now. My finances are tight.” “My health doesn’t look good.” “Somebody walked out on me.” But you’re focusing on the wrong things. You’re letting defeat, discouragement and self-pity rise up. Why don’t you turn that around and say, “God is still in control”?  

Somebody may have walked out on you but proclaim now “I know God is going to bring me somebody better.” You may be hurting right now but say “I know God is the restorer of my soul.” You may have an unexpected debt but claim now “I know God is my provider. He is supplying all my needs. He is fighting my battles.”  

Today, when you give God glory and let Him arise in your life, know you can’t stay defeated. No foe can stand against you in the presence of Almighty God. Your enemies will be scattered! They will tremble at your words of faith! Let God arise and embrace the blessings and victory He has prepared for you! 

“Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered…” (Psalm 68:1, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, right now I release any negative, self-defeating thoughts or attitudes. Instead, I choose to let God arise in my life. Father, I declare that You are worthy, You are holy, and You are the centre of my joy, peace and strength in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Ungodly Jealousy

What Do Others See?

Yesterday I talked about my anger and resentment. Today, I want to deal with another issue that many of us struggle with, Jealousy. I don’t think of myself as a jealous person. I’m guessing you probably don’t think of yourself that way either. Jealousy sounds so bad, if you and I are honest with ourselves, we can probably pick any day at random and find that we experience jealousy at least a couple of times throughout that day. So, maybe we are jealous people. On the other hand, maybe we’re just human.

Jealousy occurs whenever we measure ourselves against someone else’s looks, qualities, abilities, or achievements. It is inherently based on our own perception of ourselves, our wants and our desires as opposed to God’s provision. Stated another way, it is our focus on what we do not have instead of on His rich blessings.

Today, the Scripture tells us in James 4:2 that jealousy results in two bad outcomes:

1.  Killing   2.  Quarrelling and fighting. 

It also tells us that we often do not have because we do not ask God. This doesn’t mean that God is like a genie who grants our every wish. Rather, God is a loving God who blesses us greatly according to His plan and purpose for each of our lives. If you need something for you to fulfil His purpose, He will supply it. He says don’t be Jealous in regard to what you don’t have or may feel you will like to have – but rather remember that “He will supply all your needs…”  If you are a Christian, there is no place for jealousy. God will always give you exactly what you need.

You desire but do not have, so you kill.  You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight.  You do not have because you do not ask God. James 4:2

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I have been struggling to come to terms with the good things that are happening in other people’s lives, especially the ungodly. Father, I have found myself coveting what they have and feeling jealous countless times. God remove this ungodly feeling from my heart and replace it with godly jealousy. Help me to be jealous for your name, to be glorified in every situation, especially in places where people are not glorifying you. In Christ’s name, pray, Amen.

Let’s Reflect

1.  How are you currently experiencing jealousy in your life?  Try to identify even the subtle ways that jealousy affects your relationships, your work, and your spiritual life.

2. How do you experience God’s provision in your life?  Do you rely on His provision?  How might your reliance (or lack thereof) on His provision impact how you experience jealousy?


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