It Won’t Last Forever 

Breaking news – your troubles will come to an end – Hallelujah! In this life, God warns that we will have trials and tribulations. The good news is that He also promises to deliver us from them all! Although, He doesn’t necessarily say that He will deliver us instantly, or the way we expect, or on our schedule.  

When things don’t happen the way you expect, it can be tempting to get discouraged, down and despondent. When you feel like trouble is surrounding you, that’s when you have to dig your heels in as the saying goes, and say “I’m not going to give up, because God promised me victory!”.

Today, if you are going through a dark time, keep moving forward! Remember, it’s always darkest just before dawn. That difficulty didn’t come to stay, it came to pass as the Bible says. Please stay in faith and keep praising and thanking God for delivering you. Set your hope in Him, stir up your faith, and keep believing, because soon you will see the victory God has prepared for you! Hallelujah! 

“Our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” (2 Corinthians 4:17, NLT).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for giving me the strength to overcome every trouble I face today through Your Spirit. Father, I set my mind on You. I set my hope on Your love, knowing that You are paving the way for my victory all the days of my life. In Christ’s Name, Amen. 

A Passover Of Deliverance 

This morning I’m thinking about The Passover and its defining moment for God’s people. On the eve of their escape from slavery, God’s people were to dab their doorframes with the blood of a lamb, as this brought judgment on all false gods of Egypt.

This moment of Passover is to be remembered forever as a sign and seal of God’s love and deliverance for his people. Forever after, God’s people should remember God’s mighty deliverance from slavery and His promised faithfulness. 

Today, as important as the Passover was for God’s Old Testament people, it pointed to the defining moment for all God’s people. It also points to sacrifice, fulfilled promises, and deliverance. Jesus, “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”, shed his blood to protect us from the curse of death for our sins. So now all who believe in him as Saviour, can be freed from their slavery to sin and have a new, full life. Now we celebrate Jesus’ death on the cross, as a daily reminder that his sacrifice gives us eternal life, which should saturate all we do today. 

On that very day the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt. (Exodus 12:51).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for being my lamb. Your blood washes me clean of all my sins and delivers me a new life. Father, in joy and thanksgiving, help me to live for you. My precious Lord and Saviour, I truly love you. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen. 


Experiencing hardship is never easy. In fact, it can be agonizing, exhausting, and depressing. There have been times in my life when I have instantly sensed God’s awesome presence with me during a difficult circumstance. But there have been even more instances when it seemed as though God was nowhere to be found. 

While Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane awaiting His fate, His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground as He prayed. He knew that what He was about to endure was going to be excruciatingly difficult. He didn’t even hesitate to ask God if He could be spared from the suffering. Jesus felt utterly alone. Even His friends had fallen asleep during the most crucial moment in his life. 

Not only did Jesus ask if His cup of suffering could pass, but He prayed for strength and embraced the will of His heavenly Father who gave Him the power to endure.  

Today, no one enjoys going through trials, especially alone. But in these moments, God asks us to trust Him. Hard times will pass. But with patience, prayer, and a heart full of hope and trust, we can live through them – knowing God can give us lasting peace and deep joy that will outlast any pain and sorrow. 

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You, for the gift of Your Holy Spirit which comforts me during the difficult times in my life. Father, I ask for Your strength to empower me, and for hope to fill my heart. God, I walk through this current situation trusting You and believing that You have something good in store for me and those around me. Lord, I open my heart to Your will and Your way. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Complaining Will Keep You Out Of The Promise Land 

It was a long, unexpected trek through the wilderness, the Israelites were within spitting distance of the promised land. Twelve spies were chosen to scout out the land. They returned describing a land of green pastures and rich fruit and produce. But ten of them said that conquering the land would be impossible, for they had also seen giants and fortified cities. 

Scripture says the people whined and complained. But two of the spies, Caleb and Joshua, reminded everyone that God had promised that land to them, so God would make it theirs if they trusted Him. The people wouldn’t listen and instead talked of killing Joshua and Caleb. God decided that because of their grumbling and complaining, a different, more trusting generation would inherit the land. Forty years later, God helped Israel claim the land under their new leader, Joshua, whose name means “God saves”. He grew to experience God’s saving power in many ways for his people. 

Today, we may be afraid of what lies ahead. People and circumstances loom like giants, and problems seem impossible to solve. But we have a choice. We can stay afraid, or we can trust God to walk with us. We can do that because we belong to Yahshua, whose name means “God saves”. He was given that name because He would save His people from their sins and from the evil giants of life and circumstance that want to take us out. Do you trust the one who saves? 

‘The Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them’ (Numbers 14:9).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, when we face enormous problems and scary opponents, Father help us to call on you, the one who saves. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

God, Take My Breath Away

Have you gone through the year struggling or striving to make something happen? Maybe it’s a breakthrough in your finances, or in a relationship. It’s good to do everything we know to do in the natural, but we have to always remember that victory or breakthrough, doesn’t come by human might nor power but by the Spirit of the living God.

The word ‘Spirit’ in today’s verse, in some translations can be translated as ‘breath’ (Ruach). “It’s by the breath of Almighty God”, that’s how breakthroughs come. When you realise God is breathing in you by His Spirit, it’s time to take a leap of faith and say, “yes, this is my year; I’m going to accomplish my dreams, I’m going to reach my goals, I’m going to grow spiritually”. That’s when you will feel God’s wind beneath your wings. That’s when you’ll feel a supernatural lift, an anointing that will help you accomplish what you could not accomplish before.

Today, know that the breath (Ruach) of God is blowing through you. This is your season. This is your year to believe again. Believe that God can open doors that no man can shut. Believe that He is working in your favour. Believe that it’s your season, it’s your year, and get ready to embrace every blessing He has in store for you! Hallelujah!

“…‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.” (Zechariah 4:6, NIV).

Let’s PrayYahweh, thank You for the power of Your Holy Spirit at work in my life. Father, today I surrender every area of my heart, my mind, my will and my emotions to You. God, I believe if You breathe into me Your supernatural power, then my breakthrough will come. So I give You permission to take my breath away and fill me with Your Spirit, so that things will change in this coming year. Direct my steps and give me power to overcome my weaknesses. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

Live and Die For Christ 

As was said previously, yesterday was Martin Luther King Day. He was one of my heroes. He practised the ministry of non-violence during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s. He went to jail again and again, simply because he believed the message of Jesus’ love. King believed that standing up and suffering for justice would improve America and the world as a whole. And he was right. 

Martin preached some of his best sermons from a jail cell. In this way, he kept company with the apostle Paul. For Paul, too, was known to deliver some hard-hitting messages from prison. 

Scripture says, that during his two years under house arrest, Paul showed hospitality regardless of his situation or of who came to see him. Paul did not embrace despair. He was not interested in being cast as a victim. He resisted bitterness about his plight. 

Today, I believe that Martin Luther King and Paul held close to the words of Isaiah 40:31, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They … will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”. In God’s strength, they preached, lived, prayed, and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ the only way they knew how, “boldly and without hindrance”. The last words written about Paul in Acts, are full of zest and energy. In Christ, we fill our lives with courage and purpose. I want to live that kind of life now, how about you? 

‘Boldly … he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.’ (Acts 28:31). 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, give me the boldness and courage to live my life like Dr. King and Paul, for Jesus. Both in times of constraint and freedom, being willing to die for Him if necessary. In the name of my precious Saviour I pray, Amen. 

 A Dream of Hope 

Today Americans celebrate the life of the great Christian leader, Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Below are four quotes from him that will give us hope in this hopeless time.  

“I say to you today, my friends . . . even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

“. . . I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; ‘and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together’. . . . “

“ . . . With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.”

Today these words of Dr King not only give us hope for now but in the years to come “This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning: My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. The land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring! . . .” 

“Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” (Isaiah 40:4-5).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, have mercy upon us. Father forgive us for what we could have been but failed to be. God, give us the intelligence to know your will and give us the courage to do your will. Please give us the devotion to love your will. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 

What Or Who Am I Reflecting?

Like a mirror, when you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Jesus. We shouldn’t only have His features, like in a mirror, but most importantly – His attitude.

That may sound like a pretty tall order; after all, Jesus was the Son of God. But remember, when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, we become sons and daughters of the Most High God, too. We become empowered by the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. That means we have the same spirit of humility—the same strength, the same love, and the same power on the inside. We are equipped to follow His example and do what He did. He went around doing good and bringing healing to others – physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Today, we have to let God work on our attitudes and actions. We have to open the door and invite Him in. Make the decision to open every area of your life to Him. Reflect Him and do good everywhere you go!

“Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]” (Philippians 2:5, AMP).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, right now I invite You to dwell in my thoughts, my heart and my attitude. Father, I want to be a true reflector of You. A pure reflection of Your  love in everything I do. God, I choose to follow Your example and bring good to others. Help me, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Embraced by the Divine

In the cosmic symphony orchestrated by God, the seventh day stands as a unique and sacred melody—a day chosen by the Almighty Himself. This divine selection is not subject to human redesign or alteration by earthly authorities. Its significance transcends the whims of convenience and personal inclination.

Scripture warns of a time when great words will be spoken against the Most High, and the saints will face weariness and persecution. In the midst of these challenges, attempts will be made to manipulate times and laws. However, God, in His unwavering wisdom, has firmly established the seventh day as His Sabbath, beyond the reach of human judgment.

The Sabbath, declared in the divine tapestry, remains a symbol of God’s sovereignty and authority. It is not a day shaped by human preferences but is expressly set apart by the Creator. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us anchor ourselves in the understanding that the seventh day, the Sabbath of the Lord, is an integral part of God’s divine plan.

Sabbath Reflection

Understanding the historical and prophetic aspects of why the seventh day holds significance can empower us to share this vital truth with others. Take the time to revisit the roots of Sunday worship and reinforce your knowledge, so you can confidently convey the importance of honoring the true Sabbath when the opportunity arises.

Walk In The Anointing

As I think about 2023, it reminded me of a cross-country race I saw. I was amazed at how many obstacles they had to get over in order to get to the finish line. God wants to empower and strengthen you to overcome every obstacle this new year. He wants to give you confidence, wisdom and boldness, to pursue the dreams and desires in your heart in 2024. He wants to give you supernatural insight so that you can be a witness of His goodness.

In scripture, Peter and John were supernaturally equipped (they were anointed). Everyone around them marvelled at their boldness, at their ability. They knew Peter and John didn’t have any formal training. They knew there wasn’t anything special about them. This power and wisdom could only come from a bold Holy Ghost anointing, and the presence of Christ.

This year remember, when you’re walking in the Holy Ghost anointing and spending time with Jesus, people will see it. You’ll be energised for the race ahead by His anointing, and equipped by His grace. That’s why it’s so important in 2024 to take time every day to be in His presence. No matter where you are on this earth, His presence is only a prayer away. Scripture says He is near to all who call upon His name. It says that He inhabits the praises of His people. I encourage you to make your relationship with Him your number one priority this year, and be empowered by His presence every single day of your life!

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marvelled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13, NKJV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, as I have arrived at the finish line of 2023, and now I’ve stepped into 2024, I humbly come before You giving You all that I am. I surrender every area of my life to You, and invite You to have Your way in my heart. Lord, I ask for strength and boldness to get over and through life’s obstacles. Father, empower me with Your love, as I daily set my focus on You. God, in 2024 I want to remain in Your presence and receive Your Holy Ghost anointing. In Jesus’ name! Amen.

Your Grace And Mercy

In this day and age, many people are filled with worry about their future. They live stressed out, wondering, “What’s going to happen if I lose my job?”, “how am I going to handle it if my loved one doesn’t make it?”, or even “my parents are getting older, how can I take care of them and my own family at the same time?”. As I settle into another year of this thing called life, I have made up my mind that I’m not going to worry or fret anymore. I will trust in God’s grace to be there at every stage of my life, to help me do whatever I need to do.

Remember, God’s grace is what saves us, but that’s not all. His grace is His enabling power. His grace will give you the strength, wisdom and favour to accomplish what you could not normally accomplish on your own. His grace is sufficient for whatever you need in your future. Hallelujah!

Today, if you’re in a difficult marriage, if you’re raising a child that’s going astray or if you’re facing a sickness, one thing you can count on is that the grace of God will be there. Receive it today by faith, and let Him empower you to walk through the difficulty, into a place of victory in Jesus’ name!

“But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out His special favour on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by His grace.” (1 Corinthians 15:10, NLT).

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your grace and mercy upon my life this past year. Father, thank You for empowering me to rise above every obstacle. God, I trust that You are moving me forward into victory in this next year of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God’s Anointing Is On You

We normally focus on what we do not have, as opposed to what we do have. We focus on how big our obstacles are, and how bad the economy is etc. “I don’t have the connections… I’ve got this problem,  but I don’t have anybody to help me… I’ve got this dream, but I don’t have the resources”. Yet here is the truth, everything you need to fulfill your destiny is within reach. God will always use something that’s close to you. It may not look extraordinary, but you have what it takes to fulfill your destiny.

Like when David faced the giant, Goliath. All he had was a slingshot and five stones. It looked ordinary. He could have thought, “I’m not going to face Goliath. That would be foolish. I don’t have a chance”. But David knew that with God on his side, those ordinary stones would be exactly what he needed. Sure enough, David defeated Goliath with what he had and made history.

Today, remember victory isn’t about what you have, it’s about God’s anointing on what you have. With God on your side, all things are possible! Focus on Him and what He has given you. God can do great things in your life because He has placed extraordinary things in you, use them today.

“So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.” (1 Samuel 17:50, NIV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for equipping me for success and victory in this life. Help me to clearly see the opportunities, connections and resources You have ordained for me. I trust that with You, all things are possible. In Christ’ name, Amen!

He Gives You Space 

Newer translations of the Bible include a footnote with this story, saying that it is not found in the earliest manuscripts. I hope this “messiness” of the Bible does not trouble you. It shouldn’t. Rather, we can recognize that the perfect Word of God entered a messy world and picked up some scars, yet still tells us plainly that while no one is perfect, Jesus gives us space. 

In scripture, Jesus gave space for this crowd to go home shame-faced. They expected to jeer and throw stones at a “fallen woman”. He challenged them to investigate their own hearts to see if they were sinless before throwing the first stone. Then he drew in the sand while they all slinked away, now seeing their faults a little more clearly. 

Jesus gave space to the woman too. The officials dragged her before him to test his ability to judge, not realising that he would one day be the Judge over all. Jesus does not rush to judge this woman. He does not condone her actions but gives her space to change: “Go now and leave your life of sin”…  

Today, just like the woman caught in adultery, Jesus gives us space to realize that sin does not have us trapped. We can, by his grace and Spirit, leave our sins behind. There is some space as this new year begins. To reflect on our sinful life and decide to get closer to Christ. Is this not a great idea for 2024? 

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:11). 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, as I reflect on the past year and move to the new year, help me leave my old sins behind and the guilt that goes with them. Thank you for your mercy. In Jesus’s name, Amen. 

Unveiling the Narrative: Language, Perception, and the African Identity

In the complex tapestry of human interactions, language has become a lens through which we perceive, label, and categorize ourselves and others. This thought-provoking exploration delves into the intricacies of language and its role in shaping perceptions, particularly in the context of Africans and their global counterparts. From the terminology surrounding migrations to the biases ingrained in linguistic norms, let’s unravel the layers of a discourse that questions our shared humanity.


Voyages of Discovery vs. Illegal Immigrants:

The journey from Europe to Africa is romanticized as a “voyage of discovery,” invoking images of exploration and curiosity. However, when the direction reverses, Africans moving to Europe are often labeled as “illegal immigrants,” laden with connotations of criminality and transgression. Here lies the first thread in the fabric of linguistic bias.

Refugees vs. Tourists:

A group of Africans seeking refuge in Europe is termed “refugees,” underscoring their dire circumstances and the humanitarian need for assistance. Contrastingly, a group of Europeans in Africa engaging in leisurely pursuits is benignly dubbed “tourists,” emphasizing their privilege and choice of exploration. Language subtly influences our perception of their circumstances.

Poachers vs. Hunters:

Venture into the bush, and the terminology takes a stark turn. Africans in the same environment are branded as “poachers,” echoing criminality and environmental harm. On the other hand, Europeans engaged in similar activities are adorned with the more benign term “hunters,” implying a connection to nature and tradition.

Foreigners vs. Expats:

Black individuals working abroad are often relegated to the label of “foreigners,” emphasizing their perceived distance from the norm. In contrast, white individuals in similar positions are graciously titled “expats,” conveying a sense of expertise and cultural exchange. The contrast raises questions about the power dynamics embedded in language.

The Language of Intelligence:

One of the most poignant observations centers on language proficiency. When individuals from various countries struggle with English, Africans often face stigmatization, being labeled as unintelligent, illiterate, or even dumb. This reveals a deep-seated bias, where English proficiency becomes a misguided measure of intelligence, perpetuating a harmful narrative.

Breaking the Chains of Mental Slavery:

The blog concludes with a powerful call to action. It challenges the normalized prejudices woven into our language, urging Africans to reclaim their narrative. Embracing native languages and rejecting the imposition of foreign linguistic norms is posited as a path to breaking free from mental oppression.


In this nuanced examination of language, perception, and identity, we confront the biases embedded in our linguistic choices. The blog invites readers to reflect on the impact of language on our understanding of the world, urging a collective effort to dismantle stereotypes and foster a more inclusive, enlightened discourse.

#AfricanNarrative #LanguageMatters #CulturalPerceptions #MigrationDiscourse #LinguisticBiases #BreakingChains #Inclusivity #GlobalConversations #AfricanLanguages #ColonialLegacy #HumanityShared

Stop Pleasing People

While talking to some youth, I realised an important truth – people pleasing is alive and well. From fashion, to language and everything in between, there will always be people who try to squeeze you into their mould; people who try to pressure you into being who they want you to be. They may be good people. They may mean well. But the problem is – they aren’t your creator. They didn’t breathe life into you. They didn’t equip you, empower you or anoint you; Our Almighty God did!

If you’re going to be all that God created you to be, you can’t focus on what everybody else thinks. If you change with every criticism, trying to win the favour of others, then you’ll go through life being manipulated, and letting people squeeze you into their box. You have to realise that you can’t keep every person happy. You can’t make everyone like you. You’ll never win over all of your critics.

Today, instead of trying to please people, when you get up in the morning, ask the Lord to search your heart. Ask Him if your ways are pleasing to Him. Stay focused on your goals. If people don’t understand you, that’s okay. If you lose some friends because you wouldn’t let them control you, they weren’t true friends anyway. You don’t need others’ approval; you only need Almighty God’s approval. Keep your heart and mind submitted to Him, and you will be free from people pleasing!

“Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety.” (Proverbs 29:25, NLT)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I come humbly to You today. I invite You to search my heart and mind. Let my ways be pleasing to You. Father, take away my need for people’s approval. Please let my thoughts be Your thoughts and not the thoughts of a corrupt man. God, thank You for setting me free from people pleasing, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Christ Our Hope In 2024 

It’s a New Year, and we look forward in hope to a year filled with potential, but we also know there is uncertainty. A review of 2023 reminds us of the changes a year can bring. Some good, some very painful. What will happen in 2024? 

We opened December asking, “What is the source of our hope?” And through Scripture, we have seen God in Jesus, meeting our deepest needs. Now in this New Year, we look once again to Jesus the Saviour who has come and who now reigns in heaven until the day he will return. 

Words can only begin to describe the power and glory of our ascended Saviour. He is the Lord of life. John describes Him as standing in long flowing robes. Long robes were worn by royalty, or at times of celebration. They were a sign of victory, security, and work completed. A person fleeing danger, or a worker could not be encumbered with a long robe, but Christ stands in flowing robes. 

Today there is no threat to God’s kingdom; His redemptive work is fully accomplished. Children of this victorious King have eternal security. As we enter the New Year, may we all declare, “My only comfort in life and death is that I belong to my faithful Saviour, Yahshua the Messiah!” 

No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame. (Psalm 25:3).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, In a world of uncertainty, I thank you, for the comfort, hope, and peace I have because I belong to you. Father, thank you for being my security and allowing me to share in your victory. In Christ name, Amen. 


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