Living Faith

When the Bible tells us about a great man or woman of faith, the Lord in His kindness also often shows us the person’s weakness and failings. For example, let’s look at Abraham. Like any one of us, he had faults. He sinned. He made mistakes.  Still, God loved him and accomplished great things through his life.
When the Lord spoke, Abraham listened. Just imagine what promises and blessings he would have missed if he’d failed to pay attention. (See Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 15:1-5Genesis 17:1-4.) Abraham’s conversations with God teach us what living by faith looks like:
  • Listening to God. When we recognize God’s voice, we’ll have assurance about what to do and where to go.
  • Obeying God. Obeying God shows we really trust Him, and each time we obey Him, our faith grows stronger.
  • Depending on God. Human nature wants to be self-sufficient, but we desperately need God’s wisdom, strength, and help.
  • Waiting on God. Our willingness to patiently let God move in His own way reaps great blessings—and prevents big messes.
  • Acknowledging and learning from our failures. The Bible tells us that God exalts the humble (Matthew 23:12).
 Which of these do you struggle with? Ask God to help you move forward, trusting Him and listening for His voice.
Today, Christians often struggle with living faith when they lack strong examples. Some don’t receive encouragement to grow, while others hold on to the wrong teaching and other hindrances that stall their walk. It’s like they are only able to hobble along. Hobbling, as a mode of forward movement, does not get us very far. And the energy it requires is impossible to sustain. To have living faith, we must trust in the Lord, not ourselves. And as we learn to trust Him to lead and empower us to do His will, we begin to see Him doing more and more through us. We find ourselves not just walking, but running to finish our race!
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for always watching over me. Sometimes like Abraham life can get overwhelming, giving me moments of weakness from time to time. Father, please strengthen my heart and grant me the courage to get back up and face this new day. At times it seems tempting to concede to my weaknesses, but I know this is not what You want for me. Lord, please replenish my strength so that I may rise from the ashes of my shortcomings. God though I may fall, please forgive me as I move forward to please you and praise Your name. In Christ’s name, Amen.

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Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.

Our Location: The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London, W1H 5JE

Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

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