A Church on the Move

I once heard about a church called “Church on the Move.” It was a congregation quite different from the tradition I am used to, and the church’s name has stuck with me. I have come to appreciate the meaning behind the name of that church.
Church life can be static and stale for many of us. We have our routines. We may even sit in the same chair or pew, week after week. Though Christ has intended his church to be a community that is always growing, inviting all kinds of people to come to know Jesus, the church can become stationary if we let that happen.
In today’s verse, the Spirit sends Philip in a certain direction, and Philip soon meets an Ethiopian who is reading from the book of Isaiah in his chariot. The man does not understand what he is reading. God had sent Philip for that moment, and a new disciple was born.
Today, as we think about “church on the move”, let’s consider the Ethiopian Eunuch who learnt about Christ and went back home, bringing the good news of Jesus with him. Though this man was a eunuch who could no longer have children, the church in Ethiopia today points back to him as a spiritual father. Ask yourself the question as a disciple of Christ, where and how are you helping to keep the church “on the move”?
They came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptised?” (Acts 8:36).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I thank you for the way your Spirit moves in my life and heart. Father, show me how to follow your Spirit faithfully, always and never being stagnant, moving in line with your will each day. In Jesus name, Amen.

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