Sabbath A The Game Changer

The former US President, Abraham Lincoln, was considered a great leader because he knew how to interpret the changing times. Someone said that Lincoln “was summoned by events he did not initiate and was exposed to conditions he did not create, but his response was so powerful an interpretation of events that it reshaped the conditions in which they originated.”. In other words, Lincoln’s response to the changing events of the Civil War, helped to maintain the union of a fragile nation. And that changed history. His response was a game-changer.
In scripture, Jesus’ response to the legalistic leaders about the Sabbath, was also a game changer. The Pharisees considered themselves the gatekeepers of the law. They felt it was up to them to make sure people followed many, many laws. Why? Because that way people would be righteous (right with God). But they got so caught up in their laws that the Sabbath became a measuring stick for righteousness instead of a day of worship, joy, and rest in the Lord.
Today, Jesus reconnects the purpose of the Sabbath to its original intent – that is, to notice God, worship, and enjoy him. Jesus’ conversation about legalistic sabbath keeping changed the game from nitpicking legalism, to following the Master and his loving ways. The game has been changed. Jesus is Lord over all things. Enjoy him on the Sabbath. Rest in him on the seventh day. Eat with him on his special day. Let Jesus be Lord over your life.
“The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:28).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I have a tendency at times to point out peoples shortcomings, instead of walking in complete freedom with you. Father, on this sabbath, I want to focus on my relationship with you and not what others are doing. Forgive me for my legalistic sabbath keeping and help me to find rest in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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