Break News Part 2: The Anointing Brings Prosperity

In the ancient world, anointing a person with oil had several meanings. It was used to symbolize that a person was chosen by God. Anointing a person with oil was a sign of God’s approval. People were anointed as an act of sanctification, to make one holy. Early Christians were encouraged to pray and anoint those who were sick with oil.

In scripture, David doesn’t tell us just what he was thinking in Psalm 23, when he wrote, “Thou anointest my head with oil”.   Was it the moment that the prophet Samuel visited his father Jesse, having been sent by God, to anoint a new King? Or at a coronation ceremony many years later, when he did become King? Or was it at a moment he had asked for prayer, and he was anointed again?

Today, the words of Psalm 23 give us encouragement. For as we read it, we too, are assured of God’s love and presence in every part of our lives. As David wrote the words, “Thou anointest my head with oil”, he celebrated both the physical touch of oil and the gift of God’s Spirit, being poured on him. The anointing meant that David feasted at a table, knowing God’s grace was overflowing without limit and end.  Like David, the anointing assures us of a shepherd who would lead us in every circumstance. One who would always be present to give comfort, strength, and prosperity.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil.” (Psalm 23:5).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for anointing my drooping head with oil to revive me. Father, in this dry and weary land, I need Your refreshment in my life. God thank You for knowing just when I need a good word, a kind gesture, a phone call, or any other encouraging thing in my life. Lord, thank You for pouring the fresh oil of hope over my head at just the perfect time. Thank you for the Grace and prosperity the oil represents. You are truly a Good Shepherd, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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