If You Compromise, You Will Lose

Everyone is on a pilgrimage with God, and we don’t want to miss the lessons of the journey. While on the journey remember.  

God means what He says. 

God is serious with us in the matter of complete obedience.  Ninety-eight per cent conformity to his will and his ways is not obedience. We want to say, “Cut us some slack, God,” but it costs not to obey Him. Don’t forget Lot’s wife and King Saul. If we compromise and treat God’s word lightly, we lose. 

Weakness will break strongholds Not Strength 

God wants us to lead from weakness, not strength. God loves us too much to let us succeed in our own strength.  Someone once said, “We have embezzled his strength, and he calls an audit.” Remember His name is I AM. Without Him, we can do nothing, we are zero. 

Live By Grace 

I try to live by grace, but unless God does a work of grace in me, I can’t. 

I try to speak grace words, which are words of life, and only God is sufficient for me. I fully embrace His love, but my life is only snapshots of His grace. 

God has been merciful up till now, but He may no longer cover us concerning what we are not ignorant of. Presumption will result in disaster. God is doing a new thing which will lead to more freedom and at the same time require greater accountability to Him. He has new directions for us and deeper levels for us with Him if we have ears to hear and eyes to see Him and respond to Him. He wants new wineskins for an outpouring of His Spirit in this generation. 

I must not listen to seducing voices. 

Today seducing voices will suggest we take the road of compromise or take matters into our own hands by our own power or follow the dramatic or sensational. We must give no ground to comfort, deception, or denial. This will require a very fine-tuned antenna, homed in on God’s voice alone. Stand still with God in your “Bethel,” a place of meeting with Him personally. Let Him open His heart to you personally, between you and Him. 

Prayerfully reflect on your life in Christ. What is He saying to you? Let Him review the traces of His hand in your life. Ask Him to speak to you intimately and powerfully in a key you can hear and understand. 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I want to live purely before You without compromising with the world. Father, I lift my hands to you I don’t want to live with one foot in the church and another foot in the world. God, please bind and rebuke any compromise that may be in my life right now in Jesus’s Name! 

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Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.

Our Location: The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London, W1H 5JE

Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

Godinterest is sponsored by Jamaica Homes

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