Released From Being The Scapegoat

A scapegoat is a person, group, or entity who is targeted for blame for something he or she is not responsible for. Scapegoating can occur in every environment, but mostly scapegoating occurs in families. In a family, scapegoating often begins in childhood and continues throughout adulthood.

Why would someone choose to project their guilt, blame, and shame on someone else? The answer has a lot to do with the concept of a scapegoat and the purpose it served. In the Bible, the scapegoat was part of the Yom Kippur sacrifice. The scapegoat was literally a goat that carried away the guilt and sins of the children of Israel into the wilderness. (Leviticus Chapter 16).

The Bible tells us that Yeshua became the sacrifice for humanity as the Lamb of God who took away our guilt and shame (John 1:29). As believers in Yeshua we can bring all our burdens to Him. We no longer have to carry the burden of guilt.

In a social setting scapegoating is a “projection defense” that allows scapegoaters to keep up appearances by shifting their shame and burdens on the scapegoat. In other words, laying the blame on someone else will take the attention off the real issues.

Scapegoating is a form of abuse. Usually, narcissistic personalities result to scapegoating to ensure that the more vulnerable person bares the reproach while the narcissist basks in acceptance, applause, and approval. Both the narcissist and the scapegoat create an environment for unhealthy behavior patterns and toxic relationships to perpetuate. The narcissist is the hero, while the scapegoat bares the shame, and the myth of normalcy continues without anyone having to look inward or take responsibility for their own actions.

How Can We Break Free, Heal, & Recover From Being The Scapegoat?

If you have been playing the role of the scapegoat, I am here to tell you that there is FREEDOM in Yeshua. You don’t have to be burdened with shame. Today, we are going to look at ways we can be released from being the scapegoat.

You Are Not A Victim: The Scapegoat is a role that we do not have to assume. Yeshua has come to set us FREE. He carried every burden, all guilt, shame, and blame to Calvary. We don’t have to carry the burden any more. Opinions are like noses, everyone has one. We do not have to own the hurtful opinions and projections of others. We must stop trying to win the favor and approval of uncaring people. You are accepted and beloved in God. Let’s allow Yeshua to open up new doors and new opportunities of love and friendship. BE FREE! (Isaiah 61:1-4)

See Yourself The Way God Sees You: God loves you fiercely and fervently. He loves you short. He loves you tall. He loves you skinny. He loves you chunky. He loves you with curly hair. He loves you with short hair. He loves you with long hair. He loves you with no hair at all. God loves you. Accept and receive God’s unconditional love for you. (Genesis 16:13-14)

You Are Not Condemned: When we fall short, the Holy Spirit will convict us in the spirit of love and restoration in order to bring us into right standing with Messiah Yeshua. However, condemnation often brings on reproach which leaves us feeling isolated and alone. Do not own the reproach of others. However, allow the Holy Spirit to take you by the hand and lead you into truth, love, restoration, and righteousness. (Romans 8:1-2)

Forgive and Live: We must forgive. Turning our hurts over to God does not dismiss the hurt. Turning our hurts over to God frees us from the responsibility of bearing the pain. Vengeance belongs to God (Romans 12:19). We miss God when we seek revenge. God will make up the difference in our lives. We can not be the judge, the jury, and the executioner. We must forgive. The Bible tells us that we do not have a right to harbor our pain. We don’t have a right to walk in unforgiveness (Matthew 18:21-22). If we remain in God’s presence, He will heal our pain and bring us to a place of lasting peace (Isaiah 53:5).

Love Yourself: Encourage yourself in the Lord. Be good to yourself. See yourself the way God sees you. Write down your good traits. Read God’s word and remind yourself daily of who you are in Yeshua. Be good to yourself. Say something good about yourself. Stand in the mirror and tell yourself “you are looking good today girlfriend.” Celebrate the fabulous way God created you. (Psalms 139:14)


“Father, please forgive me and my generational line for placing our sins, burdens and blame on others and chasing others away making them scapegoats.

I repent for myself and my family line for willingly or unwilling receiving the sins and blame of others or allowing myself to be the sacrifice or the scapegoat and bearing burdens that You did not instruct me to carry.

Father, forgive me and cleanse me for taking on burdens, sins, and responsibilities that Yeshua took upon Himself. Please forgive me also for placing burdens and responsibilities on others that Yeshua took to Calvary (John 1:29).

Father, I declare that I am not a scapegoat. Father, I ask that all reproach and blame of others which have been placed upon me be removed.

Father, please remove the consequences of blame and shame from me and from my generational line. I ask that the reaping of the consequences of shame, guilt, and being a scapegoat is now broken off of me and my family line from this time forward.

Father, I ask that these heavy burdens be removed from me and all future generations based on Your righteousness which You have imputed to me through the Blood of Yeshua.

Lord, please replace these vacated areas in my life with Your Holy Spirit and with Your blessings. Thank You for pouring Your Spirit into me. In Yeshua’s name Amen.”

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