Fight Like Ana — Film Project: When Trajedy strikes, your Faith in God can help!

Fight Like Ana – Film Project: Watch this Video

Fight Like Ana is the story of a young woman stripped of everything, and how her faith and family gives her the strength to overcome incredible adversity. Reborn like a young child, she learns to walk again, to speak again, to navigate the difficult road to recovery.


Please help me get eyes on this project there seems to be fewer and fewer people these days to help just a little. Be a blessing and help a worthy cause please view the Videos. Please Share to help us find others to bless this project, that will be an inspiration to others not to give up.

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The Story

On the morning of October 18, 2017, Ana Wakefield drove to practice, excited about her upcoming junior year of basketball at Multnomah University.

In a moment, her entire life changed when she became the victim of a hit and run.   The nearly fatal crash left Ana with a traumatic brain injury, multiple fractures to her legs, a fractured eye socket, a collapsed lung, and several other injuries.

Over the past year and a half, Ana's recovery has been nothing short of a miracle. She went through death, and is alive again, beating the odds time and again as she rebuilds her life.

The Film

Fight Like Ana is the story of a young woman stripped of everything, and how her faith and family gives her the strength to overcome incredible adversity. Reborn like a young child, she learns to walk again, to speak again, to navigate the difficult road to recovery. Fight Like Ana asks the difficult question:

When part of you dies, how do you begin again?

At the beginning of June, the film crew flew in to capture interviews with Ana and the whole family, but this was only the first step in telling Ana’s story. Our next step is to edit the interview footage while raising funds to bring the film crew back to Oregon to shoot this documentary.

My Favorite Quote: "You get ahead in life by being helped along the way by others…
By you helping others along the way". 

Thank you & God Bless!

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