Guilt Trip

Guilt does serve a positive purpose

It convicts our spirit when we know that we’re wrong, and leads to our wanting to confess our sin so that we can be forgiven. Once we repent, the guilt should be lifted. We should feel joy and relief because of the promise that has been made to us and the sacrifice that was made for us, but the enemy will have you caught up in an everlasting guilt trip. It is one of the devil’s most powerful weapons against us and will leave you feeling defeated, unworthy, and low on faith. This sort of condemnation will keep you from spiritual happiness and freedom. It opens the door to depression, fear, and other negative spirits that will only hinder you, your spiritual growth, and your success — exactly where the devil wants you.

I only share with you all the things that I have experienced for myself. Just recently, the enemy had me caught up in a guilt trip. I was unwilling to forgive myself when my God had already done so. Constantly consumed with my mistakes and my sin, I had no time or energy to focus on serving God or the things that fill my spirit with positivity. Feeling so distant from God, I didn’t even feel worthy enough to read the Word, talk about the Word, or share the Word — and I’m sure the enemy loved every moment. But I thank God for keeping me and allowing me to realize that this feeling was nothing more than a lie from the one whose purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. It may sound extreme to some, but it’s real. Be mindful that there is a fight going on for your life and your salvation. God is fighting for you and when the devil sees that he is losing, he will throw everything and anything in your way to distract you. 

Here’s the bottom line: if God can forgive you, then you can forgive yourself. Your past is your past so let it stay there. Be obedient, listen to God, and try not to make the same mistakes; but don’t beat yourself up for being human!

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

(Romans 8:1)

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