Coping with Depression

Some people have never had to fight Depression, but let me tell you Depression is real and unbearable.   Depression can creep up on you and linger without a person realizing what exactly is making them depressed.   To be honest, I have been dealing with some Depression lately but I know partly where mine is coming from.   My youngest daughter is getting married soon and will be moving far way; her husband is in the military.   In my eyes she is too young, she will always be my baby girl.   The thought of not seeing her every day or the thought of her being in some strange place frightens me.   She is moving to a place she doesn’t know, but a place I know way too well.   When I got married to my husband, he was stationed on the same base as my daughter’s future husband is.   Funny how life replays itself.

I told my daughter she was copying me; marrying a military man and moving to the same base I moved to.   Now I know what my mother must have been going through.   When you are young you don’t think about what others may be going through, like you do when you get older.   I guess that is why Depression creeps up on us older people too.

We must really look where Depression stems from in order to overcome it.   Satan works hard to hinder the lives of Christians and those that serve God in any way possible. He wants us to become unproductive.   He wants to beat us down where we feel we are not fit for anything.   When we realize that God can help us overcome this, Depression, that we are able to fight it easier.   God has helped me overcome things that have been difficult to deal with many many times. I know that I was able to overcome those situations by relying more on God.   Relying on God helped my faith and showed me to put my trust fully in him.   It was then, that I was able to overcome those battles that Satan threw at me.   Keep in mind that praying is the best tool in helping us with any life struggle.   Praying not only once a day, but several times a day.   Pray when you get up, when you are in the shower when you are driving, we you have a break at work, when you get home when you are lying on the couch, when you eat, when you go to bed, anytime you need God, pray.

Praying to God can help you in so many ways.   It can relieve your stress, help you overcome Depression and help you calm your nerves and relax.   Studies have been shown to prove this.   Praying helps your brain.   So let God help you in any struggle that you may be facing.   Realize it is not God that is causing you stress, but the Devil himself.   Call out to God and he can help you overcome.   If you need a listening ear, I’m here.

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2 Replies to “Coping with Depression”

  1. Thank you for your comment. I’ve only had to deal with Depression one other time, when my doctor put me on an antidepressant for headaches. It seemed to make me worse not better. Now it has crept up on me quickly. I’m a nurse and have had many people who were Depressed, but didn’t really know what they were going through until now. Now I can relate to them, which can help me show them compassion and possibly help them more than anything.

  2. I am impressed with your way of bringing us around to what can cause depression. I can relate to the words you have written. I am active member of my Church and I have always believed in praying all day and at bed time. God loves to hear from each of us everyday. Please keep writing these great blogs !!

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