I will Sing and Make Music

Reading:                                                       Psalm 57

 (Verses 6-11)
They spread a net for my feet—
I was bowed down in distress.
They dug a pit in my path—
but they have fallen into it themselves.
My heart, O God, is steadfast,
my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and make music.
Awake, my soul!
Awake, harp and lyre!
I will awaken the dawn.
I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples.
For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
let your glory be over all the earth

As with many of David’s psalms, Psalm 57 turns on a dime. By that, I mean the psalmist begins in a state of worry and trouble. In his distress, David cries out to God and the Lord answers him. Suddenly, desperate pleas are replaced by wholehearted praise. The psalm ends with rejoicing over the goodness of God. David invites us to join in his rejoicing. I will sing and make music. Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples.

There is tremendous power in music. When I am discouraged—trapped in the Christian pilgrim’s Slough of Despond—a song of praise can lift me out like nothing else. Perhaps you have had a similar experience. When I am drowning in a sea of regrets, music brings buoyancy. Worship helps me set my eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of my faith. See Hebrews 12:2. Faith gives us eyes to see beyond our current set of circumstances.

Most often we want to see God’s deliverance before we praise Him. In the introduction to Psalm 57, we read that David hid in a cave from King Saul. David called out for God to deliver him and He did. Therefore, David bursts out with music and song. Can you picture him strumming on his harp and singing with a smile you can see for a mile?

But there are times when I believe God wants us to sing His praise before deliverance comes—before the healing appears. He is our good and faithful God whether we have faith to move mountains or are troubled by doubt. Whether we live or die, He is faithful and worthy of our praise. In all the circumstances of life, our help comes from Him.

Response: LORD God, even in the midst of trouble filling my heart with praise for you. You are good and faithful. You are my help—my steadfast help—through Jesus Christ your Son. Amen.

Your Turn: Can you recall a time when you praised God before He brought the answer to your prayer?


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5 Replies to “I will Sing and Make Music”

  1. I did that very thing not but 2 hours ago while telling my story to a perfect stranger. I gave all the glory of my story to God. I’m merely a vessel to serve Him and His plan for me. He placed this person in my path for a reason. If only to remind me of just how strong I really am or to inspire this newly found connection. I don’t know how to respond when someone points out the strength they see in me so I give God the praise. I also forget that my story has the power to inspire others so it always catches me off guard when I have that affect on another person. I’m just so grateful for His never ending love because He deserves all the praise, not me.

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