I Will Watch for You, God

Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; Set me securely on high away from those who rise up against me.  Because of  his strength, I will watch for You, For God is my stronghold.  My God in His lovingkindness will meet me; God will let me look triumphantly upon my foes. (v. 1, 9-10 NASB)

I love that the Bible includes descriptions before a lot of the Psalms, letting us know the context in which the Psalm was penned. David was surrounded by enemies, pinned down.  It was a real threat, not an imagined malice.  He was in actual bodily danger.  Most of us won’t experience that kind of danger in our lives.  But, I was stalked several times while walking, and know that God delivered me from true bodily danger. Like Jesus slipped through the crowd and escaped the clutches of his enemies, so I was provided with a way of escape on these occasions by God.  I no longer walk alone, but do my workouts at home, and walk only with someone else.What I find so fascinating about the above Scripture is the wording of one particular phrase. “Because of his strength, I will watch for You.”

Have you ever been singled out by someone who wishes to do you harm?

Sometimes it happens because of a jealous co-worker. Perhaps an ex-boyfriend, husband, or friend is seeking to hurt you. Or like myself, you just find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, out walking alone, or the potential victim of a greedy thief.  Perhaps it’s a horrible disease, like cancer.

In any case, we have enemies that are stronger than us at times, and we feel out-matched.  But no one can out-match God.  When someone chooses to mess with a Chosen of God, Beloved Child of the King; they will find themselves messing with God.  Whatever you are facing at this moment, remember David’s words:

Because of His Strength, I Will Watch for You, God.

God is greater than anything we may face in life.  He is more powerful than all our enemies. We can watch for Him, wait on Him, trust Him. He is our sail, to guide us away from an enemy.  He is our anchor, to keep us firmly set in the midst of a battering storm.  He is our refuge into which we run, and hide in Him until the danger has passed. He is our Abba, Father, our Daddy, onto whose lap we can climb, as we bury ourselves in His loving arms, in the midst of all our difficulties.  He is our shield and protector against all of life’s enemies.  He is our Loving God, Our Precious Savior. Let us watch always for Him.

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  1. Wonderful

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