Whose Side are You On?

There’s a battle going on and you’re in the midst of it, whether you know it or not.   It’s a world war.   I call it LOE (Life On Earth), and lo and behold, you are in it every waking hour.   You restless sleepers may even be experiencing it in your sleep!   There are only two sides in this war, and if you’re not on one side, then you’re on the other.   Do you need some help choosing sides if you haven’t done so already?   Do you want further information as you reconsider whose side you want to be on?

Frances Ridley Havergal wrote a hymn based upon David’s call to commitment given to his army in I Chronicles 12, and his army’s response to him.   Verse 13 says that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Amasai, chief of the captains, and he said: “We are yours, O David, and with you, O son of Jesse.”  The title of her hymn is:   WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE?   Below I’ve written the first stanza of that hymn.

Who is on the Lord’s side?   Who will serve the King?
Who will be His helpers, other lives to bring?
Who will leave the world’s side? Who will face the foe?
Who is on the Lord’s side?   Who for Him will go?
By Thy call of mercy, by Thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord’s side, Savior, we are Thine.  

With our enlistment papers already signed, may we be clothed in His armor and standing together at the battle line.   May it be obvious to everyone we know and everyone we meet, that we are on the Lord’s side, and we will not retreat!

The Scriptures have already told us Who is ultimately going to win.   The question is:   “Who is going to win on your own battle field today?”   If you are on the Lord’s side, trusting Him as you pray, then you won’t have to worry, for you both will win today, hands down!


Frances Ridley Havergal struggled with debilitating illness for most of her life.   She wrote several inspirational hymns as well as a book for invalids entitled “Starlight Through the Shadows”, dying at the age of 43 before completing the book.   Her sister added the final chapter from Havergal’s unpublished papers.   That chapter is entitled  “Marching Orders” and concludes with the words to this hymn:   “WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE”.

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Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.

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Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

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6 Replies to “Whose Side are You On?”

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart. You’re right about the temptation to become conformed to this world’s way of doing things. I think your struggle is a good thing because you’re recognizing your weakness and wanting to do what’s right in God’s sight. How much we need God’s Word and God’s Spirit to
    shape our thinking and empower us to do His will (Romans 12:2).

  2. As a writer, admittedly, I’ve been somewhat distracted lately. I scroll through the feeds of my social media and it is filled with a plethora of “hot topics.” Every day, there is a new onslaught of blog posts, rants, and editorialized articles. It’s enough to make me want to write an open letter to all of the people that write open letters.
    Much has been written about the distraction that social media can cause in our lives, and I can feel the distraction in my heart and the pervasive lure to choose sides and start arguing on whichever controversial social topic is trending at the moment.

  3. AMEN!!! JESUS gave us HIS all at the cross. Nothing about the Christian’s life is easy. HE never promised it to be, but we do have hope! Our hope is not found in man or any government. We cling to JESUS and HE is there for us.

    This world just keeps getting more strange and evil too. The side that we that are his is simple, we choose is GOD’S side.
    I cannot even imagine living in a world without GOD. I never want to imagine that. Thank you for this encouragement.


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