
Are You Ready For The Next Challenge?

Caleb had helped lead the children of Israel into their Promised Land. But Caleb didn’t just stop there. In fact, when he was 80 years old he said, “God, give me another mountain.” He was saying, “God, give me something else to do. Give me another assignment.”   He was planning on ending his life in […]


Affordable City Living for Key Workers

In 2008, Mace’s residential “Living” team delivered a social/affordable housing project for developer Pocket Living. With a background in social housing and the support of a major funder, Pocket Living was been set up to provide affordable housing for key workers.


Professional Consultancy Responds to Health and Social Care Challenges

As people in the UK live longer, demand for residential care and nursing homes is growing, as are our expectations of the standard of living they will provide.


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