

What is Trumpism? Does it require the practice of artful deceit? Are we required to bow or fondle in a particular way? If you are for all colours, do you need to learn obedience to just one, and could that be brown? If your dog has a foreign sounding name, is a multi-swinger and not partial to red, is surgery required to remove all indecency?


The Offensive Magistrate

In many governments the candidates for the highest station are above the law and if they attain the object of their ambition, they have no fear of being called to account for the means by which they acquired it.


The Ailing World of Trump

As Thomas Jefferson famously put it, “the earth belongs to the living”, and it is our responsibility to ensure adults with sufficient intellect and curiosity are there to guide the world to a new understanding which Trumps the tyrannical second class approach to world affairs of bigotry and division.


Why Followers of Jesus Should Care About Fair Trade

Conflicted over bananas, button-downs, and now, smartphones. Fair Trade in an Unfair World


Miscarriages: Do We Really Mourn With Those Who Mourn?

A mother’s womb is meant to be a place of security, but instead of producing life, it became a place of death. Perhaps you feel that you have failed as a woman, a wife, and a mother. The emotions that you go through are deep and painful, far deeper than we can ever imagine. Your thoughts are a place of darkness and woe. What can we, as the outsiders, really say to bring comfort?


24 of Bonhoeffer’s Most Challenging Quotes

More than seventy years after his death, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writings on faith, the Church, ethics and the nature of God serve as a touchstone for all of us who seek to understand a Christian’s responsibility in the face of injustice and have gone on to have a profound influence on Western Culture and the legions of Christian thinkers who’ve encountered them ever since.