
Our Security 

During the Halloween season, I’ve been thinking more about the security of the family. During these uncertain times, the need for extra security rises. I spend time trying to figure out ways to protect my loved ones. I wonder if I am doing enough to keep them healthy and safe — and whether my plans […]


Living with Integrity

Living with Integrity  Integrity is something that seems to have disappeared from our society, yet it is such a powerful attribute in the life of the believer. Integrity means that you are dependable. You are a person of your word. You are consistent and honest.  You may say, “Oh, I’m a pretty good person”, “I […]


A Greater Level? ?

God has performed many amazing miracles throughout history, and it’s important that we give Him praise and glory. Oftentimes, we set our focus on what God has done in the past — how He parted the Red Sea, stopped the sun for Joshua, or fed thousands of people with just a little boy’s small lunch. […]


How To Have a Prolonged Productive Life

So many people today are looking for ways to prolong their lives and renew their youth, but God already has a fail-proof system outlined in His Word. It says in Isaiah that when you put your hope in Him, He will renew your youth. Also, today’s verse tells us that keeping God’s Word close to […]


Wisdom Wednesday

Our word for today is ‘Integrity’. Integrity is the state of being undivided, together with the quality of brutal honesty. The first step to cultivating integrity is to recognize that we are not always honest. This can be difficult, it can throw up some aspects of ourselves we never knew existed. It requires sitting with […]


Pleasing God Not Man

I told someone just the other day that ministry is about pleasing God not man. I also said that I don’t need to win man’s approval as long as I have God’s. Amen!  Paul in the bible feels the same way. He was evidently not worried about trying to please the people around him. It’s […]


The Big Question 

Most of us have asked this big question, “why am I here?” Understanding why God put you here is one of the most important principles when it comes to discovering your unique purpose and calling.  To know why you are here helps you answer the question of why God has uniquely gifted you the way […]


Why We Get Into Trouble? 

Whilst talking to a young person on my radio show about street life, stabbings and shootings (which is on the increase in our communities) I am realising that folk act first and think later. One of the characteristics of a prudent person, is that they give thought to their ways. Too many people today just […]


Favour in Store For You

Today’s scripture talks about how time and chance will come together for every person. In other words, there are moments of favour that God has already released into your future. If you let that thought sink down into your heart, it will change your whole outlook on your future. People miss out on the good […]


**Wisdom Wednesdays**

Wisdom Wednesdays began from a simple request. This request was ‘Lord, help me to write a weekly devotional that would bless others.’ Now I must confess, at the time, writing didn’t come naturally and I wasn’t sure I would be consistent in producing a weekly devotional that would be relatable, inspiring and biblical. But the […]



Do you think you can accomplish your goals and dreams by yourself? Your destiny is too big to accomplish on your own. God has already arranged for certain people to come alongside you and speak faith into your life. He has placed in your path people who will inspire you, challenge you, and help you […]


Good Gifts 

God is a good God and He has good gifts for His children! He wants to bless you with provision and supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. He wants to pour out His abundant favour on you and cause everything you touch to prosper. He wants to bless you with spiritual […]


Joyful Swagger?

This morning on the breakfast show we had a joyous time. Did you know that it is God’s will for you to be joyful always? He wants you to be happy and carefree. He wants you to love your life no matter what your situation looks like. When you have joy amid difficult circumstances, it […]


Is Your Friend A Fool??

Some time ago I asked a young man the question, “Is your friend a fool?”. Sometimes in order to embrace the destiny God has in store, you have to be willing to ask the difficult questions. You have to be willing to examine where you are and what you need to do in order to […]


It’s Time To Retrain Your Mind 

Repeatedly I hear people say, “I just want to be happy.”  Many people today don’t realize that the reason they’re not happy, the reason they’re not enjoying life, is simply that they’ve trained their minds in the wrong direction. They’ve trained their minds to worry. They’ve trained their minds to complain. They’ve trained their minds to […]


God is About to Burst In? ?

In the UK things are hard economically, but we all go through seasons of difficulty or times when things just seem dark. During these challenging times, know that you are not alone. God has a plan to drive out the darkness — He will flood you with His light! You will notice that in today’s […]