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  • Fast track Publication: This is for students who wish to get their paper published as soon as possible. Publishing before your deadeline can be provided.
  • Peer-reviewed: Every paper we receive undergoes plagiarism check using reliable softwares along with a quick review process to analyse the quality of paper
  • Open Access Journal: Every article published by Godinterest is open to access and can be used by any researchers seeking academic support.
  • Widely Indexed: Godinterest is linked with various indexing platforms like Google scholar, Academia, Researcher id.
  • Quality research/review papers: One of our policy includes accepting only quality papers with less plagiarism value.
  • Free Magazine subscription: At the end of every issue, a magazine is sent to every author, which includes the list of all the papers published in that particular issue.

Important Points to note before you submit your paper:

  • There are no submission charges for submitting your paper for review and publication.
  • Author notification will be sent within 1 week, mentioning the Paper ID allotted to your paper. This will help you track your paper.
  • After you submit your paper, keep an eye on your e-mail.
  • Files must not be larger than 20mb

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Important: Once submitted to Godinterest, you can not submit/present this paper anywhere else. Neither this paper will be withdrawn nor will be presentable in any other journal/conference/magazine or any media without the permission of Godinterest.

Here is a list of all publication types which are supported by Godinterest. Visible meta fields describes which fields of each type are used in publication lists.

TypeBibTeX TypeMain FieldsVisible Meta Fields
articlearticleauthor, titlejournal, volume, number, pages, year, isbn/issn, note
bookbookauthor, titleedition, publisher, address, year, isbn/issn, note
bookletbookletauthor, titlehowpublished, address, edition, year, isbn/issn, note
collectioncollectioneditor, titleedition, publisher, address, year, isbn/issn, note
conferenceconferenceauthor, titlebooktitle, volume, number, series, organization, publisher, address, year, isbn/issn. note
inbookinbookauthor, titleeditor, booktitle, volume, number, pages, publisher, address, edition, year, isbn/issn, note
incollectionincollectionauthor, titleeditor, booktitle, volume, number, pages, publisher, address, year, isbn/issn, note
inproceedingsinproceedingsauthor, titleeditor, booktitle, pages, organization, publisher, address, year, isbn/issn, note
manualmanualauthor, titleeditor, organization, address, edition, year, isbn/issn, note
mastersthesismastersthesisauthor, titleschool, year, isbn/issn, note
miscmiscauthor, titlehowpublished, year, isbn/issn, note
onlineonlineauthor, titleeditor, organization, year, urldate, note
periodicalperiodicaleditor, titleissuetitle, series, volume, number, year, urldate, isbn/issn, note
phdthesisphdthesisauthor, titleschool, year, isbn/issn, note
presentationmiscauthor, titlehowpublished, address, date, note
proceedingsproceedingsauthor, titlehowpublished, organization, publisher, address, edition, year, isbn/issn, note
techreporttechreportauthor, titleschool, institution, address, number, year, isbn/issn, note
unpublishedunpublishedauthor, titleyear, isbn/issn, note

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