
You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Today’s verse is really an encouragement for all of us to raise our level of expectancy! It’s like God is saying to us, “You think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!”. I’m sure God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that, if He told you right now, […]


Think About Your  Thinking 

In this age of social media influences, millions of people are not enjoying life because of the condition of their minds. They constantly dwell on negative, destructive, harmful thoughts. They don’t realise it, but the root cause of many of their problems is simply the fact that their thought life is out of control and very negative.  […]


He Is Alive 

Two years had passed since Paul came to the palace prison in Caesarea. Festus is now the governor instead of Felix. Felix thought he would be doing Paul’s accusers a favour by leaving Paul in prison, but they wanted more. Two years is a long time to wait for a decision from the court. Two […]


Jesus, the God-Man, and the Extraordinary Journey of Character

They often say that a baby is like a blank canvas, ready to be painted with life’s experiences. However, this canvas isn’t entirely blank, as certain factors like illnesses can be passed down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, the idea that a baby is a vessel waiting to be shaped remains compelling. If we consider […]


Faith Move My Mountains

Have you heard the phrase “Faith can move mountains?” Jesus talks about it in his ministry. I’ve always marvelled at that phrase. I’ve spent considerable time in the mountains around the world. I’ve lived near the Rockies, the Sierras, and the mountains of the western United States. The mountains are massive. They are ancient geological […]


Is There Hope 

Many of us are experiencing hard times. And during these times we all hope things will get better. Though financial crises, broken relationships, and terminal illnesses each tell a different story, they share the same question: “Is there hope?”. The answer is yes. Through the resurrection of Jesus, the Lord has turned “mourning into gladness” […]


Watch Your Mouth 

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? I’m sure you have. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. There’s no neutral ground. We are either sowing seeds of life and productivity with our words, or we are sowing seeds of ruin and destruction. […]


Theological Perspectives: Did Dinosaurs Exist? Examining a Literal Biblical Interpretation

Interpreting the Bible in a literal sense, as some religious traditions do, can lead to the belief that dinosaurs did not exist. While the Bible is a sacred text revered for its spiritual and moral teachings, it is not a comprehensive scientific document. Here are a few arguments from a biblical interpretation perspective: It’s essential […]


It Won’t Last Forever 

Breaking news – your troubles will come to an end – Hallelujah! In this life, God warns that we will have trials and tribulations. The good news is that He also promises to deliver us from them all! Although, He doesn’t necessarily say that He will deliver us instantly, or the way we expect, or […]


A Passover Of Deliverance 

This morning I’m thinking about The Passover and its defining moment for God’s people. On the eve of their escape from slavery, God’s people were to dab their doorframes with the blood of a lamb, as this brought judgment on all false gods of Egypt. This moment of Passover is to be remembered forever as […]



Experiencing hardship is never easy. In fact, it can be agonizing, exhausting, and depressing. There have been times in my life when I have instantly sensed God’s awesome presence with me during a difficult circumstance. But there have been even more instances when it seemed as though God was nowhere to be found.  While Jesus […]


Complaining Will Keep You Out Of The Promise Land 

It was a long, unexpected trek through the wilderness, the Israelites were within spitting distance of the promised land. Twelve spies were chosen to scout out the land. They returned describing a land of green pastures and rich fruit and produce. But ten of them said that conquering the land would be impossible, for they […]


God, Take My Breath Away

Have you gone through the year struggling or striving to make something happen? Maybe it’s a breakthrough in your finances, or in a relationship. It’s good to do everything we know to do in the natural, but we have to always remember that victory or breakthrough, doesn’t come by human might nor power but by […]


Live and Die For Christ 

As was said previously, yesterday was Martin Luther King Day. He was one of my heroes. He practised the ministry of non-violence during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s. He went to jail again and again, simply because he believed the message of Jesus’ love. King believed that standing up and suffering for justice […]


 A Dream of Hope 

Today Americans celebrate the life of the great Christian leader, Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Below are four quotes from him that will give us hope in this hopeless time.   “I say to you today, my friends . . . even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. […]


What Or Who Am I Reflecting?

Like a mirror, when you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Jesus. We shouldn’t only have His features, like in a mirror, but most importantly – His attitude. That may sound like a pretty tall order; […]