The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Project Management for Christian Leaders

It’s Monday afternoon at the office. The week has only begun, but you’re already swimming in a sea of memos, spreadsheets, and schedules. Just as you’re daydreaming about what leftovers you might reheat for a late dinner, your boss pokes his head into your office. He or she mutters something about quotas and deadlines before he or she drops the bomb about a “little project” he or she needs you to complete by the end of the week. And just like that, you know you’ve been handed a nightmare but for whatever reason accept the challenge.

“According to the Cranfield School of Management in the Uk, 68% of Projects Are Destined for Failure Before They Even Start.”

The lack of project management training or experience of many Christian leaders can be an enormous stress factor for them. Whilst natural organizational ability is enormously helpful, in itself it is no guarantee of any project being both successful and low stress.

What is a  nightmare project? It’s something we’re all familiar with. The boss assigns us some vague task and a deadline but leaves the means to a solution up to our creative intellect.

So how do you solve  the problem of this dreaded “project”?

1.             Understand the scope of the project  

First things first, create a list to layout your ideas on how to go about the job at hand. Write out questions you might have that need to be answered, people you might need to work with or talk to in order to understand what work must be done.

Without fully understanding what work must be done, it is impossible to accurately estimate a project’s schedule or budget.

After creating a list, share your ideas with colleagues. Work with peers who have the same goal and share the same work ethics as you. Too often, when faced with an unrealistic project, we tend to work with just about anybody who wearily agrees to have their name on board. The enthusiasm of a new project quickly fades when actual work is needed. Instead of “How can I help?” were met with “I’m busy right now” and “Can it wait until next week?”  The sponsor, project manager, and project team must share a common understanding of the scope of the project.

2.             Get estimates from the people who will be doing the work

To avoid the stress of friendly fatigue, create a solid plan of action with your co-workers. Assign duties and responsibilities and set a deadline for each task.

4.             Re-estimate as soon as you realize an estimating assumption was wrong

Don’t get discouraged if people and other things fall through. Even though it’s frustrating with the broken promises, missed deadlines, mistakes, and poor quality outputs. As soon as you realize a mistake was made, assess the impact and re-estimate the project.

“Unfortunately When Project Managers Spend the Majority of Their Time Trying to Achieve the Unachievable, the Result Is Frustration and Potential Burnout.”

But say you’ve followed those steps and were able to remain positive throughout this grueling week. You completed the assignment, whether enthusiastically or completely drained of all energy, only to be told the higher-ups decided to go a different route and don’t need the results of your project after all. “Good effort, though,” your boss tells you as he or she hands back your laminated report.

If you find yourself in this situation, just remember to never say “yes” to a “little project without first taking a look at what you’ve been handed.

Small Projects Often Mean Greater Innovation

Small projects often embody more innovation than larger more costly or high profile ones.

Innovation is a wide concept that includes improvements in processes, products and services. It involves incorporating new ideas which generate changes that help solve the needs of a company and so increase its competitiveness. That’s hardly big news. But what may be surprising to some is that innovation has itself, well, innovated and it isn’t what it used to be.

New materials and energy, design approaches, as well as advances in digital technology and big data, are creating a wave of innovation within the construction industry. These new ideas are increasingly often tested and proven on smaller and agiler projects. Investing time and money is well spent on  these  ideas and technical improvements can then be used on large-scale developments.

Here are  three exciting small projects:

Vanke Pavilion - Milan Expo 2015 / Daniel Libeskind
Vanke Pavilion – Milan Expo 2015 / Daniel Libeskind
Vanke Pavilion - Milan Expo 2015 / Daniel Libeskind
Vanke Pavilion – Milan Expo 2015 / Daniel Libeskind
Milan, Italy

1. Vanke Pavilion – Milan Expo 2015

The  corporate pavilion for Vanke China explores key issues related to the theme of the Expo Milano 2015, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”.

Situated on the southeast edge of the Lake Arena, the 800-square meter pavilion appears to rise from the east, forming a dynamic, vertical landscape.

The original tiling pattern would have resulted in thousands of ceramic tiles of different sizes and shapes. The resulting complexity and lack of repetition could have led to high costs and a longer erection time.

Working with Architects Studio Libeskind, Format Engineers  (Engineering Designers with backgrounds in structural engineering, coding, mathematics, and architecture) changed the pattern from thousands of different tiles to less than a dozen and  simplified the  backing structure generating  huge cost savings. Format Engineers also proposed ‘slicing’ of the building and then fabrication of  the primary structure of steel ribs using  low tech flat steel plate elements.  These were then used in a series of long span portalised frames reminiscent of the ribs and spars in traditional boat building  resulting in a  column-free area for the display of Chinese Cultural Heritage.

The frame was built to a budget and without difficulty ahead of the neighboring Expo buildings.

Building Size
12 meters high
740 mq gross floor area (exhibition, service & VIP levels)
130 mq roof terrace

Architect:  Studio Libeskind

Engineer:  Format Engineers

Oxford Brookes Rain Pavilion
Oxford Brookes Rain Pavilion
Oxford Brookes Rain Pavilion
Oxford Brookes Rain Pavilion
Oxford Brookes Rain Pavilion
Oxford Brookes Rain Pavilion

2.  Oxford Brookes Rain Pavilion

The Rain Pavilion is an urban forest sculpture forming the front entrance to Oxford Brookes University’s Architecture Faculty.

“Rain Pavilion artwork is a sensory experience for the community.”

The complex form required extensive wind modeling and comprehensive structural analysis within a generative 3d model. This was allied with Format Engineers in-house code for the self-organization of voids and their subsequent redistribution.

.At each stage of the design process different modeling and analysis techniques were used to exploit the form and to optimise the structure. The considerable challenges posed by the slenderness of the structure and its dynamic behavior under wind were resolved by combining Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)  (a branch of  fluid mechanics  that uses numerical analysis and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve  fluid  flows) with a generative design environment. Conceptual design introduced the ideas of tubular stems and folded steel canopies, both of which were  perforated by circular holes arranged to allow the interplay of light and water through the structure. The voids were generated using a self-organizing process.

Grasshopper  (a graphical algorithm computer 3-D modeling tool)  was used  to produce a mesh that could include the voids in both the stems and the petals.

The Rain Pavilion is designed to celebrate the sound of rain, and the noise of water interacting with different sections of the installation is part of the experience of passing through it. The structure has a design life of five years and can  be transported to other locations.

Architect:  Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK

Engineer:  Format Engineers

KREOD Pavilion
KREOD Pavilion
KREOD Pavilion
KREOD Pavilion
KREOD Pavilion
KREOD Pavilion

3.  KREOD Pavilion

The KREOD pavilions were first erected on the London Greenwich Olympic site in 2012.  Easily rearranged, three pod-like pavilions were formed with a wooden structural framework comprised of an open hexagonal composition.

Standing three meters tall, each double-curved wooden shell enclosed a footprint of 20 square meters,  totaling 60 square meters. A  waterproof tensile membrane sealed the interior from the elements fully portable with demountable joints,  the individual components can be  stacked for efficient transportation.

Chun Qing Li the architect required a temporary exhibition or function space that could be erected and demounted mostly by hand and by untrained staff. The quality of finish needed to  echo that of handmade furniture and had to be low cost and quick to erect. The continuously changing double curved form of the enclosure meant that in theory, every nodal connection was  different. A conventional bolted solution would have cost hundreds of pounds per fixing. Format Engineers  suggestion of a ‘reciprocal’ jointed timber grid shell required standard  bolts which equated to a fraction of the normal cost. It also allowed the structure to be built from simple and light flat timber elements.

The structure used Kebony timber throughout, a sustainable alternative to tropical hardwood. As this material had not previously been used in a structural context Format Engineers undertook load testing of the material and the connections at the University of Cambridge. The timber was fabricated using CNC routing (a computer controlled cutting machine)  allowing a highly accurate fit between members and basic  erection on site.

Architect:  Chun Qing Li  

Engineer:  Format Engineers


Every Promise of Your Word: The Gospel According to Joshua

What if there was only one book from the Holy Bible, as our sole source of divine Scriptures? What would this one book teach us? What Gospel would we find there?

In this way, we not only find out that all the books in the Bible are useful for edifying and equipping, but we also see the consistent story that is found throughout all Scripture. We see that the Bible is a coherent story of God’s love for us, throughout the different eras, different authors, and different genres of writings.

When you pick up the Bible, as a whole, Joshua is the first book after the Books of Moses. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are all accredited to the man that led Israel out of Egypt, and now it is time for the book about the man who led Israel into the Promised Land.

But if this book was totally disconnected from the aforementioned five books, what would we learn? Not just about Israel’s history and their settling into the land of Canaan, but what would we learn about the God that talks to Joshua? What ideas and doctrines might we make based on what we find in these pages of war and conquest?

While there may be plenty to glean from a gospel according to Joshua, here are three things that we can all agree on.

1. A Life Serving God Isn’t Going To Be Easy

If we pretend that Joshua was a book all by itself, what information we gather is still quite extensive. We learn that Joshua is replacing a beloved leader named Moses. We learn that before him, Joshua has a monstrous task. We learn that Joshua is without his mentor, and without a point of reference for what he is about to do.

This is the place many people find themselves in. Life is happening and it is a wild ride. Loved ones pass away. Bills fill the mailbox

. People call and text, demanding your time and energy. There is no pause button, no mute, no way to make it all slow down or stop.

Life keeps happening, whether you like it or not.

This is still true for those who serve the LORD God. For Joshua, he has all the new responsibilities. He alone is supposed to lead an entire nation,  potentially

millions of people into enemy territory, and take the land as their new home. He has no one to ask for pointers, no reference books on war. He is the leader of a weak, small nation, barging into the enemies’ camp.

There was no stopping it. It was happening, whether Joshua liked it or not.

Life serving God, obeying his command to lead Israel, was not easy for Joshua. Nor is it easy for anyone. But that is what makes God’s reminder to Joshua so potent and powerful today.

“Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.” – Joshua 1:6

Life serving God isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean that we are alone. Nor does it mean that we can’t do it.

God reminds Joshua over and over again to gather his strength, to stock the fire of his courage (Joshua 1:7,9,18; 23:6). He had a job to do, and with God’s help, Joshua could do it.

We may not be asked to march a nation into the enemies’ camp, but whatever life does through at us, we are able to conquer with the LORD by our side.

2. Sin Has Dire, If Not Immediate, Consequences

What if the nation of Israel didn’t do what God said? What would happen? I mean, how powerful can a God be that no one can see, taste, or feel? What can He do if you or I, or the nation of Israel completely ignored what He said? A lot. God can do a lot to those that are deliberately disobedient. The defiant end up being the dead.

In Joshua, there is a story of a man named Achan who stole from a plundered city, after God specifically said to destroy everything. Achan took some plunder and hid it under his tent. While no one else knew, God knew what Achan had done.

And Achan was punished for it. His nation’s army suffered a crushing defeat. They were humiliated. Families lost loved ones. And then God brought judgment. Achan’s sin was found out. He suffered for it, as did his family. They were stoned to death.

(You can read the whole story in Joshua 7.)

The cost of rejecting God’s word was tremendous. What Achan thought he was doing was akin to a little white lie. Surely it wasn’t going to hurt anyone, expect it devastated a nation.

Sin has a devastating effect on people, the individual, and the group. To disobey and disregard what God has said would be a grave (pun intended) error.

3. A Decision Needs To Be Made, And Made With Conviction

God repeats himself sometimes. Not because he is forgetful and wants to keep what he said fresh in his mind; God repeats himself for us. So that we remember so that we keep what he said fresh in our minds and hearts. So that we recognize the seriousness of what he is saying.

Numerous times, God tells the Israels to refrain from relationships with the Canaanites, the native population of the Promise Land. God warned them over and over that the idols and false gods that the Canaanites worshipped would distract and be destruction to the people of Israel.

It was a warning for their own good. No relationships with Canaanites, no destruction. But God had to keep reminding Israel because they continually are tempted to chase after these other gods. They keep flirting with disaster, and God makes it clear that flirting with disaster will bring disaster.

Not once, not twice, but all through the book of Joshua.

Joshua himself says the same thing in his final address to Israel,

“Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:14-15

There is a clear choice to be made: God or other gods. The God that had saved, redeemed, provided for the nation of Israel for years, or the gods that Israel did not know.

While Joshua’s call that day was clearly for the present company, it is a decision that we must wrestle with now. We have a choice between the God that Joshua served or the other gods that brought destruction upon the nation of Israel.

Let us hold fast to the gospel by intentionally recalling all God has done for us to redeem us for himself.   Let us soak in God’s long list of “I did ”¦. for you” and respond to him with trust, fear, love, and obedience.

You Should Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

Thinking about all you have to appreciate can boost your happiness and your overall sense of well-being, according to psychologists.

Another month of memories is almost in the treasure chest. Some of those memories were regular stones – precious because of their shape or texture or beauty. So regular that I sometimes tripped over them. Others were gems – ranked precious because of the clarity of their composition, the hues of wisdom they radiate, and their rareness on my path. Obviously, I don’t trip over these instead, I usually have to mine them very carefully.

The blessed healing of a sick furbaby.

The joy of writing my Gratitude – day after day throughout the month.

A Daughter-in-law and son living in a wintry state (you know – that state up North that must go un-named to anyone from OH) who remember to send us a picture of our Grands who are growing up so far away from us.

Laughter and singing with the Grandson our trips home from school. Serious conversations, too, that sparkle with their hints of what blessings they will bring to the world.

Another son who sends me a song he is listening to because he knows I will love it. Then I cry a little bit as I listen, missing him even more than usual since he too is far away.

Laughing days and activities spent with the daughter and her family. Sitting on patios, watching a fire or an OSU/MI game, sharing a meal, plotting the next adventure together.

Long conversations with the other daughter who is following her dream and who, so much like her mama and yet so different, likes living in such a big city like NYC.

Moments spent in the war room. Looking at answers to prayer, praying for those in need, absorbing the quiet that comes deep in my heart and reading over and over the verses given to me for this month – finding something new each time.

Gratitude is a garden. Growing exponentially as manna and living water are applied. Blossoming, bearing fruit, and adding, even more, shine to the memories circling in my treasure chest.

So as we enter the last month of the year, I will carry my Gratitude Attitude forward with me. I may not write about it every day, but it will be there. Shining in my eyes, sparkling in my words, hitting the high notes of my song. That is the real Gratitude Attitude – one that travels with me every day of my life.

“”¦be filled with the Spirit; speaking one to another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father”¦” ~ Ep 5:18-20  

20 Inspiring Leadership Quotes

The right words can engage the brain and bring an idea to life.  History’s best leaders understood the importance of providing motivation and direction to achieve larger goals. The character, actions and thoughts of a leader, good or bad, permeate an organisation or country. Your goal should be to demonstrate the best qualities of a leader.  These 20  quotes about leadership will help you think about and guide your actions.

  1. It is impossible to imagine anything which better becomes a ruler than mercy –  Seneca
  2. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves  –  Philippians 2:3
  3. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently  –  Henry Ford
  4. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless  –    Mother Teresa
  5. Treat others the same way you want them to treat you  –  Luke 6:31
  6. Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I’ll spend the first 4 sharpening the axe – Abraham Lincoln
  7. While a good leader sustains momentum, a great leader increases it –  John C. Maxwell
  8. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires  –  William Arthur Ward
  9. The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things  –  President Ronald Reagan
  10. Always do what’s right. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest  –  Mark Twain
  11. A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit  –  Arnold Glasow
  12. Be willing to make decisions. That’s the most important quality in a good leader –  George S. Patton
  13. Earn your leadership every day  –  Michael Jordan
  14. Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity  – George S. Patton
  15. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower  –  Steve Job
  16. Where there is no vision, the people perish –  Proverbs 29:18
  17. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power  –  President Abraham Lincoln
  18. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way  – John C. Maxwell
  19. Don’t just delegate tasks to the next generation. If you delegate tasks, you create followers. Instead, delegate authority to create leaders – Craig Groeschel
  20. You don’t have to hold a position in order to be a leader  – Henry Ford


Top 6 Most Impressive Megaprojects of 2015

Megaprojects  are crucial to the future of most cities, states, and individual livelihoods,  however, they also  attract a lot of public attention because of the substantial impacts they have on  communities,  environments, and government budgets.  The objective of these projects is to unlock higher growth paths for the economy, as such, they require care in the project development process to reduce any possible  optimism bias  and  strategic misrepresentation.

The problem is that these projects often go off the rails, either with regard to budget, time or both.

The risks associated with MegaProjects,  those costing 1 billion or more,  are well documented. In one influential study, Bent Flyvbjerg, an expert in project management at Oxford’s business school, estimated that nine out of ten go over budget.

The first factor is that the size of a MegaProject  can be so large and unique that it is difficult to model the costs and logistics. Another factor is that MegaProjects  are backed by governments which are not typically known for their success in budgeting or efficiency.


In today’s post, we’ve identified  the Top 6  most impressive MegaProjects of 2015. These MegaProjects  will transcend time and continue to bestow wonder upon new generations.

1. Mall of the World, Dubai

Mall of the World in Dubai was announced in July 2014, location in Al Sufouh district, along Sheikh Zayed Road, different from Mohammed bin Rashid City.
Mall of the World in Dubai was announced in July 2014, location in Al Sufouh district, along Sheikh Zayed Road, different from Mohammed bin Rashid City.

Dubai  has a very ambitious project on its hands.  Dubai’s Mall of the World will have its very own Oxford Street and Broadway. It will also have galleons and waterfalls.  However, the most challenging part of this project is that the area will be covered by a giant retractable roof during the summer months and be climate-controlled creating the world’s first temperature controlled city.

Dubai Mall of the World Set to Put Uae Retail ’20 Years Ahead’ of Gulf Region

Launched with a fanfare by the emirate’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, it is the first state-sponsored mega-project to emerge from Dubai since the pre-crash bubble. After years of stalled projects  the big plans are back and they are more ambitious than ever before.

It is thought the huge construction will attract 180 million visitors a year and developers hope it will secure Dubai’s futures as a tourism hub.

2.  Mall of America, Minnesota
Mall of America, Minnesota
Mall of America, Minnesota

Mall of America, Minnesota
Mall of America, Minnesota

The  Mall of America  (MoA) is a gigantic  shopping mall  owned by the  Triple Five Group  and is by far the largest mall in the United States. However, the $325 million expansion of the nation’s largest shopping center is now underway. The project consists of a luxury 342-room hotel, an office tower and more than 50 shops and restaurants. Some 1,000 jobs are expected to be created during the construction phase of the project, and 2,500 permanent jobs from retail, hotel and office operations.

The  Triple Five Group, owned by Canada’s  Ghermezian family, owns and manages the Mall of America, as well as the  West Edmonton Mall. MoA  is located in  Bloomington,  Minnesota  (a suburb of the  Twin Cities).

3. Zurich North America, Chicago, IL

Rendering of Zurich North America’s new headquarters in the northwest suburbs of Chicago
Rendering of Zurich North America’s new headquarters in the northwest suburbs of Chicago
Rendering of Zurich North America’s new headquarters in the northwest suburbs of Chicago
Rendering of Zurich North America’s new headquarters in the northwest suburbs of Chicago

The $333 million site is currently  under construction and will be the largest build-to-suit office project in Chicago. Zurich a north america insurance company headquarters includes a 735,000 square foot building rising to 11 stories at its tallest, shaped something like the letter A resting on its side.

Zurich looked at a multitude of factors and in the end made the decision that investing in a new state of the art regional headquarters would be the right choice. The project  is due to be completed  late summer of 2016.

4. Dubai World Central Airport

Al Maktoum International Airport
Al Maktoum International Airport
Al Maktoum International Airport
Al Maktoum International Airport

This massive  $32 billion structure sent its first commercial jet into the air in late October  2013.  The project isn’t scheduled for full completion until 2027  and is  expected to become the world’s busiest airport,  however,  with plenty of other contenders quickly taking shape in Asia and the Middle East, it’s has  stiff competition.

Dubai World Central Airport is  expected  to shuttle 160 million passengers through Dubai every year  making it the busiest airport on earth.

5. Bao’an International Terminal 3

Bao’an International Terminal 3
Bao’an International Terminal 3
Bao’an International Terminal 3
Bao’an International Terminal 3

Bao’an plays a pivotal role in the Pearl River Delta: It serves both Shenzhen and Hong Kong, via a connecting ferry. Terminal 3 is an expansion project designed by the Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas. The centrepiece of the expansion is a new runway, which is built on a 108,000-foot piece of land reclaimed from the River Delta.

6. Crossrail  

Crossrail, London England

Crossrail tunnelling began in 2012 and ended at Farringdon, London in May with the break through of tunnelling machine Victoria. Eight 1,000 tonne tunnelling machines bored 26 miles or 42 km of new 6.2m diameter rail tunnels under London.

London is the fastest growing capital city in Europe and today it is home to 8.6 million people with the population expected to reach 10 million by 2030. TfL’s work is critical to supporting the continued growth and regeneration of London.

As we reflect upon these impressive feats by mankind, we can only imagine  what the next big wonder will  be. Is it the secretive Nicaragua canal? Could it be Elon Musk’s proposed  Hyperloop  concept? Or perhaps it will be a  new state of the art high speed train developed by China, USA or the UK?

Did we miss one?  Please let us know by  commenting below.

Yes, You Are Called to Be a Leader for Christ

Yes, You Are Called to Be a Leader for Christ

Times are changing, and so are the ways people work and collaborate.  The idea of being a leader can be daunting.

When you consider the word  “leader  who and what comes to mind, perhaps your Pastor?  The BBC show the Apprentice? Your manager? A colleague at work in another team perhaps  or  an individual  who literally has “Project Leader”  on a business card or email signature?

Well, it may not be part of your job title, and you may even struggle to find the words in your job description, nevertheless, the call to follow Christ is a call to leadership.

In the Oxford ditionary a project Is defined as “an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim”

When you think “project”, you typically think about big things, such as:

  • Church building developments
  • Developing a new product
  • IT system integration
  • Writing a tender

But actually, many smaller activities  can also be classed as a project, such as:

  • Creating and delivering an internal training course at church
  • Creating and sending a church e-newsletter
  • Creating new  team processes

In fact, according to David Allen,  pioneer  of the productivity system Getting Things Done (GTD), a ‘project’ is  any multi-step action. In other words, creating a new ad campaign, outreach planning, feeding the poor initiative, even buying a new car or making a 3-course dinner for your significant others are  all different  types of daily projects  you manage.

What does this mean for people  not called project leaders?

Well, failing to realise this could mean that you are missing out on important lessons that the  people with the ‘project leader’ label on their business cards know only too well.

If  you  approach  your daily tasks  and projects with the mindset, “I can do this in a structured, organized way,” then the outcome will substantially improve. Additionally, it may seem glaringly obvious, but someone needs to own a project, and not  every church  organisation or team  has a certified project leader to call upon.

1.   Change your approach

“Stake Your Claim That This Is Now a Project You‘re Managing”

Professional project leaders have formal training on the best way on approaching a project and use methodologies which take time to master. However, this  just isn’t appropriate for people who are juggling the role of unofficial project leader alongside many other tasks.  

Simply changing your mindset can make a difference in how you approach the work.

2. Create an action plan

“Make a List of the Actions It Will Take to Get You to the End Goal”

It’s very easy to jump straight in and get moving on  a project. Spending time planning can seem like wasted time, but in fact, without good planning, you could be wasting your  time and energy on things that just aren’t needed. In other words, skipping the planning phase of a project is a sure-fire way of encountering problems  down the line. The basics of what you’ll need to establish include your project vision (or guiding light), what your project will deliver, the risks to the project as well as your budget, resources, and timescales  and don’t forget to pray before you start.  Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth. It is kryptonite to the Enemy and to all his ploys against you. Pray in the Spirit at all times and at every stage of the project.

3.  Set a realistic deadline

Without a Deadline Your Project Will Sit at the Bottom of Your To-do List and Will Go Nowhere

When it comes to assessing your timescales, you need to figure out what is realistically achievable, while not padding out your timelines too much.

4. Communicate regularly

Developing a Project in a Bubble Will Result in Problems Later On

Regular communication is vital.  Meetings, emails and even a quick trip to your colleague’s desk are all needed to make sure you have not missed anything important and  that  everyone in on the same page.

5. Faith is not a spectator sport.

The Opportunities are Endless and Harvest is Plentiful.

Finally, please remember aside from managing projects that faith is not a spectator sport. It’s easy to come to church to be entertained and not invest time in serving the church community. But Jesus isn’t here for our amusement. He didn’t die so we could experience cool sermons  alone. The Christians we remember throughout history were the men and women who did not wait on the sideline when there was work to be done.

There are many places to lead. The opportunities are endless and harvest is plentiful.

19 Inspirational Quotes to Create a Wise Leader

Some of  the most inspirational quotes ever uttered to stir you and get you moving through the day. Whether you feel stuck or just need a good dose of inspiration from great minds. Be sure to feed your brain inspiring quotes and phrases daily.

  1. For the wise person, there are only two types of experiences on life’s road: winning and learning –  Greg Henry Quinn
  2. Successful people are EXTREMELY self-disciplined. When they set their mind to something, they do it. No questions asked –
    Jacob Reimer
  3. To those who retain their zest, old age has much to offer. From them the world has much to gain –  Lord Beaverbrook
  4. You must be the change you wish to see in the world  –  Gandhi
  5. Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm  –  Winston Churchill
  6. Dream big and dare to fail  –  Norman Vaughan
  7. Make each day your masterpiece  –  John Wooden
  8. Once you choose hope, anything’s possible  –  Christopher Reeve
  9. Every moment is a fresh beginning  –  T.S. Eliot
  10. Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear  –  George Addair
  11. A year from now you may wish you had started today  –  Karen Lamb
  12. It is never too late to be what you might have been  –  George Eliot
  13. There are no traffic jams along the extra mile  –  Roger Staubach
  14. If there is no struggle, there is no progress  –  Frederick Douglass
  15. If you can’t outplay them, outwork them  –  Ben Hogan
  16. The best way to predict the future is to invent it  –  Alan Kay
  17. Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you  –  Arnold Palmer
  18. If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all? –  Joe Namath
  19. Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything  –  Scott Reed


Sharing the life changing Gospel message found in Jesus Christ

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