Popular Christian Baby Names

Everyone wants a name that is unique. Traditions and customs define people, their thoughts, and opinions, their lifestyle, etc. One such lifestyle is to choose a name and Christian or Biblical names are a mirror of passing down faith in the younger generations to come. 

You may be searching for the perfect Christian name and with so many to choose from, one of the most difficult decisions for a parent will be to pick the best name. To make things simpler, we have collected some popular Christian baby names, their meanings, and origins for you to find the right one.

  1. Dean

    In Hebrew, it means 'exalted', 'enlightenment' , high mountain'.In 2017, it holds the 59th position.  Famous personalities- Actor Aaron Ashmore, Musician Aaron Copland, Athelete Aaron Hernandez, Painter Aaron Douglas, Producer/Screenwriter Aaron Spelling.

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  2. Dean

    In Greek and Latin, it means  'follower of Christ'.The name finds its place at 46 in the top baby names list, and was ranked 54 in 2017. 

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  3. 3 Elijah


    In Hebrew, it means Elijah is 'Jehovah is God'.Elijah holds Number 8 position in 2017. Famous personalities- American Actor Elijah Wood, Rugby player Elijah Taylor, American Wrestler Elijah Burke, Scientist Elijah McCoy

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  4. Dean

    An enduring classic, Elizabeth means "consecrated to God." It was the name of John the Baptist's mother in the Bible, and Elizabeth Seton, the first American saint. With its huge array of nickname options (including Eliza, Lisa, Beth, Betsy, and Ellie, to name a few), it's no wonder it's still in the top 15 baby names for girls.

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Gods Cabinet Reshuffle 2019


1. Minister of Finances

(Haggai 2 vs 8)

“Silver and gold are mine”

2. Minister of Education (Hosea 4 vs 6)

“My people perish because of lack of knowledge”

3. Minister of Roads

(John 14 vs 6)

“I am the way, the truth and the life. None comes to my Father except through Me”

4. Minister of Tourism (Mark 16 vs15)

“Go into all corners of the world and preach the good news to every creature”

5. Minister of Labour

(Matthew 9 vs 37)

“The harvest is abundant but workers are few”

6. Minister of Sport

(Matthew 19 vs 30)

“Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first”

(Corinthians 9 vs 24,27) “Be like athletes, run so that you will be the first”

7. Minister of Transport (Matthew 11 vs 28)

“Come to me all you who are tired from carrying

heavy loads and I will give you rest”

8. Minister of Health

(Isaiah 53 vs 5) “I took all your infirmities and by My stripes you were healed”

9. Minister of Internal Security (Isaiah 54 vs 17)

“No weapon formed against me shall prosper”

10. Minister of Agriculture (John 15 vs 1) “I am the true vine and my Father is the Gardener. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruits”

11. Minister of Faith

Hebrews 11 vs 1. Hebrews 6 vs 17 Ephesians 2 vs 8,9.

May the good Lord bless u with your hearts’ desires. Stay blessed…

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