Fishers of Men

We as Christians have the same calling, and that’s to be disciples. Jesus says, “Follow me,” and “make disciples.” He calls us to take the good news of God’s salvation to the ends of the earth. God’s great purpose, as the last book of the Bible indicates, is that people from every tribe, nation, people, and language will one day praise Him.

We are often tempted to exempt ourselves from God’s great plan by saying, “I’m not called to be a missionary” as if that excuses us from being fishers of people. We are willing to claim God’s promise of abundant life but not His promise to become a witness who makes disciples.

Today, perhaps God has given you a heart for a ministry near your home that blesses your neighbours. Fantastic! But millions around the world do not follow Jesus. Whether you’re a child, a young person, or an adult, will you ask God if He is calling you to be a missionary? We must give our all to enable people around the world to know God. He has given us these radical promises: “All authority … has been given to me.” “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Let’s be radically occupied with ways to make His glory known at home and around the world.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4:19)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, you never wavered from your calling to bring salvation to the whole world. Father help me to be faithful as I hear your call to be a fisher of men, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

You’re Never Alone

Jesus gave us a powerful assurance, “And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” These words resound through the ages, reminding us that God’s presence is an eternal reality in our lives.
In our journey of faith, we encounter moments of joy and moments of challenge, times of clarity and times of uncertainty. Yet, amidst it all, there is a constant, unwavering truth God is with us, always.
No matter where we go or what circumstances we face, His presence is our comfort and strength. He walks us through the valleys and rejoices with us on the mountaintops. His presence is not bound by time or location; it transcends all boundaries.
As we navigate the complexities of life, we can draw solace from these words of Jesus. His abiding presence is our anchor in the storms, our guide through the wilderness, and our source of hope in every season.
Today, in moments of solitude and amidst the busyness of life, let us take a moment to acknowledge His presence. For in the assurance of His constant companionship, we find courage, peace, and the unshakable confidence that we are never alone.
“Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I feel lonely. I’m not sure where this feeling is coming from. Father sometimes I have tried to share my feelings with friends, but I feel like they don’t see or hear me. I have many great things happening in my life. You give me so many wonderful blessings and joys. God, please hold me in Your loving arms. Help me to remember I am not alone and that You are always with me. Help me to shine Your love and light in all my words and actions. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

In The Beginning

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
These two verses from Genesis and John are profound in their simplicity and depth, setting the stage for the grand narrative of Scripture.
Genesis 1:1 introduces us to the beginning of time, space, and matter. It reveals God as the ultimate Creator, the origin of everything that exists. This beginning lays the foundation for understanding our world and our place in it as God’s creation.
John 1:1, while echoing Genesis, introduces a deeper dimension to the ‘beginning’ of the eternal existence of Christ, the Word. This verse establishes Jesus as central to the very nature and essence of God, involved in creation and the redemption of humanity.
Together, these verses invite us to reflect on our origins and purpose. They remind us that our personal and universal story starts with God. In every new beginning and fresh start, we are encouraged to see the hand of the Creator and the Saviour, guiding, and shaping our journey.
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I give you all my cares and concerns. I know you are my Heavenly Father who can provide me with everything I need. You know my needs before I even ask you for them. Lord thank you, for your new beginnings and unwavering provision. I trust that your peace will watch over me as I step into this season of  new beginnings, in Christ name, Amen.

God Can Lift Your Guilt And Shame

God Will Bring You Through
If you’ve done things wrong (and we all have), the forgiveness that comes from God through the blood of Jesus can lift the guilt and shame, and take the weight from your shoulders. The key to God’s forgiveness is knowing and accepting that Christ gave His life to pay the price for the things you’ve done wrong. There is no sin that God cannot forgive. God’s forgiveness is made complete by asking Christ into your life and surrendering your life to Him. Remember your sin doesn’t take away your purpose or calling.

Today, God is speaking to your heart and drawing you to Himself. He doesn’t want you to perish. God wants to give you life. He wants you to pass from death to life. He wants to take you out of Satan’s Kingdom of darkness and bring you into God’s Kingdom. The way He does that is by saying to you, ‘your sins are forgiven.’ Can you imagine what it’s like to have all your sins forgiven? To have the load taken off of your back and to be set free? Accept it today and experience God’s freedom.

Gods Promises
Claim them today;
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9). 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I believe that You are the Son of God. I believe that You are the only Saviour promised to me who will give me eternal life. God, I want to be set free from my sin. I don’t want to be a slave to sin any longer. Take away my guilt and shame today, cover me with Your blood, break the devil’s hold on me and remove the curse. Give me the faith to believe it is done. Christ, I receive You as my Lord and Saviour. I want to be Your child, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

True Love

Today’s verse tells us how to make love great – by being kind. You may have heard today’s verse many times before, but one translation puts it this way “love looks for a way to be constructive.” In other words, kindness isn’t just about being nice; it’s looking for ways to improve someone else’s life. It’s bringing out the best in others.
Each morning, when you start your day, don’t just spend time thinking about yourself, or how you can make your own life better. Think about ways you can make someone else’s life better too! Ask yourself, “who can I encourage today? Who can I build up?” You have something to offer those around you that no one else can give. Someone in your life needs your encouragement. Someone in your life needs to know that you believe in them. We are responsible for how we treat the people He’s placed in our lives. He’s counting on us to bring out the best in our family and friends.
Today, ask the Lord to give you creative ways to encourage those around you. As you sow seeds of encouragement and bring out the best in others, God will send people along your path that will build you up too. Keep showing kindness so you can move forward into the blessings and freedom God has for you!
“…love is kind…” (1 Corinthians 13:4).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for loving me when I was unlovable. Father, thank You for believing in me and always building me up, even when I disrespect Your Kingdom. God, I ask that You show me creative ways to encourage and build up the people around me. Help me to be an example of Your love today and always, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Heavenly Joy

Are you tired of sorrow and sadness? I have good news for you; get to Heaven, there will be no sorrow and sadness. In the final book of the Bible, Heaven is described as a place of wonderful freedom from pain, sorrow, and suffering. Joyful moments here are just that—moments. They seem to end quickly. In Heaven, joy is eternal. Hallelujah! Your best memories are those that are timeless, that seem to live on in your mind and in your heart forever. They seem so crystal clear and so crisp. That’s because the joy that surrounds those moments is of the Lord.

Scripture tells us that joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and the Spirit is eternal. So when you experience His joy, it is eternal. It becomes timeless. Joy-filled moments down here on Earth are like sneak previews to whet your appetite for Heaven. I think that’s God’s way of getting your heart, every once in a while, a little closer to Heaven and out of the mess of earth and onto the solid, real ground of Heaven.

Today, rest assured there won’t be any violence or death in Heaven. We won’t have to worry about nation against nation, or if a bomb is going to be dropped in Heaven. We don’t have to worry about the atmosphere or pandemics killing us, because our bodies are going to be glorified, and we’re going to be eternally happy. We’re going to smile. We won’t have any more tears. I’m so looking forward to being with my family members and my friends in Heaven. Will you be there?

“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalm 16:11).

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for the joy of Heaven, so that my joy will be full as I live in Your presence now and forever. Father, I’m so glad that the pain and emptiness of this world will not exist in Heaven and I will be totally free, hallelujah! Thank You! In Christ’s Name, Amen.

Remove Yourself

If the pressure keeps coming and coming and you’re getting weaker and weaker—quit standing in front of the bakery window. Remove yourself. It’s as simple as that.

We sit and struggle, asking, ‘What should I do?’ – Get up and walk away. Get out of the car. Go home. Don’t go out with that person anymore. If all your friends are pressuring you, get new friends. Now, of course, this involves severing relationships. But move on and let God replace what you’ve let go of.

Many people fall into a sinful relationship because they are “people pleasers.” They don’t want to cause tension or stir up a conflict in a relationship by constantly being the one who says “no.” As a result, they do something they seriously regret, harming everyone around them. Sticking to your boundaries and upholding your beliefs may cause others to look down on you, to say hurtful words, or to try to make you feel guilty or wrong. You need to get to a place inside yourself where what people say doesn’t matter.

Today, if you have been living as a slave to sin, you can throw off the chains of slavery and live in freedom to please God. This is done by reckoning yourself dead to sin and alive to God, and taking your rightful place as a co-heir to the dominion that Christ won back. Instead of practicing sin, practice being free from sin and living for God.

“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, You know that I’ve prayed this prayer before. Father, give me the courage to say “no” and to flee from any situation in which I feel pressured or uncomfortable or that will lead to sin. God, I accept I am free today because of Your blood. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

More Faith 

20 Inspiring Christian Quotes from Leaders of the Faith
In life, the gift I crave more than any other is faith. Do you desire to have more faith? Faith can grow and increase the bible says. It also says that faith comes by hearing in the present tense. We have to hear the Word of God repeatedly for it to take root in our hearts and transform our minds.
A seed needs water daily to grow; your faith needs the Word of God daily to grow. The more you hear God’s Word, the more you know Him. The more you know Him, the more you will be able to believe Him – and that’s what faith is!
Today, choose a few faith Scriptures to meditate on. Write them down or highlight them on your phone and carry them around with you reading them often. Let the truth of the Word transform you and move you forward into the abundant life God has for you!
“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your living, active and faith-building Word. Father, I submit myself to You today. God, teach me Your ways. Give me insight into Your Word so that I may know more about you, in Christ’ name. Amen.

Sabbath = Release

On the eve of the Sabbath. God wants to give you rest. He wants to refresh and restore your soul mind, will and emotions. It’s so easy to get caught up in the “busyness” of life, and before long, your mind, will and emotions are so “spun up” that you can barely think straight! But even in the hustle of life, you can find rest, ease and relaxation. God wants to take care of everything that concerns you so that you can find rest in your innermost being when you come to Him.
The Sabbath is more than just sleeping, it’s about releasing what’s bothering you. Imagine how you would feel if someone approached you today and said, “Give me all of your monthly bills; I’m going to pay them.” You’d get excited, wouldn’t you? But it wouldn’t happen until you did your part to actually hand that person your bills. They can’t pay them for you if you never release them. In the same way, when we release our cares and concerns to God, He promises to take care of them.
Today, as we approach the sabbath/rest, release your cares to the Lord. Let Him fill you with His peace and joy. Receive the rest that He promises and enjoy the fulfillment and blessing He has for you!
There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from. (Hebrews 4:9-10).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, today I humbly come to You. I choose to cast my cares on You so that I can live in Your rest, not only on sabbath but daily. Father, thank You for Your goodness to me. Help me find ways to share Your goodness with those around me today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Shine Bright

Today’s verse reminds me of a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt “It’s more important to light a candle than to curse the darkness”. Unfortunately, many Christians are known as people who curse darkness. As Christians, we are sometimes more about what we oppose rather than being shining models of truth and love.

In scripture, Jesus calls us to be light in a sin-darkened world. We are light when we live all of life in the way God calls us to live. We are light when we treat our clients with integrity, and when we treat bullies with kindness (without letting them get their way). We live as light when we represent a cause that may not be popular but is right. In fact, Christ explains that it is impossible for Christians not to be light. We are either His followers, His light, or we are not. A candle under a bowl goes out. A city on a hill lights the countryside. Authentic Christians radiate righteousness, truth, and grace.

Today, the light that lights this dark world does not come from within us. We are the light of the world only to the extent that Christ, the true light of the world, lives in us. When we were lost in darkness, He came to us, full of grace and truth, and drew us into his light. Will you shine the light of Jesus into your world today?

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, my light, I’m so glad that your glorious light shattered the gloom of my life and offered me hope! Father may my life reflect the brightness of your grace at all times. God, please help me to live as light in this world. In Christ’s name, Amen.


Have you ever been passionate about a dream or vision, only to have it never come to pass? Scripture tells us that God has an appointed time to fulfil the visions, dreams and desires He has placed in our heart. Just because it has taken a long time, or you’ve tried and not succeeded, doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen.
Don’t give up on those dreams! Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. Our God, is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible things seem, if you’ll stay in faith, your God appointed time is coming. Hallelujah! Remember, every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it in there. Not only that, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass.
Today, hold on to your vision or dream by declaring, “my time is coming. God is working things out on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!” As you continue to hold on to that vision and daily speak life over your dreams, you’ll see them begin to take shape. You’ll see your faith grow, you’ll see your hope strengthen, and you’ll see yourself step into the destiny God has prepared for you at the appointed time!
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time…though it tarry, wait for it…” (Habakkuk 2:3, KJV).
Let’s Pray 
Yahweh, I receive Your truth today. I receive Your promises. Father, ignite my visions and dreams with Your holy fire, so that I can pursue Your perfect plan for my life. Make my thoughts and words agreeable to Your will. God, give me the faith I need to hold on when life’s failures seem to get me down and rob me of purpose. In Jesus’ Name! Amen.

The Drought Is Over

Every person goes through times of drought or dry seasons, when we don’t see the changes we hoped for. We’ve got big dreams, we’re standing on God’s promises, but things stay the same. It’s dry and barren. Maybe you are blessed in one area and a drought in another. It’s easy to think, “This is how it will always be. I’ll always have this struggle.” No, I declare in 2024 that drought is coming to an end. Any area of brokenness, dryness, loneliness, every empty place, if you will stay in faith, God is going to rain down favour, healing, and restoration.
Today I declare you are going to see an abundance of rain! Every drought is only temporary. That dry season is not going to last forever. Struggle and lack are not your destiny. It’s temporary. Rain (blessings) is headed your way! Receive it by faith, say “Father, thank You that the drought is ending and the rain is coming. In 2024, I will see an abundance of Your goodness in my life!”.
“You, O God, sent a plentiful rain…” (Psalm 68:9).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for the promise of refreshing rain on the dry places in my life. Father, thank You for raining down provision, blessing, hope, wisdom, joy and peace in my life. Please Lord  give me strength to stand strong in You as Your plan unfolds for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Wonderfully Made

David said in Psalm 139, “God, I praise You because You have amazingly made me. What You have done is wonderful.” Notice what followed David’s “I am.” He was not in pride but in praise to God.
Now, that goes against human nature. Most of us think, “Nothing is amazing about me. Nothing wonderful. I’m just average. I’m just ordinary.” But the fact is, there is nothing at all ordinary about you! You have a fingerprint that nobody else has. There will never be another you. Even if you have a twin, they don’t have the same personality, goals, or fingerprints. You are an original. When God made you, He threw away the mould. When you say, “I am wonderful, I am attractive, I am vibrant”, not only does vitality, youth and freshness start coming your way, but on the inside, your spirit rises up. Your self-image begins to improve, and you start carrying yourself like you’re someone special. You no longer drag through the day feeling inferior. You have that spring in your step, that “go after it” attitude.
Today, get in agreement with God. Declare what He declares about you. Declare, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” See yourself the way God sees you and experience all He has for you!
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” (Psalm 139:14, NKJV).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for making me in Your image. Father, thank You for equipping me with everything I need for life and godliness. God, I will say what You say about me, so I can be everything You’ve created me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

File It…

When things happen in your life that you don’t plan, do you find yourself trying to reason it all out or look for a “file” (so to speak) in your mind to put it in? What happens when you can’t reason it out or make sense of it all?
Here’s the answer: We need to create a file in our thinking called the “I Don’t Understand It”. When things come up that don’t make sense, things that you can’t figure out, instead of getting frustrated or confused, put it in your “I Don’t Understand It” file and leave it alone. If you go through life trying to figure out why something bad happened or didn’t work out, it will cause you to become bitter and stuck in life. Part of trusting God means trusting Him when things don’t make sense because we know that His plan always works for good. We have to know that He will reveal all things in His time, even if that means in eternity.
Today, is there something that hasn’t made sense in 2024 that you know you need to file in your “I don’t understand it God” file? Choose to trust God. Choose to keep moving forward. Know that He loves you, He is for you, and He has a great plan for your future!
“Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me.” (Psalm 131:1, NKJV).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, today I surrender my past. I surrender my need to have all the answers, and I choose to trust You. Father, fill me with Your peace. Fill me with Your grace and compassion as I press forward into the victory You have prepared for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.


God wants you to live completely satisfied in Him, but so many people have a misconception about what will satisfy them. Scripture tells us that when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, then we will live in complete satisfaction. 

You direct your hunger by choosing what you focus on. For example, if you focus on your favourite food, if you start thinking about it early in the morning and all throughout the day, chances are that by the end of the day, you’ll be eating it! What you give your attention to, you will desire. In the same way, the more you give your attention to God and His Word, the more you will hunger for Him; and when you hunger for Him, you will be filled (satisfied)!

Today, the world offers so many things to give your attention to, but they will not satisfy. You might think you want a particular car, or fashionable clothes, or live in a particular neighbourhood. There’s nothing wrong with those things, but understand that “things” won’t ever satisfy you. Recognize that only God will completely satisfy you, so hunger and thirst for Him!

“Blessed [joyful, nourished by God’s goodness] are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [those who actively seek right standing with God], for they will be [completely] satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6, AMP).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I come to You today, releasing anything that has captured my heart and attention more than You. Father, I long to be spiritually and physically satisfied, please fill me. Today, I choose to give You top priority and hunger for Your righteousness, in Jesus’ name! Amen.


Whilst traveling, I often get confused by Christian congregations who look sad and miserable, as if they have no hope. Even in worship, our time to celebrate our God for who He is and what He has done, we take the non biblical stance of silence, uniformity and inaction. I remember after Ghana’s Asamoah Gyan scored a goal against Germany in the 2014 World Cup, he and his teammates did a coordinated dance step. When Germany’s Miroslav Klose scored a few minutes later, he did a running front flip. “Soccer celebrations are so appealing because they reveal players’ personalities, values, and passions”, says Clint Mathis, who scored for the US at the 2002 World Cup.
In Psalm 150, the psalmist invites “everything that has breath” to celebrate and praise the Lord in many different ways. He suggests that we use trumpets and harps, stringed instruments and pipes, cymbals and dancing. He encourages us to creatively and passionately celebrate, honor, and adore the Lord. Why? because the Lord is great and has performed mighty acts on behalf of His people, He is worthy of all praise. These outward expressions of praise will come from an inner wellspring overflowing with gratitude to God. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord,” the psalmist declares (150:6). Which is why we were created.
Today, Though we may celebrate the Lord in different ways, our praise to God always needs to be expressive and meaningful and should show personality, passion and value. When we think about the Lord’s character and His mighty acts toward us, we cannot help but celebrate Him through our praise and worship. How has this Psalm challenged you to be more expressive in your praise to God? Spend some time thinking about the greatness of the Lord’s mighty works. Then give Him your praise. Remember praise is the song of a soul set free.
Praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe. (Psalm 150:4).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I lift you up and magnify your name with my mind, body and soul. Father I apologies and ask for your forgiveness for my lack of personality, passion and power while praising and worshiping You.  For allowing the things of this world and the enemy to still my praise for You. God today I pledge and declare that sin I will praise you with my whole heart as you created me to be. I come in agreement with your word “let everthing that have breath praise the Lord”. In your name, Amen.


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