When We’re Under Pressure

Have you ever lived with stress? Most of us would answer yes but have you ever been shipwrecked, whipped within an inch of your life, had a group of assassins after our blood, or been lowered over a city wall in a basket at night to escape pursuers? All those things happened to Paul in the New Testament, being frequently under unbearable pressure. 

We all live with stress at some stage in our lives. Stress has a way of bending us out of shape, making us act out of character, and making us more vulnerable to temptation. We find ourselves snapping at people, losing patience when we need it most, or becoming depressed. Ultimately stress can cause us to take our eyes off God and focus only on our problems. 

Today, when we’re under pressure, it’s important to realise that if we are not careful, it could hurt our relationships with others. Most importantly, we should use those situations to learn to rely on God. How do we do that? Pray, “Lord, help me. I need your wisdom and strength!” Then continue to trust God when things are beyond your control. Believe that God can bring victory out of seeming defeat. Continue to obey God’s commands.  

We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure. . .  But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God. . .  (2 Corinthians 1:8-9) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for caring about my life. Father, I ask not for a stress-free life but that you will teach me to rely on you in stressful times. God, through your Spirit living in my heart, please grant me wisdom and strength when the pressures of life seek to overtake me. In Christ’ name, we pray. Amen. 

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Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.

Our Location: The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London, W1H 5JE

Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

Godinterest is sponsored by Jamaica Homes

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