Religious War? Christians and Muslims Clash in Nigeria

Destroyed vehicles and debris is strewn across the road as police attempt to restore calm in the town of Jos, Nigeria ( AP )

On June 24, Nigeria was full of the blood of Christians as Muslim herders clashed with Christian farmers. Fulani herdsman, who are predominately Muslim, attacked six villages in Nigeria’s Plateau state. These villages are home to many Christians. Many of those killed were Christians, and they were reportedly hacked to death.

As a result of this violence, many people have been forced to leave their farms and villages or face the threat of a grisly death. President Muhammadu Buhari has deployed military and police units to stop the bloodshed.

He tweeted, “The grievous loss of lives and property arising from the killings in Plateau is painful and regrettable. My deepest condolences to the affected communities. We will not rest until all murderers and criminal elements and their sponsors are incapacitated and brought to justice.”

The fuel behind these recent clashes between the religious groups is due to dwindling water and pasture resources, a direct result of Nigeria’s rising population. The estimated number of people killed by these clashes just this year is around 500 with central Nigeria being the most affected as people fight over access to land, water, and food.

However, some Christian farmers were not content to sit idly after being attacked. Many of them led an attack of their own on Muslim villages. These deadly clashes are not just seen as a battle over scarce land and farming resources; but as a religious war between Christians and Muslims. Some are claiming that the president, who is of the Muslim faith, is not doing enough to protect Christian communities.

These sentiments were expressed by Bosun Emmanuel, a secretary of the National Christians Elders Forum and a prominent Nigerian Christian leader. During a recent forum, he expressed his views over the matter, “Realistically speaking, Christianity is on the brink of extinction in Nigeria. The ascendancy of Sharia ideology in Nigeria rings the death knell for the Nigerian Church.”

Boko Haram holds the title for the most well-known Islamic terrorist group in Africa. They have claimed responsibility for the many attacks on Christians homes and churches and currently, hold many young girls captive. Many people, the majority of whom are Christians, have lost their lives due to this terrorist group. Some estimate the death toll to be more than 20,000 since 2009.

Due to this threat that Nigerian Christians are facing, Emmanuel believes that Christianity will cease to exist in Nigeria 25 years from now.

“In 2018, we can say in 25 years from now, we are facing the risk of being the last Christians in Nigeria. Therefore, Christians should be in the frontline of defending democracy in Nigeria.”

In an effort to control these violent clashes, the governor of Plateau state has imposed a curfew of 18:00 pm to 06:00 am.

While many believe that these continuous killings of Christians might spell doom for the Christian faith in Nigeria, I firmly hold the belief that GOD’S true people will continue to stand, even in the face of death. I appeal to all Christians to pray for their fellow brothers and sisters in Nigeria.

Resources: CBN News ‘The Death Knell for the Nigerian Church’: New Massacre Sparks Fear for Christians

Loving the Life You Are Living

Why Real Faith Is Never Perfect

Man can overlook the preciousness of life. Minutes that turn to hours, hours that turn to days; one can easily spend them on trivial pursuits and activities. The young and distracted may feel he has loads of time and strength. The old and burned out may feel he has little strength and lose interest in doing anything more. But whatever season of life we are in, as long as there is breath, there is precious time being lavished upon us. And however we spend our time, that is the composition of our life. Time spent is the life we are living. Are we loving it? Are we loving the life we are living now?

Ptr. Chuck Swindoll shared, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Ptr. Mike Meñez shared, “If you don’t like the life you are living then it’s time to start making changes.” True. We decide on the kind of life we want to have and if it’s something we don’t love, we are ultimately responsible for that. We can’t keep looking back and putting blame on the past and on the people who messed up our lives. Aaron Lauritsen was right in saying, “At some point, you just gotta forgive the past, your happiness hinges on it.” We can’t keep allowing past circumstances and offenses to inflict consequences upon us when we have the capacity to break free from them. In Romans 8, Paul reminds us that in all troubles and setbacks, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us; and nothing will separate us from that love. We are secure in God’s love. Our future is secure in Him. Our joy and satisfaction is secure in Him. Therefore, we can love the life we are living right now.

Seeing opportunities in struggles

Hardships can easily bring us down; it’s normal. However, we are called to the spiritual. And from a spiritual perspective, struggles can very well lift our spirits and strengthen our faith. Through all the difficulties, there are opportunities God presents our way: moments of learning, moments of realizing He is real and at work, moments of discovering true friendships and deeper family ties, moments of realizing that it is the struggles that strengthen our character and forges more meaningful relationships. Seeing opportunities in struggles cause us to love and value this life more and more.

Seeing blessings in times of need

In this world, it seems that needs will always be greater. Focusing on all the things we lack can bring us down; it is normal. However, we are called to trust and contentment. God will never withhold what is good for us. He will come to our aid in His perfect time. We must learn trustful contentment in a God who never fails. Like Job, we need to remember that this life is all by grace. God has given us much more than we deserve, much more than we can hope for. And He will continue to give in the same way. In times of need, remember and appreciate all that He is putting at your disposal and trust Him to come through for the things you require.

God assures us in Jeremiah 29:11 that all the plans He has for us are always for good. Romans 8 says He is always working out our life for our good. Involve Him in every moment of your life. He will always be the key to loving the life you are living now.

Feeling Low? Here are 2 Certainties About God

Every religious sect has its own idea about God. The idea about God can greatly vary depending on the sources or references of belief. One who professes true Christianity finds God in Scriptures and in his daily experiences of doing life with the God He has put his faith in. A deepening faith discovers more and more about God. By faith we see that God is more and more certain. He is trustworthy. He is unwavering and never changing. These hold true when life is hard and unsure.

God is just.

To be just is to be righteous. It is to be on the good and right of all things. God is unprejudiced. He is fair-minded. He is impartial. He is non-discriminatory. Psalm 145:17 says, “The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.” At all times we can be sure that God treats us with fairness and faithful love. Parents may be guilty of playing favorites. But to all His children, we can expect God’s love and support to be the same on us all. The abiding Christian and the wayward one are both loved greatly. Now, He may deal with them differently according to their spiritual need at the time. But all His actions and purposes for the 2 remain the same, that is, to guard and guide them in His Agape love.

The Bible also says that even to the unbelieving God remains just. In Matthew 5:45 Jesus reminds us to have the just heart and mind of our Father who “causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”

As for prayer requests and heart desires, there is no bribing God. There is no manipulating Him. He will not grant the request of someone because he “does Him lots of favors”. When God responds to our prayers, He does so out of wisdom. He grants what will benefit us in the long run and His denials will always have our best interest in mind.

God remains good when life is bad.

Job couldn’t understand what was happening nor why. He tried his best to delight Himself in the Lord, living for His pleasure and honor. He dared not question God, He just wanted understanding. At his lowest point his wife told him to just forsake God and resign himself to “fate”. But Job chose to keep faith and trust in a God who knew what He was doing. In Job 13:15 he said “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him.”

We may find it hard to grasp this truth during trials and persecutions because of the hardships and pain we are currently suffering. But God remains good and He remains loving. He is never indifferent to our plight. Psalm 119:68 says You are good, and what you do is good.” Romans 8:28 assures us that as we try to walk in His ways and abide in His love, we know that He is continually working things out for our good. Psalm 9:10 encourages us to keep trusting and discovering more about God thru our circumstances. It says, “Those who know your name trust in you, for you Lord have never forsaken those who seek you.” Proverbs 3:5,6 exhort us to trust in the Lord and not depend on our limited understanding. In due time, He will straighten things out for us and make things clear for us.

God is just and He remains good when life is bad. Don’t believe otherwise. Stay the path. Keep the faith.

The Top 5 Christian Movies

The Top 5 Christian Movies

We all love inspiring movies that are based on the Scriptures, whether they are a retelling of Biblical history or a movie with a message of faith, love, forgiveness and many other values associated with Christianity. Here are the top 5 movies of 2018.

I Can Only Imagine

This music biopic tells the story of Bart Millard, the lead vocalist of MercyMe, an American contemporary Christian music band founded in Greenville, Texas. The title of the movie is the actual name of the song that Millard wrote for his father after he died, which went on to become the best-selling Christian single of all time. The movie shares Millard’s life with us, his volatile and difficult relationship with his abusive father, his need to be accepted by him, discovering his talent for singing and eventually a tear-jerker of a reconciliation before joining MercyMe and writing the song that would lead to the band’s success on Christian and mainstream radio.

Paul, Apostle of Christ

This Biblical drama tells the story of the Paul, the Apostle that we have to thank for most of the New Testament letters. The plot focuses on his life, how he went from being a ruthless and zealous persecutor of Christians to becoming a powerful and zealous man of GOD, charged with bringing the Good News to the Gentiles. The movie brings us the highs and lows of his ministry on earth before being executed by Emperor Nero in Rome.

Mary Magdelene

A woman, once known to be a prostitute but was redeemed by Jesus Christ, our LORD and Saviour, the movie retells her story, giving her more of a voice than the few but powerful lines written in the Gospels. Her story is set in 33 AD when much of the world was under the rule of the Roman Empire. We see her devotion to Christ as she follows Him, and the supposed conflict it caused with the other male disciples. Her story draws to a close as she follows her Messiah all the way to His crucifixion.

GOD’S Not Dead: A Light in Darkness

This is the third installment of the GOD’S Not Dead series, following the 2014 film and its 2016 sequel. Although this movie has not proved to be as popular as the previous two films, it nevertheless should be watched for its message. We see the struggles of Reverend Dave, his desperate need to keep his church open and his anger directed towards Adam Richertson, a struggling Christian that makes the fatal mistake of throwing a brick into the church window, resulting in the death of the reverend’s close friend. Their lives become intertwined, overshadowed by anger, fear, and death. Repentance, forgiveness, and love bring the story to its end.


In Sunday school, we were all told about Samson and Delilah, about his hair that gave him his strength and his ultimate demise at the hands of a woman. Samson, a Hebrew from the tribe of Dan, is blessed with strength from GOD, a strength that is valid as long as his hair remains long. This movie takes multiples liberties and fleshes out the story of Samson from the Book of Judges in such a way that we are left with a 109-minute movie out of a 10-minute read (sans Scriptural studying). The pivotal part of the film is when Samson asks GOD for forgiveness and brings an end to all the Philistines (and himself) who were in the building. The movie ends with the beginning of King David’s story, of how a humble shepherd boy came to defeat the Philistines and became the greatest king recorded in the Scriptures.

As with all movies that seek to tell the lives of Biblical people, we should watch them with caution. There have been too many movies created that take away from the glory of GOD and highlights the achievements of man, as well as giving inaccurate information. Movies are a wonderful way to bring the family together for entertainment purposes, and when there is a good Christian movie, loved ones, and popcorn involved, it is a joy indeed.

Fathers to the Fatherless

Fathers to the Fatherless

Father’s Day didn’t have any meaning to me for most of my life, my biological father was abusive, and it was just a bad reminder of the past, but Father’s Day brings new meaning since I met my spiritual father.

According to the U.S. Census, approximately 15 million people in the U.S are fatherless. My earthly father was not a good father at all. He provided none of the essentials that I needed as a child or even now as an adult. My relationship with my biological father was anything but loving and trusting, and for the first 9 years of my life, it was torture.

After being placed in a foster home for a substantial portion of my childhood even there I did not have a father. At church, I was told that God was my father,  but to me, that did not equate because of the experiences that I had already had. How could I see God as my Father when my biological Father caused me so much pain and abuse?

I have always loved God but accepting him as a Father was difficult. I had such a tainted view of what a Father really was, and I couldn’t grasp the magnitude of God’s love for me as Father.

It took the love of a spiritual father to change my mind about what a father was. A spiritual father is a father figure within the Body of Christ.  

It was because of his relentless love and acceptance that I could finally see the Heavenly Father in a true light.

Seeing A Loving Father for the First Time

 My Spiritual Father

I did not know I needed a Father figure, but God knew I needed a Father figure. It was amazing, God gave me so much more than just a Father, he gave me a Dad. We have a trusting, healthy father/daughter relationship and I thank God every day for that blessing in my life.

I can’t thank him enough for his love, and commitment to me. My Dad corrects me when I am wrong, and he forgives me even when I don’t deserve it. That’s the thing, a real father always forgives, and moves on, just like our Heavenly Father. A Spiritual father will always express and exemplify knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. A spiritual father will always give sound counsel and pour out blessings.  A spiritual father will nurture and protect. He never leaves you even when you have messed up. A spiritual father will use those moments as teaching moments. A spiritual father should always be a representation of the heavenly father.

My Dad has also taught me a few other things, like how a real father is supposed to be.

1. My Father will never leave me.  

God promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

God is deeply, unshakably committed to you. You never have to ask whether he will stay or leave.

My Dad shows me that a real Father will always be there no matter what. I never have to worry that he will get tired of me one day and be done with me, that’s not how a father/daughter relationship works.

2. The Father knows what I need.

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” (Matthew 6:8)

My spiritual father always seems to know what I need spiritual and mentally and offers loving advice with respect to who I am a daughter.

3. The Father takes great delight in his children.

God says, in Isaiah 43:44″ you all “his children” are precious in my eyes,”

Without any love or encouragement from my dad, I could easily question whether I was loved at all. I used to constantly battle with how much I was worth.

 4. The Father loves Unconditionally

 (Romans 5:6–8) He is a hope for the abandoned, a refuge for the fearful, a Father to the fatherless.

Thankfully, our heavenly Father’s love for us is not conditional. He does not love us based on what we do to deserve his love. God loves us just because he loves us. Even when we’re disobedient and rebellious, He loves us.

God reaches out to you in great love even when you are at your worst.

Father’s hold such a vital role in our lives. In a Christian home, they are the beginning foundation of what our relationship will look like with our Heavenly Father.

If you don’t have a Father, consider reaching out to someone that has a close relationship with God and accept them as a mentor and if you are approached reciprocate. Maybe you don’t have a father, but you have a person in your life that has made an impact in your life, thank them for this.

Lastly, remember we all have our Father in Heaven. You can’t get any better than that. Make sure you honor him this Sunday and every day after.

Happy Father’s Day!

Transform Your Prayer Life and Become A True Prayer Warrior

Become A True Prayer Warrior

At times our prayer lives may seem stilted and rather mechanical in nature. We find it difficult to communicate with GOD, and perhaps even feel disheartened by our lack of zeal in approaching Him and being in His presence. Having a consistently powerful prayer life takes time, patience and commitment, but the true mark of a prayer warrior is one who takes GOD’S Word and puts it into action.

There are three things that you can do to transform your prayer life. With discipline and sincerity of heart, they can be adapted into your daily life leading to greater breakthroughs, hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice more clearly as well as walking in full understanding of the authority that you have in Jesus’ name.

Prepare Your Heart Before You Pray

Look at this as praying before your intended prayer requests. 2 Peter 1:3 has wonderful advice on how to go about preparing your heart to seek GOD.

  • Ask that you would have the proper inner response, that is being humble and coming before Him with an open heart
  • Pray for His divine power to help you as you pray by giving you complete focus (no straying!) and discernment (knowing if a word is from Him)
  • Seek to know His holy character, nature, and attributes so that you may better trust in Him and rely on Him alone
  • Ask to receive His glory and goodness in your life, understanding that His love is a perfect gift and that it cannot be earned
  • Pray that Father will enrich your life through your private prayer time with Him (your prayer closet) so that you may go out and spread the richness of His love and His Word to others

Give GOD All the Praise

Many Believers do not understand the power of praise and worship during their prayer time. When we give Him all the praise and glory, we magnify His importance in our lives, we strengthen the inner man within us and we probably invite angels to worship with us (unbeknownst to us). One powerful way to incorporate praise and worship into our lives is by meditating on and repeating Bible verses that focus on the wonderful character of GOD. King David was a man who knew the joy of praising the Almighty, he could quite easily strip down to his essentials and dance around in joyful abandonment without any care for the opinions of others. He wanted to praise Jehovah, the Great I Am, and by golly, he was going to give everything that he had within him! Here are some scriptures to consider, but I encourage you to search Scripture for many more.

  • Psalm 18:30 * His way is perfect, He is your shield.
  • Psalms 28:6-7 * He hears you. He is your strength.
  • Jeremiah 10:6 * No one is like Him. His name is mighty.
  • Jeremiah 32:17 * Nothing is too hard for Him.
  • Isaiah 40:28 * His understanding is unsearchable.
  • Isaiah 41:10 * He is with you. He will uphold you.
  • Isaiah 57:15 * His name is Holy. He will revive you.

Speak His Word

We all understand that praying is essentially having a conversation with GOD. However, it’s not just about seeking His hand but also seeking to spend quality time with Him. It costs us virtually nothing to ask Him what He would like, what would please Him and what you can give Him (He’ll most likely say more of your time and being mindful of Him in all that we do). Seeing as how we always need Him in our lives, to provide for us, to get us out of tight spots and to guide us when we cannot see past our nose, we should pray with purpose. What I mean is that you should find a verse in the Bible that best fits your situation. Speaking GOD’s Word means that you’re walking within His will, which means that He will most definitely hear you and answer your prayer, perhaps not quite in the way that you would like, but we can rest assured that He knows what is best for us. Once you have that Scripture verse, you need to meditate on it and:

  • Claim the verse for yourself and your situation by repeating the verse out loud and as many times as it takes to memorize it. The more you say it, the more you will be inclined to think about it, even when not trying to
  • Personalizing the verse is a great way to apply it to your situation. Add your name to it or use a pronoun. For example, GOD has not given me a spirit of fear or timidity, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7)
  • You can even pray the verse by putting it into your own words- this is another way of personalizing it, but take care not to twist it to fit your needs. There are many people who distort the truth to cover up their own sinful deeds

Go ahead and apply these to your prayer life and reap the benefits of a being a powerful prayer warrior. Sometimes the benefits may not be for you but for others (especially if you’re an intercessor), but we are to lay our lives down for our sisters and brothers in Christ, that means putting their needs above your own. I for one always enjoy a sense of peace when communing with GOD.

Pagan Europe? Most Europeans Identify As Christian

Pagan Europe? Most Europeans Identify As Christian

The Pew Research Center conducted a survey last year April-August 2017 in 15 Western European countries. Their aim was to examine religious beliefs and practices in Western Europe and included over 24, 000 respondents who were telephonically interviewed. In light of the news concerning Europeans, such as their stance on abortion, GOD, and the LGBT community, it was a surprise to read that most of the participants identified themselves as Christian. However, non-practicing Christians outnumbered the church-attending Christians. Which begs the question: What is the meaning of Christian identity in Western Europe?

Respondents were asked about their present religion- if they indeed practiced any. Most adults surveyed consider themselves to be Christian, even if they seldom go to church. Out of the 15 countries, it seems that Portugal leads the pack with 83% of participants who identify as Christians, with Italy, Austria, and Ireland coming in close with 80%. The countries with the least amount of participants who identify themselves as Christians are Sweden (52%), Norway (51%) and the Netherlands (41%).

The study also revealed that Italy has the highest amount of church-attending Christians at 40%, but just as many are non-practicing Christians. Portugal and Ireland are not far behind with 35% and 34% stating that they attended church, but the lowest number of church-attending Christians can be found in Finland, who trails behind at a mere 9%. However, when comparing non-practicing Christians to church-attending Christians, the UK seems to take the cake. Church-attending Christians come in at 18%, while those that did not practice Christianity outnumber them at 55%, that’s roughly three times the number of church-attending Christians!

Across the 15 countries, 91% claimed to have been baptized, 81% were raised Christian, 71% are currently Christian, and just 22% attend church monthly. The 71% who are currently Christians are largely non-practicing Christians. They outnumber the religiously unaffiliated population (ie atheist, agnostic, “nones”) as well as people of other religions (Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc).

It’s interesting that many non-practicing Christians do not believe in the Biblical depiction of GOD. Christianity is solely based on believing that GOD, the Creator of man and the universe itself, sent His Son to die for our sins so that we may be reconciled to Him. Instead of the Almighty, they simply believe in some other higher power or spiritual force. For example, Spain is known as a country that largely identifies itself as Catholic, however, only about one-in-five non-practicing Christians (21%) believe in GOD “as described in the Bible,” while six-in-ten say they believe in some other higher power or spiritual force.

Non-practicing Christians express more positive than negative views toward churches and religious organizations, saying that they serve society by helping the poor and bringing communities together. The majority of non-practicing Christians favor legal abortion and same-sex marriage. While church-attending Christians are more conservative about these issues, there is rising support among them for legal abortion and same-sex marriage.

Another surprising find is that both non-practicing and church-attending Christians are more likely that the unaffiliated to hold negative views of immigrants, Muslims, and Jews. Although Jesus came to save all mankind, He was born into the Jewish faith and culture. Imagine my dismay when I read that Christians at all levels of religious observance are more likely than religiously unaffiliated adults to say that they would not be willing to accept Jews in their family! It doesn’t end there. The study finds that Christians are more likely to agree with highly negative statements about Jews, such as “Jews always pursue their own interests, and not the interest of the country they live in.”   It seems that our own brothers and sisters in Christ (which many are most likely wolves in sheep’s clothing) may be directly involved in the move of antiSemitism in Europe.

This study is further evidence of the Great Falling Away. Jesus said that not everyone who calls on His name will be saved, but those who do the will of His Father in heaven. The name Christian has become a loose term- it’s no wonder that many people are unwilling to hear GOD’S Word. Why pay attention to a bunch of Christians who live like the rest of the carnal world? True Believers need to step up to the plate and be true ambassadors of Christ, showing through our actions and speech that we are truly not of this world, and that we serve a mighty GOD.

Resources: Being Christian in Western Europe, Pew Research Center,

Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano Claims Lives in Deadly Eruption

Deadly Guatemala Volcano Claims Lives

All over the world, there have been many natural disasters that have claimed the lives of many, from earthquakes and floods to hurricanes and volcanoes. On June 3 Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupted, sending a pyroclastic flow that devoured coffee farms and a golf resort, descending even further to cause terror and destruction to all those it encountered.

The Fuego volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in Central America and in the Ring of Fire chain. Volcan de Fuego, which means “Volcano of Fire”, erupted on Sunday, the most devastating eruption that the country has seen in four decades. Miles of thick plumes of ash were shot into the sky, raining down on nearby towns, covering them in a thick layer of ash and volcanic rock.

Dangerous flows of lava, ash and toxic gases continue to pour down several canyons below the crater of Volcan de Fuego, killing many people in its path of destruction. The violent eruption has claimed the lives of 109 people, with time running out for rescue chances. Thousands of people have been displaced and have sought refuge in shelters, with many of them mourning the loss of dead loved ones or holding onto a fading hope of finding missing family under the thick gray ash covering the stricken region. The rainfall that followed the eruption has made it difficult for rescuers to dig through the debris, rocks, and mud, and with many of the bodies already charred, heavy machinery will only result in tearing the corpses apart.

The most recent eruption of Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii that began just a month ago is a clear indication that volcanoes are significantly different, ranging in their ability to create destruction, loss of life and speed. In Hawaii, most of the lava has oozed from fissures, traveling at a slow pace, posing little threat to people. However, many houses and buildings have been destroyed by the lava’s chosen path.

The Fuego volcano’s eruptions, on the other hand, have been explosive and deadly, with fast-moving and scorching hot clouds of volcanic ash and gases that have claimed the lives of over 100 people with many more still missing. Typical lava flows do not kill people, as they move slow enough for you to get out of the way, but pyroclastic flows are dangerous with temperatures reaching as high as 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. One cannot hope to survive a pyroclastic, as the ash clouds can fall at speeds of 100 miles an hour or more, easily overtaking people trying to run away from its deadly path.

Alfonso Castillo, who lived with his extended family on a plot in Los Lotes, described the huge ash that came pouring down as a “sea” of muck that destroyed homes, people, pets, and wildlife.

“In a matter of three or four minutes the village disappeared,” Castillo said.

We need to take the time to include these people in our prayers, that our Father would have mercy on them and help those who are suffering from the destruction caused by the deadly volcano.

Biblical Principles on How To Reclaim Your Life

Are you low-spirited? Is your mind and heart bogged down by a multitude of issues? Failures, regretful words spoken, deeds you wish you could scrap from your history, wrong decisions you wish you could rethink over again? These are some of the culprits that make you lose out in life. When these take over, you lose joy and zest for facing your now and your future. The child of God shouldn’t live in such an unfortunate way. Following are some principles that will help you reclaim your life.

Learn from the past but don’t live in it.

From 1 Corinthians 10:11 we understand that past occurrences serve as examples and warnings of what we need to imitate and what we need to avoid following after. From both the good and the bad there are learnings to mark and treasure. Successes and failures should never be inflated. Let them serve their purpose to affirm or to warn, then put them to rest.

Romans 12:3 warns us saying, “Let no man think of himself more highly than he ought to think.” Over-dwelling on accomplishments tends to lead to that. It lifts the successful man to a plane he may find difficult to come down from.

Proverbs 24:16 encourages us saying, “Though the righteous man falls seven times, he WILL rise again.” There is never a pit God won’t be able to lift us from. In every downfall, there will always be a rising for the beloved one of God.

Life is filled with seasons. In every season, take courage and maintain joy and drive in all that lies before you. Ecc 6:11 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all you’ve got.” Be excited of the fact that whatever unfolds, God is ever at your side. He will never leave nor abandon you.

Stop using wrong measures.

2 Corinthians 10:12 says, “Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.” Further, verse 17-18 say, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” Lastly, Romans 14:8 reminds us, “Whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.”

From the passages we gather that it is wrong for man to use fellow man as a standard for performance and worth. God who is impartial, always loving, always good; His standards are just right, always within perfect reason and purpose. It is His standard and precepts we should consider. It is His approval that matters. It is His approval we should long for.

Yes, Seek God’s approval first and desire His approval most.

1 Corinthians 10:31 reminds us of the proper perspective to all things. In everything we do, God’s pleasure and honor is to be our purpose and goal. It’s normal to pursue achievement and success because these make us feel good and proud of ourselves. Achievements are an affirmation and appreciation of all the hard work we put into something. But that shouldn’t be our only motivation. God’s pleasure and testimony should be the top reason why we want to do well in school, in work, in life and relationships.

We have a Father who is never unreasonable nor overly expecting. We know that anything done rightfully and sincerely will be accepted of Him and will receive praise from Him. In the Old Testament God has made clear from the beginning that if we do right we will be accepted. (Genesis 4:7) In the New, we know that God pays attention to the motives of man’s hearts and basing from that, each man will receive due praise from God. (1 Corinthians 4:5)

God and Hamilton: How Stories Transform Us

Why do audiences love Hamilton so much? Why do people pay thousands of dollars for tickets? Why do nearly a hundred thousand people line up in the digital lotteries each time new tickets go on sale? What is it about this musical that connects so deeply with people?    

Part of the answer lies in the truth that stories hold a unique power to transform our lives.

 I’ve spent the last three years of my life researching and writing about the spiritual themes found in Alexander Hamilton’s life and the Broadway musical he inspired.   My book, God and Hamilton, which released this week, wrestles through these different themes. But more than any individual theme, I continued to be struck by how story inspires, challenges, and motivates us to live a more fully human life.

Brene Brown writes about the power of story.   She suggests that “Story is literally in our DNA”¦.we are hard-wired for story.”   She tells about how studies show that when we engage in a story our brain releases chemicals that help us connect, empathize, and make meaning of this world.

Other studies in the field of neuroscience point to this same truth. They have found that when we watch a story, our brain activity jumps significantly. If we watch a scene in a movie about someone swimming in a race, the parts of our brain that fire when we actually swim are active. They call this phenomenon “transportation.” The idea is that when we watch a story we get transported into it.   We begin to feel like what is happening in the story is actually happening to us.

In Hamilton, there are so many important themes that transport us into the story. We see the incredible initiative Hamilton takes throughout his life, as he sings about “not throwing away my shot.”   That example motivates and challenges us. We feel inspired to be that kind of person as well, the kind of person who takes advantage of our opportunities, who doesn’t throw away our shot.

Or we watch a scene where Eliza Hamilton forgives her husband for betraying her in his affair with Mariah Reynolds.   We are moved by her forgiveness and challenged to follow her example. Will we be the kind of person that forgives, no matter how difficult it may be? Will we offer grace to those who betray, hurt, or wrong us?  

So many reasons exist as to why Hamilton impacts audiences so deeply. But the transformative power of story is part of the answer. We watch or listen, to the story Hamilton tells, and find inspiration, encouragement, and hope to live a more fully human life ourselves.    

Why John D. Rockefeller Could Teach Christian Millionaires?

It’s been said: If you’re a believer in Christ you need to shy away from the trappings of wealth and affluence. Christian millionaires or “Christian (gasp!) billionaires” are not good role models.  And that is completely true.

Or is it?

Well”¦it turns out you can be a Christian millionaire (or billionaire), love God,  and do great things in the world.

According  to a study  from the nonpartisan wealth research firm New World Wealth, of the 13.1 million millionaires in the world, 7.4 million, or  56.2%, identify themselves as Christian.

This is in contrast to:

  • 6.5% who identified themselves as  Muslim.
  • 3.9% who identified themselves as  Hindu.
  • 1.7 % who identified themselves as  Jewish.

In other words: IT IS possible to love God, do His work, AND be affluent.

And one person who exemplified that was John D. Rockefeller.

John D. Rockefeller became the the richest American  ever

His wealth was 1.5% to 2% of the U.S’s GDP (his personal wealth  $1.4 billion; the US GDP  $92 billion)

Some historians will paint him as simply a ruthless, greedy businessman.

But the facts are this:

  • He was a devoted father.
  • A devoted husband.
  • His “monopoly” brought order to an industry full of discord.
  • He loved the Lord and his philanthropy was birthed out of that love.

In this post we’re going to delve into the lessons future Christian millionaires could learn from Rockefeller.


The Bible says,

“A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.” (Ecclesiastes 10:19 KJV)

As a young man John D. Rockefeller had the financial “plan” for his life:

“I remember clearly when the financial plan–if I may call it so–of my life was formed. It was out in Ohio, under the ministration of a dear old minister, who preached, ‘Get money; get it honestly and then give it wisely.'”

Most people are taught that money is a necessary evil. They say,

“Yes we need it but it doesn’t have much importance in our lives.”

Yeah, ok!

That is completely wrong

Rockefeller wanted options for his life and the life of his family. He understood how money would give him those options.


Over time John D. Rockefeller’s philanthropy equated to hundreds of millions of dollars (billion adjusted for inflation)”¦

”¦ and he did this because he learned how to give at an early age.

His giving began with his first job as a clerk at age 16. By the time he was twenty, his giving exceeded 10% percent of his income. According to his biographer:

“During his first year on the job, the young clerk donated about 6% of his wages to charity, some weeks much more. ‘I have my earliest ledger and when I was making only a dollar a day I was giving five, ten, or twenty-five cents to all these object, ‘ he observed. He gave to the Five Points Mission in a notorious lower Manhattan slum, as well to ‘a poor man in church’ and a ‘poor woman in church.’ By 1859, when he was twenty, his charitable giving surpassed the 10 percent mark. Despite a pronounced tilt toward Baptist causes, he gave early hints of an ecumenical bent, contributing money to a black man in Cincinnati in 1859 so he could buy his wife out of slavery. The next year, he gave to a black church, a Methodist church, and a Catholic orphanage.”

Rockefeller was always under the belief his success was divinely inspired. He said, quite emphatically:

“God gave me my money.”

Why did God single John D. Rockefeller out for stupendous wealth? He believed it was because he was a good steward. In his seventies he said:

“It has seemed as if I was favored and got increase because the Lord knew I was going to turn it around and give it back.

There is enough statistical data that shows a correlation between tithing and wealth.

Now to be clear–I’m not suggesting that if you tithe:

  • someone is going to pay off your debt
  • a check is coming in the mail
  • or you’ll be a millionaire overnight

Not at all.

I AM saying that there is story after story of affluent people who loved God, who testify to the power of tithing and giving. So whether you are a millionaire or just starting out”¦learn to give now.


He knew from early on that money was important. But he also knew he wanted to be the master of money– not its servant.

By the time he was 12 he had saved $50, about $1400  in today’s money. He then loaned a farmer the $50 at 7% interest. At the end of the year he collected $3.50  with absolutely no work. He later said,

“The impression was gaining ground with me that it was a good thing to let the money be my slave and not make myself a slave to money.”

When Jesus spoke about good stewardship it wasn’t just about handling money”¦it was about  multiplying  money:

For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.” (Matthew 25:14-18 KJV)

Another translation says verse 16 like this:

he servant who had received five talents went and  put them to work, and gained five more.” (Matthew 25:16 Berean study Bible)

Rockefeller was a hard worker. When he worked as a bookkeeper he would sometimes put in 12 hour days. But even while he was an ordinary laborer he would trade his own money in different futures and commodities.

In other words, he was always looking for ways to put his money to work.

Jesus also saidAnd he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, ‘Occupy till I come.'” (Luke 19:13 KJV)

And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, ‘Occupy till I come.'” (Luke 19:13 KJV)

That Greek word “occupy” is the Greek word “diapragmateuomai” (pronounced  dee-ap-rag-mat-yoo’-om-ahee).  It has different meanings:

  • “Gain by business trading.”
  • “Busily engaged in making trades.”
  • “Increase by trading.

It implies active, detailed trading that “buys right” and then knows just when to exchange.


So in other words:

  • “Gain by business trading” till I come.
  • “Be busily engaged in making trades” till I come.
  • “Increase by trading till I come.


Here’s the Next Step”¦

Now to turn it over to you:

Which of these Rockefeller lessons are you going to implement today?

Are you going to focus more on wealth?

Are you going to strengthen your never-ever-give-up muscles?

Or maybe you’re going to start tracking your money like John D. Rockefeller.

Either way let me know by leaving a comment below.

Laura’s Story: How I’m Coping after Losing My Father to Suicide

I wanted to share a short version of my story from the perspective of a survivor of someone that has been directly affected by suicide. Recent news has broken my heart in a way that has made me realize that even the happiest faces can hide grotesque feelings of inadequacy. There is hope. Reach out- no matter what.

My Story

When I was 17, I received a phone call that forever altered the history of my life.

My dad had taken his own life.

As a result of this tragedy, I have limited memory. I have not been diagnosed with PTSD, but I can bet that it would be applied to my medical chart if I sought a diagnosis. I push out moments of time through perverted coping skills that I acquired from years of learning to deal with undefined emotions on my own. Just ask my husband how long it took me to finally remember the date of our anniversary. Six years.

There are other underlying issue that I dealt with for years after the news that my father had committed suicide.

As time passed, I started thinking about my two older brothers and how this event affected them. I would worry about losing them. I wondered if they were secretly hiding emotions and temptations of suicide.

To this day I haven’t openly discussed this with them. Mostly, because the wound from our father’s death seventeen years ago has scabbed over. Only occasionally do I let my mind wander to that place and begin picking at the crusted over terror. I quickly  remember why I don’t visit much.

Thankfully, God saved my soul in October of 2004.

I was on a road that was going to lead me to a dead end in some form or fashion.

Once I realized that there is an eternal hope where I could place my past, present, and future, I knew that this was the answer.


Jesus is the answer to suicide. Those currently tempted and those who have survived.


I was given a book by my uncle and aunt shortly after my dad’s death. Honestly, I didn’t open it until a couple of years after receiving it. When I did, I read about a man that thinks I am precious in his sight- no matter what. A man that loves me- no matter how wretched I felt inside. This man was, of course, Jesus Christ.

I had a black hole of dread and emptiness in my heart and I was searching for something that could only be answered by the cross.


Learning To Love

Due to the handful of tragic events that have taken place in my life, I thought I would never know how to give or receive love appropriately. My mind had been distorted. At best, I could imitate how I imagined love was supposed to look like, but even then, I felt like I fell short.

After Jesus saved me, I learned about a love that covered every fear, anxiety, misconception, and torment that my flesh could wield.

His word became my sword for these emotions.

I slowly chopped down misguided feelings and replaced them with the rock solid truth of the Bible.


If You Feel Like No One Understands – Pick Up Your Phone

If you find yourself in a place of hopelessness and you are convinced that no one understands what you are going through, pick up your phone and call someone. If you think there is no one you can call that would possibly understand, then call this number: 1-800-273-8255. This phone number is one that you can call 24/7 and someone on the other line will be there and they understand. If you don’t feel like talking, then please text:    HOME to 741741.


What Does The Bible Say About Fathers?

In many countries, Father’s Day is celebrated every third Sunday of June. There are many ideas about fatherhood. Fathers everywhere have endless words of advice to share with fathers-to-be. The Bible has some words to share about fathers. Here are some insights:

1. Fathers are not to exasperate their children.
Ephesians 6:4 (NIV) says, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” In another version, it says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord”. (ESV)

From the verse, we gather that “exasperate” and “provoke” is the opposite of nurture and admonition. Fathers should not have the habit of infuriating or intensely irritating their children. Instead, they should be nurturing and admonishing towards them thru the guidance of God’s Word.

To nurture is to care. Fathers must show care and to show it in a way that their children understand. Hard love is sometimes necessary. But at all times, a father must ensure that there is indeed love in how he deals with his children.

To admonish is to advise and to warn. Fathers must not hesitate giving advice to their children. Guided by the Word, he must ever be ready to give insight when it is needed and to give rebuke when it is warranted.

2. Fathers are to discipline their children in love.

Proverbs 3:12 says, “For whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.”

From the verse, we gather that love is the foundation and the reason for rebuke and discipline. Fathers and yes, mothers, are not to discipline out of anger. For those who believe (as the Bible does) in a physical form of discipline, it must never be done as a reactive response. A reactive response is” we hurt somebody because that somebody hurt us; we shout because somebody else shouted at us. Discipline is not like that. It is a proactive response. Fathers (parents) discipline their children in order to reinforce teaching and so that the error hopefully will not be repeated again.

3. Fathers are to show compassion on their children.

Psalm 103:13 says, “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.”

From the verse, we gather that fatherhood should be marked by compassion. This means that there is no need to instill great fear in one’s children. This means that a father may be bare and open before his child and not be perceived as weak but rather, honest and compassionate.
The compassionate father will learn not to overly or unreasonably expect beyond what his children are capable of at the moment. The compassionate father will learn to extend patience while his children learn the basics and equip themselves for independence later on. The compassionate father will rebuke but not reject a wayward child. The compassionate father will not be happy with a child’s failures but will always be encouraging his child towards betterment.

The Bible has more to say. In many points, the seeking father will learn that he should pattern his fatherhood after the Great Father- the Loving One, the Forgiving One, and the Strengthening One; from whom he will get strength and guidance in order to be better at fatherhood, one day at a time.


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