Is It Part of God’s Plan for Me to Get Married?

A good friend of mine that I call “sister” has been single for many years and she was sharing that she can’t wait for God to move on her behalf so she can finally meet her future husband. Like many women, she is fabulous and she also is very beautiful inside and out, curious, a smart woman and she wears her heart on her sleeve, always wanting to help anyone in need, mostly strangers which she runs too, if she thinks they might need a hand, some comfort or some food. Basically: A good Christian woman!

So, I too, have been wondering, how come, a good man as not come her way in the last few years. She is always surrounded by a lot of people but most men she encounters seemed to not be suited for her. We often talk about God’s will and the fact that many women our age (late forties, early fifties) are having a hard time trying to find a suitable mate! Is this part of God’s plan?

It surely is not easy being a single Christian woman! Even more so, when all the men you meet are not Christians. You get confronted with having to make a choice: If you are interested in this man and he does not believe in God, do you still continue with the relationship or not?

This is the kind of question that my friend sometimes needs to ask herself. She then starts to talk about her beliefs to see if there is an openness about it, but if there is not, and some are very clear on how they do not want to talk or hear about God’s word, then the choice needs to be made. You can keep that person in your life as a friend because God works wonders and He may be using you to bring that person to Him, but usually, you can feel it very quickly in your heart and your soul, if that man if front of you, is really the ONE!

But there is hope! Let’s talk about the “Breakthrough prayer”! When there is something that is totally out of your control, you can pray a special prayer that can move mountains- The Breakthrough prayer.

This prayer is used to thank God in advance. We need to believe we already have received it.

Mark 11.24 Therefore  I tell you,  whatever  you ask  in prayer,  believe  that  you have received it,  and it  will be  yours.

This is a question of faith. The word «  Believe   » means to be convinced, to accept something as true without any proof. Having faith is persisting in our praying. And while we persist, we need to thank Him. Just simply thank Him with all your heart, being convinced your prayer will be answered.

In the meantime, what do you do with the doubts or fears?   Pastor Rick Warren says:

  1. You concentrate on God and not the problem. He knows what you are going through!
  2. Remind yourself of God’s greatness.
  3. Remind yourself of God’s unlimited power.
  4. You remind God of His promises.

We can experience God’s power through prayers. We can also ask brothers and sisters to unite with us, in prayers.

But you might ask: How can you feel   happy, fulfilled and satisfied if everyone around you makes you feel incomplete? God knows how you are feeling when you are having a great day as a single person and He also knows how you feel when you wish you could share some things with a mate and when solitude’ sets in.

There are many scriptures available to help you during those hard times and they will also encourage you to celebrate that episode in your life. You can be very happy and fulfilled as a single woman it all depends on your willingness to accept positively, that part of you. Being single is not a disease even if society sometimes, makes you feel as if it was! And it doesn’t mean that you will be single forever!

God wants us to be satisfied of the state we are in. That means being single or married. We can also take time to appreciate Christ and accept our current situation. This is really a test of faith even more so, when your current situation is very hard on you. It might make you sad, or anxious or even angry but all is good in Christ. We can come out of it victorious, stronger, with a better understanding of Who God really Is and most importantly, we can do it and persevere through those moments, reminding ourselves that God can make us fly like eagles if we let Him take full control of our lives. He knows what is best for us. We have a tendency of always trying to figure it out for ourselves, but in the end, only He knows.

Keep close to your heart this poem written in 1936, by Mary Stevenson:

The footprints in the sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.

In each scene, I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.

This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,

“You promised me, Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand.  Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”

The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”


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