What Does It Mean to Have a Sound Mind?

God says we do not have a spirit of fear. God gave us power instead, He gave us love, and He gave us a sound mind and all of these promises will work in the middle of the chaos and in the utmost impossible situations.  
This week I have faced yet another diagnosis, I have a heart defect and a couple of other heart/lung related issues on top of my over 10 autoimmune diseases. I can feel myself dragging behind, my spirit is saddened and deep down I am fighting the fear off with all of my might. As I ponder and research this new threat against my life, this new stronghold and life-altering thing, a spirit of fear has tried to grab hold of me this week but I can rest assure that not only has God not given me a spirit of fear, He has given me a spirit of sound mind and I do not have to own the negative thoughts coming my way.
The urban dictionary definition of “Sound Mind means;  To be mentally calm and self-confident in your actions.  1 Timothy 1: 7 could be translated as:
“God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love — He has given you a mind that has been delivered, rescued, protected, and brought into a place of safety, so that it is no longer affected by illogical, absurd thoughts.”
Stand Firm—You’re Not Alone
It is important to read the word of God daily so that your spirit and mind can build up protection. When you have the word of God inside of you it shows on the outside, as well as the inside, you begin to think differently. When you allow the Word of God to work in your mind, it protects and retrains your emotions.  
Prepare for Battle
When you begin to take charge of your own thoughts and live your life for God, Satan will fight you. You will have to battle his lies and the confusion, you will have to discern what does and does not line up with the word of God. Believe me, this fight will not be an easy one. Stand on your faith and stand firmly on the word of God.  
Don’t Give Up!
Ten years ago, my Dad taught me an amazing trick as I battled some of my deepest mental and spiritual battles. He told me to imagine that I was standing at the feet of Jesus with a box, take all the irrational thoughts and all those thoughts that were driving me crazy and put them in the box, then slide the box over to the feet of Jesus. He said when you do that, you no longer own those irrational thoughts, those thoughts and confusions now belong to Jesus, so, that’s what I did. I imagined that box and every time I had an irrational thought I ran to that box and put all my irrational thoughts in that box and kept pushing it over to Jesus.
To this day, as I fight autoimmune diseases and now heart defects and whatever else may come up next. I will continue to place all of my irrational thoughts, all of my worries in that box and slide it over to Jesus. Today, put your worries, fears, anxieties, and irrational thoughts in the box and slide the box over to Jesus.  AMEN

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14 Replies to “What Does It Mean to Have a Sound Mind?”

  1. Thank you so much. That’s all I can hope for is that what I am sharing is encouraging others, that there is always hope with Jesus. You can’t allow your circumstances to control your fate. The box strategy is probably one of the most used strategies that I use. I am visual, so it really helps me when I have to visualize taking my thoughts that don’t belong and putting them into captivity by placing them in the box and sliding it over to Jesus. Thank you for sharing your poem by the way, it is beautiful. Do you mind if I share it on my blog with my readers?

  2. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. God bless

  3. This is a very inspiring post. I like the “trick” or maybe strategy of putting your irrational thoughts in a box and giving them to Jesus. You have been through so much it is encouraging that you are using your gifts to encourage others. Blessings
    Adron Dozat
    P.S. Here is a link to one of my poems, I think it goes with what you are saying. http://aedozat.com/a-sample-poem.html

  4. Amen

  5. 😊 Thank you, that means so much to me. Thank you for your prayers as well.

  6. You are such an encouragement. I will keep you in my prayers.

  7. It’s a pleasure. Have a wonderful Easter break. What’s left of it

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