Facebook Apologises for Censoring Christian Mom

Facebook apologised for suspending a Christian blogger for saying the Bible condemns homosexuality.

Elizabeth Johnston, also known as “Activist Mommy” by her fans, was shocked when Facebook shut down her account for expressing biblical views on homosexuality.

She argued that the Bible does not condone homosexuality and quoted scriptures from the Old and New Testament to support her. Facebook quickly removed the post and suspended Johnston’s account on three separate occasions. Facebook told Johnston her post did not “follow the Facebook Community Standards.”

“They are muzzling me and my biblical message while Mark Zuckerberg claims that FB is unbiased,” she said in a statement. “The post Facebook deleted included no name-calling, no threats, and no harassment. It was intellectual discussion and commentary on the Bible.”

Facebook finally apologised and reinstated Johnston’s account after coming under heavy fire from the media.

A Facebook spokesperson said the site suspended Johnston’s account on accident.

“The post was removed in error and we restored it as soon as we were able to investigate,” the Facebook spokesperson wrote in an email. “Our team processes millions of reports each week and we sometimes get things wrong.”

“We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused,” the spokesperson added.

Johnston accepted Facebook’s apology but said the suspension was no accident.

“Saying this was an accident is a joke! They sent me the post and said it specifically violated their community guidelines. Now they are saying they accidentally stated that and banned me for 10 days accidentally? No! It took a national news story to get my content returned to my page. What about the average Facebook user who doesn’t have that luxury?” she asked.

Now, Johnston is on a mission to expose other examples of Facebook censorship.

“I am on a mission now to speak for them. I am receiving messages, screenshots, and evidence from all over the world which proves that Facebook’s system for filtering and banning is punitive against conservatives and Christians.”

Johnston says social media has become a political and ideological weapon.

“Zuckerberg is saying Facebook is unbiased. But in reality, it appears he is using the platform to further his personal political, religious and globalist agenda,” Johnston argued. “He is using Facebook as an ideological weapon and punishing those of us who don’t submit to the agenda with suspensions and deletions of our pages.”

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4253660/Christian-mom-BANNED-Facebook-quoting-Bible.html#ixzz4sA4N1xPo


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8 Replies to “Facebook Apologises for Censoring Christian Mom”

  1. I think the proper analogy here is between facebook and what happened with Christian Mingle. Christian Mingle, an explicitly Christian dating service, was forced last year to offer same sex dating services, contrary to both their mission and business model. Here is the question, if Christian Mingle could be forced to provide dating services to homosexuals, can facebook be forced to host content that is critical of homosexuality? You can’t have it both ways.

    Frankly, I would prefer that Christian Mingle be allowed to be Christian Mingle and Facebook be allowed to host the content it pleases. Facebook may want to allow diverse viewpoints however as that is their business model. Facebook becomes much less attractive as a forum for only liberal thought. This also fits with the constitution. Let businesses serve the clients they wish, doing the services they wish. That doesn’t seem to be the world we are living in, though.

  2. How come Facebook can operate in the “public domain” and practice anti-Christian bigotry, but a tiny bakery can’t withhold services that they feel will violate their religious beliefs? If they government can “coerce” an individual to violate their personal beliefs why can’t it restrain a faceless corporation from bigotry as well? I guess anti-Christian bigotry is just different – it is “okay”.

  3. Indeed. And companies like Facebook and Google, as just two examples, have YUGE monopolies. Adding to the problem is that many companies are wholly dependent on these two for the majority of their traffic — and thus the majority of their revenue.

  4. So people posting vids of torturing a mentally handicapped guy is cool, but a religious person expressing their beliefs isn’t? I just want to be clear going forward.

  5. This is our of order. But I’m not supprissed. I wouldn’t exclude WordPress.com from this list either. They promote free speech but when it’s come to certain issues as above who know what they might or might not do? I don’t even seem to recieve subscriptions from certain sites even though I am subscribed. Is this a form of censoring. Who knows, but something is going on.

  6. Facebook appears to be abusing its corporate power to silence and censor Christians and Christian thought. I don’t think most christians are aware of what’s going on. We are being monitored Closely on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which coincidentally is owned by Facebook. They are blocking christian orgnaisations, removing Facebook pages after people have invested lots of time. They are on the hunt and Christians are the pray. It’s time to wake up saints and take a stand.

  7. This is sadly the new norm, especially on social media like Facebook. Free speech is now only free if you espouse the godless, liberal, globalist and Marxist agenda. The world doesn’t want to hear the truth from the Word of God because it would confront them with their wickedness. The war against the saints has begun…May our Lord guide and preserve us in His truth.

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