The pen is mightier than the sword, or so they say. We don’t know how true that is, but we will say this: Pens are certainly a lot less intimidating. How about this next one?
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words.
Photographs are one of the most powerful tools of engagement online, and is rising in importance as the digital realm takes hold and more people look to online channels for browsing, shopping and socializing. There’s something about a photograph on Godinterest, one that makes a statement or just takes your breath away with its sheer beauty. Why?
In this fast-moving world, when you have a message to convey, people hardly have time to sit down and read. But if you’re able to capture the essence of what you want to say in a photo, you’ll stand a better chance of capturing your target audience. It’s true that our attention is easily distracted by pictures. Visuals are more effective than words literally and figuratively as people tend to stop and look at compelling visuals.
Studies have found that pictures facilitate the learning process, especially when it comes to children and others who are mentally impaired. They have shown that photo’s are easier to remember and associate with facts and that they can both evoke and are able to capture emotions that words cannot, no matter how cleverly they’re used.

In a #Warzone, a Crying Child in the Midst of All the Rubble Drives Home the Pointlessness of It All Much More Than the Harshest of Write-Ups. The Picture of a Little Baby Praying Is Enough to Melt Even the Hardest of Hearts.

However, Most Often Though, It’s Not Just the Pictures Alone That Make a Point. When Combined with the Best Write-Ups, Visuals Help to Push Home the Message in the Most Powerful Way and That’s How They Ought to Be Used on #godinterest

Today Is Veterans Day, the Official Holiday in the Unitd States That Honors People Who Have Served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Here Are Nine Things You Should Know About an Oft-Overlooked Group Of#veterans. #worship #god #jesus #christianity #wordpress #blog #godinteresting

Depression Is a Doosey. a Conversation I Had with a Friend the Other Day Inspired This Post. Depression Runs Rampant and It’s Peculiar That So Many People Afflicted with This Ailment Are #Christians. Why Is That?

Fierce, Determined Hands. I Could Write for a Long Time About Grief. I Have Buried Too Many People. The Scar of Grief Was First Carved by My Parents’ Divorce. I Was Too Young to Remember, but I Know That My Father Was There…

Mercy Defined “I Asked for Love. I Asked for Mercy. I Asked for Patience; But You’re Already All of These Things.”

Life of a #Wannabe #Jesus. This Is How We Know #God Is Good; Because Even Though We Stumble and Fall and Our Sin Causes Us to Cry, God Will Take Those Tears and Build a Lake for Us to Dance On.

WAIT – Shining a Light “Don’t Team up with Those Who Are Unbelievers. How Can Righteousness Be a Partner with Wickedness? How Can Light Live with Darkness?” – 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NLT)

Big Girls Do Cry: Your Tears Are Not a Sign of Weakness.
We want to know from you, when you write a message, share a photo, or a video online, which do your friends and colleagues respond to more? Share your response in the comments field below, and let us know what the most memorable picture you’ve seen online is.