When Images Speak Louder than Words

They say, “a picture is worth much more than a thousand words”. When we read a story about the someone’s life experience  — it often has a lot less impact on us than seeing the emotions captured in a photograph.

To illustrate this further, here are some  of the most powerful and captivating photo’s added to Godinterest this week.

Philemon 1:4 I Thank My #God, Making Mention of You Always in My Prayers  as Our  Praise Is Not Predicated on What #God  Does, Are Praise Is Contingent on Who #God  Is and Since He Never Changes Our  Praise Should  Never Change.

Russian Soldier Preparing Himself for the Battle of Kursk, July 1943.  #God  #Jesus

Cardiac Surgeon After an 23 Hour (Successful) Heart Transplant.

Living on a Dollar a Day – Co.Exist

Chile’s Puyehue Volcano Erupts.

Children Crying War


It’s Not Every Day We Share Images with Nudity, But These? We Think They’re Changing the World For Good

A movie about embracing our bodies has inspired a group of regional women in Geraldton to strip off and show case theirs.

The ‘Body Image Movement’ is a growing and recognised movement thanks largely to Taryn Brumfitt’s movie – ‘Embrace’.

The movie explores the social impact of body image and the epidemic of body shaming within our culture.

A group of women recently got together in Geraldton and dressed down to their underwear and posed in front of cameras in the hope to inspire and encourage others to embrace and love their bodies.

Ranging in ages and backgrounds, the group of women not only braved a cold rainy day in their underwear, but they also openly shared their stories of struggles and insecurities with their own body image.

One of the organisers of the photo shoot, Kate Tonkin said, “Even if know one sees our photos or video from today, just the conversations we’ve had among ourselves have just been amazing.

The group arranged to showcase some of the women’s stories in front of a live audience at the local cinema where the ‘Embrace’ movie was being screened.

Related stories : abc.net.au/news/2016-07-15/adelaide-documentary-maker-taryn-brumfitt-tackles-body-shaming/7633078


When Images Speak Louder than Words

The pen is mightier than the sword, or so they say. We don’t know how true that is, but   we will say this: Pens are certainly a lot less intimidating. How about this next one?

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words.

Photographs are  one of the most powerful tools of engagement online, and is rising in importance as the digital realm takes hold and more people look to online channels for browsing, shopping and socializing.  There’s something about a photograph on Godinterest, one that makes a statement or just takes your breath away with its sheer beauty. Why?

In this fast-moving world, when you have a message to convey, people hardly have time to sit down and read. But if you’re able to capture the essence of what you want to say in  a  photo, you’ll  stand a better chance of capturing your target audience.  It’s true that our attention is easily distracted  by pictures. Visuals are more effective than words literally and figuratively  as  people tend to stop and look at compelling visuals.

Studies have found  that pictures facilitate the learning process, especially when it comes to children and others who are mentally impaired. They have shown that  photo’s  are easier to remember and associate with facts and that they can both evoke and  are able to capture emotions that words cannot, no matter how cleverly they’re used.

In a #Warzone, a Crying Child in the Midst of All the Rubble Drives Home the Pointlessness of It All Much More Than the Harshest of Write-Ups. The Picture of a Little Baby  Praying Is Enough to Melt Even the Hardest of Hearts.

However, Most Often Though, It’s Not Just the Pictures Alone That Make a Point. When Combined with the Best Write-Ups, Visuals Help to Push Home the Message in the Most Powerful Way  and  That’s How They Ought  to Be Used on #godinterest

Today Is Veterans Day, the Official Holiday in the Unitd States That Honors People Who Have Served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Here Are Nine Things You Should Know About an Oft-Overlooked Group Of#veterans.  #worship #god #jesus #christianity  #wordpress #blog  #godinteresting

Depression Is a Doosey.  a Conversation I Had with a Friend the Other Day Inspired This Post. Depression Runs Rampant and It’s Peculiar That So Many People Afflicted with This Ailment Are #Christians. Why Is That?

Fierce, Determined Hands.  I Could Write for a Long Time About Grief. I Have Buried Too Many People. The Scar of Grief Was First Carved by My Parents’ Divorce. I Was Too Young to Remember, but I Know That My Father Was There…

Mercy Defined  “I Asked for Love. I Asked for Mercy. I Asked for Patience; But You’re Already All of These Things.”


Life of a #Wannabe #Jesus. This Is How We Know #God Is Good; Because Even Though We Stumble and Fall and Our Sin Causes Us to Cry, God Will Take Those Tears and Build a Lake for Us to Dance On.

WAIT – Shining a Light “Don’t Team up with Those Who Are Unbelievers. How Can Righteousness Be a Partner with Wickedness? How Can Light Live with Darkness?” – 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NLT)

Big Girls Do Cry: Your Tears Are Not a Sign of Weakness.

We  want to know from you, when you write a message, share a photo, or a video online, which do your friends and colleagues respond to more? Share your response in the comments field below, and let us  know what the most memorable picture you’ve seen online is.


Sin of Presumption

A cat was so faithful that the woman could leave her baby with it and go out to attend other matters.  She always returned to find the child soundly asleep with the cat faithfully watching over him.

One day something tragic happened. The woman as usual, left the baby in the “hands” of this faithful cat and went out shopping.  When she returned, she discovered rather a nasty scene and a total mess.  The baby’s cot was dismantled; his nappies and clothes torn to shreds with blood stains all over the bedroom where she left the child and the cat. Shocked, the woman wailed as she began looking for the baby.

All of a sudden, she saw the faithful cat emerging from under the bed. It was covered with blood and licking its mouth like it had just finished a delicious meal.

The woman went crazy and assumed that the cat had devoured her baby. Without much thought she beat the cat to death. But as she continued searching for the “remains” of her child, she beheld another scene. Close to the bed was the baby, who although lying bare on the floor, was safe and under the bed the body of a snake torn to pieces in what must have been a fierce battle between the snake and the cat, which was now dead.

Then reality dawned on the woman who now began to understand what took place in her absence. The cat fought to protect the baby from the ravenous snake.  It was too late for  her now to make  amends because in  her impatience and  anger, she had killed the faithful cat.

A Little Patience Can  drastically Reduce Major  life Long Mistakes.

How often have we  misjudged people and  torn them to shreds  with harsh words and  deeds before we have  had time to evaluate  the situation?  It is called  SIN OF PRESUMPTION.  Presuming things our  way without taking the  trouble to find out exactly  what the situation really is.

A little patience can  drastically reduce major  life long mistakes.

Who are you misjudging right now? Don’t think, what you think others are thinking. Take time to get to the whole truth. Please be patient with people, lest you live to regret your actions against them.

Be quick to hear, but slow to respond and become angry (James 1:19-27).

Share if you’re touched and use this article as a LESSON.

From Personal Evangelism to Community Engagement

Godinterest  is a essential tool for evangelism and is focused on sharing the gospel message around the world through pictures. Jesus told his followers to take the Gospel to all the world.

Now, It’s Even Easier for People Around the World to Share Posts That Make Us Laugh, Teach Us Something New About God or Help Us Find out What’s Happening in the Christian World.

In Christ we are many parts, but make up one body. This is not just my story or your story. What is truly amazing is that it is our collective story. Our churches are full of small groups made up of Christ-followers who need to be shown the power of their collective story and released to be an active and engaged presence within the community.

Wherever you are in the world, be it Japan, Brazil or somewhere in between,  we hope Godinterest makes it easier for you to discover and post content  that bring us all closer to God and thereby closer to each other.

Christmas Around the World from U.S. Military Personnel Celebrating in Afghanistan to India, the Vatican, the United States and Elsewhere, People Celebrated Christmas 2013.

Soweto Gospel Chior  at  Symphony Hall  | DigBoston.  for I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel, for It Is the Power of God for Salvation to Everyone Who Believes, to the Jew First and Also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16  English Standard Version)

We  Are So Thankful for Missionaries Who Persevere to Make a Difference in the Lives of People Who Would Not Get a Chance Any Other Way.

News and Views from the Continent of Africa from a Christian Perspective.

Mandela B&W

The Arb Lowers Its Flag to Half-Mast, to Honour the Passing of the World’s Greatest Campaigner for Freedom, Democracy and Human Values. May His Life and Achievements Continue to Inspire and Fortify Us All. Nkosi Sikelel’ IAfrika!

While there is a huge range of thoughts and images both positive and negative that comes to mind when we think of the word  evangelism, there always seems to be a common theme”¦evangelism is singular, personal.


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