
Sweet Healing Words

With so much negativity around us, it’s easy to speak negative words of complaint and frustration. What words are you speaking? Hopefully pleasant words. In other words, are you looking for good and kind things to say about yourself and others?  

Scripture says in the book of Proverbs that, “pleasant words are healing to the body.” Positive, pleasant and powerful words can bring healing physically, spiritually, and emotionally. When you speak words of life and encouragement, it’s like medicine for your healing and the healing of others. 

Today and every day, choose your words carefully and intentionally. Speak good uplifting and pleasant words. Resist negativity and complaining, and reap the sweet honey of healing for mind, soul and body that God has prepared for you! 

“Pleasant words are as honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to the body.” 

(Proverbs 16:24, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which is sweeter than honey and sets me free. Father, I choose to speak pleasant words of life to others. Teach me how, so I can experience the peaceful life and healing You have promised me. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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